Learn Dota 2 - I just got to a long goal of mine to hit 4K. I was 550 MMR at one point. Wanted to share and also thank this sub in a small way.

I just got to a long goal of mine to hit 4K. I was 550 MMR at one point. Wanted to share and also thank this sub in a small way.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:47 PM PDT

As title says. I hit 4K for the first time ever today.

I was around 550 MMR or so back during TI6 season. Getting here was not easy and the lord knows was bad for my mental health. But I am here nonetheless.

This sub has helped me in many little ways especially in the beginning. I still remember my first post here back when I was 1400 MMR or so and had my first ever major MMR related fit after a string of bad games. I still remember how good I felt when people actually tried to offer help or advice for what was essentially a Rant post. It was from a different reddit account so you wont find it in my history.

Of the many little things that this sub has helped me with..I think one of the most significant in recent memory was me finding about Rawdota in another Rant post quite a few months ago..back then my rant post was something about not being able to hit 3K. Henry's youtube series Escaping the Trench is an amazing series to get atleast some insights into how a High MMR player wins games in the lower MMR brackets, whilst playing many different heroes. Shoutout to ma boi u/henry_rd. He infact PM'd me to offer me coaching back when he was not as famous in the Dota community as he is now. I still have to get that coaching session done.

I think the real big contributors to this sub are definitely the Higher MMR players. I mean the guys that are atleast 6K or more. Most other contributions are purely anecdotal I feel, and although helpful, might not be the most optimal. Whenever a higher MMR player has offered his advice on here its mostly been Gold. One of my favourite posters here is that dude with the SF flair. Another one has to be u/circis1.

Here is my Opendota Link.

It only shows my MMR from 1400 MMR onwards as that was when I started using Learndota2 and made my account public for third party sources to use.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

submitted by /u/__throwawayforever__
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I'm an Ancient [4] Player Looking to Teach Lower Ranked Players

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:10 PM PDT

What's up /r/learndota2. I am looking to offer my knowledge of DotA to other lower ranked players. My solo MMR is currently ~4500 and my part MMR is ~2500. If anyone is ranked at like Legend or lower I would like to party up so we can play some matches together and I can provide my thoughts on drafting and decision making during the match. I will start playing dota tonight around 10:30 EST.

I mainly play position 1, so I feel position 5 would the best position for my partner to play since these two positions lane together.

If you are interested in partying up, add me on steam. I am also going to stream these matches on twitch as a heads up. Here is my dotabuff too if you want to check it out.

submitted by /u/SweetVeeGames
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I've finally done it! finally won a game with someone throwing for a majority of the game!

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:34 AM PDT

As the title states I won a game with someone on my team (Dire) throwing for a majority of the game. If anyone watches the match that I will post below and give me tips on how I can do better I will really appreciate it!

Match ID: 3819160193

submitted by /u/ZacharyL182
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What is shift queue?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:58 AM PDT

How to use it? What heroes that most likely will use it?

submitted by /u/Mosduga
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How could we have won this game?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:42 PM PDT


I was the PA and I useless against their entire team. QoP had linkens and just blinked away so I couldn't go on her. Jakiro bought assault cuirass so I barely did any damage to him, Slardar is Slarder so his stun goes through BKB making it pretty meh but still vital this game.. Naga has her web so I'm forced to buy Manta, which again is pretty meh this game.

How could we have won this game? Is it even worth getting Battlefury on PA anymore? I get the feeling that Desolator > Bkb is just stronger most games.

submitted by /u/Sivirona
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Watching/casting/analyzing DAC finals

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:34 PM PDT

How to "get good"

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:12 PM PDT

Hey all, I'm a 2k trash player looking to improve my game(not necessarily mmr though that would be nice) and having trouble figuring out out where to start.

Pretty much every post post I've looked at has boiled down to the high-skill players saying very generally: get good.

Get good at what?

Farming? that one's easy.

