Dead by Daylight Developer Stream #104

Developer Stream #104

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:42 AM PDT

Hi everyone!

And welcome back to another Developer Stream Megathread! I hope everyone joined the Summoning Cult to send some good vibes to our fellow PS4 players, who are still waiting for Update 2.0 and the Curtain Call DLC. Fingers crossed we will get an update today!

Watch the Developer Stream VOD on Twitch!

"The episode where nothing is weird" - Summary


  • Stefan Horvath, Game Designer
  • Mathieu Cote, Game Director

Patch on consoles

  • It's live on XBox since ~24 hours - yay!
  • They are still waiting for the PS4 confirmation, "but it's coming. That is all I can say at this moment"
  • "As soon as we have definite information, we will tell you everywhere. On Twitter, the official forums, everywhere"

Mid-chapter patch

  • They plan to test these changes in the PTB 2 weeks before the actual release
  • Includes some perk changes, Trapper & Hag buffs
  • Self Care, Decisive Strike and Whispers changes are not included in the patch; they need more work
  • Sneak Peaks - WORK IN PROGRESS:
    • Predator changes: Scratch marks are basically a straight line, but tall grass can cover scratch marks
    • Trapper:
      • New trap placement time
      • It takes longer to disarm a trap
      • Iridescent Stone changes: Traps re-arm after a bit of time)
      • Bloody Coil (new ultra rare add-on): disarming a trap injures the survivor
    • Ace in the Hole buff: Gives you a chance for a second add-on
    • Exhaustion:
      • Running doesn't allow you to recover from Exhaustion
      • Because this affects all Exhaustion perks, they're looking into decreasing the cooldown for Dead Hard, Lithe etc
    • Brand New Part change:
      • Installing the BNP will complete 15% of a generator over 5 seconds
      • During the install, you will face 2 difficult skill checks
      • Hitting each skill check will result in 5% progression each for a maximum of 25% added progression
      • Installing the BNP only consumes the add-on, not the complete toolbox
      • It still consumes toolbox charges
      • Unnerving Pressence will probably affect the skill checks, Ruin probably not
      • This also means they're going to look into insta-heals
      • "Everything that is instantaneous is extremely powerful. We're looking into those things" - M. Cote
  • Killer Mori: They were discussing how to implement Moris as a part of the game (as in, no offering required); feedback is welcome!
  • Hatch shutdown: they're still working on it, but they're looking at the end-game in general
submitted by /u/ms_claymore
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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summon the chapter. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:29 AM PDT

When a Rank Reset Player Gets Matched With Summer Sale Players

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:02 AM PDT

New killer perk

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:03 AM PDT


Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:48 AM PDT

Todays episode of "You should have left when you had the chance"

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:42 AM PDT

Insert sad face

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:01 AM PDT

Brothers and sisters!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:23 AM PDT

when PizzaWhat! gods bless you

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:01 AM PDT

Change my mind.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:17 AM PDT

I asked a new friend if they wanted to SWF. I didn't mean it like that.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 06:08 AM PDT

Fellas, you're in a club and this guy comes up to your girl and slaps her ass. What you do?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:51 AM PDT

DLC Leaked: No More Lockers for Me - New Killer: Dwight Freddyfield

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:59 PM PDT

HUGE Pig Buff Idea

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:38 AM PDT

if you get killed by an RBT, the end screen should say "MATCH RESULT: GAME OVER"

right now I believe it just says "SACRIFICED"

I think this change could really help the Pig competitively and put her on par with an 11 blink Nurse.

submitted by /u/Darkwing_Dork
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It only took one try to get it right

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:48 PM PDT

Today, I show you my resolution if I want this game to run any better than 10fps.bad gpu btw

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:36 AM PDT

I swear if we don't get the update today I'm gonna...

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:32 AM PDT

Gonna be angry and post the same shit tomorrow again.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summon the chapter. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summon the chapter. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summon the chapter. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summon the chapter. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summon the chapter. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

submitted by /u/Error_X
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My Entry for 2nd Year Anniversary Art Contest

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:22 PM PDT

Killer Tier List

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 06:03 AM PDT

So I'm super fucking I thought, given we've had a new Killer recently (soon PS4 users, soon), why not make a cheeky tier list? Feel free to discuss your own opinions and even drop your own opinions on how the killers would be tiered.

1. The Nurse - Last Breath of Balance

Is anyone surprised? While yes, a bad Nurse is completely useless, a Nurse played even mildily competently is a fearsome foe. The potential she has to completely negate all manner of counterplay Survivors have is completely absurd, as she blinks past pallets, windows and even into immediate grabs. Simply put, the current game state, where stealth is basically dead, is so heavily Nurse-favoured you'd be forgiven for thinking BHVR is a bunch of Nurse mains. She breaks the game, simple as that.

2. The Hillbilly - Running in the 90s, the Killer

It always surprises me how such a simple power can be so good. Many players underestimate the value of proper gen control, and Max Thompson Jr. is a testament to the craft. His map control is unrivalled, allowing him to control an area of influence rivalling even the Doctor, which allows him to regress gens and keep the game in his favour. His sprint also allows him to catch people by surprise in a bad position for easier chases and downs, and he even has a chargeable instadown for further momentum gains, which can become quite consistent with add-ons.

