Hearthstone - /r/Hearthstone Discord: Kobolds & Catacombs Edition

/r/Hearthstone Discord: Kobolds & Catacombs Edition

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:01 AM PST

Well Met!

We are happy to announce the /r/Hearthstone Discord Server! If you are looking to talk about the game, find new friends to play with or just hang out with like minded people, feel free to join us!

Also a big thing to point out is our registered users just passed 25,000 on the Discord server and we are partnered with Discord in order to give you guys a bunch of extra features and better quality voice channels!

Discord Event: Enter The Dungeon

Want to earn some exclusive rewards for the discord server and the /r/Hearthstone subreddit? Make sure you check out the new channel #enter-the-dungeon to experience the Discords fourth server wide event which puts users to the test in a race to defeat the Kobold King!

If you would like to join us, please download and install the free Discord Client and then click on this link. Mobile and Tablet Clients are also available.

Let the GamesMemes Begin!

~/r/Hearthstone moderation team.

submitted by /u/Oagoz
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In today's episode of "I wonder which deck my opponent is playing..."

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:45 AM PST

TIL replaced card still keeps the cost increase from freezing trap

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:15 AM PST

Thijs tries out Quest Mage on ladder.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:19 AM PST

Another thread about the HS app size.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:29 AM PST

I still don't understand why we're forced to dowland audio/text files in every language. Shadowverse, Yugioh Duel Links and many, many other games let you choose in which language you dowland files ( hell, in YGO DL you can even decide NOT to dowland any audio at all ). The app size is getting ridicolously big, last time I checked it was around 3.8 GB, and considering you can't even install the game into your SD most people just can't play the game and no, a better phone is not the solution. Is it so hard for Blizzard to implement a "choose your language" option ?

Sincerely, A player who'd like to play the game on mobile, too.

submitted by /u/Afuy
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Dane buys £15 worth of packs trying to get a legendary

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:07 PM PST

New Year's Resolution: Be Large And In Charge

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 03:06 PM PST

I will build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, everyone says so, the best.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:44 PM PST

Reynad has the right cards for the Living Mana

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:16 PM PST

Received 60 KnC from my friend for my birthday. Only received 1 legendary.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 01:03 AM PST

Is this normal? Last I thought, pity timer was 20 packs? Before that it was 40 in the past?

submitted by /u/Stevesaur
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If a bot selects "appear offline" you cant report him

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:15 AM PST

Not that blizzard care (watching when the last ban wave was+all the discussion about wild bot) but today i noticed it

submitted by /u/FederikYT
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Congrats to the Rat Race winners Muzzy and German streamer iamThanh, with iamThanh making first place overall hitting Rank 2 and 4 stars in 24h!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:18 AM PST

Daily Card Discussion Thread #767 - Dirty Rat | January 2nd, 2018

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:02 AM PST

Hello and welcome to another Daily Card Discussion Thread.

The way this works is simple: Every day a random collectible card is selected for discussion. Post your thoughts on the card in the comments below. Discussion is not limited to competitive viability - feel free to talk about the art, sounds, animations or anything else you like.

As a reminder, at the bottom of each thread you can navigate to the previous discussion thread, as well as find a link to a list of all the discussion threads so far.

Dirty Rat - #767
Mana Cost: 2
Attack: 2
Health: 6
Type: Minion
Text: Taunt Battlecry: Your opponent summons a random minion from their hand.
Class: Neutral
Tribal: None
Rarity: Epic
Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Flavor: It's not his fault… Someone keeps stealing his soap!
Crafting Cost: 400 dust
Golden Crafting Cost: 1600 dust

[Basic] | [Golden] | via Hearthhead

<--- Previous Thread [Happy Ghoul - #766]

[List of all Daily Card Discussions]

Thread made with love by /u/hypersniper's thread generator.

submitted by /u/Oagoz
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2017 Hearthstone in a nutshell (to me at least)

