League of Legends - Free Talk Friday - May 18th

Free Talk Friday - May 18th

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:00 AM PDT

Heyo, /r/leagueoflegends! It's that time of the week once more - Free Talk Friday is back in action! Hope you've all had a great week! <3

It's been an eventful few days for the Rift! Sweeping Jungle changes, EXP adjustments and Scuttle-Crab-Re-prioritization have sent folks reeling. Whether you're for, against or even ambivalent - the game's been shaken up! How have things been turning out for you in your own games? Let's hear it!

MSI's Group Stage is over, and with it comes the typical NA tears (Rift Rivals was the only tournament that matters, right?). Knockout stage is fast approaching (in fact, it's here! Go and watch!) with teams gearing up to take it to the finals and claim the MSI championship. Will Korea hold its dominance? Will Uzi win an international event? Will Fnatic once more bring victory to the West? Only time will tell, but until then - let's hear what you have to say!

Before I let y'all go, I wanna give a special shout out to everyone who applied to join our moderation team - we got a ton of great applications and should have everything sorted relatively soon enough - thanks, y'all! And if you don't make it this round, worry not! We're always on the lookout for more hands on deck, so be active and helpful and you'll almost certainly be noticed!

That's it from yours truly for this week, though. Free Talk Friday starts right now! However, I ask that you abide by the patented FTF Rules™: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good weekend fam!

submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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Royal Never Give Up vs. Fnatic / MSI 2018 - Semifinals / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:13 AM PDT

MSI 2018

Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Fnatic 0-3 Royal Never Give Up

Royal Never Give Up complete the sweep and advance to the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational Finals!

FNC | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
RNG | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website


Winner: Royal Never Give Up in 35m
Match History | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC kaisa karma morgana ornn zoe 60.4k 16 4 H3 I4 O6
RNG camille yasuo rakan gangplank alistar 72.4k 27 8 I1 C2 B5
FNC 16-27-32 vs 27-16-48 RNG
Bwipo sion 3 2-5-6 TOP 5-3-10 4 vladimir Letme
Broxah olaf 2 4-6-7 JNG 2-2-14 1 skarner Karsa
Caps taliyah 2 8-5-3 MID 10-4-5 3 irelia Xiaohu
Rekkles ezreal 1 2-4-8 ADC 8-3-7 1 caitlyn Uzi
Hylissang tahmkench 3 0-7-8 SUP 2-4-12 2 braum Ming


Winner: Royal Never Give Up in 43m
Match History

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC kaisa karma morgana olaf irelia 76.4k 13 8 H2 C4 M6
RNG yasuo taliyah rakan ryze zoe 81.7k 18 9 M1 C3 B5 B7 E8
FNC 13-18-28 vs 18-13-38 RNG
Bwipo camille 2 1-5-5 TOP 1-3-12 4 ornn Letme
Broxah skarner 2 3-3-6 JNG 1-2-8 3 zac Karsa
Caps aurelion sol 3 3-4-7 MID 10-4-3 1 vladimir Xiaohu
Rekkles ezreal 1 6-1-1 ADC 5-1-5 1 caitlyn Uzi
Hylissang janna 3 0-5-9 SUP 1-3-10 2 tahmkench Ming


Winner: Royal Never Give Up in 48m
Match History | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC kaisa karma vladimir irelia morgana 89.1k 16 7 C2 H3
RNG yasuo gangplank camille zoe aurelion sol 92.2k 20 11 O1 B4 C5 B6 O7 B8 E9
FNC 16-21-44 vs 20-16-46 RNG
Bwipo singed 2 3-7-8 TOP 2-1-10 1 ornn Letme
Broxah skarner 2 2-2-13 JNG 8-4-9 2 olaf Mlxg
Caps taliyah 3 4-4-7 MID 5-4-7 3 ryze Xiaohu
Rekkles ezreal 1 7-5-7 ADC 5-3-10 1 caitlyn Uzi
Hylissang braum 3 0-3-9 SUP 0-4-10 4 tahmkench Ming

