Civilization - Defensive Positions

Defensive Positions

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:56 AM PDT

When you reach Battleship tech on Archipelago

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:07 PM PDT

Seems like an appropriate population size.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:09 PM PDT

102 Strength Redcoats

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:30 AM PDT

And Then The Winged Hussars Arrived!

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:52 AM PDT

Is Geneva feeling okay?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:35 AM PDT

I wish someone had given Sean Bean a pronunciation guide

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 04:09 AM PDT

Kinn Shi Wong? Hojo Tockymoon? Sandook? Djadwiga?

submitted by /u/kirabean
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If you could rework one Civ 6 civilization, what would it be and how would you do it?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:06 AM PDT

Has anybody ever achieved a "Golden Game"?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 09:36 AM PDT

I finished a game of Civ 6 a few days ago with Cleopatra on King difficulty. I was able to get a golden age for every era except the information era, where I plundered into a miserable dark age. I did this through some last minute era score planning, extreme wonder building, and a whole lot of luck. Has anybody managed to get a golden age for every era?

submitted by /u/GioCubio
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It's cool guys; I'm not mad at your betrayal. In fact here's a nice parting gift before I go to space.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:33 PM PDT

What's Next for Rise+Fall Updates

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:05 AM PDT

How should I fight this at round 15 ?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:11 PM PDT

Wrote a story on my current campaign - [Celts, Fractal, Huge, King]

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:41 AM PDT

In the earliest stone age, in the South-west of the great continent, the Celtic city of Edinburgh was founded in the icy plains and tundra. Their economy was based on the fur trade of foxes and their culture was religious and expansive. After founding the cities of Dublin and Cardiff, their expansion worried the Venetian Doge, who declared war against the Celts.

After a heavy assault against Cardiff with spearmen, archers and cavalry, the Venetians were thrown back with severe losses. Shortly after, the Celtic General El Cid, took the city their capital city and the Venetians were reduced to a few small cities on the icy South coast.

The Celts colonised and founded cities along the Western coast, exploiting the silver, pearls and crabs as luxury resources. At this time the Celts made contact with three other great civilisations, the warlike Songhai to the North, the Egyptians from the great city of Thebes and the maritime nation of Portugal who were fighting a losing war against both.

As the Celts and Egyptians expanded towards each other, war became inevitable. The Egyptians allied with the city-state of Sofia in the Celtic heartland and the Celts responded rapidly, attacking the City and seizing it for themselves. Their boundaries secure, the Celts marched their fanatical, religious army East and the two nations clashed at Mt. Uluru. The Celts achieved an overwhelming victory, taking the cities of Giza, Thebes and Heliopolis. The many wonders of Pharaoh Ramesses were now under Celtic control and several Portuguese cities were liberated, leading to a steadfast alliance between the two nations.

At this time, the many nations of the world came together for a great Congress in the new Egyptian capital of Memphis. Egypt quickly became the target of a coalition as the Spanish, Persian, Celtic and Portuguese all rushed to seize what was left of their territory. In the fighting, the Mayan nation was also destroyed and their cities divided between the warring factions.

Aggressive Celtic expansion to the North, with the founding of the city of Douglas led to hostilities with the Songhai and after an expensive and fruitless war, the Songhai sued for peace, offering the jungle city of Timbuktu to the Celts who now added cocoa and bananas to their trade network.

The Spanish also declared war on the Celts and the two forces clashed in the razed ruins of the Egyptian heartland with neither force gaining territory or victory.

The world was now modernising, as railroads were built and planes flew the skies, the Great continent was now broadly split between two major factions, who both favoured the Order ideology.

The Celts in the South and the Persians in the North became the leading factions in the Great War. Seeing that the Persian technology, wealth and military superiority was becoming more than they could keep up with, the Celts launched a major assault into the Persian heartland, with workers building railroads through Persia as fast as the artillery and Infantry could advance.

The war was devestating to both sides. Artillery duels and advancing soldiers fought bitterly over the border city of Sardis and the war became one of attrition with both Empires using all their resources to gain the upper hand. The Persian planes quickly won air superiority but were caught on the ground and destroyed as several cities fell to the Celts.

In the West, in the former Songhai cities, the Persians launched an advance through the jungle and laid siege to Celtic lands.

The border had been pushed North and so much land taken that the Persian capital of Persepolis, home of the famous Forbidden Palace and seat of the World Congress was now in direct danger.

However the Celts had lost their veteran units, heavily relying on expendable mercenaries and hastily trained troops, they lacked the capacity to weather yet more Persian air raids and take Persepolis. With both sides exhausted and their treasuries empty, they sued for peace, with the Persians offering 30 years of tribute as well as returning the Mayan cities which were liberated and their civilization brought back into the world.

The Celts now stood as the supreme power on the continent but with a long list of enemies who despised them for their warmongering and forced religious conversions. The English, Spanish, Persians, Songhai and Ethiopians would form into one great alliance against the Celtic Empire and their Mayan, Venetian and Portuguese vassals.

submitted by /u/mactakeda
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I was indoctrinated. Can I still somehow regain my own religion?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:03 AM PDT

I recently got Civ V from a friend, and I quickly started my campaign as Germany.

Eventually, I could found my own religion, which I promptly did, so now all Germans worshipped Telsism and all was well ...

Until the Mayans started worshipping Buddhism and promptly sent one of their Great Prophets to me to convert me. Somehow, I never noticed that Prophet was there, and suddenly the great German Empire worshipped Buddhism.

Now, is there a way for me to regain my own glorious religion? I can only get a Missionary in Berlin, which is buddhistic, so that wouldn't work.

Or should I wait until my own second Great Prophet comes available in a few turns? Would he still be Telsistic?

submitted by /u/Telsion
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Playing as Cree and their passive ability gave me a tile completely separated from any of my own tiles

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 11:12 PM PDT

Thank god for barbs

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 09:25 PM PDT

Finished the space race on the same turn as Germany

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:26 PM PDT

......and I lost. Had one turn remaining on my last space race project after a crazy come back, click end turn, and I lose. While I am a bit salty about it, I'm more curious as to why it chose Germany to win and not me. Civ 6 btw.

Also, an unrelated question, do nukes destroy spaceports?

submitted by /u/jhintze
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Taken from my Climate History textbook... It would be cool if games accounted for climate variations through the output of land.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:04 PM PDT

[Question] How do I save the map of a multiplayer game

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:02 PM PDT

I've done a lot of Googling and most answers found told me to look for a Save Map button in the Save Game screen however I don't see it

submitted by /u/SirWhoaWaitWhat
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Civilization V now gives a 32-bit warning on macOS

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:39 PM PDT

Civ 6 TSL immortal

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:16 AM PDT

I'm playing as my first game of immortal as Poland on YNAEMP Giant Earth. Germany is right next to me and because of they're starting warriors I get destroyed, I always go for slingers. Any workaround?

submitted by /u/QueenDeScots
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Multiple Unmet Players Defeated On the First Turn Issue

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:37 PM PDT

Every game I start lately no matter what game conditions or mods I choose or don't choose, I get a notification on the second turn that an unmet player has been defeated. I didn't think much of it at first but about 50 turns in I checked my score and noticed only 3 other unmet players and I should have had 10. I have since spent the whole afternoon disabling mods and starting new games only to find it keeps happening. An hour of google searching left me little to go on.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

submitted by /u/joergonix
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