Grand Theft Auto V - Nightclubs Rumored For Next GTA Online DLC

Nightclubs Rumored For Next GTA Online DLC

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:03 PM PDT

A Lazer in the fog

Posted: 27 May 2018 11:30 PM PDT


Posted: 27 May 2018 01:25 PM PDT

Customer Support Lying

Posted: 28 May 2018 01:45 AM PDT

This is a pretty small problem, but it's kind of annoying so I want to get a little advice on what to do.

I bought a Great White Shark Card (I know, I'm a bastard and probably deserve this shit) sometime last week. There was a deal where you got a rebate of $1,250,000 in-game dollars if you buy a shark card or above. Anyway straight away there were problems, the money never went through and a couple of days later I had to put in a request to the online customer support so that I could get it. I had to make a really annoying video involving turning on the PlayStation, navigating your way through the menu to show your transaction history for them. That part was a bit of a bitch just to get something I already payed for. Anyway, I deal with the first member of customer support, his name was Ben. So Ben's pretty great, he sorts out my problem with little input for me beyond the annoying video. Now a key moment comes. I really wish I had taken screenshots of this because then I wouldn't have to do this bullshit.

So Ben tells me that he has added $2,500,000 dollars to my GTA account and that I am eligible for the rebate. I think this is sweet and I am no longer that pissed off at jumping through a few hoops to get what I payed for, seeing as I got a little extra. The rebate is supposed to come a few days later, and so I wait.

Today is a few days later:

I have yet to receive my rebate, so I take it to customer support. After all, if I never got clocked buying the shark card then I'd imagine I wouldn't be in the computer system for the rebate. I get onto a member named Leann. She tells me that upon further inspection the initial money and the rebate were added to my account for $2,500,000. I reply that there must be some confusion and to reference the chat, Ben told me I was eligible for the rebate.

Now we have the real problem. Leann tells me that is not the case and that Ben informed me that the $2,500,000 was inclusive of the rebate. Which I' pretty certain isn't the case but I'm willing to accept I am mistaken. I ask for her to copy and paste the message Ben had sent me in relation to the money being added to my account. This is the message she sent me:

"Sure, here is the message from our agent: Sorry for the wait. We have managed to verify your Shark Card purchase and we have provided you with GTA$ 2,500,000 for the Shark Card as well as the Rebate you were eligible for . "

Copied and pasted exactly according the her. Though I know for sure that Ben never used the words "rebate you WERE eligible for." I know this for a fact because I read the message aloud to my friends when I first received to it to get a second opinion on whether or not I was getting more money. We're all native English speakers, we all would've understood that I was no longer eligible for the rebate had Ben sent me that. But he hadn't.

There's other things to indicate her lying. Like the fact rebate has a capital R in the middle of the sentence. The space before the full-stop. Ben's English was spot on. Leann's wasn't at all. Any time I accused her of lying she would deny it and try redirect my attention elsewhere.

I then get put onto another member called Chris.

Chris just tells me that I have already received the rebate while never really confirming what Ben said. He then tells me there's nothing he can do seeing as the rebate was already given. There's a fair bit more talking but he just kinda repeats what Leann was saying. I leave the customer chat having not been helped at all.

I have screenshots of my conversation with Leann and Chris but unfortunately I didn't think to get any with Ben seeing as he was so helpful. I really wish I had. At this point I really don't care about the money anyway. It's just really infuriated me that I've been straight up lied to. Ben might have made a mistake telling me I was due extra, but that's what I was told.

If anyone has any advice feel free to let me know. Apart from that I just want a bit of attention brought this way. Take screenshots when dealing with customer support

submitted by /u/VoodooVedal
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GTAV characters: live conference panel from MCM London. (QnA)

Posted: 27 May 2018 08:35 AM PDT

Mod problem

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:06 AM PDT

Hi, i'm trying to replace a weapon...i follow all the read me of the weapons i tried. Nothing work. But the skin of the player and normal mod work. Only the replace of the weapons doesn't work. I've tried to reinstall the game but it doesn't make effect. Can you help me please?

submitted by /u/SheldonWhite00
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[PC] GTAV download on sale $19.79 @gamestop (US addresses only)

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:45 PM PDT

I guess I was using the right vehicle

Posted: 27 May 2018 03:26 PM PDT

Doomsday hieist

Posted: 27 May 2018 10:20 PM PDT

I just bought a facility and I need people to get those completed. If I get 3 more people I will share 20% to each and if its two then 30%

submitted by /u/darklightin
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Albany Buccaneer Custom '65 in worn green

Posted: 27 May 2018 02:34 PM PDT

[serious] is GTA V worth the trouble getting back into it when all I want to do is to play the campaign mode?