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/G2Minion
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Origami Quinn Skin concept by Gary Vanaka

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:56 AM PDT

Hi everybody, I'm sharing with you a Quinn skin concept my friend worked on recently! Hoping you'd like it! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1zKJq

submitted by /u/Capi974
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An illustration of the result of RNG vs FNC / Semifinals in MSI2018

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:27 AM PDT

https://i.imgur.com/ziCvidL.jpg Hi, this is B.c.N.y., a LMS fan. Thanks so much for the points and comments from the previous post, it encourages me to draw more illustrations similar to this genre <3

This is an illustration about the result of RNG vs FNC in the Semifinals in MSI2018. I tried to find some interesting points from each games, but it got harder to do so comparing to group stages since every player in BO5 was playing more serious and steady.

The games were closer than I thought previously, especially in the early stages. It was sad to see Fnatic could not close games, particularly the second one when they had lead and almost got the Baron and the Elder Drake. I believe Fnatic will get over it and become stronger!

Tomorrow will be FW vs KZ… I really truly hope that FW can have the mindset when they got 6-0 and advance to the Finals. FW and LMS need it for regaining confidence that we can win BO5s after group stages.

Since I have a booth tomorrow in a Comic Convention in Taiwan, I might not be able to finish the result illustration on time, I will try my best!

Hope you like this one and see you tomorrow!

Btw, I did the illustration below when I saw the tease where only Karsa showed up in the video as the jungler from RNG. https://i.imgur.com/ys2cGFH.jpg

If you like my works, welcome to take a look of my social media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, ArtStation

submitted by /u/bcny
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Riot Fearless on the jungle and feedback

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:38 AM PDT

72M peak viewers on 1st semifinal MSI 2018 - Fnatic vs RNG

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:13 AM PDT

Fnatic vs RNG
Peak viewers - 72M+
Chiniese peak - 71M+
English peak - 256k
Vietnamese peak - 125k
Korean - 51k
Portuuguese - 37k
Spanish - 36k

submitted by /u/KzTeMa
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Saintvicious: "Played on new patch some more. I feel like the first 3 scuttles are a bit over hyped as far as what value they give. You can power clear and just get vision+gank"

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:53 AM PDT


Played on new patch some more. I feel like the first 3 scuttles are a bit over hyped as far as what value they give. You can power clear and just get vision+gank. Then you can play for yours/enemy respawned camps.

Thoughts on this? Since its pretty antithetical to reddit's opinion i mean

submitted by /u/Dolaos
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Levi just got Rank 1 in NA

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:31 PM PDT

Pyke is Basically a Hardstuck Bronze Player That Became a Serial Killer if you Think About it.

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:00 AM PDT

Pyke was sent to rot at the bottom of the sea, similar to how a bronze player is stuck in the depts of low elo. Also, just like how bronzies blame anyone but themselves for them being unable to climb, Pyke literally blames the whole world for letting him drown.

On top of that, this kit has the same idea as the wood division Zed main who just got autofilled support and refuses to play another champion.

Just give them an impulse to kill others in real life and they're pretty much the same thing.

submitted by /u/-Draclen-
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On the positive side, jungle queue times were never this low

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:57 AM PDT

Played 6 games since the new patch, queued for jgl/supp, queue pop instantly and got jungle every time :>

submitted by /u/oV3
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Suggestion: Make the crab spawn at 0:30 so we can have one hell of a fiesta 5v5ing for it at level 1

Posted: 17 May 2018 05:36 PM PDT

Just think of the possibilities. Picking a level one all-in team comp to fiesta this crab at level one. Whichever team gets it wins the game. Everyone takes smite. IWD has a brain aneurism. River Shen rules the land. Seafood battle of the ages. Mess with the crabbo, you get the stabbo.

Which champions do you think would be best for this?

submitted by /u/emmerr1
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RNG vs FNC pentakill

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:02 AM PDT

WAAARGHbobo: (Aatrox) "has more (voice over) interactions with top laners than any champion previously made."

