True Dota 2 - Guys, viper is so dope right now!

Guys, viper is so dope right now!

Posted: 11 May 2018 11:12 AM PDT

All you need is a yasha based item and a bkb and maybe a hurricane pipe and you can just bulldoze people.

With 2nd skill and the either talent at 10 you can flashfarm jungle between waves or on the way back to safe zones, and with treads and a ferrying a few clarities you never run out of mana.

You can build him as a ganker, wave pusher, initiator, utility pos 3 or a tank and even a building hitter - he's fuck all kinds of versatile.

His talents are really great - attack speed, poison attack affecting buildings at 20 and 2nd skill also getting a silence at 25.

I'm finding him amazing at lower brackets. Am I just late to the party?

How do you guys play him? What is he great against? (Apart from the usual axe)

Also who fucks him up?

submitted by /u/Likeabhas
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Radiance weaver

Posted: 11 May 2018 04:30 AM PDT

I matched up with a guy that rushed radiance on weaver. That got me thinking, could it be a legit build?

Radiance is obviously not as good as diffusal for solokilling but it isn't actually that much worse. Since weaver is quite elusive(and therefore hard to kill) yet constantly in the middle of fights with shukuichi the burn will be applied constantly.

Besides weaver needs his items anyways you could get radiance to hasten the farm needed for them right?

The main downside is the miserable early game but I'm pretty sure weaver can deal with it for the most part.

submitted by /u/K4sp3r00
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Hotkeys layout: Advanced, compact and simple.

Posted: 11 May 2018 01:47 PM PDT

So I have been tweaking and searching to improve my hotkeys and here is the result:(

In the spreadsheet there is a few notes on what or why some keys are priorities and how to use it, excuse me for the format I hope is clear..

If you are not into excel I may post some pic here: ( so you can see the layout without diggin the spreadsheet.

If you are using a different layout it may hurt a lot to change, you can switch or just adapt your current with some ideas about modifiers and priority from this layout.

Hope you like it, tell me what you think and we can maybe improve it further!

submitted by /u/MiloTheSlayer
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Do you always go treads with a magnus on your team?

Posted: 11 May 2018 12:44 PM PDT

Basically title. I've only ever seen high skill players go treads with magnus and was wondering if the empower synergy was just too good to skip treads and go phase.

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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The game feels faster now

Posted: 11 May 2018 01:51 AM PDT

More fights and actions happening pre-level 6. And yeah, supports hit level 6 faster. Some big fights happen at every 5 minute @ the bounty rune sight. 2-1-2 works better but if you have someone 1 like Spectre you still want to 3-1-1.

I don't know guys. I like this patch. lol.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Is Crystalys situationally better than Desolator on Weaver?

Posted: 11 May 2018 03:13 PM PDT

So the logic behind Deso on Weaver is that he benefits greatly from raw damage, and the corruption synergizes with the amp from his swarm. This allows him to push as well as delete out of position heroes.

However, I've done some math and it seems like Crystalys deals nearly equivalent damage to deso for 1.4k less gold, with or without swarm. Crystalys actually outpaces Desolator with swarm due to the diminishing returns of amp damage.

The main trade off seems is that you lose the pushing power and team damage amp from deso, whereas you gain an item slot that can upgrade late-game into Daedalus or Bloodthorn, and more early game resources from the 1.4k gold. You also get Crystalys earlier, giving you more kill potential early on.

I'm not the biggest Weaver player, so I'm wondering what your thoughts are on this - would you ever build Crystalys over Deso? It's worked decently in the games I tried it in.

submitted by /u/abicepgirl
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How strong is the Radiance LS build in pubs?

Posted: 10 May 2018 09:52 PM PDT

Divine 0.

I feel like it's pretty underwhelming. Usually it takes me ~17-18 minutes to farm up Treads + Radiance and I still feel weak. No burst to insta-gib a target, no flashfarm, no extra HP. It would take me one more item (Solar Crest, Halberd, or SnY or Manta) to truly feel properly "strong", and even then something about it doesn't feel "unfair" like, say, a PL with SnY+Diffusal or a Gyro with BKB.

