Learn Dota 2 - DotA 2 7.15 Discussion thread

DotA 2 7.15 Discussion thread

Posted: 10 May 2018 10:10 AM PDT

25 Days - 38 Games - 800MMR to 1450MMR! AKA Guardian 0 to Crusader 1 (30-8) Observations

Posted: 10 May 2018 10:17 AM PDT

Hey All,


As a trash player myself I have been inspired by other members of the community who have had success in growing their skills. I set a goal to really work on building up my skill level and climb up to see what I can achieve. I don't really have a luxury of spending unlimited hours playing, but I have been trying to consistently play 1-2 games a day in addition to consuming lots of user content to learn.

Over the last 25 days I have played 38 ranked games and ended up 30-8 raising my MMR from 800ish to 1450. Here are some of the things I have been doing to help grow as a player, I find these insights are a collection of thoughts I have received from many content creators so I don't take credit for it but want to reinforce these concepts in my efforts to help you all as well.

  1. Limit your hero pool.

    • Of course, this has been said again and again. Being mechanically sound on a hero and having a better understanding of it greatly improves your play. I have been narrowing down my pool and better success playing things I am comfortable with. I still take the odd hero out of my pool and can definitely notice how much more badly I play. Still working on this consistency.
  2. Focus on learning overarching concepts of the game

    • I played a lot of support leading up to my pole vault in MMR focusing on learning where I should be, where the enemies likely are, where should wards go, when to pull, when to stack, how to harass, learning situational item picks, hero interactions, map awareness, etc.
    • By playing support I could focus more on what needs to happen in the game rather than on lane equilibrium, last hits, and farming patterns (which we need to learn, but are less useful if we don't know when we should push lanes, rotate, or stay away from areas such as a dead lane).
  3. Spend some time practicing last hitting in the trainer.

    • Seems simple, but quite good. If I have some time to kill but can't play a game I like to jump in and practice a little bit.
  4. When you are confident on your mechanical skills and game understanding, focus on picking a core role

    • Supports are amazingly important, I love playing support... But ultimately you can be the best support in the world but if your cores don't know how to play properly you will lose. Once I felt comfortable I switched to playing mostly core roles (1-2-3) and my win rate improved dramatically.
    • If you are picking a core role and your win rate isn't improving, then perhaps you need to look inward and recognize that you may need to do some learning before you can increase your MMR.
  5. Play safe

    • Don't overextend. Don't dive. Farm safe areas. Push lanes and rotate, don't hang around without vision. Simple, but really important to ensure you don't throw away your advantage.
    • Yeah I know pro player X dove under tower with your hero and killed a guy, or your favourite streamer... But they have skills and knowledge far beyond my own. I would rather play safe and not risk it. Most of the time leaving an enemy on low HP in lane is mostly as effective as killing them anyway.
  6. Push lanes, take objectives

    • Push those lanes, then rotate with team to secure objectives. Stay out of the jungle if you can.
  7. Recognize where the dead lane is

    • Where is it unsafe to farm based on vision and lane equilibrium. Play safe and avoid going there if you can. Lots of information on the deadlane out there.
  8. Be positive

    • Don't rage, don't flame, don't get caught up in shit. Not always possible but do your best to be positive. I try to be non-judgmental and focus on playing. If people flame another player, I try and redirect that it is not productive and maybe they did something wrong but lets focus on the next fight etc. Or when people are GGing after the draft, just ask them to focus on winning their lane and then it will work out.
    • If you are getting stomped just a reminder that on average you will lose 50% of your games at your MMR range. It happens.
  9. Be communicative

    • Voice chat is the best feature that is sorely underutilized. Simply being able to express what is going on in the game, your plans, setup ganks, rotations, rosh, towers, etc. Just talk! So easy.