3. The Huntress - Strong like Bear

The Huntress is interesting, in that she combines both the strengths, and the weaknesses, of those above her. Like the Nurse, she can ignore pallet loops and still do damage, but suffers from poor speed and a crippling weakness to stealth. Like the Hillbilly, she can disrupt gens very well through long-range throws and has excellent add-on builds, but suffers on certain maps with lots of indoor space.

All told, Huntress loses out to those 2 because of consistency. She requires accuracy to deliver on her potential, and certain loops she can't counter, so she isn't as much of a blanket counter to looping as the Nurse, nor her map control as potent as Billy.

4. The Shape - SS Tier in scaring the shit out of You

I'm calling him Myers from now on.

I'm gonna be honest; 4-7 on this list is REALLY close, and I really struggled deciding who edged out who. However Myers won out due to a few key factors. His add-ons are ridiculous, allowing him to gain either permanent insta-down attacks, or even delete a Survivor from the game upon catching them once. These add-ons lead to decked-out Myers being able to become hilariously scary. Additionally, his low Terror radius makes his early game potential for grabs quite high, and also reduces the warning he gives to Survivors as he approaches, a useful skill.

Finally, T3 is a massive pressure tool, allowing you to end a chase quickly by instadowning, then using that power to punish bad saves or snowball further. He still remains outside of top tier, because of his inability to handle pallets.

5. The Clown - Finger Lickin' Good

Our newest killer (he's coming PS4, he's coming) debuts with a simple but solid kit. The zoning potential of the Afterpiece Tonic cannot be underestimated, as Clown can surround loops in gas clouds to help him secure hits, and toss bottles long distances to disrupt gens and scout. If this seems familiar, it should, a lot of the Clown's strengths are shared with the Huntress, but Clown's are less effective, simply because his projectile does no damage. If Huntress aims correctly, she hurts or even downs you. If Clown aims correctly, he may not gain anything in some scenarios, or may only close the gap a bit or force a pallet drop, making his effectiveness somewhat muted by comparison, although still effective in the grand scheme.

6. The Doctor - LIMITED POWER!!!

Doctor is a controversial one. Many Survivors hate him, and other tier lists vary wildly on his placement. So I'll explain myself in some detail.

Doctor has a lot going for him. He has god-tier tracking ability, a ranged attack that temporarily prevents actions, and a great ability to stall the game via Madness. He also synergises beautifully with big Terror Radius builds which allow him to control massive areas, and has powerful add-ons. This all sounds very powerful, does it not? The issue lies in the results these strengths provide.

The core issue is that a majority of the Doctor's power is neutered by skilled Survivors. His ability to stall is negligible if Survivors don't get spooked by his big Terror Radius, and can handle Skill Checks well. His ability to prevent actions offers only brief windows he can capitalise on the stun, which good Survivors will not let him do, as they drop pallets early or punish him with another loop for shocking too early or too far away. At lower ranks, Doctor is truly powerful, possibly top 3, but at even medium ranks, his effectiveness falls as his inherent weakness to loops and reliance on Survivor misplays dampens the impact of his power. Plus he's a little too reliant on add-ons (seriously, his base shock range is awful).

7. The Pig - Pork Star

I really hate putting Pig this low on the list, because she really isn't that bad (as I said with Myers, 4-7 is REALLY close), she just isn't as consistent as the ones above her. her power offers both great stealth to make finding Survivors easier, and stall power via RBTs, unfortunately, both are vulnerable to inconsistent results.

Her Ambush is like a better Wraith, allowing her to counter Borrowed Time and move around stealthily to catch Survivors off guard, but is heavily countered by Premonition, Sprint Burst and Spine Chill.

Her RBTs are excellent stall tools, forcing a Survivor to avoid gens as they search boxes, and good Pigs can predict a trapped Survivor's movements and catch them out again later. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these is way too dependent on RNG, as if the Survivor removes the trap on Box 1, the trap will have had almost no real impact.

All told, she's easily better than those below her thanks to the dual powers she's toting, but isn't quite up in the high leagues, because of the weaknesses of both powers.

8. The Trapper - Too much of a Chad for the Virgin Bear Trap

Seriously, Trapper walks into a bear trap and barely seems fazed.

Trapper is a simple man, he's a basic killer, with bear traps. These traps are generally better than Hag's, in a relationship similar to the Huntress vs Clown one. Yes Trapper's traps are harder to proc than Hag's, but they offer vastly more reward, and that's all that's needed, especially since smart Trapper play can herd Survivors to the trapped loops.

There are only 2 real things keeping Trapper down. First is his setup time. He is far too slow to setup early on, as he potentially loses the game before he even gets started, although this weakness is somewhat reduced by ever-common Ruin. Secondly, he is overly vulnerable to sabotaging, which can remove his power from the equation.