I feel more impactful and confident playing LS with the usual Armlet - Deso - SnY progression, which is a shame because I LOVE Radiance carriers. I just feel like maybe the build isn't.... that good in pubs...? Maybe? I can't explain why though. It's obviously the go-to build in the pro scene 90% of the time.

So far I've been on a 5 game losing streak with the Radiance build.

submitted by /u/TheBetterSpidey
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How do you guys approach the Void vs Jugg pos 1 matchup as Juggernaut?

Posted: 11 May 2018 08:15 AM PDT

Hi everyone, I am an ancient 5 player who typically goes position 5, but I have been having a lot of success playing jugg, void, and a few others as position 1 lately. However, I seem to really struggle as games when I am playing as jugg verses void.

Is there a certain way people tweak their build when playing as jugg against a void, or is it more strategy and adapting? Do you guys thing jugg is at a disadvantage?

I seem to struggle with not being able to lock down void since he can timewalk from blade furry and omnislash, then I also get hit by chronos which renders jugg's survivability useless.

I am interested in strategies for both heroes in the matchup. I understand this can all depend on other heroes in the game, but I am curious on people's thoughts.

submitted by /u/Lead5alad
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Do people still use autoexec files?

Posted: 11 May 2018 02:04 PM PDT

Hi guys,

Been a bit less than a year since I last played dota. Just reinstalled today with summer coming up. I noticed the settings menu has a lot more options since I last saw it. I was wondering if people still use autoexec files and if so, what are the most useful commands? I lost mine when I cleared all my steam files a long while ago.

submitted by /u/gnidmas
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Mindset on improving at the game

Posted: 11 May 2018 11:57 AM PDT

Something I notice sometimes is people's mindset with rising mmr, a lot of people ask for/give out advice on good strategies' to gain mmr at X bracket, and every time I see this sort of stuff I sorta internally groan. Ex. How can I rise mmr at 2.4k as a pos 1? And the answer will be something along the lines of 'at this mmr, people do X thing a lot, so if you go X hero or do X thing you will win.' The only truth in these types of statements are that heroes that thrive off of a lack of coordination in the enemy team are stronger at lower brackets, and heroes that thrive of team coordination like io are dtronger in higher brackets. And thats just in general. But what I think people easily forget is that mmr is just a spectrum of skill, and the only way to really climb is to improve your skill at the game. I'm 5.3k and I want to get to 6k, but I dont post asking for strategies to win in 5k. I'm just trying to improve, watch pros and learn from them, try to identify my mistakes in game, try to clear any misconceptions about the game, etc. And that's what I look for in this sub.

What Im saying is, some people seem to be very focused on how to rise mmr, but they aren't as focused on getting better, which is the only real way to rise. I started dota at 900 mmr and that has been my mindset from the beginning, and I have plenty of friends of all mmrs and the only consistent thing about them is that the higher their mmr, the less mistakes they will make, and they will be better at pushing their advantages and punishing their opponent's mistakes. I'm not trying to dump on the sub, I've only noticed a bad mindset that I see sometimes. Sorry if I come off as an asshole, Im not good at organizing my thoughts coherently 😕, cheers

submitted by /u/J1mmy5463
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Aggressive offlane OWN - Furion!

Posted: 11 May 2018 10:20 AM PDT

With general consensus seeming to be that 2-1-2 is the most optimal lane configuration, especially in pubs, aggressive offlane supports WRECK games.

My current favorite is Furion you can literally zone both of them while the other hero gets farm. WR is awesome. QOP is also great. I like these heroes because with farm they can be a late game threat. I queue for support role for the shorter queue. And these 3 heroes fit my personal playstyle and are strong this patch.

submitted by /u/KznRob
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Why is lifestealer so bad in pubs if his radiance build is dominating pro games?

