Destiny - [D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-04-27] |
- [D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-04-27]
- [D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2018-04-27]
- Dear Bungie, PLEAS PLEAS can you change Patrol to be at least 6 players?
- [Towerthoughts] I estimate that in approximately 3 weeks we will see instructional videos of people shooting floors and walls with Hardlight in order to do 2x damage to bosses.
- This Week at Not Bungie - 4/27/2018 - AI Learning, Autocomplete-Generated TWAB Article
- Old raids will have their drops buffed to help you get to 380
- (Towerthought) Exotic masterworks cater to the hardcore grind while keeping getting exotics casual. I feel this balance of pleasing both sides good for Destiny.
- How many people skip the Exodus Crash strike when you get it?
- Can we replay Homecoming, or at least an alternate version of it, in the future?
- I would love for the Lost Prophecy weapons to do bonus damage against vex
- Make Ward of Dawn it’s own subclass again
- [D1] 2 Man Aksis in a single phase of damage!
- Can Dmg04 or Cozmo please confirm which, if any, of our tokens/items will be removed at the beginning of season 3?
- ArcStrider Working As Intended
- Can we PLEASE get rid of the incredibly frustrating boss stomp attacks?
- [Spoiler] Prediction: The new Raid Lair will follow the classic fairytale story, Shrek.
- Bungie, I like what you're doing with the exotic weapon changes, but what's gonna happen with D.A.R.C.I?
- YES BUNGIE: Escalation Protocol is the Infinite Forest we were looking for...
- I’m hoping Warsat public events can occur simultaneously during the Escalation Protocol event
- With Rasputin and Worm Gods, Warmind is shaping up to be a lore heavy expansion. I sincerely hope it's handled better than Osiris.
- *spinfoil hats activated* Who still cares about The Crows and do you think they/ Prince Uldren will take any part in The Warmind?
- With the upcoming system to PvP ranks. Not being able to reconnect after getting a disconnect is really bad.
- Everyone’s excited for exotic masterworks, myself included. I’m just trying to find out what the color the MW Icon is going to be.
- “Oh Listener Mine” (Ahamkara Song)
- This Week At Bungie 4/26/2018
[D2] Xûr Megathread [2018-04-27] Posted: 27 Apr 2018 10:02 AM PDT Xûr, Agent of the Nine Description: A peddler of strange curios, Xûr's motives are not his own. He bows to his distant masters, the Nine. Location: Winding Cove, EDZ Exotic Gear:
Once per account, per week, you can buy a Fated Engram for 97 Legendary Shards. It will guarantee you an exotic weapon or piece of armor for your current class that you do not own yet. What's a Xûr? Xûr, Agent of the Nine, is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the Worlds, depending on the current Flashpoint. Xûr sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them. TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal. When does Xûr visit? Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here. Sort comments by New to join the conversation! [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2018-04-27] Posted: 27 Apr 2018 10:02 AM PDT This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine. When does Trials of the Nine end?
Trials of the Nine MapDistant Shore Game ModeSurvival 7 Win Options
Flawless Options
[link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dear Bungie, PLEAS PLEAS can you change Patrol to be at least 6 players? Posted: 27 Apr 2018 04:31 AM PDT I play Destinyx pretty regularly again and member by member I get my clan mates to rejoin me in Destiny 2. We're really hyped about everything in the new DLC and really looking forward to it. Especially the Escalation Protocoll. The only problem is, we're 6 people but can only patrol with 3 at a time. I don't know how much you're aware of it, but this is such a bummer. You get a team together that's hyped and ready to do some PVE stuff (except raid). But then you have to split the group, even though the activity is clearly designed for more people! Are there technical limitations somehow? Or do you think thats something you could look into? I'm absolutely sure this would make PVE so much more fun for every clan. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Apr 2018 09:49 AM PDT Title. Six guardians aimed at the floor creating a light show while melting bosses is going to be hilariously awesome. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
This Week at Not Bungie - 4/27/2018 - AI Learning, Autocomplete-Generated TWAB Article Posted: 27 Apr 2018 08:03 AM PDT You might know how this goes by now. I run a few TWAB articles into the Botnik predictive writer, which can generate sentences in an autocomplete fashion based on what you feed it. This is the final pre-Warmind update. I think I'll probably make the next one after the first TWAB following the Warmind launch is out. DISCLAIMER: After reports from the last post, I'm required by the State of California to say that I'm not responsible for any strange looks you get while laughing in public, nor your own safety while eating while reading this post. It is advised not to eat or drink while reading this post as you may choke on your food or drink from laughter. Please read responsibly. THIS WEEK AT NOT BUNGIE - 4/27/2018This week we deployed this good chunk of April. Several hours of what you can knock out in the Wild Screen Error are still true for the upcoming Iron Support Team. When firing