    • A little counterpoint to limited hero pool, I personally have had a ton of success with random draft. No hero mango bonuses, less hero spammers, more people focused on the team game vs. individual due to hero limitations as people don't go into RD knowing they want to pick their favourite hero.
    • Some variety in games makes it more enjoyable
    • Will rarely ever play all-pick again!
  11. Consume user content

    • Spend lots of time watching content from streamers, coaches, pro scene, etc. to build knowledge and understanding outside of playing in arena yourself.
  12. Find heroes you like

    • Playing heroes that you enjoy greatly increases your investment in the game experience and overall enjoyment in DOTA
  13. Play simpler heros

    • This helped me a lot, avoid all the complex heroes when you are in deep learning about the game itself so you can focus on game concepts and not hero concepts. Less things to worry about, less buttons to push, less complications.
  14. Learn Quickcast

    • This helps so much when you get accustomed to it. The reactionary time feels so much better! If there is a skill you don't like with quickcast specially try and learn to use it, but you can always customize to have one that doesn't use it (such as Chrono).
  15. Turbo right click to attack, I forget menu name haha

    • In the menu you can set that holding down right click provides attack command on creeps. You can then spam your stop command to halt attacks and make your character have seizures until you are ready to last hit. Practice this.

I am sure there is so much more I can say and express, but here are just some of the things I have done to work towards improving. If you all have anything else please add and we can help everyone improve their game and the community a little bit at a time.

submitted by /u/Healfezza
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TI Rank Role selection Thoughts and Experience

Posted: 10 May 2018 05:09 AM PDT

Just wanted to ask this forum on how do you guys like/dislike the selection roles for Dota2.

Or if its so good, should they add it permanently to the game in future rank games after TI is over.

Its quite clear they added it to TI to test the water without having to go all out in the main rank game system.

submitted by /u/AJZullu
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Need battlepass help.

Posted: 10 May 2018 05:36 AM PDT

So i am quite new to the whole battle pass thing. I have 150hrs in game have 100 commends and played around 150-180 matches. I have just bought the battlepass and have no idea (i am dumb, i know) how do you progress in battlepass. Also i have no intention of spending more on battlepass. How much can i progress in the battlepass with 20-25hrs/week? Any help appreciated.

submitted by /u/coold007
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List of heroes that can double or triple stack camps.

Posted: 10 May 2018 08:24 PM PDT

Now that stacking gives 25% gold and icefrog won't stop till 212 lanes happen, it's time to embrace stacking as one of the main way supports get gold and exp.

What is the list of support heroes that can triple stack? How do you do it? Spells used, timing?

What about the list of melee heroes like ogre who can double stack? Timings?

submitted by /u/abdullahkhalids
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Technical help - stuttering and disconnects with new patch (Off topic)

Posted: 10 May 2018 07:58 PM PDT

Off topic, but does anyone know where to get some technical help with regards to the game? Since the patch I've been getting stuttering and disconnects that happen sporadically. I've turned all the graphics down to minimums and still happening. Will not happen in one game and will happen a ton the very next game. I'm just not totally sure where to go. Tried lowering graphics, switching from DX11 to DX9. Any help appreciated.

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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Can anyone analyse my visage replay? [Ancient 0]

Posted: 10 May 2018 07:51 PM PDT


I had a really good early game against invoker and that snowballed me through up till around 12-15 minutes into the game.
My thought process after failing to take bot t3 was to farm up and shove in lanes and split push the enemy team , as my birds couldn't really stay in fights with Bristleback using quill spray and invokers spell. My whole team started flaming me the decision to split push when we started losing our lead. Would we have been better off grouping up as 5 and trying to take the t3 and what else could i/we have done?

submitted by /u/KekiSAMA
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As ember what could I have done better?

