Learn Dota 2 - I hit Divine 5 :]

I hit Divine 5 :]

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:10 AM PDT

Hero Spammed Offlane Phoenix from Divine 1 to 5

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:47 PM PDT

Offlane phoenix seems pretty strong right now, possibly due to the recent egg buff. Was able to spam him from 5k to 5.5k over the course of 2 weeks with a 75%+ winrate, getting #1 on the opendota phoenix rankings as well.

During the laning phase, he's very easy to get zoned and his right click is horrible. However, he's very good at creep cutting, pulling side camps, and disrupting last hits with fire spirits (especially with all the melee carries), so it shouldnt be too difficult to get levels once you have tranqs. At level 6 it's very easy to move to other lanes and get free kills, and rushing veil around the 11-14 minute mark is usually way too much damage for enemy teams to deal with. 90 GPM at level 10 is also pretty silly, and lets you build into being a pretty farmed up core with veil, shivas, aeon disk, sheep, etc. Even without farm, just by participating in teamfights and not feeding much, phoenix should usually be close to the top hero damage, with high healing as well.

One thing that probably helped the most was reviewing the top rankings page on opendota to see what other top players were doing. Without even watching replays, I saw common trends on builds like not building urn, rushing veil, not skilling sun ray, etc.


submitted by /u/Chanpinko
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Need advice on what to do against a Bristle winning the lane.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:38 PM PDT

Played against a Bristle who dominated the lane against a Sven and Lion. What can be done to shift the laning phase after Bristle is already winning?

submitted by /u/Potato_Jello
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Educational Divine Rank Techies Stream this Friday!

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:35 PM PDT

Hi all. My nickname is Brook and in 2017 I achieved my goal of 5000 MMR after calibrating at 1K many years ago. Since then I have playing Dota a bit more casually and enjoying the wonderful combination that is Spuee, Spleen, and Spoon.

You may have seen the clip from my two hour game where I managed to destroy the enemy ancient with a few red mines (it got 100,000 views on Put Tank In A Mall's channel).


I managed to earn the Divine medal this season playing Techies and I have formulated a personal build/guide that I believe makes the hero extremely powerful and easy to exploit at low MMRs.

This Friday at 10 AM Mountain Time (12 PM EST/ 5 PM London/ 7 PM Moscow) I will be doing an educational stream explaining my way of playing Techies. I will be happy to answer questions from chat and I hope that with your help I can make Techies an even more hated hero in the Dota community.


submitted by /u/brookdota
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What should i do

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:52 PM PDT

want to hear opinions from any of u guys ,when i play support i dont know what to do .what should i do during the beginning of the game ,mid and late game. fyi i have played dota since last year and my current mmr is 1.5k .

submitted by /u/menglembu98
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Replay issues

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:52 PM PDT

Does anyone struggle to download a replay in the dota 2 client? I am trying to watch a replay of a players match but i can't even seem to download it. It would always download 1/10 and then fail.

Any advice ?

submitted by /u/Dymatizeee
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How long should i generally stay in the offlane ?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:51 PM PDT

I normally play on the mid or as support, but recently i started playing in the offlane. So far i've been able to keep the enemy supports busy in the lane or at least punish their carry when they leave to roam other lanes. But sometimes, at some point of the game, i'm in situation where i can no longer harras their carry in a 1v1 and this freaks me out. I recently was in a match as clockwerk, by the time i was lvl 4, their carry Void was lvl 5. The supports left the lane and i couldn't do shit about it. He was denying me and farming, backtraking my dmg.. anyway... Any tips? Also, which offlaners do you guys consider against hard trilanes ? I've been having some success as clockwerk and Lone Druid, and kind of not screwing it up with Underlord.

submitted by /u/waveskipper
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Laning is more important than it has ever been

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:39 AM PDT

With constant changes to laning stage specific mechanics over the last year ever more emphasis has been put into the laning stage by OS Frog.

Occasionally on here I see thee old "how could I win this game" or "what could I have done better" or "everyone else fed" posts and sometimes it really isn't you're fault. Yes if you're alot better than the rest you'll win a higher percentage of games and gain mmr but there are those games that are just not winnable - and it's important to understand why. The route of my thinking came from something Waga said a few days ago on stream: some lanes are just not winnable. And it all follows from there.

The hard bit of this is the understanding. You have to fully understand what their heroes do vs what you're heroes do in the laning stage, in those matchups, because you get those wrong you put yourself into an almost unwinnable situation.

This applies at EVERY MMR.