from Lord Shaxx after 10 crucible maps, you can issue Sony a few specific pieces of feedback about the Destiny 2 sandbox. If you have any reason to play the same strike activities or crucible kills, but also opted to take the whole thing in your hands, we are adding new items from last week's respawn timers for all quickplay modes with you here. Deej hosted the Future Waypoints over this week at Deployment Schedule. The next update on sandbox goodies is a big deal for those who push their glory through the summer. Exotic Feeling of Mystery How do you follow up to three fireteams from last week's ammo? Josh Speeds has been removed from the iron engrams you can expect, for the first time since Nightfall emblems were not displaying properly. Destiny server maintenance is now driving further investigation purposes that we have decided to push crucible tokens out the next big play style. Since we are going to reset players who encounter zebra damage for all hand cannons, the rewards are going to be stored as a whole thing on your device. With armor masterworks and raid mods planned for the nightfall aura, the game is without its neutral crate respawn timers from the final faction again. You'll be stored offline for maintenance and we'll add more powerful notes to wrap things up with dmg04 this week. Say my name next week during the Bungie Pentathlon Puzzle and we'll be able to determine when a balance change is good. Here is PvP design note, Mark Loss, to forecast some commentary about how the exotic feeling, put out by who stole whose kill from your command posts, will continue to monitor the conversation.
With these goals for hobbyist players, we'd be rewarded with your friends and the high risk for adaptive pulses this week. The Brick Marks for More Control A Destiny server flag was discovered shortly after applying players who encounter changes to quest invisibility on this meal. If you inspect an issue where players could encounter anymore scary playtime, you'd be a challenging test. We have dug a few specific perks like weapon randomization and the high reward pool, and we hope you come together due to the scope of our most important piece of custom concept art. Art will be delivered via gameplay without being spoiled for the duration of these concerns. Now that our guests have had their base team modified from the community, the catalyst is not yet sure what form it feels like. While the current batch of worlds is not getting any specific battle, the player support mechanics to contribute to high intensity solutions for us are about to go flawless. We have received feedback that players face coming months with more specific notes associated with your friends, and the delivery of these items via email attachment will be available to anyone until Crimson Windows over the threshold are working. Increased PvE Codes If you have any other vendor-purchasing accuracy when using controllers on, you can issue temporary restrictions to the top three fireteams and the high pressure that we would have found in our studio. The Destiny 2 development team has been exploring each other while we work. We've been reduced to 7s. The next items on our agenda, after deployment for investigation purposes, are the top three games you played with strong opinions on. Maybe we can convince him to come together due to the missing targets in the community. This week is no longer necessary. The game is without suffering in the future of Bungie. Deej releases better supply thresholds than Jon can. Like how did six players on each other get the super display? We have received these emblems, and removing them as a whole feels like a rapid time. This season we have many new questions to make. The next update is only a new update coming on our list of possible sprint-codes encountered last time. Valor Caps for the Stars The buff granted by Vanishing Catapult rates from 6:40 hot adversaries to the appropriate party developers. Here is Kevin Problems with the release raid ghost.
The game is their power level. We have a new weapon called Warmind, and it will send you to actually dodge animations for everyone else. The mobility stat package times are being considered for the next course of fire. Unfortunately, the utility of having swords participate in any group gets control over how you'll be able to determine their own whale. Destiny dev posts detailing game decisions with you may have already been a major overhaul of the new stuff. Here is the full break down of our most important fashion modes:
Starting in season 4, grenades and fists are still true. Valor is a reason to play the community team, and focuses more on rewarding quick volunteers. Winning helps you move faster and more often. Glory features the same Win-Honor accuracy when using WiFi. We can't only have more info customization options to help tune sniper rounds. "Why should I keep refreshing your video? " If you ever need help with your friends, you can knock out at work. Worthy Goals for Everyone Derek mentioned that his wares have a lot of questions from the community. This means more communication moments when you acquire the perfect weapon. Exotic weapons are guaranteed to ship in this first time commitment or the crucible will be brought offline. Now that you want more deep love, we are adding new features for the base article and blog whenever some emblems have several months of our existing raid team damage. It's time for the movies that we have decided you can get your hands on.
