Does anyone play on ps4 7 Days To Die

Does anyone play on ps4

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:54 PM PDT

Hey was wondering if anyone played 7daystodie on ps4 and wanted new people to play with all my friends quit the game cause a cop blew up our house lol

submitted by /u/michael_cf
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7 Days to Die - The Show Rolls On

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:08 PM PDT

Preview Map Help

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:08 PM PDT

Is there anyone that could show me the map preview for "Help"? That's my map name and I'm on console, just wanting to know what I've got here


submitted by /u/khristmasglam
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Coming back.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:32 PM PDT

Looking to coming back to good old 7D2D. She's like the ex you don't care for but the sex be good 😂. Does anybody still actively play? I've also been out the loop for a while so any new tips I should new about the newest version? I play on PS4. #PSNATION

submitted by /u/slimcasanova
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7 Days to Die - Day 4 - Night Time Cry Time

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:19 PM PDT

Just got the game, should I get WotW?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:16 PM PDT

Got the game last week, sunk far too much time into it, does WotW mod improve gameplay that much? TIA

submitted by /u/scykle
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When is the electricity update with the solar panels and generators coming to Xbox One?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:20 PM PDT

14 Hour Warrior Survival Challenge (Warning: Only for the strong and skilled)

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:47 AM PDT


MUST have a lot of time on your hands (14 hours isn't that long tho)

Nomad difficulty or higher (Level 3+)

150% enemy spawning (Very High)

90 Seconds Enemy Sensing

Normal Running Mode

50% block durability

100% looting chance

Loot never respawns

120 minute 24 hour cycle

Play 14 hours straight. If you can't do this in one sitting, you lose.

No airdrops

For the blood moon horde, you HAVE to be outside and you HAVE to be in the heart of the city.

MUST have a MINIMUM of 1000 zombie kills at the end of it all (be sure to post your kill count in the comment section. Any less than 1000, even if its 999, and you FAIL THE CHALLENGE)

Think you're man / woman / warrior enough to do this challenge? Then go ahead. Come back after you're done. Tell of your experiences and what your victory over the horde was like in the comments section. If you die, explain cause of death in the comments section. If you're not doing this challenge, explain yourself in the comments section.


You are a U.S. Soldier awaiting the end of your deployment. You, along with six of the remaining men alive in your unit, have prepared to battle the oncoming horde on "Hell Day". Hell Day is basically the 7th day of every week where zombies mass-migrate and draw power from the Blood Moon, which is a common occurrence in the world due to the genetic modification of the weather thanks to the nuclear weapons used during World War 3 which caused the mass zombie infection in the first place. The Blood Moon gives the zombies massive strength; their senses are heightened, giving bloodhound-like smell, bear-like strength, cheetah-like speed, and bison-like durability.

You and your men fight off the zombies valiantly, amassing hundreds of kills. However, it appears that this Hell Day in particular was tough. After all, this wasn't the plan. You and the six others were supposed to be spaced out in a large area. The idea was that the less flesh around for the zombies to smell, the less zombies would come investigate. However, since you and the six others were in close proximity within each other due to being forced to take refuge in a school thanks to a lack of resources, the zombies smelled lots of flesh. And so an Army of zombies attacked the Army of soldiers.

The fight lasted for hours. Hundreds of thousands of rounds were expended. The Soldiers thought they brought more than enough ammunition. For a normal Hell Day, yes, it would be the case. Not for this one. As the zombies drew closer, the terrified and worried screams of the Soldiers grew louder. The men you were with screamed for their Mother. Despite being hardened, seasoned warriors who have seen a ton of combat, they're about to experience something they've never experienced before; death. They all knew that awaiting danger was far scarier than facing it because the anticipation is a real fear. And the soldiers were right to be afraid.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" a Soldier yelled out.

"Mom! I hope you're watching from Heaven because I'm about to meet you in a hot minute!" the second Soldier yelled out.

"GO TO HELL YOU FUCKING ANIMALS!!!" the third Soldier yelled out.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE, OH GOD, I DON'T WANNA DIE!" the fourth Soldier yelled out.

"...Shit...." the fifth Soldier yelled aloud in his mind.

"I'M SORRY, BROTHERS, I MUST DO THIS!!!" the sixth Soldier yelled out as he pulled the pin on his grenade.