Positioning? a little harder but doable

Fighting? sure let me blink in as tide for my team to watch and cheer me on

Pulling/warding? sure I can leave but then my safelane dies to the enemy dual offlane

Rant aside, I guess what I'm asking is what aspects are people referring to when they say to "get good" and how can I work on those things. I find that with the limited game knowledge I have I don't really know what to look for when analyzing my own play so project failures on to teammates and was wondering if you guys had any input.

Scrub dotabuff(i fuck around in unranked games btw): https://www.dotabuff.com/players/84060273

submitted by /u/chilipantzz
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How to instantaneously select the tanky PL illusion after using Doppelganger?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:51 PM PDT

I've seen a video a couple of days ago (I think it was from Lil) about a trick with PL. Immediately after using Doppelganger he pressed some keys and selected the tanky PL illusion without actually clicking on it, which is very useful for baiting the enemy team into thinking that is the real PL and wasting stuns on the illusion. How can it be done?

submitted by /u/WrongCalculator
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How to play in the safelane 2 vs 2 alongside a weak support hero?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 11:44 AM PDT

When the enemy has Abaddon + Enchantress or something and you have a weak laner like Crystal Maiden (or even Pudge). My goal in lane is to keep equilibrium and push the enemy tower at 5 and 10 min with catapult. Strong dual offlanes ruin both of my plans. I can forget about pressuring tower against two strong/aggressive laners. Even going to the side shop is a struggle. They push you into the tower, and throw the creepwave into disarray as well.

My two solutions so far were asking for the other support to trilane, and swapping lanes with my offlaner. These are things that are outside of my control in pubs though.

Is there a secret to survive or even win these kinds of lanes? It's a puzzle I haven't been able to solve. And this strat is prevalent in the trench. If I find a way to overcome lanes like those, I'd be a dota god among my friends. I'd be like Neo fighting agent Smith with one hand.

Can you also suggest carry heroes that are strong in the laning stage? Dotabuff for reference

submitted by /u/trench_master
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How much MMR should a player have before he's considered "decent"?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:28 PM PDT

Hi, I haven't unlocked ranked matches yet, so I don't know how is MMR distributed between players.

submitted by /u/IWatchAnime2Much
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How to communicate in Dota2?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:42 PM PDT

Hello everyone.

I've been playing dota with friends for a while and yesterday I had my first online match. Something my friends didn't teach was how to communicate(it's because we were always playing next to each other so we said everything we wanted to say in real life).

So, my question is this. How to communicate in dota? What are some famous abbverations? how do I tell my startigie to my teammates? How to point them somewhere or tell them not to go somewhere?

Thank you for your time and effort.

submitted by /u/IWatchAnime2Much
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How does huskar work?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:09 AM PDT

Mainly confused on his interactions with amulet of mordiggian. Why does his health increase in times when it should be draining?(like when using ult w/ amulet) Also any tips on how to play him in general are appreciated.

submitted by /u/Dovah2121
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Is Alchemist garbage tier right now?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:52 AM PDT

In my opinion he is. No matter what item build, fighting or radiance, he's weak af. Terrible armor, really low hp, more kiteable than Sven. I guess the radi build almost works but it's like a bandaid. You snowball hard enough that you get major items super fast and end the game. Radi miss chance, skadi gives you armor and lowers their attack speed, and you got a manta to remove debuffs, AC to strengthen your team and Octa core to lower your CD and heal. But that doesn't feel like a good change to Alche. It's more like a workaround rather than adressing that alche is a flawed hero.

Imo the most viable way to play Alchemist right now is support and that's saying something imo. You go pos 4 and pick a point in greed. You can easily pick up gold for a fast medalion and then a blink. With that plus the talent buffs on concoction it's good. but it really is greedy.

