Civilization - /r/Civ Free Talk Friday - April 06, 2018

/r/Civ Free Talk Friday - April 06, 2018

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:14 AM PDT

Greetings r/Civ.

Hello and welcome to Free Talk Friday, a megathread where everyone can rant, vent, or otherwise express themselves to their heart's content. This is also a place where you can organize your thoughts, or even a party for multiplayer games if you so wish to.

Despite the mostly free of expression, however, we would like to ask you to still follow the rules, mainly:

  • Be polite as much as possible. Don't be rude or vulgar to anyone.
  • Keep your comments civil and as respectful as you can. If you cannot say anything good, please hide and ignore the comment.
  • Memes are allowed in the thread, but Politics and other controversial topics are not permitted to prevent offending certain people.

For other Weekly/Monthly threads, you can now view them here.

Want to talk to people in real-time? Join us at Discord.

There is currently a bug with running the Rise & Fall Expansion with the existing DLC which in some cases makes it impossible to start a game. A more detailed explanation of this bug can be found in this post.

As a temporary fix until we can get an official patch, you can download either this unofficial patch by Deliverator23, or with this patch by Gedemon.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Best place for the AI to put an encampment instead of, say, a campus.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:50 PM PDT

Napoleon's gotten into vaporwave

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:07 PM PDT

Shouldn't you be able to ask people to join a current war?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:26 AM PDT

In the new-ish (was new for civ 6) change in how joint wars work you can't ask someone to declare war without joining your self. That's fair enough, but if I'm already in a war I can't ask someone to join in, witch is very annoying. I don't see why that shouldn't be a thing. (This happened like half a year ago, so it might of been fixed)

submitted by /u/punpuniq
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When you’re on Chieftan and think you’re doing good

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:10 PM PDT

Capitals and Government Centers

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:02 AM PDT

So, I noticed in my game today that when you build your government plaza in a city that is not your original city, your original city is still your capital.

I think that you should have a one-time opportunity to "move" your original capital; that building the government plaza in a city that is not your first city should move your capital to that new city, including for boosts to yields/city state bonuses and for purposes of conquest.

Seems odd to me that my government plaza is in a city 10 hexes away from my capital city. Plus, this would allow you a one-time opportunity to move your capital to a city that you might see as more fitting, either for yield/production purposes, because it's centrally located, or because it's not on the Mongolian border under threat from a ravaging horde...

submitted by /u/pm1966
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Any word on DLC for Rise and Fall?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 12:21 PM PDT

I know it's pretty new, just wondering if there were any rumors about new DLC.

submitted by /u/Tedwich
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Let’s work together to create a new page motto, suggest in the comments

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:40 PM PDT

A place to discuss the computer game franchise that stands the test of time

submitted by /u/YeahDogggg
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Earth Goddess or Goddess of the harvest?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:39 PM PDT

Which generates more faith? I usually pick Harvest since I use Magnus to chop wonders anyway but I saw people here calling earth goddess the best one.

submitted by /u/culturalappropriator
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Looking for (future) friends to play Civ and other games with!

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:21 PM PDT

Hi all,

First of all, I'm not sure if this kind of post is allowed here, so let me know if it isn't!

So I'm looking for friends to play games with, in this case Civ but I also play other games (I'll get to that later). I already have real-life friends, but unfortunately they don't play games much or don't play the games I enjoy. I've had a lovely time playing games in single-player, but I'd really like to make some new friends online! If you are in the same situation as me, or just want some friends online? drop by! You might like it!

The discord link:

This is also for people that would like to make more friends than just me, I want the discord to be a hub of mutual friends! Of course, that's not necessary and you are free to do whatever you want, but I want to keep the discord alive, ya know? If you play more games of the list below, then that's only better of course! I want to hopefully unite more people as a friend group, and people playing more games only helps! I hope to hit 5-20 people as a group, it can get larger if it wants, but I still want it to be a close group of friends.

I'm in western Europe (Netherlands) so it would be most convenient if you are also in Europe, but I can't force you to get a good night's sleep! I'm most active between 4-10PM +1-time on weekdays, and from 11AM-12PM on weekends (help me I have an addiction to games).