"we could have played that lane 100 times and they would not win"

I'm trying to come to a good conclusion here but the only thing I can suggest is learning those hero matchups AND executing them to their strengths. The laning stage has become soo important that high mmr's and pro teams are starting to pick mids that just win lanes, over the last few months I've seen rubic, AA etc go middle just so they win their lane. This is also why you see picks that were probably not meant to go mid, go mid, they are desperate not to lose lanes.

submitted by /u/666Ven
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i've hit a wall

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:00 AM PDT

yo everyone, seems like ive stopped climbing lately. im mainly an offlane player and im finding it difficult to win. most of my recent wins felt like they were lucky wins, i had decent teammates who were able to carry me despite my low stats (gpm/xpm/kda). an example of this is my last 3 wins on LC. dotabuff

tbh i dont really care about my mmr, there are a lot more factors that affect it other than wins/losses (losing net will decrease mmr, and theres nothing i can do about it). im more concerned about improving my offlane, i want to start feeling like i actually have impact on my matches, not on some lucky stuff. thing is idk where to start, ive tried watching my games and while i did see small stuff like wasting time or mispositioning, i still think the problem lies elswhere. i still try to correct the mistakes i see (been training my brain to not autopilot to not waste time for example), but i feel like theyre not that big to impact my games much.

i just dunno what to improve on atm. ive also tried watching 5k/6k offlaners but i just dont see what they do so differently from me. i cant pinpoint a specific patterned strategy that they do to win (unlike when i was learning roam sb, where i recognized roaming patterns/habits after 15+ games watching the same player play him).

any hints on how to get out of this slump?

PS: i dont want to get told to switch roles unless theres a really good reason for it. as i said i only care about improving my offlaning rather than mmr, so tips like "switch to carry its better for soloq" or "play x hes op free mmr" wouldnt rly help me.

submitted by /u/Alice_Is_Third
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How to deal with tilt

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:47 PM PDT

I've been tilting a lot recently and I dont know how to deal with it rn so:

  1. How to deal with tilt while your in the game? This is NOT tilt from teammates, but from me playing like shit, or the enemies being good enough to shit on me even if im doing good/ok. (example: 3/5 at 10 minutes as razor, which is SHIT and the enemy od gets a 15 minute force midas which is of course really good, and proceeds to murder me and my team throughout the game)

  2. How do I deal with the tilt after the game? Besides playing other games, because Im about to start doing that xd

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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What do I do?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:23 PM PDT

I just finished this game, and the entire time I wanted to pull my hair out. I played Jakiro and gave my slank the perfect lane against a sven/treant duo. Killed them a bunch and forced them out of lane. Then he abandoned. Oh well. Immediately after Magnus came bot and we took both the t1 and t2 towers bot. Nothing could stop us. But then it all went down hill from there. My team fed, and sk decides to afk farm the ancients for half an hour. I decided to use my incredible pushing power to split push while my team stayed to defend. By the end of the game I could kill the PL, albeit just barely, but it didn't seem to be enough. Is there anhthing else I could have done, or maybe something I should have done differently. Here is the match: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3828293489

Any help is appreciated

submitted by /u/psicomaniacdude
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solo strict checked or unchecked?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:50 PM PDT

which is better for mmr grinding?solo strict or not?

submitted by /u/Arsinaref201272
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What are the roles in high MMR games?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:26 PM PDT

I assume there's no jungler so that leaves 2 supports + carry in safe lane, another carry in mid lane and a tanky damage in offlane. Doesn't it suck that there's a 40% chance you're stuck playing support (if you don't like to play support)?

Disclaimer: I've always hated playing support even back in League of Legends.

submitted by /u/some_random_guy_5345
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Itemization without following guide

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:19 AM PDT

I've been using a guide (Torte de Lini's) for how to play most heroes and trying to stray away from following it so religiously. I typically play a carry like Slark, PA, Jugg, and struggle most with what to buy for starting items but also developing my build around the enemy team. I usually fall under the impression that the guide knows better than I do but I know it can't work for all situations. So, would it be beneficial to play some games without any guide or use the Dota+ guide to try and make my own decisions on my build?

submitted by /u/_paradis
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How to win when your safelane has given up?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 04:53 PM PDT

Hi Guys,

A bit of background about myself, in 2015-16 I was playing only pos 5 support (and a bit of offlane) and I was floating around 3.3-3.7k mmr. I quit dota for a year or 2 and came back to the game at the end of 2017 and started playing on an alternate account which I then calibrated at only 2.8k. I decided it was a good time to start learning carry (Which I quickly decided wasn't for me) before settling on mid. I have been happy with my progress in learning how to lane and play invoker (54% wr), TA (45% wr) and QOP (45% wr) (and I have just realized how high the skill ceiling for qop is!) but one thing I struggle to deal with is having a safelane which I am not in control of. In my support games I could at least guarantee my carry doesn't die and has a little space to farm. In my mid games, every second game I am getting a safelane duo that gets a bad starts, starts flaming and then proceeds to give up and not care about winning the game anymore. Ive also noticed that supports in <3k tend to not know what to do when they are not fighting. They always try to get kills against a strong offlane duo and then drag our carry into a bad trade/death instead of csing. I assume this is because they want to make something happen so they can get gold.