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/queer_cutie
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Do I have to use authenticator?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:57 PM PDT

For ranked matchmaking? I'm fine putting my phone number but I don't want to use the authenticator.

submitted by /u/itsmyreal
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How does one really ascend medal-wise?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:59 AM PDT

I'm Legend 1 and recently I magically ascended to Legend 2 without knowing the reason why. I'm at 3354 solo mmr and i peaked 3.5k once (hence the Legend 1 medal). But earlier this afternoon, I played a ranked queue party (of 3) and after winning that game, the client popped the message that I earned Legend 2. I thought this was a bug but after relogging the game, my medal shows that I am Legend 2 indeed and the automatic status update that comes along with it declaring i earned that medal. The kicker was that my party mmr is terrible, it's only at 1857 right now (after that game). What seemed to cause this?

edit: this is not a complaining post. I just wanna know how the new mmr medal system exactly works because I checked in dotapedia that you need to reach 3640 mmr in order to become Legend 2.

submitted by /u/pishent123
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What is best talent for clinkz level 25?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:37 PM PDT

How was this game even a loss?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:30 PM PDT

I dont understand


submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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Aeon Disk on Huskar/Heroes with Stack & Gaining Stacks Under Combo Breaker's Duration

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 12:35 PM PDT

Might sound really stupid, but hear me out. Lets say you are against a team comp that can basically kill you with a couple right clicks and a stun or you get grouped up on a lot and killed. I've had some games with huskar like this where we are losing the game and bkb is taking forever to build and even after getting it I can't seem to do much. You just get locked down and killed or the physical damage is still too much.

So, I had this idea that you can get like stunned and lagunaed by Aghs Lina or like stunned and then crit by sven (scenarios that involve lockdown and high damage that isn't magical, which is hard for huskar to deal with). You retaliate by just adding up the flaming spear stacks while you remain at a super low health and use inner vitality when needed for tons of free spear stacks.

Aeon Disk will block the initial spear and right click damage, but the stacks will add up and deal damage after Combo Breaker's 2 second duration. I'm going to do some math for how the amount of attacks he will be able to get under Combo's Breaker's 2 second duration. I will be considering his BAT (Base Attack Time) of 1.6 (slightly higher than the average of 1.7), bonus attack speed from max Berserker's Blood (capped at 340 AS at 10% health), and his agility at level 15 (15 base + (level 15 * 1.4) = 15 + 21 = 36 AS). all his non-item sources of attack speed).

Here's the formula for determining Attack speed per second (IAS being 'increased attack speed': Attacks per second = [(100 + IAS) × 0.01] / BAT

[(100 + (340 + 36) x 0.01] / 1.6 = [(100 + 376) x .01] / 1.6 = [476 x .01] / 1.6 = 4.76 / 1.6 = 2.975 attacks per second without AS bonus items. Combo Breaker's duration is 2 seconds, so you multiply it by 2, so the most amount of attacks you can get at level 15 w/out attack speed items he gets (treads, armlet, AC, Pike) is 5.95 attacks over Combo's breaker's duration.

This basically means you are guaranteed to get around 5-6 extra stacks at the price of 75-90 health at level 15 and at 10% health or less (depending on how fast you issue an attack command after the dispel and if the enemy hero can kill you .05 seconds after Combo Breaker). Even at higher levels of health like at 70% (the threshold of starting combo breaker), you get at least 113.33 repeating bonus attack speed, which gets us about 3 attacks over the 2 second duration (or 3.11666 repeating to be exact or 1.558333 attacks per second).

TL;DR: My math justifies that you will get anywhere from 3-6 more extra flaming spear stacks at level 15 without any AS bonus items. This will add an extra +80/90 to 120/180 extra magic dps per second at least (depending on the bonus from Beserker's Blood and whether or not you got +10dps on burning spears). Considering how these numbers can be a bonus to previously added stacks and that you can have more possible bonus attack speed past 476 means that aeon disk can secure immense magic damage. 180 magic dps is about as much as Leshrac's ulti, which is a lot of bonus dps this is possible from a 3k gold item at level 15.