Games I play that are (mainly) multi-player enabled (I've also posted a similar post on the subreddits of those games):

  • Civ 5 and 6
  • Factorio
  • Hearts of Iron 4

Other games I like playing so you can get a better feeling for my type of game:

  • Cities: Skylines/Rimworld (Sandbox city builders basically)
  • IL-2 1946/Cliffs of Dover (WW2 combat flight simulators)
  • Kerbal Space Program (Sandbox rocket science)
  • Mount and Blade: Warband (Bannerlord when?!) (Sandbox army and empire RP)
  • Total War franchise (Napoleon and Shogun 2 mainly) (Sandbox empire)

As you can probably tell, I like sandbox games with lots of possibilities and few set objectives or objectives I set for myself.

So drop by! please.

submitted by /u/Quintkat
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Some interesting dual-citizenship I haven't seen before.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:01 PM PDT

Civ V Game Announcement: Nuclear Blitz. Saturday at 10am.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:54 PM PDT

Greetings everyone. The following game will take place on Saturday 10am: Nuclear Blitz gametype.

The following conditions are in place:

60 second turn timer.


TINY PANGAEA with SIX players.

ABUNDANT resources.

Please sign up in the comments to play this game type. You will be selected among the submissions if there are more than 6. SATURDAY 10AM EASTERN TIME. Lets the games begin!

submitted by /u/vilimus-
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Am I in the wrong?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:45 AM PDT

My girlfriend, friend, and I are about to finish a game of civ V. He and I spawned as neighbors and were both racing for the top. I'm going for culture, and he's going for science, but we've been neck and neck in terms of military. At the beginning of the modern era we went to war and it was fun and intense. We all had a good time. But near the end, with most of the troops dead and no territory gained on either side, I became influential with everyone but him. I announced that he had 50 turns until I won, and he decided that he no longer wanted to play. Just quit and said that my girlfriend and I could finish it if we want. I am very upset with him and let him know that he was being a poor sport, but he claims that since we were only playing for fun that it doesn't matter. Is it wrong for me to be upset with him?

submitted by /u/ZombieGoneRabbid
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What prevents traders from being plundered?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:40 AM PDT

I'm at war with Poundmaker, I cannot plunder any of his trade routes ('a trade route in this tile has a special ability preventing it from being plundered') and I can't work out why. These are land trade routes. Can anyone tell me what might be causing this?

submitted by /u/military_history
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How would this laptop handle IV or V?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:31 PM PDT

Passmark Performance Test:

HP Elitebook 8440p

i5-540m, integrated graphics that don't have native Win 10 drivers. I had to modify a Win 7 driver and reboot to install an unsigned driver.


Samsung 840 EVO SSD

I'm kind of leaning towards V, I realise a lot of die hards prefer IV but I'll probably play it fairly casually. 1UPT sounds like it could be frustrating at times but if I forget what's going on it might be easier to glance at the map. I also like the looks of hex tiles but it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker

submitted by /u/purplegreendave
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Artifacts for archaeologists

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:36 PM PDT

I would like it I could scroll through artifacts on the map when I select an archaeologist (similar to the notification when you first research Natural History and it shows you all the artifacts in your territory as new resources). I hate having to look for the things on the screen myself with my actual eyeballs. I would also like to be able to check which artifacts I already have when it gives me the option to pick one civilization's artifact or the other. And whilst I'm on the subject I hate that it gives me a choice, that isn't how real archaeology would work so it doesn't feel very immersive. Indeed I find the whole theming bonus for both museums a tiresome (and OP) bore, especially with the arbitrary fiddly ten turns rule. And stop giving me musicians a zillion years before I can use them. It's surreal having my entire landscape cluttered with out of work arty types.

submitted by /u/teerbigear
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Really Advanced Set Up for CIV VI

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:05 PM PDT

Is there any mods like this that work with R&F? I get bored and like to play around with it in V sometimes...

submitted by /u/Piginawarmblanket
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Planning a larger Civ VI Lan, anyone got some tips?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:34 AM PDT

Hi, I'm planning a rather large Civ Lan with a bunch of people, some experienced players, some not, and I was wondering if anyone who has hosted one could give me some tips on what to look out for etc. :)
As there are some lesser experienced players we're thinking about going maybe RaF, but without Era scores and governors to make it easier for those players. So my first question is whether there's benefit of playing WITH the expansion enabled but Standard Rules, or if it's better to just disable the expansion entirely, performance wise specifically.
Secondly, I've never had a chance to check how the netcode works, is it still alright with 8 players? How much Lag/desync is to be expected? Also, if a player happens to crash/disconnect is it problematic to resume?
For last, I was wondering if there was any particularly good options for Map creation, I assume balanced starting position would be necessary, maybe someone has a preset they could share? