True Dota 2 - Best use of time as a support in the early game

Best use of time as a support in the early game

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 09:54 AM PDT

I play support almost always and the current patch has felt kind of weird for the early game to me. Lately my games have gone something like this:

First pick a laning support such as WD, go safelane with my carry, secure 1-2 bounty runes, and then once first creep wave is meeting either 1. set up for a level 1 kill on the offlaner if we have a 2nd support and carry with good kill potential or 2. zone the offlane for the first few waves and secure the lane for the carry after which time i feel pretty comfortable leaving them and going to either pull or roam a bit

But that's where things get a little murky... mid is much harder to gank now with the towers having been moved closer together. If our offlane happens to be having a good game and they are keeping up with enemy carry in levels, they do not want me coming around to sap XP. So the options are...

...attempt a gank on mid which is not guaranteed to succeed, and if it fails our midlaner will lose his shit about how we ruined his lane?

...Stay around our safelane, but can't really do anything there because if we fail a gank or disrupt the lane then carry will lose his shit about how we ruined his lane?

...Should this just be stacking/pulling/warding time and waiting for something to happen where we need to TP rotate?

submitted by /u/drumhax
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Clinkz players: how do I benefit my team?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:11 AM PDT

I feel like so much of my role is harassing the enemy offlaner/carry with Searing Arrows and getting last hits. Eventually they TP away and I get the tower, without having roamed.

But high level players (of which I am assuredly not) are roaming and getting easy kills like it's no thing.

I wanna cause the same amount of chaos and then kill buildings, but early Clinkz feels weak both damage (his right click, that is) and HP-wise.

What do you skill first, and what items do you build to benefit your team's laning stage?

I want to disrupt the enemy and create space for my team but I seem to fall flat in recognizing power spikes. I can shred towers mid to late game but hey, so can everyone else.

Thanks guys

submitted by /u/Caffeinated_Thesis
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Last pick Broodmother during VP vs VG, why was it obvious?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:33 AM PDT

The draft went like this :

Bans Bans
Dark Willow
Picks Picks
Death Prophet
Ancient Apparition
Outworld Devourer
Bans Bans
Nyx Assassin
Picks Picks
Elder Titan
Sand King
Bans Bans
Faceless Void
Picks Picks

According to multiple sources, Russian panel saw it after VG's third pick, twitch chat was spamming it, Burning saw it coming. Well, everyone saw it coming.

I just don't understand why.

After VG's third pick you have Bane, OD and ET on VG's side and DP, AA and SK on VP's side. I understand that none of VG's heroes are good against Brood (no AoE spells except the stomp which is too slow to be a threat but even that I'm not really sure because you can kill the spiders with your Astral Spirit and an AoE). But then they picked Bat (good AoE spells against spiderlings) and Weaver (Shukuchi) but they still picked Brood. I don't understandwhy. I think I just don't understand when Brood is a good pick and why she is good against some heroes.

So, why was it so obvious and when can you qualify a game as a good Brood game?

submitted by /u/MonsieurPi
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Techies and his problems

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:47 PM PDT

With techies not getting buffed for the last 5 patches since 7.07 it seems they has just been left there to rot and would like to address their problems in what they can do.


Proximity mines

By far the best spell for wave clearing and farming ingame but falls flat on it's face when it comes to doing anything else, due to the BEEP sound.

It does well in with a status trap in a up cliff area and the fog of war but for anything else it's just a free 25+ gold pickup.

it does well with any teammate with a long disable that fit the 3.7 seconds for a mine to arm but that's kinda it.

The suggestions I would make towards proximity mines would be:

  • Removing the beep sound
  • Changing the damage to physical and readjust the damage and arm time
  • remove the +25 gold part of it for it's very simple to kill
  • change the cooldown from 12 seconds to 16/14/12/10 and the change the manacost from 110/130/150/170 to 100/130/160/190

Status trap:

Leave it

blast off:

One of the best early game spells in the game but the worst in the mid to late game for it's low damage and 50% Health removal upon use.

Amazing for ganking and getting kills and that's it nothing else to say for it.

But on the negative side of the spell's values it's one of the most inconsistent spells in the game for it can be cancelled with any spells that forces movement: pudge's dismember, Rubick's levitate and lion's earth spike are great examples to why this spell feels a bit underwhelming.

It takes 1 second of cast time to activate and 0.9 seconds to land on the targeted location.

I think it would do better if:

  • the damage was physical and change from 300/400/500/600 to 400/500/650/800 and the cooldown increased from 35 seconds to 70/60/50/40 seconds and takes 65% of your hp pool instead of 50%

  • It has ssd (Suicide squad attack) but the cooldown is increased to 100/90/85/80 and does 500/600/750/900 physical damage, the cast range is 100 and going beyond it uses blast off (I'd bet they'd find a way for it work) [it doesn't use the 50% respawn timer bs)

  • Once blast off is used you become invulnerable to stuns, position changing abilities until landing but you're still able to be damaged.

Minefield sign

Remove the aghs upgrade and revert it to it's previous changes but give it 3 charges for better mind games.

