Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: The Asylum's Perfected Greatsword

[Daily] Set discussion: The Asylum's Perfected Greatsword

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PST

The Asylum's Perfected Greatsword

Obtainable as: Weapons

Type: Overland

Location: Asylum Sanctorium


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
1 When you deal damage with Reverse Slash, you generate up to 15 Ultimate based on how much execute bonus damage it dealt.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to Mages Guild Monday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread on the subreddit!

Mages Guild Monday is a thread aimed at sharing tips, tricks, knowledge and information about the game.

Know of a place that yields a particularly good reward? Got a tip about how to most efficiently accomplish quests? Have some good intel on good ways to serve your alliance in PvP? Let the community know!

In addition, if you're new to following the game, this thread is your chance to ask questions and get help from veteran players.

Please keep in mind the 'no personal attacks' rule in our sidebar, disagree respectfully with others, and know that a repeated or seemingly obvious bit of knowledge may not be obvious to everyone.

We look forward to your contributions!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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I don't think I built the precursor right

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:17 PM PST

This is usually how I end up doing my vet pledges.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PST

First Polymorph dropped from vAS HM!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:28 PM PST

[Media] I really like the new mimic enemy type!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:25 AM PST

[Media] My Best Screenshots, Part 2 (2560x1440)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:11 PM PST

This game is amazing...

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:42 PM PST

Which I am sure you all know!

I started a couple of days back and couldn't get into it.

Turns out my starting location was the reason I hated it (some shit with skeletons). Restarted in the pirate area and BAM, tons of fun!

Hoping I can heal properly in this game (I main a healer in WoW)

I joined a couple of guilds and have had all sorts of stuff mailed to me too as a 'welcome' gift, which is lovely!

submitted by /u/VelvetJohn
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If we get a new class with the next chapter, what would you like to see?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:22 PM PST

Just a discussion post, if we get a new class with the next chapter what would you like to see? Personally I'd love to see a necromancer like class.

submitted by /u/Hexdro
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I really hope we get a homestead anniversary update.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:11 PM PST

With the lack of real content updates for housing (no real changes to how houses function, just new furniture/houses), it would be great if on the anniversary they release a new patch with some updates on how houses work and what we can do in them.

  1. Custom day/night settings would be awesome.
  2. Adding guild functionality/features (Furniture that reflected the guild's logo as well as activities that guilds could do in the houses)
  3. A wide array of structures/walls/floors/stairs that we could add to our houses
  4. A style of housing that consisted of only an empty lot that on which we can build custom houses using Hearthfire style modules or use the walls/floors/roof structures mentioned earlier.
submitted by /u/Kooreth
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[Discussion] Enchanting -- helpful tips for new players

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:53 PM PST

I'd like to get a discussion going on Enchanting in ESO. It's a very valuable craft with huge benefits, and new players may not know about certain things, which may cause them unnecessary difficulty. Because Enchanting in ESO does not work like in Skyrim or World of Warcraft (for example).

This is a "I wish somebody had told me when I started playing" kind of thread, so feel free to add your tips to it!!! And correct any error you see in this post!

Off we go then!

You do not need to be an Enchanter to enchant items! Anybody can do it!!!

There are 3 types of glyphs in the game: Armor glyphs, weapon glyphs and jewelry glyphs. You must have the right type of glyph to enchant an item.

Blue and higher quality dropped items are usually already enchanted. Crafted items must be enchanted by a player. White and green quality items will often have traits but not enchantments. You can enchant them yourself using any glyph in your inventory. Simply right(alternate)-click on the item in your Inventory view (equipped or not), select ENCHANT, then select the glyph, and confirm. Voila. Done. You do not need to be at an Enchanting station; this can be done anywhere as long as you have glyphs in your inventory.

Enchanting an item destroys the glyph in the process, and is irreversible.

In ESO, an enchanted item cannot be disenchanted for enchanting materials, or to learn an enchantment. Glyphs must be deconstructed using an Enchanting table, to extract materials to craft new glyphs. New Enchantments are simply learned by unlocking passives.

You do not need to have any skill points in Enchanting to apply any glyph to any item. You only need skill points to craft glyphs beyond level 10 (Trifling) yourself.

