DayZ - Making It Count

Making It Count

Posted: 28 May 2018 02:08 AM PDT

Control + R reload will be removed

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:11 AM PDT

[Concept] Increase kidnapping experience and more!

Posted: 27 May 2018 03:37 PM PDT

First of all, I don't know if this can be possible to add but I wanted to share it with the community anyway. I have not found this suggestion before so I decided to posted it, my english is not too good, sorry if you find some mistakes.

My suggestion is about increase kidnapping experience and more... in the future passengers be able to shoot from inside of a vehicle, but what about if we even could force players to put them in the trunk of the car with a burlap sack on their heads and hands tied?


As I said, it is to increase kidnapping experience so you can use it to move a kidnapped player further away and kill him in a lost place like mafia, or just bring him with your team if they are looking for him or bring it to your secret base (to talk or execute him), he won't know where is him exactly and will feel lost. It also could serve to increase person capacity cars adding an extra slot, friends will discuss about who have to be in the trunk this time if they do not fit in the seats, it could be fun. The restriction would be If there is a player in the trunk it would take slots from the inventory of the car reducing the capacity.


This is the basic idea but we can keep improving it and increasing the experience with the next ones:


1. A kidnaped player in the trunk (with a sack in his head and tied hands) would be nice if he could break the handcuffs while he is inside, if he do it, he will has access to his inventory and he be able to remove the sack from his head, after this he also will has access to the inventory of the car.


To open the trunk and escape there would be 4 options:


  • With a lockpick you could open it silently and jump off, maybe if you have skill you can open it easily and if you don't it will take more time and you can break the lockpick and passengers could hear it if they are careful. If a player jump off with the car in motion it will hurt him so you can wait until best moment to do it, when it go slow, so you will have to listen the car engine to know the best moment (another option would be if devs add a check outside option where you can open the trunk a bit, for example)

  • With something like a knife or screwdriver, but passengers be able to hear it while you are opening it if they are careful (it also can depend on the skill of player)

  • If you don't have any object you can kick (for example) the trunk from inside until you break it then you be able to open it, this will be easily heard by the passengers but if they are in danger (people shooting the car) they won't stop and leave the car to kill you.

  • If last suggestions are not possible to add in game the player just could open the trunk from inside with an option to do it without unlocking it first.


2. Car inventory: it could be divided in different parts like car's glove box, and the rest of places where you can deposit objects in a car, only passengers would have access to this inventory and not the kidnaped one. The aim of this is avoid that a passenger deposit a pistol in the car inventory and the kidnaped person could take it, a possible fix would be that you have to go out of the car and open the trunk to have access to this inventory.


3. Shoot from trunk: it will be possible shoot as a passenger from your seat, so would be nice if devs could extend this option to add shooting from trunk when it BE OPEN, this will have 2 uses:


  • If you are kidnaped inside of the trunk, you could break the handcuff and got a pistol (maybe took from here, being a lucky guy) you can surprise and kill the kidnapper when he opens the trunk.

  • To escape in the trunk car like films in the last moment while you are killing zombies and shooting enemies that try to kill you and your friends…

  • EDIT: If your group are in a car and you are in the trunk with them, then a enemy car start to chase your car, you can surprise then opening the trunk and shooting them, in this case, the guy in the trunk should be easy to incapacitate if the enemy car start crashing against them, so if the car also has an accident, the guy in the trunk should suffers a strong damage.


4.- Another use is if the driver of a car stop in a place and leave the car for some time, you can hide inside of the trunk, travel with the guy and wait there until he open the trunk to kill him or leave in the best moment, it can be useful to infiltrate in an enemy base for example, if he didn't notice you are there.


5.- I heard about dragging bodies in the future, would be nice if you could put the corpse in the trunk, there are servers with a list of wanted people and rewards if you hunt them, so this could be a way to bring them the corpses, you also can save the body of your dead friend and leave it in a graveyard… It would be exciting to open a trunk and find a corpse inside!


6.- Even you could use it to hide yourself from a horde of zombies or if there are a lot of them and you don't have a better place, hear them walking and moaning while you are waiting/trapped inside... I'm sure it would be very exciting.