The problem with aghs minefield sign is that it punishes people who don't understand the game very well and people who don't understand techies, which causes games to go on for so long as they do with techies (aside from it being the player's fault not techies).

Remote mines

The thing that makes techies still techies despite their whole kit being changed this one still shines but it's gotten nerfed quite a bit.

The Quelling blade nerf is still in place and this is quite annoying due to making it easy for enemies with more than the average player's idea about what techies is to just delete them.

0.25 activation time should be removed even if it's for preventing cheaters from using techies (expect that's a piss poor reason to begin with).

Remotes mines should explode upon being destroyed and shouldn't grant gold (it just shouldn't)

Is there anything to change with remotes aside from that?

The answer is no.

Talent tree Level 10:

-4 seconds on proximity mines or 30% Experience Gain

Any one with the right mind chooses 30% due to it being the best choice and -4s on proxys being awful for techies having a already low mana pool and games not lasting very long (even if the average length of techies games range are 5+ minutes more than any other game)

That's why I'm suggesting something very controversial to people that they may hate

the choices being

Land mines or 35% experience gain

Not 6.84 land mines nor 6.85 but 6.83 land mines to be exact.

I feel this would be fair but you can disagree.


Level 15:

+4 mana regen or 300+ blast off damage

It speaks for itself in which the mana regen talent is way too good to not have for not having it means you can't plant as many mines and keep your manapool steady.

What I would suggest is:

+4.5 mana regen or 40% less respawn time on blast off suicide


Level 20:

+150 gold per minute or 75+ movement speed

+150 gold is situational but 75+ is a much greater pick up due to techies' already amazing farming capabilities.

Techies needs mobility a lot more than you think to across the map quicker to plant mines everywhere on the map.

It's hard to say what would be best but

15% cooldown reduction or 85+ movement speed


Level 25:

+25 movement speed to mines or +251 damage

+25 movement speed on mines is a fucking joke and quite literally worthless compared to +251 damage and even if you say otherwise it doesn't even compare, they're like snails and can be avoided with ease.

So what if proximity mines can 1 shot people because by then people would of brought bkb, magic resistance etc and then what are you gonna do?

+251 damage basically means a free rapier and does quite well in pushing towers.

I would suggest:

Status trap now stuns or 275+ damage + 100 range

2 choices people can get behind (or not)

aside from the talent tree suggestions feeling a bit cherry picked I feel these would work well and wouldn't make techies into a 6.84 replica and cause another rework to come.

Criticism is obliged

submitted by /u/shotgiy12
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My way of playing Riki (Position 4 Support)

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:41 AM PDT

The link above is a replay commentary. I talk about what I do or should have done, and decision making at every stage of the game. I am currently sitting at Divine 4, so if you're sitting anywhere below, this video may help you in learning how Divine players support.

After they tweaked Riki's ultimate from the recent patch, I think Riki is now much stronger at ganking, and definitely matters more in mid game. His ultimate deals fuck tons of damage that once Riki picks up Diffusal Blade, he becomes a serious killing machine.

Skill Build

I personally prefer mastering Cloak and Dagger. You right click harder, and you can juke better. At level 6, my skill build looks like this: 1-1-3-1

After that, you'll mostly likely want to master Smoke Screen. I have seen some others going for the Blink Strike. Either can be right. You can be fleixble here and there depending on your game.

Item Build

Start with one set of tango and Orb of Venom. Then, you should grab Brown Boots asap. Generally, it is either upgraded into Tranquil or Phase; Tranquil is for the better sustain, Phase for hitting harder and moving faster. Choose whatever that works out the best for you. I even recommend staying in Brown Boots and rush Diffusal Blade. That's where Riki powerspikes as a position 4 support. In my game linked above, I rushed Bottle (which can be skipped if you don't see any value in it), and Brown Boots, and got Diffusal Blade right away.

In late game, there are several options. Anything that boosts up your DPS will work. Skull Basher, MKB, SnY, Nullfier, Daedalus, etc. It is all situational, and you should be the one making the right decision to get the right items to win. If you need utility items, Lotus Orb, Eul, Atos, or Vladmir can be your option.

Game Play

In early game, you'll find it very difficult to kill anyone solo. In that aspect, Riki is clearly worse than Bounty Hunter. Riki needs a meticulous set up from his allies to make the kill happen. Therefore, if you find yourself not making any kill, don't worry about it, that happens a lot; you should find something else to do to contribute in game. That includes: providing aggressive vision to your allies, sapping enemy's bounty runes, forcing enemy to purchase sentries and dust, and gather information around the map. All these plays are rather abstract in concept, and hard to comprehend if you are below ~4k MMR. My advice is, try to survive the early game. Riki's early game still sucks in every avenue. Do not let your carry or midlaner get completely destroyed. Do not feed yourself. When Riki picks up Diffusal Blade (should be around minute 19), it is much easier for Riki to set up ganks. He is now a serious threat to the enemy. Here's your basic combo: Blink in -> Smoke Screen -> Diffusl Blade -> Ultimate. Boom. That Riki does A LOT of damage. You can now freely roam around the map, and start murdering everyone.