There are many Runes out in the open world that you can harvest for materials to create glyphs.

Potency runes can be purchased from any Enchanting vendor.

All glyphs have level brackets, so read the tool tips!! Glyphs will always drop according to your current character level bracket.

Many glyphs drop from chests and are given as quest rewards. You can also get them from dolmen (daedric anchors found in every zone), and especially from dungeons.

You can only put one enchantment on one item.

Any item can be re-enchanted and any existing enchant overwritten with a new enchant. Don't have enough magicka or stamina, but have a few glyphs? Overwrite those health enchants with your own magicka or stamina glyphs. Or vice versa. Use the same process as above.

A weapon will be considered charged (especially blue-quality weapons) with an enchantment. Charges are used up when you use the weapon in combat, until a weapon loses its charge. You will get a red weapon icon display on your screen when this happens. You then right(alternate)-click on that weapon and select CHARGE. Then select a soul gem (must be filled) from the next window, and confirm.

You do not select ENCHANT in this context, because doing so will use up a glyph and overwrite your current enchant, not charge your weapon.

You can fill empty Soul Gems by casting the Soul Trap skill (found in your WORLD class group) before you kill an enemy. This skill will take up a slot on your skill bar, so only put it on your bar and use it when you need to fill soul gems.

Armor pieces do not lose charges and cannot be recharged. They simply use durability. Repair them at any trader, or use a repair kit (1 kit per item; repair kits are scaled to level brackets).

You level up Enchanting through creating glyphs and doing daily writs, but also through deconstructing/extracting glyphs. You get more Inspiration (which is XP for crafting leveling) from deconstructing a glyph another character has created, than you get from deconstructing a glyph your enchanter has created. You can either find an Enchanting "buddy" to trade glyphs to deconstruct, or level up Enchanting on 2 characters at once. Because your alternate character is considered "another player" in this context.

A couple of handy Enchanting guides: http://www.sunshine-daydream.us/ESO/enchanting.html


submitted by /u/LadyJohanna
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Hi. Is there a way to change the languages in game ?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:42 AM PST

I wish to have the characters speak in english, but the game itself in french. I didn't find a way to do it, maybe reddit did

submitted by /u/GoodSirTolkien
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Purchasable guild banners

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:17 PM PST

What if we could buy a furniture banner that represents the guild's symbol on it through the guild store, in the same way you can buy guild tabards? It'll be great to have guild banners at guild halls.

submitted by /u/magicboten
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[PS4] Need a comparison and your opinions about WoW and Eso

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 02:29 AM PST

Im really confused on what mmo to get, because I don't want to buy one and regret buying it lol. Also, what is endgame like in Eso and what makes you keep on playing.

submitted by /u/Melonatuur
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[Media] Glass Cannon Magicka Nightblade PvP feat. 20k Assassin's Will.

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 02:25 AM PST

Briarheart compared to other stam dps sets.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:57 PM PST

Im currently running Hunding and Briarheart set on my pve stam dk. How does Briarheart compare to likes spriggan or Twice fang snake? Should I drop the Briarheart for the penetration sets?

submitted by /u/lasseft
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Big fan of the Elder Scrolls games and wondering if this is worth buying.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:13 PM PST

From what I've read this game had a rough start but I figured since the removal of a monthly sub and some updates to it that it would be pretty good now since I love ES games. However I can't help but notice there seems to be a lot of content locked behind DLC. Since the game costs quite a bit for me I want to make sure that I won't end up regretting buying it.

submitted by /u/The_Real_63
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Turning off green glow around friendly NPCs?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:12 AM PST

Okay so I have no idea what I clicked but for some reason, all of the friendly NPCs on one of my characters have this really off putting green glow coming from them. None of my other characters have this and their settings are exactly the same. I tried resetting all of my settings back to default and disabling all of my addons but it was still there.

I know there's an option to remove the target glow but that also removes the enemy glow, which is actually useful and something I don't wanna get rid of it.

submitted by /u/GeneralMaul
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[PC]Current state of Stamina Nightblades

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 01:03 AM PST

It's been quite a while i went real hardcore with my stamina nightblades so i was looking for some tips regarding the current state. My main char is a CP370 Khajjit stamblade that is geared up for PvE dungeons and trials. It does OK in PvP but i only play PvP to farm APs. I have a dunmer and a bosmer stamina waifublade i'm levelling up.