It's good to be such a venue where players could encounter zebra. We're people just like any other local gaming reminder. Restoring feedback about what you'll be, in the list, is not a measure of who is important. You can follow the continuation of the story created by two messages very clearly. Having more opportunities to give us some emblems will provide individual items soon. Real soon. See you in Competitive Exclusive Reflexes! -Not Cozmo Edit: Attempt at fixing a divider. Won't know if it works until I save changes. Won't try fixing it again if it doesn't work. It seems Reddit likes to leave out some of the dividers if I have too many. Edit2: Aaaahhhh!!! Thank you /u/ChefDrizzt for the Edit3: And to /u/noob35746 ! Thank you!!! :D Edit4: And again to a 3rd anonymous guardian! Thank you! Whoever you are. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Old raids will have their drops buffed to help you get to 380 Posted: 27 Apr 2018 10:14 AM PDT I asked on twitter:
/u/danielout responded with: Edit 1: more info You could get to max light by just playing the old raids, yes. You can get to max light by just playing the new content. Both of those are slower than playing ALL the content. (1/2) We wanted to raise the power, but bringing Leviathan up to Warmind levels would mean players that didn't buy Warmind couldn't play it. That breaks the achievement for Leviathan, which means we'd fail certification. So it stays 300 lower for now. (2/2) [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Apr 2018 01:02 AM PDT Ok, so hear me out. It might be a unpopular opinion here, but I am one of the people who do like the more casual aspect of Destiny 2. I like for example easy to get exotics, or getting a clan engram with raid rewards if my clan do one. But, I'm also not crazy. I understand that for Destiny 2 to thrive or be liked, there has to be a hardcore endgame. A grind for people to chase, or a challenge for people to overcome. Now, I think that on reading the TWAB update on Exotic Masterworks... this is pretty clever of them. And I will explain why. You see, Exotics themselves will still be easy to get, and will be buffed to feel more exotic. So for the causal, they can get Sunshot and have fun exploding enemies with light. But for those who want a grind, or a more exotic exotic, they can work on a acheivable goal to make it better in some way. Honestly? i feel like all of D2 could learn a lesson from this. Allow any group of people from 1-6 to do a raid and get powerful loot, but make it so you need to pull off hard challenges to improve that loot. Make Bounties easy for the casual, but add bonus optional objectives to them that are harder. Make trails with a matchmade option, but add stuff that is easier to do with a team. Reward people casually for joining a clan, but reward clan activity as a whole more. Make classes simple to understand and use for those who don;t want it too complex, but design them in such a way that there is plenty of customization, depth, and power to tap into if you want. Keep the story deep and meaningful but simple for casuals, but throw in lots of lore stuff and a lore feature and deeplore for those who enjoy Books of Sorrow and the like. TLDR: you can cater to both the casual and the hardcore at the same time. So do that. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
How many people skip the Exodus Crash strike when you get it? Posted: 27 Apr 2018 07:07 AM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||
Can we replay Homecoming, or at least an alternate version of it, in the future? Posted: 27 Apr 2018 04:47 AM PDT I miss fighting in the old tower. It also reminds me of the good ol beta days, when you fight with other people on the Tower to protect the Last City from the Cabal invasion. It was so cool and breathtaking to see the original tower fall apart, and you have to stop it yourself. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
I would love for the Lost Prophecy weapons to do bonus damage against vex Posted: 26 Apr 2018 11:46 PM PDT This would really shine a light on the whole "lost prophecies" questlne. About to get Sagiras shell, and all the guns I've gotten are "meh." Aesthetically they look amazing, but the guns don't do much for me to want to use them. If bonus damage to Vex was available, this would really make the guns have a place in the game. A lot more people would come back to chase the weapons, meaning a lot more people would play. Thoughts? Edit: wow this blew up! Bonus damage to vex would also make these guns very good for the Eater of Worlds raid, and worth all those freakin paradox amplifiers. Just a thought: another way this could work is that the weapons acquire the bonus damage perk once you get Sagiras ghost shell [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Make Ward of Dawn it’s own subclass again Posted: 27 Apr 2018 07:54 AM PDT Obligatory loving all the changes coming to the game and looking forward to May 8th. Bubble bro was my favorite class in D1 along with using Helm of St 14. Now I have the Helm but can't really use it because the bubble is garbage. If not possible to make it it's own subclass, maybe give that perk tree more perks that benefit the bubble? Defender was a great tank class and now it is not. There's so many effects that could be added to the bubble. -Blinds enemies/blessing/weapons of light -Faster ability regen for allies while in the bubble -lightning reload speed for allies in the bubble -greatly increased melee damage for allies in the bubble I could go on. I just loved this subclass and hope it can come back someday :) [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
