Legion TD 2 v2.10 Patch Notes

v2.10 Patch Notes

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:59 PM PDT


Season 1 ends April 9th!
On April 9th at noon PST, rating changes will temporarily turn off, season reward badges will be given out, and ratings will be soft-reset (everyone will move closer to 1200).

Big sale and marketing push on April 19th!
On April 19th, Legion TD 2 will be 50% off and featured on the front page of Steam for one day. If you have a friend who's on the fence about the game, now's the chance for them to play! We're also working with some big influencers to help promote the game around this time.

2v2 continues!
After a lot of evaluation, we're excited to keep 2v2 as the primary game mode for Legion TD 2. We know that this is a big change that may upset some of you, and we hope you understand that this decision was not made lightly. 2v2 is necessary for matchmaking to work. As the playerbase grows, we'll consider re-adding 4v4, but it's just not logistically possible right now. 4v4 will remain available in custom games.

If you care about Legion TD 2, we hope you can allow the game to grow and adapt gracefully, rather than try to undermine it.

A few of the other v2.00 changes led to some frustrations, and we heard your feedback. We're confident those changes were unrelated to 2v2 and are addressed this patch.

Right now, Curing is hard at work on a new and improved 2v2 map, which we plan to release this month!

v2.10 Patch Notes
To be deployed on Monday, April 9th

Game Interface Updates

NEW! Game Notifications v2.0
- Important game events now have their own notifications. This helps make it easier for players to know what's going on in the game.
- Pings when you clear or leak
- Pings when you or the other team leaks to king
- A variety of other notifications not listed here
- Fixed a variety of inconsistencies with notifications messages and sounds

NEW! Event History
- View a history of important events on the scoreboard

NEW! Mini Scoreboard
- Added a mini-scoreboard that displays your team's value, workers, and mercenaries for this wave. Now you don't have to spam TAB as often.

NEW! Recommended Fighters System
- Highlights recommended fighters based on damage/defense types
- Shows a bar that turns green if you're near recommended value and yellow or red if you're not
- Recommends whether you should build or not based on the recommended value
- You can disable this system in Options if you prefer
- Fixed a bug where recommended value wouldn't update properly

This system is primarily meant for new players and should be used as a guideline. You should not entirely rely on it to make decisions for you.

King HP Bars
- Now your team's lifebar is always green and the enemy's lifebar is always red
- Now shows the wave icon
- Improved King tooltips
- Clicking the King (or hotkeys, by default 4 and 5) now pans the camera with a single click (before you had to double click)

Fighters & Mercenaries
- Fighters and mercenaries are now grayed out if you can't afford them

Post-Game Builds
- You can now use up/down arrows to navigate between waves

Graphics & Sound Updates

Fighter Graphics
- Enabled ZWrite to improve appearance of units with overlapping shapes
- Fixed some glitches where transparent regions would appear white

Wave Sounds
- When receiving at least one 240+ mythium mercenary, the sound of the most expensive mercenary will play

Game Stability

Infinite Loading Bug
- Potentially fixed by relaxing some constraint on initial time sync
- Added more logging to see where the point of failure is if we get more logs

Matchmaking Updates

Infinite Matchmaking Queue Bug
- Added additional logging & failsafes
- If you encounter this bug still (where you are stuck in queue forever), please ping @Lisk in Discord

New Players
- Players are considered "new" if they have fewer than 10 games, instead of 20 (this prevents new players from dropping too low too quickly)

Duo Queue
- Rating penalty lowered slightly

Game Updates

Summoned Pets
- Fixed a bug where pets (Chaos Hound, Cerberus, Undead Dragon, Imp) wouldn't warp after clearing the wave

Play vs. AI
- Fixed a bug where bots would accidentally roll unusable Atlantean towers if they picked Mastermind

- No longer restrict themselves to one Honeyflower/Deathcap (This restriction was from a while ago when those auras did not stack)
- No longer restrict themselves to one Fire Elemental/Rogue Wave
- Improved fighter selections (Now uses Fighter Effectiveness system, which is used by the new Recommended Fighters system)
- Now try to avoid putting auras on the edges of the lane

Game Balance

Legion Spells

Giant Snail
- Snail health and attack multiplier: 2.5x -> 2.4x

- Gold: +280 -> +290

- There is now more gold in the ecosystem, which allows for more workers and results in fewer "starved" games

- Starting workers: 1 -> 2

More mythium to make aggressive plays early game and more income to survive mid-late game and push workers

Leak Bounty
- Leaking is now slightly less punishing
-- Bounty to the leaker increased moderately
-- Bounty to the opposing team increased slightly

One mistake early game is less likely to make you unable to recover

Example: You leak 2 Rockos
- How much gold you get: 11 -> 15
- How much gold the opposing team gets: 25 -> 27

- Judgment: Mana cost: 6 -> 5
- Giant Slayer: 5% max health -> 20% current health
- Health: 1800 scaling to 37100 -> 1700 -> 39700
- Damage: 50 scaling to 1030 -> 47 scaling to 1100
- Judgment: 70 scaling to 1442 -> 66 -> 1543

About even in power early game, stronger late game and against big leaks

- Bonus starting income: 2 -> 3


Sea Serpent
- Ambush: Unburrows 4.5 seconds after being aggro'd -> 5

- Ambush: Unburrows 4.5 seconds after being aggro'd -> 5

We recommended positioning Sea Serpent/Deepcoiler 6-7 squares ahead of your frontline tank


Fire Elemental
- Damage: 50 -> 48

- Damage: 88 -> 86


- Health: 730 -> 700

- Health: 1800 -> 1700

- Health: 1350 -> 1400
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 1.89 -> 1.79

- Health: 3000 -> 3300
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 2.94 -> 2.7

Nightmare and Doppelganger are balanced in Mastermind but too strong in Forsaken. Given their strong synergies with Dark Mage and Butcher/Head Chef, it's difficult to balance them for both Mastermind and Forsaken, so we're shifting some of their power to their health. Their identity is still overwhelmingly as DPS, and they remain the highest DPS-gold efficiency units in the game.

- Imp: Damage: 47 -> 45


- Health: 1360 -> 1400

- Health: 3700 -> 3800

Banana Bunk
- Health: 2860 -> 2880
- Damage: 78 -> 79


- Damage: 355 -> 360

Doomsday Machine
- Damage: 890 -> 900
- Health: 5900 -> 6000

- Tank mercenaries now spawn a bit earlier
- Ranged, DPS, and aura mercenaries now spawn a bit later


(10) Granddaddy
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 2.27 -> 2.22
- Gold to leaker: 80 -> 100
- Gold to opposing team: 60 -> 70

Making 10 less punishing and introducing more gold into the ecosystem

(18) Wale Chiefs
- Health: 3950 -> 4000

(19) Dire Toads
- Health: 4000 -> 4100

(20) Maccabeus
- Health: 67000 -> 70000

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