It's an interesting idea, but I do not know if this is that useful or when Aeon would be useful. The biggest problem is that the damage can also be negligible when considering spell shields (Pipe & Hood), extra magic resistance, and spell immunity. Maybe a better player can find a good reason to buy Aeon Disk to gain stacks. Even if this is useless information, I've learned that you can still gain stacks and even still int with OD during Combo Breaker and is an interesting interaction. Like you can get Aeon on like OD against high damage right clickers and get stacks that can allow for some interesting counterplay. l also learned that Huskar gains 3.777 (repeating) bonus attack speed per 1% health lost up until 10% health left when beserker's blood is max level.

submitted by /u/Liamrun
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How do you dodge Sniper and Zeus', alt with Smoke of Deceit?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:13 AM PDT

  • Is this possible?
  • Is it still possible in current patch?
  • What's the spell interaction here?
submitted by /u/dissonant_worlds
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how to save miracle

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 11:33 PM PDT

The search for the new meta am continues(aka am Dagon omegalul)

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 11:46 AM PDT

First of all what is omegalul? I mean I get it but why omega.

Next I think I hit over 800 GPM because I didn't really farm after min 30 or so and still got 770 GPM.

Also how much do you bet this build can counter the terror of AM his older brother terrorblade(or future self or whatever)


Also pudge arcana I'm so jealous

By popular vote (of just me) I'll be going the Alchemage build next, but this build just now I think I can pull it off in ranked.

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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What could I have done to win, or at least have a much better performance in this game?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:44 AM PDT

I was the DK (Crusader 4) against the Invo who was a Legend 0, I just felt like going mid to test myself against a Legend. It went badly, on top of that, other lanes were feeding too. The match id is 3819240076. In order to do better in future games, what could I have done to win?

submitted by /u/Tomatoepotatoe69
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Question about playing as a pos 5 support.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:35 AM PDT

So I've been working on learning how to play pos 5 and I was wondering as to how much of my gold income should be dedicated to support items like wards and dust. I would also welcome some tips as to what exactly I should be doing for most of the early - mid game.

submitted by /u/jmp0628
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Dealing with toxic players

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:15 AM PDT

Hi all,

I tend to play support in ranked (Crusader) and for the most part my allies are thankful just to have a dedicated support. However, occasionally you get players who spend the entire game yelling at you down the mic or typing abuse at you. I know I make mistakes, and I often watch my own replays to figure out what I can do better, but I think for the most part I try and do the right thing. The execution may not be perfect, however!

I just played a game (https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3819464616) that we lost in spectacular style. I was laning with Slark against Mirana and LC and right from level 1 Slark chased the Mirana to the tier 1, taking several tower hits, and proceeded to type 'gg' when I didn't follow him as a Lich with Sacrifice.

Right from the start of the game he flamed everyone, especially me, never taking accountability for any of his own errors, always blaming things on warding or whatever. There was one time when he just leapt in and complained I didn't ulti when I'd already pinged that I was level 5.

It was constant, and games like this are so unpleasant to play. Asides from anything, it's distracting. If I'm getting yelled at or reading a stream of abuse on screen I'm not going to be playing as well as I could. This particular game has annoyed me because I allowed myself to rise to it. I know past about 15 minutes I began playing badly - I got really sloppy because I tilted. I'm normally quite patient, but I got triggered here.

How do you guys deal with especially toxic players? Do you simply ignore them, or do you have strategies for restoring team morale? Are games like this pretty much automatically lost, or is there a way of using their toxicity to win?

Any advice is appreciated!


submitted by /u/S_Borealis
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Why have no teams tried core DW?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:07 AM PDT

I personally feel like this hero is very strong in a core role, since with her low BAT and level 25 atk speed talent she can scale incredibly well, and I know that there are a number of very high mmr players who spam mid/offlane willow. Do you think this would ever be viable in a pro game? Does the hero just offer more as a support/not merit the farm priority?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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