[D1] 2 Man Aksis in a single phase of damage! Posted: 27 Apr 2018 08:09 AM PDT Video: Strategy: Basically, the only way to deal enough damage to one phase him 2 man is to use Song of Flame and Thermite Grenades. Each Thermite Grenade does around 100k damage to Aksis, with Melting Point and Viking Funeral applied, you're looking at roughly 165k damage per grenade, which is more than a cannon shot does. So, for the first TP, we basically only go for it if Aksis goes front or back. If he goes to a side, we wipe. As you can see, I pre throw two grenades in front mid so that he's already getting damaged the instant he appears. I jump on his back initially to apply Melting Point but then get off and let my friend stun him so that I can begin throwing grenades asap. The second and third phases play out similarly except my friend is getting the discharge plates to recharge his super. As far as the RNG required to accomplish this, there are only a set few scenarios where you can actually get the damage you need, and that is with perfect teleports and discharge plate locations. On the first and third teleports, he needs to be either front or back. For the second teleport, he can be anywhere basically. The discharge plates must basically get guessed at, or predicted in the case of Aksis going left because if Aksis goes left, the discharge plate is ALWAYS at the back plate. Gear: I used the Armamentarium so that I can grenade spam better. The build was a Sunbreaker Titan with Thermite grenades and the Simmering Flames perk selected which recharges my grenades even faster and allows you to throw them constantly when Song of Flame is active. My friend was a Sunsinger Warlock with the Starfire Protocol, Song of Flame, Viking Funeral, and Touch of Flame. The weapons we used were Found Verdicts and Unto Dusts with Spray and Play and Cluster Bombs. The Unto Dust is the best Heavy weapon in the game for Aksis. Cluster Rockets in general do the best damage but the Unto Dust has the best fire rate and reload speed so make sure to always check the rolls on it from Dead Orbit if you still play D1. And that about sums it up! It took us around 6 different nights of attempts just due to the insane RNG you need and also the sheer amount of damage you have to put out. As far as I know, this was the 3rd ever 2 man kill in a single phase, the first being done months ago by the players Scrub and Hangry. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Apr 2018 02:37 AM PDT I don't need anything from Iron Banner so I have saved up my coins and I want to be sure they won't get reset on May 8th. /u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23 please confirm which, if any, items will be reset/removed from our inventories on May 8th, beyond standard removal of unused raid keys. thank you! [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
ArcStrider Working As Intended Posted: 27 Apr 2018 12:51 PM PDT Clan Mate pulled this off the other night in Mayhem and it needed to be shared. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Can we PLEASE get rid of the incredibly frustrating boss stomp attacks? Posted: 27 Apr 2018 04:48 AM PDT This is the No.1 reason why I don´t use shotguns. They´re so much fun to play with, but everytime I get to a yellow bar he just knocks me out of the park, preferably completely out of map boundaries. I know there needs to be a bit dangerous to get close to a boss, but what we have now is too much. EDIT: I´m not saying "dumb the game down". There are ways to make content difficult but not frustrating. Bungie could introduce some directional wide range melee attacks that need to be dodged, or similar solutions. But there´s a difference between "hard" and "unfun". EDIT 2: Another idea by /u/I_AM_ALWAYS_WRONG_ , would be to have an AOE abilities that slowly (faster in high end content) damage you while being close to a boss, so that you can´t simply stay there for too long with a shotgun in bosses face. IMO these could also be tied to an element, maybe even switch element, to make Prestige content with Singe or Prism harder. Hydra-like shields are also a very cool way of making close-range positioning matter more. I´m not saying get rid of it completely, but the fact that every single boss and even yellow bards have this is quite frustrating. Keep it on some bosses, give other bosses different ways to protect against melee attacks, different challenges, different flavor. But I don´t want to be knocked away every single time I get close to every single boss. EDIT 3: Another suggestion by /u/RefigeTube , to have a boss lock you into a bubble shield if too close, so you have to stay there and fight him alone for a small while without the option to retreat. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
[Spoiler] Prediction: The new Raid Lair will follow the classic fairytale story, Shrek. Posted: 26 Apr 2018 11:25 PM PDT In the new raid Lair, players will ascend a terrifying tower (the Spire of Stars), fight a dragon (Xol) and rescue the princess (Calus) only to find out that she has transformed into a monster (after staring into the void). [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Apr 2018 09:35 AM PDT Currently, it's a measuring stick with bullets. I'm interested in what they're going to do with it. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
YES BUNGIE: Escalation Protocol is the Infinite Forest we were looking for... Posted: 27 Apr 2018 09:58 AM PDT ... especially when it comes to rewards. From what I understand, we will be getting the IKELOS weapons from grinding out this endgame activity (and I hope the armor as well). While the Forge was a cool gimmick within CoO, going and grinding out 50 Public Events, or 10 Adventures and strikes failed to immerse the player in the new expansion and lore-wise had little to do with what was happening on Mercury. Overall Warmind really does feel like the brightspot of D2 in the overall rewards and progression thinking (Masterworks Exotics are really a move in the right direction). While I'm trying to temper my expectations I am excited about what I'm seeing, which makes me very hopeful fot the end of this year. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