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:45 PM PDT

How to play around Rift Scuttler Changes

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:13 AM PDT

As a jungle main I've seen very little serious discussion on how to play and work out your jungle pathing with the changes in 8.10. It would seem everyone would rather dedicate their brain power to whining and jerking each other off on the forums so allow me to start things off by addressing a things. For the record I'm a D4 jungler in Korea where early game aggression is pretty much the name of the game.


  1. Whoever gets the early scuttles dominates the game

Honestly I find this entire line of logic completely ridiculous, I can't believe how many comments I see saying things like "I went blue, red, then took both scuttlers. The enemy jungler was so starved he didn't even have a chance, it was a massacre"

Let's look at the EXP values.

New scuttle gives 115 - 230 exp based on levels 1-9. Let's assume people suffering from this scuttle-mania are just going to go Blue-Wolves-Red and rush scuttles as fast as possible leaving two good farming camps; Krugs and Raptors up. Also note that they are on the same side of the map, this will be important later.

Now Raptors on the other hand will give 70 - 420 peaking at an earlier levels 1-7 and Krugs will respectively give 100 - 500. While the values are fairly close early game, or even somewhat in favor of the scuttles you can see that fairly quickly the camps ramp up and give far more experience, even an additional 50 exp per level behind.

Now let's talk about a little thing called Vertical Jungling, on the blue team we have your typical monkey Xin player who does his double-buff route, gets level 2 and proceeds to charge to the river beating his chest the entire way, ready to fight anyone he might encounter there. After securing the scuttle he gets level 3 and proceeds to walk over to the other side of the map and take that scuttler too. Surely the game has been won, no jungler can survive such a crippling blow. Except you can, quite easily in fact, because instead of walking from one side of the map to the other, the purple side jungler simply walked across the river and counter-jungled the raptors and Krugs in what is known as Vertical Jungling. It's incredibly efficient to do this as it drastically reduces the amount of time it takes to travel from camp to camp, puts you in a better position to gank from behind and of course steals resources from the enemies jungle instead of your own. Also vision in the enemy jungle is extremely powerful and now you can get even more of it when you invade with longer lasting trinket wards. If you know where the enemy junlger is, or is going to be this will always be the optimal strategy.

Now when Xin returns to his jungle after his conquest of the river he will find that there is literally nothing left for him to farm and his only move is to make desperation ganks, which will probably work because fuck Xin Zhao. But on the off-chance that they don't or that you are ready to counter-gank you still have your entire jungle up for you to farm and slingshot your lead over your opponent.


2. Predictability opens up opportunity

Since as long as strategy has existed in League of Legends, one of the most utilized tactics has been playing the opposite side of the map. Any time that you can safely predict that the enemy team or jungler will prioritize one half of the map and you know you can't contest or you are at a disadvantage you can simply look to make a play on the opposite side of the map. Here are some potential things you can do if you know the enemy jungler will be on the other side of the map to take scuttle:

  • Counter-jungle
  • Secure Dragon or Rift Herald
  • Set up a tower dive
  • Group and push down a turret / threaten a dive

Almost every game now I buy a pink early and plop it down by dragon if the scuttler is spawning in the next 30 seconds or so on the top side of the map. I've been getting free dragons all day because everyone has such a hard on for getting crabs these days. Even if you cant get a major objective clearing out the entire enemy side of the jungle is usually just as good or even more impactful. Hell even just full clearing your own jungle can keep you up in levels and gold without taking any risks or fights you know that you'll lose. If you play the match-up smart it's easy to come out equal or even ahead while ceding every single scuttler that spawns.