9. The Cannibal - Camping is a Viable Strat

For a DLC killer, Leatherface's power is quite simple. The main reason he places so low is the limited uses for his power. The lack of initial speed on the chainsaw, especially compared to Billy, means Leatherface does not get to instadown as often as he'd like. Often the charge and initially slow speed means Survivors can complete a loop and jump through a window or drop a pallet to stop him. His Tantrum mechanic also makes a slight misstep way more punishing than it needs to be.

His one shining grace, however murky it is, is his camping prowess. His chainsaw is godly at killing both the unhooker, and the unhooked, even through Borrowed Time. This makes Leatherface godly if he can get Survivors to an easily defendable hook like the basement. Still, defending this hook can be difficult if the gens are far away, and decent Survivors do not fall for camping anymore, meaning even his one strength isn't THAT great, even the nerf to Borrowed Time has made it less common, and Leatherface's countering of it less relevant.

10. The Hag - Muddy Results

Hag has potential. Her traps are much harder to see or predict than Trapper's, and her defensive game is more flexible than Cannibal's. So why place her below both?

The main issue is in the results. A Survivor proccing a trap is not a guaranteed hit, let alone a down like Trapper's, as Survivors Sprint Burst away from her traps. Additionally, her ability to defend stuff is neutered by smart Survivors simply crouching. Finally, her lower Movespeed is a hinderance she doesn't need. It makes her slow setup time even slower, it makes her all the more vulnerable to loops, and it makes her ability to catch out Survivors avoiding her traps even worse.

People talk about the plays one can make with Hag, the mindgames you can pull around loops by baiting with a trap clone. But these are simply less consistent, more difficult ways to get the same results as far easier, consistent Killers.

11. The Wraith - Wraith Cube was a Mistake

Wraith's problem, like his kit, is a simple one. His power is TOO basic. His power is he can go invisible to find Survivors easier. That's it. He has no tools for the chase, so he gets looped. His bonus speed isn't that great for map control, he has no instadown or ranged attack, and no way to hinder or slow Survivors down. Pig essentially has Wraith power as HALF of her power. Without significant additions or changes to hit kit, I foresee Wraith keeping his low tier status for a long time. Hell, once the upcoming changes hit, Freddy and Hag will zoom past him as they get direct buffs and have more impactful powers. Hell, the only thing he was really good at was countering Borrowed Time, but even that is less relevant now too.

Also remove the lightburn shit, there's no reason for Wraith to be uniquely countered by it, it literally removes the one good thing his power can do if the Survivor uses a flashlight.

12. The Nightmare - The worst nightmare is playing him

Yeah he fucking sucks.

Strangely, Freddy actually has a lot going for him, unlike Wraith. His power offers fantastic tracking with his aura reading, and can slow the game down with how easy it is to apply repeatedly. Additionally, he can ambush Survivors as they enter the Dream World by attacking from weird angles, allowing him a decent free hit chance. With all of the upcoming changes to him and certain perks, these strengths could carry Freddy up the list to a potential 8th or 9th place. Unfortunately, his weaknesses currently vastly overpower his strengths.

The 7 sec waiting period he has to go through immediately kills all form of gen and hook control he could have, while also making it impossible for him to protect his hexes. Additionally, he has NO instadown potential, even with add-ons, meaning he is basically guaranteed to have to go through loops, which he handles poorly. These issues are so impactful, they actually make Freddy worse than a killer with no power, as partially exhibited by the Wraith, who acts like a no-power killer in the chase, and has better results than Freddy.

And as if all this wasn't bad enough, even his best combos are massively unreliable. BlackBox/DyingLight can be beaten by a skilled obsession who loops him for long enough, RememberMe/NOED can be countered by NOED being destroyed or the Obsession surviving to open the gates, and Lullaby/Ruin builds get beaten by Freddy's inability to defend his totems.

submitted by /u/Gentzer
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I'm a pretty thankful dude when it comes to this game but

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:05 AM PDT

I'm super bummed that I fell to the "wait was too long, hype died" side. It's been discussed to death at this point, but that wait to get it on xbox was absolutely abysmal, and it's insane that PS4 still doesn't have it. I remember since the release of the Pig that the big plan was to release all of the DLC at the same time for everyone. Maybe they should take these kinds of things into consideration for future DLC so it doesnt happen again. Because I know personally as a player on Xbone, I simply dont give a shot about the update/DLC at this point. And I know that I'm not he only one that feels that way. Hype is so important for something like this, and that hype seems all but dead.

submitted by /u/Voidnull-Alive
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Daddy took us to the carnival

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:10 PM PDT

Decided to finally prestige a Survivor!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:00 AM PDT

Don't know if it was the dwight decision

submitted by /u/rehab4fun
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Don't worry console players. New killer costumes are coming

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:59 PM PDT

"Dbd is a assymetrical game, nurse isn't supposed to be balanced"- twitch chat comment from dev stream

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:33 PM PDT

How to kill your team

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:17 AM PDT

Ps4 update still not out

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:00 PM PDT

Really it can't possibly take this long to verify the update. For the love of god

submitted by /u/Against_The_Meta
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