I currently run with 5x Spriggan's(All divines)+5x Sunderflame(All divines)+2x Agility Swords. I have weapon damage enchants on the jwellery and weapons, and both the swords are sharpened. Everything is in purple and i'm using the Thief mundus stone.

My max HP and stam while buffed are 16.4K and 36.4K respectively, weapon damage sits at 4.2K@60.8% crit chance with Relentless Focus, Major Brutality and weapon dmg glyph procs. Stamina regen is a meh 961.

I have decent 26K DPS as of now but i run out of stamina really fast and depend a lot on potions, leeching strikes and shards (if there is a templar in my group). This is what is frustrating me at this point tbh.

So i'm asking here about what is the current "established" build for PvE dungeons and trials? How much stamina regen is high enough, without sacrificing weapon damage? Also, with the new Master-at-arms CP, should i invest CPs here or the physical expert?


submitted by /u/s4ndm4n911
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BIS setup for StamDK DPS

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 12:57 AM PST

I'm currently using 2 velidreth, 5 VO, and 5 NMG. I heard bis is TFS instead of NMG, but I don't have the time to farm TFS.

Is sunderflame or hundings rage good replacement for TFS?

submitted by /u/boozebolshol
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[XBox1] Sorting order of items in the deconstruction dialog box

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:30 AM PST

Is this a bug since CWC? Items are not shown alphabetically anymore and I can't discern any rhyme or reason to the new order. And if I deconstruct an item, the remaining items resort and the current item jumps oddly. I accidentally deleted a staff I wanted yesterday thinking I would deconstruct two junk items.

Does this new system make sense to anyone? Can you explain it to me?

submitted by /u/Amadis001
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[PC] I need help my game keeps disconnecting

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:10 PM PST

I've been playing for a week now and I really like the game and I am seriously considering a Plus membership, but I'm having the disconnect issue and my love for the game is fading away. Basically the game works fine most of the time but randomly every once in a while no matter what I'm doing everything freezes and I can't interact with anything, and then I have to log in again. I live in SA but I'm sure it is not because of my internet speed, I googled this issue but all I found were some people describing the same problem as mine but I don't see any solution nor proof that Zenimax has knowledge of this.

submitted by /u/DynamitePotato
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Asylum Imperfect Staff

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:17 PM PST

Magsorc here, got an Imperfect asylum inferno staff. Was intrigued to see what all the fuss was about with them, and now I've got to ask, are the Imperfect asylum destro staves worth it? Guaranteed status is awesome, but on every 3rd cast within 10s seems hobbled to uselessness.

Is there anyone around that's actually taken advantage of this?

submitted by /u/The4th88
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Am I️ crafted sets correctly?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:10 PM PST

So I️ just crafted a set of Hundings Rage and I️ noticed that it only takes like 12 pieces for Rubedo Leather to get the item to cp150, but it takes 150 to get it to cp160. Am I️ supposed to be using the most materials to get it to cp160 since I️ will be improving them with tempers? Please let me know if I'm wasting a bunch of materials. I'm not sure once I️ prove them if they will advance to CP160 once I️ make them superior or epic. I️ know when I'm doing master writs I️ only have to use the minimum amount of materials and then improve them to epic to turn them in, so I'm a bit confused. If not not then it sure takes a hell of a lot of materials to craft a full set of Medium Hundings.

submitted by /u/Bmooney31
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Asylum restoration staff

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 12:56 AM PST

Is it worth using? Spending Tranmutation gems on?

submitted by /u/A_Confused_Moth
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Pvp stamdk Gladiator build

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:51 PM PST

I love the idea of roman gladiators walking around cyrodill and beating up multiple guys while looking cool. I want to look cool while being viable in pvp. I was thinking of using 5 schackle and 5 of another set, with 1 domihaus and a heavy order of the hour helm from one of the two sets. Any tips on the other sets? Any tips on what styles to do schacklebreaker in to look like a gladiator? Ty in advance!

submitted by /u/Werkbv
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