You, the Seventh Soldier, reacted with



C. "Better to not delay the inevitable. Men, it was an honor serving with you all."

D. "See you all in Heaven."

E. "Silent"

(If you made it this far, along with making a comment, post your reaction by putting in the letter you chose for the dialogue option)

The look of the five other Soldiers was between terrifying and desperate. The sixth Soldier who pulled the pin didn't look scared at all. It was almost as if he was at peace. Meanwhile, you, the Seventh Soldier, felt as if yo-









You wake up. You're heavily wounded with bruises and cuts, but you'll make it. You're lying on the ground in pain, clutching your torso. You slowly sit up, and look around you. The destruction you see terrifies you. The mangled bodies of the six Soldiers, the six men, the six fathers, the six husbands, the six lovers, the six PEOPLE... their limbs and blood are everywhere, staining the ruins of the blown up school. You've been with those men for seven years. Been through seven tours of duty together. Fought tooth and nail together. Laughed, cried, and shat your pants together. And now?... Gone. Just. Like... That. You're alone now. But that doesn't matter. You're a Soldier. And you volunteered because you wanted this life. And what a life it has been... the Mission always comes first. The Mission... always... comes first. A flashback plays in your head.

"Your mission, should you choose to-" the Sergeant Major of the Army begins. Already, before he finishes his sentence, you and your six best friends yell in unision,


The Sergeant Major of the Army rolls his eyes.

"You kids are gonna die horribly some day, you know that?.... I love your drive though. I remember being a kid. Anyway, this mission has a very simple objective. And that is to kill. Kill any and all enemies of the United States Army and it's agenda. Yep. That's right. You boys are gonna go out there and put down every Goddamn zombie you see. Kill on sight. We don't negotiate with freaks. God knows that's how we should've made it before the Great War... Crazy commie bastards... Anyways. You boys are gonna be gone for just one month. Here's your quota; you must have reached a thousand confirmed kills. EACH. That's right. Fail, and you will be demoted, and possibly even be kicked out of the Army altogether. Dismissed."

You and the six other men laugh. He always threatens to demote, kick out and / or humiliate if the quota or objective isn't met, which is funny because it often is, and expectations from him are always exceeded. Little did he know, his statement was right:

"You kids are gonna die horribly some day, you know that?"

"You kids... die horribly, you know that?"

"You kids die... horribly..."

"Kids... die horribly..."

"Die horribly..."






You receive a quick and sudden phone call. Your phone is still intact, if you can believe it.

"Holy fuck, kid. I saw what happened. Our men are on the way RIGHT now to pick you up. Fuck, I'm sorry. We will-" The Sergeant Major of the Army's voice rings and ends abruptly.

"I will complete the mission. I volunteered for this life. I knew what I was getting into. If I live, hell yeah for the Army. If I die, I will see my brothers in Heaven again. Or as we all loved to say, 'Till Valhalla'. I will complete the mission. One week left in my deployment. At the end of the next 'Hell Day', I want you guys to go to the central city, AKA 'Point Zero'. I will be on the tallest building. I will pop a flare or any other kind of identification if I can. See you in a week, Sarn't."

You hang up.

You've been in the Army for 35 years. You enlisted when you were 18 years old. You're 53 years old now, and still fit as a fiddle with the stamina of a Sexual Tyrannosaurus, the strength of an ox, and the motivation of a Soldier. You've completed training and deployments with the 75th Ranger Regiment 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions, 82nd and 101st Airborne Division, 10th Mountain, and have done missions halfway across the world for five years as a Delta Force Operator.

To the Sergeant Major of the Army? You were the best, in his words, "best Goddamned Soldier the Army has ever known".

But you're just a survivor. The Seventh Soldier. And you will complete your mission.

(end of backstory)

If you made it this far, your final objective after defeating the 7th day horde is to go to the tallest building in the city. You're not actually going to wait getting picked up by the Army helicopters. You're going to jump off and die. After all, you've done everything. You've completed your mission. And you're old. You've seen it all. Time to meet your brothers in Valhalla.

If you really read all of this, type in the comments along with whatever else you were gonna post in your comment, "I AM THE SEVENTH SOLDIER AND I WILL ACCEPT AND COMPLETE THE MISSION"

If you're lame and didn't read it all, type 'tl:dr' and leave this thread immediately. Only the ones who post said above comment are the ones with the drive and motivation for this challenge.