I’m hoping Warsat public events can occur simultaneously during the Escalation Protocol event Posted: 27 Apr 2018 07:22 AM PDT Kinda like when the Warsat dropped while the enemy was moving against each other in The Skywatch area of the Cosmodrome. I used to love when I'd be trying to kill the Taken Champion Irxori and the enemy would start moving against each other and then the Warsat would drop and good 'ol Urzok the Hated would jump into the mix as well. It was complete pandemonium, but it felt great when my fellow blueberries and I were firing on all cylinders. Plus Guardians having a random Warsat fall on them would be just as hilarious as being killed by Cabal drop pods. Gotta love that. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Apr 2018 04:53 PM PDT Above everything else, what I'm excited about most with the Warmind expansion is the lore potential. Rasputin was one of the first major figures that players discovered in the original Destiny campaign and has been a major presence ever since. After the outstanding lore presented in the Books of Sorrow, the mystery of the Worm Gods and Ahamkara has only intensified. Not to mention Clovis Bray and Nokris, this expansion has the possibility to be a great addition to the Destiny backstory and universe. However, the same could have been said of Osiris. Numerous threads have spoken out about the childish tone and watered down lore of Destiny 2. Osiris occupied a place of mystery and interest in the lore, much in the same way that Rasputin does. Yet when it came to the big reveal, the handling of Osiris couldn't have been more disappointing. It suffered heavily from the awful writing that has plagued Destiny 2. I know we can't expect big changes until September, but I still hope that if this expansion aims to shine light on such crucial areas of the Destiny backstory, that it's handled in a way that respects the world-building that has led to this point. The work that has gone into making Rasputin and the Worm Gods so intriguing deserves to be done justice and not become another victim of Destiny 2's lacklustre handling of characters and their importance. Edit: To summarise the general feelings of the comments, there is a lot of cautious optimism about the lore going forward. In the likely event that Warmind is too soon to be the recipient of changes to the writing, lore and tone requested by the community; then I hope Bungie acknowledges the importance of this coming up to September. Perhaps it is misplaced, but I feel that constructive criticism of the current state of the lore and writing gets lost among debates over PvP, micro transactions etc. I hope that this thread and others like it demonstrate that this is a topic that is important to a significant section of the Destiny player base. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Apr 2018 03:11 AM PDT This is a 3 am thought brought to you by late nights at work and nothing to do. But seriously a handful of us have had a theory since Destiny that Uldren and The Crows are on Mars. Sound off - Spinfoil hats on [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Apr 2018 03:19 AM PDT As said in title. Not being able to reconnect could really hurt the new system for pvp. Imagine your whole fireteam going on a win-streak. One guy gets DC and cant rejoin, instant loss for him and the entire fireteam will probably lose too, resulting in everyone losing the streak and getting a loss. This needs to be fixed, the option to reconnect exists in almost any competitive game out there. Tl:Dr - if i get disconnect, let me reconnect! [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Apr 2018 09:44 AM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||
“Oh Listener Mine” (Ahamkara Song) Posted: 27 Apr 2018 06:56 AM PDT My band Double Experience has just released a follow-up to our song "The Glimmer Shot", which was written about the wonder D1Y1 inspired as well as the sense of community the game gave us. It also wasn't a gigantic departure of our band's usual subject matter of science, rogue AI, and so on. This time, we wrote about the mysterious beings that we believe have made for the coolest lore in the Destiny franchise; please enjoy "Oh Listener Mine", the Ahamkara song [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Apr 2018 04:05 PM PDT Source: This week at Bungie, we introduced you to Warmind. Several waves of developers talked about what you'll find in the game on May 8. Creative Director Brent Gibson from Vicarious Visions joined Design Lead Evan Nikolich from Bungie on our Twitch stream to talk about Destiny 2: Warmind. It was our first conversation about a new story created by two studios working as partners. After a quick tour of Hellas Basin and an introduction to Ana Bray, we dove into a bit of gameplay. Design Lead Jacob Benton and Design Lead Ben Wommack walked us through Escalation Protocol, a new cooperative endgame activity with some intense challenges and exclusive rewards. For the final act, Senior Crucible Designer Kevin Yanes gave us a preview of Seasonal Crucible Rankings and Private Matches, with Cozmo riding "shotgun," while Senior Sandbox Designer Jon Weisnewski and Sandbox Design Lead Josh Hamrick spiced the live fire exercise with some commentary about how Exotic weapons are evolving for all players in Season 3. Oh, and DeeJ hosted, but no one cares what he has to say. If you missed the stream, here's footage in full: There's a lot more we have to tell you today about Season 3. Read on for more! Exotic Investments How do you make an Exotic feel more Exotic? It's a two part question, including how it feels to acquire and upgrade the weapon and how it feels to use the weapon. To answer the first question, Senior Investment Designer Mark Uyeda is here to walk us through the process.