Posted: 10 May 2018 08:47 PM PDT

I feel like he's not hard to play, so it's not like pub players don't have enough skill. Is it just lack of sync with his ult, or is there something I'm missing?

submitted by /u/changaroo13
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I lost over 700MMR!!!

Posted: 11 May 2018 07:58 AM PDT

It's all my fault, I know his. No blame. Just frustrating. Was so happy to get to 1.2k - but then it all disappeared - at 550ish. Literally the lowest I have ever been.

I don't get it. I feel more knowledgeable about the game than ever before. I feel better at DOTA than ever before. But can't win a game for the life of me. Feelsbadman.

Anyone experience such a drop like this - how did you recover?

submitted by /u/Realistik84
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Who are carries that are still strong even when you're not a great farmer?

Posted: 11 May 2018 06:40 AM PDT

Sometimes in games I'm forced to play carry (usually I support) and I'm shit at farming. I'm ok with heroes that can fight early, so which carries would be the best?

submitted by /u/dingoembryo
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Playing around the bounty runes.

Posted: 11 May 2018 05:33 AM PDT

The recent change to bounty runes allows a couple of things to happen in my opinion;:

First off, since the bounty runes have a longer "cooldown" before spawning, that allows the supports to be more free around the map, since they dont need to be ready to get as many runes as possible every 2 minutes, this means that they can fight for longer periods, and should not be afraid to be a lot more active.

It also means, that when the bounties DO spawn, they are extremely important, as the bounties each give 200 gold(the first one) to the teams networth, meaning that getting 4 of them is +800 gold that the enemy wont get, and every bounty rune that increases by 75 gold. Basically, its really important to get as many as possible, and play around that, maybe send someone to the offlane during that time to contest the enemy, push the waves so they cant contest the runes etc, all in all they are extremely important.

Basically the new bounty runes give as huge emphasis on the timings, and allow supportsto be more free when they are not close to the bounty spawn time, but also restrics them a lot more when they are close to the time since they are so important.

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Posted: 11 May 2018 04:32 AM PDT

Guys I need some tips on how to play against templar assassin at the midlane. She farms pretty quickly, her psy blades harass in lane plus she can clear stacks quickly. How should I lane against her? Give me your insight.

submitted by /u/aaaazxnkis
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Pos 4 seems the same as before?

Posted: 10 May 2018 11:13 PM PDT

Played tusk and pudge, haven't really felt any difference besides being slightly poorer at ten minutes. I think having a roamer is still better than 2-1-2 in most mathcups.

submitted by /u/m00t13
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Ideal offlane partners for skywraith mage other then Axe

Posted: 10 May 2018 05:40 PM PDT

Hello there my friend and I are spamming sky+axe combo to ton of fun in our ranked matches. It is been pretty fun fighting 2 vs 3. The problem now is if Axe is banned what will be the ideal lane partner for Sky in offlane.

I am planning to try sky with these offlaners into trilane.

Sandking and Centaur.

Sandking because I think at level 1 his stun into sky spam can really threaten supports. Caustic can also threaten most melee carries and low ranged cores. Also late game he can successfully setup mystic flairs and sky can amplify his damage.

Centaur because he is pretty beefy and in early level he can definitely use sky as side gunner and tank all damage himself. Later on Centaur stun into double edge and sky spam can really threaten any hero into the offlane.

What do you guys think about these heroes with sky and what other heroes will also work pretty well with him. Any critiques and tips are really appreciated.

submitted by /u/TheorycrafterJOT
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When should a Slark purchase a Gem?

Posted: 10 May 2018 04:49 PM PDT

Seeing a lot more slark play recently, and everytime they are picking up gems. Is it optimal to pick it up on shadowblade or until you get your second or third core item?

submitted by /u/wotmemez
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What are your thoughts on battlefury in the current patch?

Posted: 10 May 2018 06:39 PM PDT

On what heroes would you do it? On what situation?

Early fighting items feel better for me.

submitted by /u/LeCholax
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