This is what I find most impactful in general situation.

Level 10: +8 Agility

Level 15: -7s Smoke Screen Cooldown

Level 20: +900 Blink Strike Cast Range

Level 25: Cloak and Dagger Doesn't Reveal

At level 15, consider taking the other talent (20% 1.5x Critical Strike), if you want to maximize your DPS. My 2cent is that Riki's Smoke Screen coolodwn reduction is too good to pass. This talent is 10/10. Smoke Screen is a dangerous CC that will work in any match up.

At level 20, I think you need to get +900 Blink Cast Range almost every game, because it is very useful in breaking enemy's Linkens. In my games, breaking the Linkens is crucial in winning team fights. This talent is also 10/10. If you disagree, that's fine. You'd rather want to maximize DPS. Take the other talent (+0.20 Backstab Multiplier).

At level 25, I think the other talent (+400 Tricks of the Trade AoE) is pure garbage.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Smurfers: How Much Harder Does The Game Get When You First Pick Core?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 12:24 AM PDT

I know and understand drafting is very important and you should ideally like to pick last so that you have the fewest counters.

However, I'd like to know your thoughts (and experiences) on what a game is like when you first pick your core hero (I am assuming for the purposes of this discussion that the smurfer plays core).

In theory, you should be able to still massively dominate the game, just exponentially because of potential counters and heros will be chosen that more resist your impact. However, with sufficient counter picks, you may find yourself with few options to snowball the game with and cannot solo carry the game by yourself without help.

This is compounded by the fact that early 5 man Dota is very prevailant so it seems like you are more reliant on people in this particular meta than others.

I do not know what the reality is but I'd like (if possible) the following questions to be answered:

1) At what MMR does this begin to significantly impact your capacity to dominate the game?

2) For first picking against weaker/less skilled opponents, does this change the way you approach the game?

3) How does this affect the way you would communicate with your teammates? Its very easy to convince people to listen to you when you're crushing but what about otherwise?

submitted by /u/Allison_Yates
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Is there any hero thats can deal 3520++ Magic damage in 4 sec?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:50 AM PDT

as title above i just talk with pal and he said no hero can burst dmg as much as willow in 4 sec...

is this true? my arguement go with OD ult but its seem too much restrict and unreliable

so any hero thats can deal potential [3520(bedlam)+660(SR+talent)] = 4180 m.damage in 4 sec? not include Bramble Maze yet

Skywrath seem close to do the same burst but his ult only do 2000 (600 from talent) and with 60%(15% talent) amp only deal 3200 may be with 1 or 2 bolt can deal the same

submitted by /u/knightxlll
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How to maintain pressure when at an advantage but unable to push high ground?

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 04:29 PM PDT

The issue I usually run into in my games is that while my team may get a strong early lead we more often than not fail to break highground and end up feeding a few kills and in a few cases throw the game. What I'm wondering is how do you keep up the pressure when farming up to get strong enough items to push? And when would be a good time to push?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Should I get bottle on qop?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:49 AM PDT

Usually I just use clarities and veil regen, but I've seen a lot of high level players buying a fairly late bottle after two null and wand. It doesn't seem to help her mana pool much, is it just for rune control?

submitted by /u/m00t13
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Dota mentalities and game progression

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:21 AM PDT

I was thinking last night single player games create barriers if you fail at them. You can't progress so (most of) the game forces you to get better at them or you will just repeat the same content over and over. If you compare them to multiplayer games like Dota you start to see that the game doesn't do that. The only 'progress' is winning therefore I'm going to pick out some mentalities which have affected me in the past and tell you never to have them if you want to actually enjoy the game.

  1. "It's not all about winning, just enjoy the game!" This is massively contradicting if you've played games all your life. Games have objectives and actually the only objective, unsurprisingly, is winning in Dota. Sure there are sub-objectives but the main one and the one which everyone cares about is winning.

  2. "Sorry, I'm just really bad!" I see a lot of people use it as an excuse for being out of position, starting a bad team fight or what have you but if you gave them a single player game I bet they would most likely fail a few times and just stop playing the game entirely. These type of players are probably worse than toxic players, they bring this kind of overly-relaxed blazay attitude to the game which doesn't help you progress. If you start slipping on CS, positioning and reacting to the enemy movements (3 things which I believe are the things which require fastest reactions in the game) then you will be massively reducing your chances of winning tenfold.

  3. Finally, the person who says "It's just a game". Okay, everyone plays games differently and are competitive in their own way and fair enough, this one person says it's just a game but just think about who you personally deal with games in general. I'm talking board games, single players, sports in general. How do you normally react when things go wrong? When I play a board game with family/friends and start losing I know I always get very grumpy and was renowned for just leaving before the game even finished. If you do these things in Dota, there's a chance that's because that's just how you roll and it's not bad. Your strength is that you're putting your all into the game and not holding back.

TL; DR: Anyway, I'm not a psychologist but it's just some observations over the years.

submitted by /u/normyp
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