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:51 PM PST

Thijs calculated lethal

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:41 AM PST

It's 2018 and we still can't see what card was milled

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:58 AM PST

Tick tock Blizzard, at this point, I'm not even hopeful for the scrolling sidebar. But milled cards are a feature that definitely needs to be shown in the side bar; it's key information that could change the way you play the game, and if you miss it, it's kind of a big deal. Before you say, "maybe you should pay attention to the game better", well some of us need to leave the computer for just a minute for something IRL, or maybe we tab out because there's literally nothing you can do on your opponents turn and spectating them can get pretty boring especially if they consistently rope.

submitted by /u/heythisisntmyspace
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I'm up to 186 losses as dungeon warrior now

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:23 PM PST

Ok, so I've easily beaten the dungeon with every other class but warrior (yes I know you beat it first go). Every other class I could create overpowered decks without trying and I think I can pinpoint why warrior can seem impossible to some.

The cards warrior has to choose are great, the only problem is that there is no synergy between the sets. Choosing the wrong reward early leaves you with no chance of recovery. For example, you're aiming for big/legendary/dragons so you choose the scepter of summoning only to be greeted with pirates and charge.

On the other hand you may choose a berserker or charge deck, only to be rewarded with armor upgrades or slow recruiter minions. Pick up a cloak of invisibility? Here are lots of taunt minions! Want to build a weapon deck? Heres TENTACLES FOR ARMS! 3 OF THEM!

I've never encountered the treasure room or had the opportunity to assemble Quel'Delar. At what point does bad luck protection start to kick in? Never, cool.


submitted by /u/Uncle-Badtouch
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It's not Legend but I'm still proud. I've only ever made it here one other time!

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:14 AM PST

Some quality Rat Race stream from Zalae

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:48 AM PST

New deck to craft

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:31 AM PST

Hello everyone, I started playing a moth ago and today I bought 40 packs. As you can imagine I don't have a good deck yet but with the dust I got today I think I can create a good one. Looking at the meta I was thinking about a zoolock (which would require me to discard some legendaries though) or an aggro deck (druid or hunter) that I can upgrade in the future. Can you suggest me a good deck (I have about 2000 dust now but I can get up to 3000 or a little more)? Should I use all the dust or keep a little bit of it for the future?

submitted by /u/mralerouge
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Happened in one turn. I'm not even mad, that's amazing!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:27 AM PST

Still waiting for that nerf

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:21 PM PST

How long are you going to keep me waiting on this one Blizzard?


submitted by /u/hintM
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Playing Yogg-Saron can leave you sitting with absolutely nothing now!

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 02:52 PM PST

  1. Yogg casts any cycle spell like [[Sprint]] until you have nothing left in your deck.

  2. Yogg casts [[Doomerang]] Milling your weapon or adding it to your hand.

  3. Yogg casts [[Astral Communion]] Discarding your hand and leaving you with 10 mana and an Excess Mana spell.

  4. Yogg casts [[Soulfire]] Discarding the Excess Mana spell.

  5. Yogg casts [[Forbidden Healing]] using up all of your mana.

  6. Yogg casts [[Reckless Flurry]] removing all of your armor. (Yogg can cast [[Hand of Protection]] on himself to survive the damage.)

  7. Yogg casts [[Dinomancy]] giving you a hero power that does nothing.

  8. Yogg casts [[Treachery]] on himself, so he casts spells from your opponent's perspective now.

  9. Yogg casts [[Flare]] Destroying your Secrets.

  10. Yogg casts [[Mass Dispel]] removing any deathrattles on your minions.

  11. Yogg casts [[Twisting Nether]] destroying your minions.

You are left with no deck, no hand, no mana, no board, no weapon, no secrets, no armor, and a Hero Power that does nothing.

Edit: u/Maxx-Michael pointed out that a Nether Portal from the Warlock Quest would still remain. However, this can still be neutralized by Yogg if you add in a few more things after Treachery:

11b. Yogg casts [[Lost in the Jungle]].

12b. Yogg casts 2 [[Bane of Dooms]] that kill the Silver Hand Recruits and both summon a [[Despicable Dreadlord]].

13b. Yogg casts [[Equality]] and [[Consecration]], destroying your side of the board, but leaving the Dreadlords alive, so they destroy the spawned 3/2 imps every turn, neutralizing your Nether Portal.

submitted by /u/Watermelon86
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