7. Zombies be able to break the doors so would be nice to extend this option to the trunks and zombies could break it if they notice that you are inside, maybe if you are kicking it from inside and doing a lot of noise, the aim is avoid that players can use the trunk to save their lifes like when you close the door in a house


8. Other use about this mechanic would be drag an unconscious / incapacitated teammate and put him there in an emergency situation to drive him to a hospital / safer location for example.


This concept has a wide variety of uses like I mentioned, not kidnapping only, much more! I think it would improve the experience in DayZ making it a bit more exciting, I hope you like the concept but maybe it's a bit hard to develop anyway I will leave all ideas here about this, maybe modders will be interested at the future. What do you think?


submitted by /u/X1S0ld13R1X
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0.63 Question

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:33 AM PDT

If i put a object like beanz, ammo or guns on the ground will they stay persistent after a server restart for instance?

submitted by /u/H0163R
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A FIX For The Mis-aligned Weapon BUG

Posted: 28 May 2018 07:23 AM PDT

The bug I am describing is shown in this video:

The fix for it is: Raise your hands and aim towards your feet(with your gun).


submitted by /u/yasen400
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What's the best roleplaying server?

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:36 AM PDT

Hi guys, I roleplayed a long time ago on DayZ and I was looking to get back into it. But I don't know which communities are worth joining. So I was hoping to find some fellow roleplayers here who could guide me in the right direction. Thanks.

submitted by /u/cookedfeces
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Street names/house numbers in Chernarus

Posted: 27 May 2018 06:53 PM PDT

I'm not the first one to think of adding addresses to the game, but with the new engine and all, wouldn't it be a good time to implement this? Zombie madness or not, streets usually have a name, and few houses are in so bad condition that the house numbers should be gone.

submitted by /u/knooters
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Saw this about ArmA 3, Considering in Dayz and ArmA 2 you also sink into the ground is this issue fixed in SA?

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:00 AM PDT

Anyone on 0.63 got smersh vest / backpack set ?

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:02 PM PDT

at the moment the vests are 14kg for plate carrier without attachment, 14 kg for police vest, 5kg for knife vest, 2kg for the boring military vest, 2kg for the high capacity vest (which is almost the same capacity as the military one?)

im curious as to the weight of the smersh set and how many slots it actually has.

submitted by /u/I3IG_N0sE
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Is there any good cloud gaming offers for dayz cause I got a second laptop laying around.

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:23 AM PDT

I know about nvidia now but it's beta...

submitted by /u/AtroopAT8
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DayZ in a Nutshell... + Two Important Rules to Remember!

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:17 PM PDT

Red gun in your hotbar

Posted: 27 May 2018 11:57 AM PDT

Means you dont have a space for that item in your inventory.

submitted by /u/BazimQQ
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bad_module_info has stopped working

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:34 PM PDT

Anyone else getting this error? I can't even launch the game anymore. Error occurs during loading before title screen. Name a fix, and I've tried it. Beyond frustrated.

Win10 / stable branch / R9 Fury X gpu / i7 4770k

submitted by /u/-Samg381-
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Sea Chest question

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:05 PM PDT

I haven't played any of the stress tests yet so i was curious, do the sea chests spawn in specific locations like the barrels and are barrels still only found in sheds and rail cars?

submitted by /u/Viceroy_Cherno
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{NA} Hey guys I need some People to play with I got almost 1500 hours so I for sure know what I’m doing, thanks

Posted: 27 May 2018 07:00 PM PDT

Just looking for some guys to play with. I'm on almost everyday and I'll be on all night

submitted by /u/DwaiTheGuy
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How to adjust FOV and follow target? (Camera mode in Community Offline Mode)

Posted: 27 May 2018 02:45 PM PDT

I can't seem to get these settings to work at all. I can change speed, raise and lower camera with its respective keys but I can't get FOV adjustment to work in camera mode, neither target object and follow or orbital view.

Right mouse button + mouse drag just keeps the camera looking around and my character in raised stance.

I may be doing wrong, any hints?

Edit: I'll throw the link in just in case:

submitted by /u/cellander
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A Little Bit of KARMA

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:31 AM PDT

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