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:24 PM PDT

I had tried to do the online game but the load times are just ridiculous. I really can't be bothered waiting for load screens to go away.

I found campaign mode to be extremely enjoyable, although far too short, and the game is just fantastically gorgeous, it's everything I wanted from an GTA game, I just don't need the online part. I don't know anyone, I have no friends to play with. I don't really care to play online content. I enjoy games on my own terms.

/GTA IV was one of the most fantastic games I've ever played.

submitted by /u/TalkingBackAgain
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[PS4] Need 3 for Doomsday heist

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:46 PM PDT

One more setup and then heist time!

submitted by /u/ohohohLongJohnson
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By accident or design the mayhem is always live on GTA.

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:37 PM PDT

Just want to make 2 points here.

Posted: 27 May 2018 03:45 PM PDT

  1. Rockstar isn't the only one to blame for GTA ONLINE. You guys act like it's rockstar and only rockstar that's greedy and hates the player and loves shark cards and are purposely making the game not fun so you buy them. No. It's mostly take two. Did you just forget about them. They're the publisher. The ones that make the shark cards. The ones that force the microtransactions. The same with how Activison forced Treyarch to put in a black market and supply drops and cod points into Bo3.

Also may I reminded you that Take Twos CEO literally Said "We've said that we aim to have recurrent consumer spending opportunities for every title that we put out at this company. It may not always be an online model, it probably won't always be a virtual currency model, but there will be some ability to engage in an ongoing basis with our titles after release across the board,". He wants microtransactions in every game. He thinks it's the way of the future. He also said he thinks they are "under monetizing it's users".

So please tell me how this is all of rockstars Fault. It's mostly take two.

  1. Single player dlc. The game story was finished. It was comeplete so it didn't need dlc. I remeber everyone being like dlc is greedy, dlc should go away yet people want paid dlc.

I just wanted to make these two points. I can't defend Rockstar for some of their atrocious online dlcs and all of those copy and past crate dlcs and how they put nothing in single player. Also their terrible loading screens. But I did think that they aren't solely to blame for shark cards.

submitted by /u/Dlc5isreal3
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What is going on rockstar?

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:32 PM PDT

I tried to get the free albany hermes on christmas, it would not let me so I waited till now and they charge me 535,000 for it. I contacted rstar and they said they refunded me 535k on the 27th for the car. However, how could they refund me if I was not able to purchase the car in the first place? Basically im out 535,000 now.

submitted by /u/Brooklyn8828
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Tezeract Turbo

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:19 PM PDT

Can the tezeract get turbo tuning

submitted by /u/Brendeath77
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Best Way To Grind

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:46 AM PDT

want everyones opinion. i've just got back into gta v on xbox one previously on xbox 360. i'm level 30 and trying to do heists solo is near impossible. i'm grinding the VIP missions (headhunter & sightseeing) because i don't have to wait for loading screens and founs that i was making around the same doing advesary mode games. what's the best grind?

submitted by /u/ScariestFish
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Don’t want to get banned again for having mods installed.

Posted: 27 May 2018 02:26 PM PDT

So before I got banned for having mods installed. I only used them in story mode and had no intention to use them online. Anyway, I got banned. That was on the steam version. Recently I bought another copy on the rockstar social club version with a new account and I just want to know what all I have to delete to make sure I don't get banned. I bought it to play with my friends on PC and don't want to have to buy it again.

submitted by /u/xXMrEmeraldXx
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My best ever heavy sniper shot in GTA 5!

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:27 AM PDT

gta online Hotring races

Posted: 27 May 2018 02:24 PM PDT

Question: Can I do loyalty / criminal mastermind challenges more than once for doomsday?

Posted: 27 May 2018 06:30 AM PDT

Hard to explain in title, but for doomsday, there's Loyalty II, III, IV and criminal master mind II, III, IV. If I do the II challenge am I still able to do the III / IV challenges?

submitted by /u/ShitLordOfRick
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I raced a Boeing 737 against supercars...

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:50 AM PDT

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