True Dota 2 - There is a quirk associated with most heroes. Traits that make those heroes unique. Are there any heroes that have a really boring quirk, or maybe even no quirk?

There is a quirk associated with most heroes. Traits that make those heroes unique. Are there any heroes that have a really boring quirk, or maybe even no quirk?

Posted: 18 May 2018 11:46 AM PDT

Viper used to be like that until they changed the Nethertoxin to have a break. Wraith King too, used to be super basic but now he has skeletons.

A hero that I can think of that lacks a bit of uniqueness is maybe Mirana. All her abilities are very basic: AOE damage, stun, leap, and invis. Nothing super interesting.

submitted by /u/ArcticIceFox
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Have you ever invented the meta?

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:44 PM PDT

Has anyone here done some build before it became meta? If so what was it and when did you do it? How good was your winrate with it?

submitted by /u/K4sp3r00
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With axe's "attacking procs counter-helix" talent, do the procs from attacking share a cooldown with procs from being attacked?

Posted: 17 May 2018 09:49 PM PDT

Let's talk mid Warlock

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:53 AM PDT

I had fun as Warlock against Tinker mid today. WL absolutely dominated for the first 15 minutes of the game, potentially even longer. Game plan is as follow:
-Get null, get Fatal Bond, go mid
-Whenever enemy hero shows up for last hit, Fatal Bond
-Heal their harass with Shadow Word
-Max Bond first, get lv10 talent +5% Fatal Bond
-Whenever Golem is up, go push a tower
At 10 minute in not a single hero can tank the Golem. Fatal Bond is deadly in lane and in teamfights. Quick Aghs & Refresher for maximum carnage. Aeon Disc so you can get double ult and Bond. Golem on death talent for that extra fuck you if they kill you.
Who else can WL dominate mid? Who could do reasonably well against WL? Who would be good teammates that can take advantage of early towers?

submitted by /u/6691521
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How do I play against the kunkka cleave build?

Posted: 17 May 2018 07:24 PM PDT

So I have a friend who mains kunkka, and always goes for the cleave build. Picks up a qb first thing, maxes tidebringer then X, etc. I'm looking for ways to play against this build, because it seems really really good in basically any mid lane matchup, except for maybe tank mids like dragon knight. You just walk up and cleave a creep and goodbye to half everybody's health. Wands don't help, because he's not a spell spammer. It does so much damage in a pretty big area, hits invis units too. Laning against kunkka mid is practically impossible, he harasses with tidebringer and he can get kills with X + torrent/ult. Is there a reliable way to counter or should I just get ganks in the early game?

submitted by /u/Dragonkiller93
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Why are treads so commonly built?

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:06 AM PDT

I don't understand how the 950 gold investment into something you can't progress farther and only offers stats and prevents build up into BoTs is so good.

submitted by /u/Rtx007
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Is pudge the worst hero in the game?

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:44 AM PDT

Every game that I see pudge he almost always does nothing. With the nerfs to his slow he barely contributes to early kills even in a trilane let alone a dual lane, hook is unreliable and decent players will either have wards to see him or react to it immediately, he has to ult in the middle of fights and it can be cancelled by basically any stun. He just seems so disgustingly terrible and I don't get why people are still picking it.

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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How to deal with Axe?

Posted: 17 May 2018 11:42 PM PDT

I can't deal with axe when he has blink+bm... I typically play squishy cores like morphling or luna and just end up chain feeding with an axe on the opponent team...

submitted by /u/ffxa
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Is Zeus super strong this patch or am I just lucky?

Posted: 17 May 2018 07:09 PM PDT

I'd recently lost like 600 mmr in 2-3 weeks. I started playing Zeus.

I have won 17 out of my last 18 games (14 of these are with Zeus).

My question is, was he always good or is he just super strong this patch?

My build.. Bottle, brown boots, euls, aghs, kaya, octa, refresher.

submitted by /u/ASKnASK
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How to be a good support.

Posted: 17 May 2018 09:42 PM PDT

Hi I'm Ancient [2] SEA player. I only play support in Dota. How to be a good support in Dota? I prefer play 4 as Phoenix or Tusk and 5 as Lion. Thanks in advice.

submitted by /u/adnuzzcrezz
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How to finish games as kunkka mid?

Posted: 17 May 2018 08:32 PM PDT

I've had plenty of games as mid kunkka where I dominate my lane, get a fast drums shadow blade and run around killing every one. It seems that he can't really take towers and needs a team behind him to push. After the dominate early game the enemies catch up as I can't take towers and they get sentries up and some defensive items (blade mail, glimmer, etc.). He can't really man fight that great once enemy carries get items and kinda has to x blink in and out of fights. I wondering if there's anything I'm wrong or does kunkka just need other cores to take over for him after the early/mid game. I'll include a recent match in where that happened to me, hopefully you guys will have some tips for me.

submitted by /u/pkkskg
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