As QOP, Invoker, TA, how do I deal with situations like this. What moves can I make to win the game?

On a side note. What should I do about support players who, in a losing game are spending their time farming the jungle creeps you desperately need instead of getting vision up or trying to get some control back in the map?

Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Dota9k1
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How to win when you're highest networth hero but you're team is 20k behind?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:54 PM PDT


I was the luna. I did my farming+pushing wave thing during the midgame, but my team insisted on feeding and I was not ready to fight. At the end we lost because they had 4 farmed heroes and my team had 1. I bought linkens instead of bkb to counteract lc duel, and even though I probably should've bought bkb they all had bkb piercing spells - it would basically only block the cm's dmg and viper's q. Any suggestions on what to do during these hard games?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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Which are worse, smurfs or account buyers?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:19 PM PDT

Two completely different ways to ruin a game, but no doubt that they both ruin it.

I know they're "not the same thing," but would be interested to know people's opinions on why that is, beyond the basic premise of being inconsiderate to others by purposely playing against people way outside your own skill level.

I would THINK that most account buyers would go away after buying an account once and getting joylessly destroyed 50 times in a row with a ton of reports ... whereas it's pretty commonplace to hear of people having several smurf accounts and continuing to play on them (and make new ones) indefinitely.

On the other hand, there are a lot fewer 5k and 6k games going on than 1k games, so it would only take a few account buyers to screw up a higher percentage of those matches.

My own personal opinion is also that you have a far higher chance of making up for a bad teammate than you do of outplaying a much better opponent - but again, I only have one side of that experience. So just interested in what people's thoughts on the matter are.

(edit: by the way, this has nothing to do with my own personal skill level or "thinking I'm better than I am" or anything - I know I suck and there are good reasons why. Maybe I'll make it to 2k or 3k someday with a lot of practice :( )

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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Heroes to spam at 1k mmr?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:29 AM PDT

Hey, i would like to hear what you guys think is a good hero to just spam at a low rank? Really trying my hardest to climb after being at 1k for way too long...

submitted by /u/zkgkilla
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Earth spirit in low mmr brackets.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:13 AM PDT

Im guardian 2 and i like playing earth spirit but some people says that playing earth spirit in low mmr games are not recommended. Is it okay to play him in low mmr brackets?

submitted by /u/SpiritMaestro
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Item Building For Zeus

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:24 AM PDT

I've been playing Zeus a lot recently because of his high game impact, and I've been loving him, but I always question if veil is a good item. I usually go kaya into ags, but idk if veil should be built before then or not. Would veil be good after that or, would aether lens or octarine be better?

submitted by /u/baeballever
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How do you itemize for defense on Skywrath?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:07 AM PDT

Assuming you're a Core Hero, what items would you consider for defense and in which situations would you get said items? He's a glass cannon through and through.

I feel like his lack of HP and armor makes it bad to try and get more HP, armor, or magic resistance. Instead of that, you should get items that can help with his positioning. Items like Eul's Scepter, Blink Dagger, Force Staff, Aether Lens, and the like seem to make more sense to me.

Skywrath Mage players, what items do you like to get?

submitted by /u/ElderCat
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Solo/Party ranked and mmr reset?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:56 AM PDT


I used to do ranked a few years ago, but when i started playing again about a month ago, my MMR was reset and I needed to recalibrate, so I decided not to do it for a while, until I felt more confident and was winning unranked games. However I joined a party of players after an unranked game and they went into 2 ranked games, which i did say I'd prefer not to do, but they did anyway and predictably we got destroyed, so now i've used up 2 of my calibration matches with them with 2 heavy defeats. Is there anyway, once I feel i'm ready for solo ranked, to reset those 2 games? I'm not sure how my original ranking got reset, so don't know if it just happens after not playing it for a while? Or am I stuck with those 2 games affecting my solo score? I'm not sure how the solo/party works, as those were both party games, but when i look at the ranked section, it says I have 8/10 left to do in solo.


submitted by /u/novusmortuus
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