Posted: 10 May 2018 07:48 PM PDT

Id: 3880478158 By the end of the game my TA and Bristle were telling people to report me. I feel like I contributed very well, though I could have focused on juggernaut more. Would really love some insight from people.

submitted by /u/StaySwimming
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Dealing with Ursa

Posted: 10 May 2018 07:25 PM PDT

Hi I'm a Support Pos5 player on Archon 1 and usually party queue with Legend/Ancient friends. Recently we've been seeing Ursa in our matches and what ends up happening is the Ursa gets so farmed and 5-10 kills before 15 minutes on our offlaner, the map becomes a living hell for us with Shadow Blade/Blink.

I'd like to know how you guys deal with him as a support apart from having our team build Halberd since I feel pretty useless if Ursa jumps on one of us. So here's a few things I'd like to know:

  1. Which support heroes can I draft against Ursa to at least make things easier for my team? How about AA, Lion? Or is there pretty much no support that can actually have significant impact on him?

  2. What items do you guys build against him? Is Ghost Scepter valued over items like Glimmer? Or a Rod of Atos?

  3. At what gameplay pace should I be coordinating my team to? I'm usually the shot-caller for team and against an Ursa I'm unsure whether we should play aggressive and finish early or drag the game on long enough for my carries to farm up?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and sorry for the wall of text. Any input is appreciated.

EDIT: Linking Dotabuff to the matches where I had Ursa on enemy team. It'd be great if you guys can take a look at them.



submitted by /u/divesyer
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the nature of reports/commends. Should I be reported for being new?

Posted: 10 May 2018 06:52 PM PDT

Hi, I am a very new player, and I am just a little scared of getting reported for being, well, worse than the other people on my team. I was playing Shadow Shamen the other day and the lane was just terrible. I was laning with a Sven versus a Tiny and a Bloodseeker (I was dire in the safe lane). They wrecked us, especially the Sven. He was lvl 3 when the opponents were like 5 and 6. I was 4 or 5. I managed to save him from a few ganks, but certainly was also doing a super bad job of being a support despite trying my best. Now, bloodseeker snowballed hard and the game wasn't very long. The other team members were calling to report us (the two top laners) and just being really rude. I understand it's frustrating to lose a game because a lane you weren't in went south real fast, but at the same time I don't know what I was supposed to do. I was definitely contributing positively to the team and several times got so close to counter ganking. I guess that's not really helpful but like, they would escape with less than 50 health, so I wasn't doing nothing. I guess I am worried that I will get reported for losing my lane and wind up with more unpleasant people to play with. Is this normal?

submitted by /u/Rosellis
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A-clicking or Right Clicking?

Posted: 10 May 2018 06:27 PM PDT

I know its more of a self preference, but all my friends are doing the right clicking to cs. Is it more effective than A-clicking for last hits?

submitted by /u/semicharmedkindlife
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How to develop map awareness?

Posted: 10 May 2018 10:50 AM PDT

Mine is bad. We have good practice formats for farming, last hitting, and teamfighting, but how do we get better at map awareness? I feel like with focused practice I can get better at the first three, but the latter is harder...

submitted by /u/ak1247
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How do the team ranked challenge tokens work?

Posted: 10 May 2018 05:49 PM PDT

Does everyone in your team earn an extra medal? Or do you just get extra mmr?

submitted by /u/neohail
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How is Treant since his Nature's Guise was reworked?

Posted: 10 May 2018 07:30 AM PDT

I thought not being able to hide your allies anymore is a huge loss, and just from reading his spells in the hero picker he seems like a much weaker, more boring hero since the change. How do you find the hero?

submitted by /u/TomHicks
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Nowadays what MMR is Divine 5?

Posted: 10 May 2018 04:37 PM PDT

So. How hard will it be to get to level 190, assuming I don't buy levels for my Battlepass?

Posted: 10 May 2018 04:35 PM PDT

Just prefacing by saying I don't exactly want to hear about Volvo is greedy and this Battle Pass sucks.

Quick and to the point, I bought a Battlepass, now roughly how much should I play to get to level 190? I just want the creeps.

submitted by /u/deWize
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bottle for bounty runes?