3. Mid laners taking smite

This seems to be gaining popularity for some reason but I don't buy into it at all. If you see the enemy mid laner with smite you can safely assume they are going to try to cheese scuttle early or try to take them from you. Like I mentioned in point 1, you can simply farm other camps and easily keep up in EXP. Even if the enemy mid gets a bit of extra EXP they are sacrificing an entire summoner spell to do so, this is literally never going to be a good idea unless you play right into the hands of their cheesy strategy and waste your time trying to get scuttle early only to have it denied or get killed in a collapse. Blindly wandering into the enemy jungle with smite looking to take raptors can be really risky too, lots of mids don't have enough mobility to avoid being collapsed on and killed if your jungle entrance is warded (hello longer ward duration).

The trade-off is simply not worth it Vs. running a traditional combat summoner UNLESS you play right into their hands and allow yourself to be cheesed.That's pretty much the end of my rant, if you want to add some more feel free, If I like it I'll tack it on.


4. Using predictability to plan a safe route in bad match-ups

Riot's latest design philosophy seems to be pushing more aggressive early game pathing and promote conflicts and skirmishes, while it certainly sounds exciting more often than not one champion outmatches the other due to raw early game strength or certain skill match-ups/mechanics. People are arguing that it's hard to counter-gank and avoid the enemy jungler when you can't say for sure what their route will be, but I tend to disagree.

There is an almost near constant variable you can use to plan an unpredictable route, 95% of people will start with their bot lane. A route I particularly like in unfavorable match-ups is starting topside red buff -> wolves -> blue -> Scuttle and now you are level 3. From here you are free to:

  • Gank mid
  • Clear raptors / krugs
  • Gank bot

Also at any point during your clearing you are in a great spot to counter-gank. After you finish up simply recall and go to your topside jungle to clear it out. It's also worth noting if you know the enemy bot lane will shove early (hello Caitlyn) and/or your laners have nice CC set-up for you can gank bot with a very high success rate if you come from their own jungle. Most laners are accustomed to certain gank timers, almost no bot lanes account for a pre-4 minute gank and it can be very successful.

Here's a quick video showcasing the route - Here -


5. Remember that farming your own jungle still gives good exp

It can be better sometimes to just power farm your own jungle instead of potentially dying trying to contest scuttle or going for a risky invade. Just like how you should cede drakes and rift heralds if you are weak on that side of the map you should not try to go for scuttle if you are way behind. The best thing you can do is just try to maximize your farming efficiency in your own jungle so you can get strong enough to eventually fight back at the right time.

I've been watching a few challenger replays and I've seen games where junglers just completely ignore scuttles and power farm and end up completely taking over the game later. It's about patience, knowing your champions limits and when you can use them to their fullest. Don't go suicide into their jungler because omg scuttle so wtf rito. Play smart and use your brain.


That's pretty much the end of my rant, if you want to add some more feel free, If I like it I'll tack it on.

Edit: Ok so I see a lot of people posting about if you just blind counter-jungle every game you'll get caught and die and that the original ideology I posted is flawed, I absolutely agree that blindly invading is bad habit but that's not the point I'm trying to get across. I'm just trying to tell you to think a little about what your enemy wants to do and play accordingly. Having a rigid unchanging route is the opposite of what I'm suggesting.

submitted by /u/sGvDaemon
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This Vi Art I found in Heidelberg, Germany

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:13 AM PDT

Why Irelia face in MSI Champion Select is so big?

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:30 AM PDT


It doesnt fit to other champion's size :c

submitted by /u/Karlosinio
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I just want to take a second to appreciate the new ARAM changes that are incoming.

Posted: 18 May 2018 11:33 AM PDT

I'm pretty late since the news was posted over a day ago, but I'm just really stoked for all these QOL improvements coming to ARAM. Each change just feels like it will have a huge impact and make the games more fair / fun.

For those who don't want to read it, here some of the best improvements:

-All rerolled champions get put into a bench, and then your team can swap for them. I especially like this as it will make the games more fair because you have more chances to round-out your team composition. No longer will we have to just accept 4 ADC + Zed vs Rammus / Mundo / Malphite.