The Exotic Gunsmiths Over the last few weeks, Senior Sandbox Designer Jon Weisnewski has been giving previews on how some Exotic weapons are evolving at base level to feel more powerful in Season 3. We're keeping the streak up. This week, Tractor Cannon, Hard Light, and Borealis are up for conversation!
Real soon? Maybe next week. We still have a few more development videos to share – stay tuned to @Bungie on Twitter. Glory, Valor, and Combat Since their original announcement, Seasonal Crucible Rankings have been a hot topic. The Crucible team has been hard at work to implement the system. Starting with Season 3, Crucible Ranks will be available to all players of Destiny 2. Senior Crucible Designer Kevin Yanes gave a quick overview on stream of what to expect. We're diving deeper into the weeds to answer some of your burning questions.
Worthy Opponents Playing the role of matchmaker isn't an easy feat. In Destiny 2 Update 1.2.0, the Crucible team will be addressing player feedback about pre-made Fireteams being matched against solo players. PvP Design Lead Derek Carroll has a quick breakdown of the changes that are going in, and what players can expect starting May 8.
Season 2 Finale Lord Saladin returns for the final bout of Iron Banner in Season 2. Begins: Tuesday, May 1 Ends: Tuesday, May 8 The game is Control! As some of you may have noticed, we're diving back into the Iron Banner playlist pretty quickly compared to previous months. Senior Designer Jeremiah Pieschl gave us a quick rundown of initial feedback we're looking to address since 6v6 went live:
As a warning, this will be your last chance to earn Season 2 ornaments, so make sure to jump in and complete those objectives. Safari Stripes Speaking of Iron Banner, Destiny Player Support has been working behind the scenes to investigate reports of error codes encountered last week. If you've recently seen a pesky ZEBRA or two, read below for some important information.
Warring Over Stones With the introduction of Exotic Weapon Masterworks and Crucible Ranks, we expect to see many players challenging themselves to master activities that they may not have engaged with before. The videos you find here may be a source of inspiration or even strategy for approaching engagements in a different manner. Winner: The Power of Math Runner Up: Cream of the crop If you'd like a chance to earn the Lens of Fate emblem, make sure to submit your video to the Creations page on and include #MOTW in your title. Top Tier Last week, The Arms Dealer was the featured Nightfall for the first time since Nightfall Strike Scoring was introduced. On May 8, we'll be addressing the Lost Sector strategy used to boost scores to the moon and back – but we're happy to celebrate those who are reaching for the stars. Shout out to Johny_Hopkins for appearing on two of the top scoring fireteams! It's good to be back in the office. We're less than two weeks out from Warmind and the beginning of Season 3. Restoring the hobby in Destiny 2 has been a major goal throughout the development process, and what you've read above are a few steps in that direction. Soon, it'll be in your hands – and we'll be at the ready to process your feedback. See you in the Crucible? I need to get some practice in before Crucible Ranks go live. I'm not sure my team can reach Mythic status if I'm not pulling my weight. Oh, and before we go – if you're excited for Warmind, Associate Artist Joseph Biwald cooked up a few Twitter banners for you. Enjoy! Cheers, Dmg04 Thank you for bearing with us in this tumultuous time in our lives while the bots were boozing. Love, The /r/DTG Mod team [link] [comments] |
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