ArcheAge Trion plz Mondays (May 28, 2018) - Give feedback, suggestions, and conflictions to Trion!

Trion plz Mondays (May 28, 2018) - Give feedback, suggestions, and conflictions to Trion!

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:05 AM PDT

Welcome to /r/ArcheAge's Trion plz Mondays scheduled sticky discussion thread!

Testing a minor bug on the Public Test Server (PTS)? Or is it the hatred of a certain skillset, or a certain trade route you wish was valued higher, or maybe it's the mount normalization you are so displeased of; You name it! Send in your feedback and suggestions so that Trion employees can overlook and review the public opinion on!

This thread does not guarantee any personal response by Trion themselves, but instead focuses on all suggestions into one weekly thread for them to glance and possibly review on.

To look back at previous suggestions and feedback, click here!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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How the price of fertilizer pack from specialty buyer works?

Posted: 27 May 2018 08:19 PM PDT

Title. Need to know to increase the price, cause trading 114% demand is sad ='(

submitted by /u/anakiim
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Epherium L flame set

Posted: 28 May 2018 03:09 AM PDT

Still up for a sale, eu ezi, full divine, no crystalized parts, no gems. 9k gold

submitted by /u/Lifru
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[FS Nui] Outnumbered Karkasse PvP

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:41 PM PDT

ArchAge anticheat

Posted: 27 May 2018 03:01 PM PDT

Is the game still using rootkits for anticheat? I wanna try it again but the effort it took to f**k hackshield off was enough to kill the whole experience for me.

submitted by /u/Sinistr_
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DW offhand, what should I be after?

Posted: 27 May 2018 02:26 PM PDT

As a executioner what should I be going for in terms of the offhand? I currently have Divine Ayanad SS as main, Divine T3 Obsidian Sword as offhand.

Will the sword be fine as long as I get it to Epic? Or would I need to take it to legendary before its worth going to t6?

submitted by /u/quicktdyquestion
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Serializer Size Mismatch CryEngine won't work

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:11 AM PDT

Trying to start playing ArcheAge but everytime I start it up, I will sometimes go through the start up screen and then it freezes and I get an error message and it crashes . Already tried reinstalling twice, another time via steam instead which just sent me back to glyph anyways. Already tried system.cfg and changed the screen resolution size using notepad. First time installing windows couldn't locate the bin32 file. 2nd time serializer mismatch error and it won't let me load and crashes. 3rd time after uninstall and reinstall via steam this time, 13GB from steam, another 13GB from glyph, and serializer mismatch error. Very Frustrating and a major source of data waste, along with 3 1/2 hours every install.

submitted by /u/Martlon1
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Sell eph leather flame set

Posted: 27 May 2018 10:16 AM PDT

Full divine no crystalized parts, no gems. 9k gold I know it is not the place to write it, sorry, just want to sell faster

submitted by /u/Lifru
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Any public armorsmith house on FS west?

Posted: 27 May 2018 05:00 AM PDT

Trying to craft epherium :( Or is there any guild that is willing to accept my noobie ass HAHA im currently a 2.7k EP executioner.

submitted by /u/Raydioactiv3
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Most efficient way to use my 30 days farm cart?

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:42 AM PDT

Today I got my 8x8 farm and in the next hour I'll be getting the 30 day farm cart. What's the most efficient route for making gold? Back in 2015 Aranzeb I was putting my packs in Halcyona then wait for peace time then hellswamp/gwenoid. But what about now?

submitted by /u/noodlepotato
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