Posted: 10 May 2018 08:44 AM PDT

is there any reason to bottle a bounty rune instead of just taking it when it spawns?

submitted by /u/brmlb
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Thoughts on slark blink dagger

Posted: 10 May 2018 11:55 AM PDT

Can anyone look at my Slark game tell me what I could have done differently to win this game?

Posted: 10 May 2018 03:39 PM PDT

I played safelane Slark vs Clinkz offlane. It felt like the laning phase went pretty poorly due to the nature of the matchup, but eventually venge came top and pulled/made a presence in the lane and I was able to catch up a little bit. Clinkz left to roam and I was able to take the T1 and pressure the T2 fairly early afterwards. I felt like we were really strong, but once clinkz got orchid + nullifier the game felt like it started falling apart. What could I have done differently to change the outcome of the game? Any kind of criticism is welcome.


submitted by /u/stein102
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How to hit TA's key timing and how to win games lategame as her

Posted: 10 May 2018 02:23 PM PDT




games in question. Really having trouble ending game at the 30 minute mark which you ideally want to as TA even though I've gotten infinitely better at farming on her. Anyone have any tips?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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Can Faceless Void poof Doom (spell)?

Posted: 10 May 2018 01:49 PM PDT

Twice during my last game it "seemed" like he removed Doom, but it could have reached its duration... but not likely, so IDK

submitted by /u/Lokarin
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moremmr vs pvgna

Posted: 10 May 2018 01:39 PM PDT

Just saw that open dota now has a link to a website moremmr.com instead of pvgna. I wasn't super thrilled with pvgna in the past, is this moremmr an overlay? a coaching service? or a "tracking" website like all the others? The main page doesnt have much info and i dont want to signup for trial account without knowing what it is exactly.

Has anyone used this at all?

submitted by /u/biroxan
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How to get started with this game?

Posted: 10 May 2018 04:37 AM PDT

As a bit of background, I've never played a MOBA really (couple of games of league in the dim and distant past) and so far I've just played the tutorial bits and a couple of bot games. I've watched a fair bit of Dota on YouTube (all of the TI7 vods) so I have a basic familiarity with the game (the map, what positions some heroes typically play, some of the rules i.e. last hitting, denies, overall goal).

Just wondering what the best way to transition into playing and learning the game it? Should I stick to the bot games or run into online? What sorts of heroes should I be starting with? Should I stick to one of the positions or pick a hero for each? Don't know anyone who plays this so I'll likely be setting out on my own.

submitted by /u/CleadableBody
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I need some insight about Offlane

Posted: 10 May 2018 09:33 AM PDT

I don't know shit about Offlane, while everybody is saying that we are forced to play 2-1-2 lanes I don't understand the true meaning behind it. I play carry and support. I played Offlane but just blindly going in to lane, one thing I know is whatever don't die and get xp. So, how to play Offlane and how to approach? Any suggestions, tips or guides would be helpful. I want to play axe. So, can anyone elaborate me the lane and walk me through how to start with.

submitted by /u/HerFury
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What are good supports against duel offlanes?

Posted: 10 May 2018 12:25 PM PDT

As the title says. I'm a low mmr scrub trying to get better. Anyways in my bracket literally every lane will be a duel lane. No special combos or anything, heck somethings it's a Sven and a slark or something stupid. But the point is I struggle to zone two offlaners or provide kill potential as a cm. And as something like an SS with high base damage I'm squishy and my short attack range draws creep agro unless I come from behind which can be a unsafe position. Idk help.

submitted by /u/CallMeDJSenpai
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How to make the courier give you a certain item first?

Posted: 10 May 2018 08:27 AM PDT

If I have 1 empty inventory slot, and I'm delivering a clarity and tp scroll, in which slot on the courier should I place the clarity in order for it to be placed in my inventory and the tp in my backpack?

submitted by /u/showmethemankey
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