True Dota 2 - Post your Aghanim's Scepter Ideas - Arc Warden

Post your Aghanim's Scepter Ideas - Arc Warden

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:59 AM PDT

Hey /r/TrueDota2,

I felt it'd be nice to start up this for people to come up with potential Aghs upgrades to the heroes who don't have upgrades currently. I know these have been done in the past, but it's been a while (I think) so here it is.

We will start at the beginning of the alphabet with Arc Warden.

My Idea: During Tempest Double, if your original self dies, your double becomes your original body. Your Tempest Double becomes visually identical to yourself to enemy heroes. (Your double still functions exactly like before; the switch only occurs upon death of the original, upon which they will be awarded kill credit as if they killed a double)

Purpose: The idea behind this is to offer Arc another form of survivability/elusiveness while maintaining some flavor behind a "perfect duplication" of himself. Allows for some illusion-type outplays and gives him a pretty good method of protecting himself.

What do you think? What other aghs ideas do you have for the hero?

Have fun!

submitted by /u/Blehified
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Dota Plus Relic On Illusion Heroes

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:32 PM PDT

I wanted to buy random relics on Phantom Lancer, but I am worried that the relics effect will show my real PL in fights... has anyone bought relic for PL? has it been fixed? or is it still not safe to buy them just yet??? Help... I don't want to pay to lose :D

submitted by /u/Iroha-
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Has anyone figured out how the new rank system works?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:05 AM PDT

For example, I just reached Divine 0 and got 4807 solo mmr. I've been at this mmr before bit didnt get Divine 0 that time.

submitted by /u/Stawlsajmon
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Stream Watcher - Icon to Right of Talents?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:56 AM PDT

On the hero selection there was an icon added to the right of the talent tree icon that looks like an ankh ward wand thingy. What is it for?

submitted by /u/Nersius
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Good place to learn how to play mid?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:04 PM PDT

So I am a purely a support player and have only played support 4/5 last 4 years but recently my friends started playing and I play mid most of the times, the games so far I always get rekt and I'm Divine 1 so I am fighting vs experienced players, I used to learn support from watching replays of PPD and watching his videos but I was wondering if there is a similar channel but for mid, I also like to know what mid heroes are some good picks right now

submitted by /u/InterestingUsual
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How can I capatilise on a good offlane?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:44 PM PDT

Bascially title. I'm learning offlaners like brew and beast master, I seem to do very well in my lane but then I look at my team and we just have nothing and lose every fight. No matter how well I shut down the enemy carry 20 minutes later they have more farm then my safelaner and mid combined.

What can I do?

submitted by /u/TheExplodingKitten
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