-If you own all champs, you earn 1 reroll per game you play. Again, this just feels better and allows for better team comps on both sides. Also can get "S" rank easier in ARAM now so more keys/cubes yay

-Start with 662 experience. Sometimes it just feels like you're stuck at level 3 for so long, so this early level 4 boost seems beautiful.

-Gated base. There are 4 types of people who start ARAM. Those who buy and rush to bush to facecheck, those who stay by tower and ping ping ping ping, those who stay in base and are having a reaaaallly hard time figuring out what to buy, and those who afk.

Now if 2 people are rushers and the enemy team has 3-5 waiting in the bush, it's almost ALWAYS a dumb 1st blood.

-Warmog's removed and Dark Harvest nerfed. Thank you.

-Healing Relics now heal everything in a large circle, just like Redemption. Important to note this heals EVERYTHING in the circle, so it will be a fiesta mid-game when everyone groups inside to heal.

-The sexy new items

1) Boots that grant Kayn E (walk through walls, but only if you're melee).

2) AD/Lethality weapon: Mark your spot your standing at. Now rush into the enemy and fight and then eventually your teleported back to your marked location. Xin Zhao bout to pop off.

3) AP/Magic Pen item: Grants a shield when you land an ability? idk I don't really understand this one completely because doesn't clarify if it's like Janna shield or Sivir Shield or just AP shield.

A few other small improvements like earlier /FF.

I'm a happy camper

submitted by /u/kruton93
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Remember that 18 months ago Caps, Broxah and Bwipo weren't even in the LCS

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:38 AM PDT

Fnatic can only get better from here. They didnt get to MSI with a team full of veterans so despite the loss this can actually be valuable experience. Let's see what happens at Worlds with both Soaz in his top form and Bwipo with more stage time.

submitted by /u/Mariodejaneiro
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I hope Riot brings back the GP announcer pack when Pyke comes out since there's going to be a lot of Bilgewater themed items when he gets released.

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:03 AM PDT

I hope Riot brings back the GP announcer pack when Pyke comes out, since he is going to be released alongside new Bilgewater champion related emotes and Bilgewater inspired skins.

I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to bring back such a great announcer pack, seeing that they are experimenting with them (caster announcer packs) and trying to see how much the community likes or dislikes them. What do you guys think?

Edit: This is how it sounds like just in case anyone needs a refresher or was not around when it was released.

It also came with awesome music!

submitted by /u/chilicheesefriesx
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5/18 PBE Update: Pyke Emote Tweaks & More Tentative Balance Changes

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:56 PM PDT

G2 Wadid: "Bard and Sona don't need buff on skills, just need some diet xD"

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:58 AM PDT

If Bard and Sona's hitbox is same as Karma, they can be meta/1tier picks for sure.

They don't need buff on skills, just need some diet xD


alright we found a solution for 2 champs to be viable , they just need to do a diet and that's about it ...

submitted by /u/Darkoplax
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The Best Duo to Never Win: GorillA -- "PraY is like an older brother to me. I can follow and trust him. I would say… he’s [kind of] my idol."

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:03 AM PDT

RNG triple TP vs Fnatic

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:45 AM PDT

If Steraks is changed to give bonus AD instead of Base AD, every single AD assassin is going to build it every single game.

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:57 PM PDT

Now Riot, I want you to think carefully about this. Do we really want champs like Zed, Kha'zix, Talon, and Rengar all building Steraks from now on? I'll also note that you've made it good on Master Yi again since you changed his E to scale off bonus AD, and it also stands to be bonkers on champs like Riven, Kled, Vi, Lee Sin, Jarvan, Kayn, Rek'sai, and Pantheon given their insanely high bonus AD ratios. I know you want to lower the Triforce-Steraks synergy on champs like Jax, Irelia, GP, and Camille, but think very carefully about how you do that; Making the item OP on a bunch of AD burst champs might make things worse.

submitted by /u/DarthLeon2
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[KR Reactions] RNG vs FNC: "Singed looked like Messi dribbling through defenders!"

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:35 AM PDT

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