Oh yeah. Did I mention you delete your game after you win? That, my friend, is the toughest and easiest decision of them all. That badass character you've built up through those seven days? He or she can't be used anymore.

If you completed the challenge, PM ME SCREENSHOTS.

I'm gonna be waiting for 14 hours. I've been awake for 18 hours so far.

Good luck.

Though I doubt any of you are tough enough. Only I am. Because I'm that Seventh Soldier. I'll see you tough, hard-charging motherfuckers from /r/7daystodie in 14 hours. As for the rest, continue on with your daily and dull lives. You don't have what it takes to beat this challenge.

submitted by /u/jayjay200
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Persistent FPS drop after wandering hordes show up

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:22 PM PDT

I'm playing with the War of the Walkers mod, all high graphics settings, on a new high-end PC (i7-8700k 3.7 ghz, GTX 1080 Ti, 16gb ram). Normally I'm getting well over 60 fps, but when and after wandering hordes show up, my FPS drops close to 30, sometimes lower. Even AFTER I kill the horde, the FPS drop stays, usually keeping me around 35-48 fps. Is this normal? I'm worried about how bad it'll get on horde night.

Part of me thinks I didn't have this problem when running vanilla 7DTD.

submitted by /u/reclaimer130
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Excited for A17, but should I wait

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:42 AM PDT

I've been following A17 development with lots of excitement and been playing A16 quite a bit. I stopped playing a month or so ago because I figured when A17 comes out I'll have to create a new game from scratch anyways. I don't want to play and invest time in a world if everything is going to be wiped. Do you think I should wait for A17 to get out of experimental to start playing, or should I start playing when experimental drops?

submitted by /u/lunix57
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Blunt vs Blade Weapons

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:35 AM PDT


I recently started playing this game after leaving it untouched for about 5 months, and just picked it up again with my friends! I was just wondering, is it too late to switch from blunt weapons to blade weapons? I just found a hunting knife book and I've always been a knife person over a club person. I've invested quite highly into blunt weapons being my main melee weapon. It's around 60 levels at day 20 , player level 42. Is it too late to switch to blade weapons? Thanks :) if it isn't, what's the best way to level your blade weapons skill?

submitted by /u/Aerotryne
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Allowing client mods on my dedicated server?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:03 AM PDT

Hey guys, I installed a mod that changes the UI, a SXM mod, and on my own server it wont allow it so its just default. Im using EUGAMEHOSTING to host it, and WinSCP to edit it. I see I can add the files straight to my server, but don't know where to drop them. Any help appreciated.

submitted by /u/Srgtgunnr
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Questions regarding zombie "heat" mechanics

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 06:42 AM PDT

Hi again, as the title suggests I would like to know a little about the heat mechanics and its effects on zombies and their spawning frequency.

I have already read all the statistics on the wiki fan page, however I wonder If you can do something creative with it?

Can a burning light source attract zombies away from you? If so how much "heat" must it create for that to happen?

Can you use this in other creative ways?

For instance can you craft a bunch of flaming barrels, place them next to each other, surround them with a moat of spikes, and lure hoards there over time? Kinda like a "zombie-farm"?

What other ways are there that one can use this heat mechanic to gain from it?

submitted by /u/Substantial_
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Lag when rendering new areas

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:42 AM PDT

The game seems to lag when it renders new things, like the mouse sense becomes floaty and fps drops, anyone know a fix? What are the recommended graphics settings

submitted by /u/filipanton
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Some Tips for a new-ish player?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:33 AM PDT

Hi guys, I have been playing this game for about a week or two and seem to survive pretty okay. However I would really appreciate some tips about the desert biome?

Recently I overtook a whole junk yard and am currently making a base from it. I really have trouble finding wood and dealing with the heat.

I would like to know what the quickest way is to get cooler clothes? As well as if there are better ways to plant trees or yucca fruit for maximum yield? Also, can I grow cacti or move them around? They make pretty good defenses

Thank you for your time in advance! I will appreciate any extra tips.

submitted by /u/Substantial_
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Hidden/Seasonal Easter Eggs

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 06:44 AM PDT

I think it would be cool if Fun Pimps put hidden easter eggs into the game. ie something that is found during certain holidays (Christmas, New Years, Easter, Forth of July, etc). Even maybe also even more rare items that are just by luck or chance items, this would make looting and exploring that much more fun!

submitted by /u/HopnDude
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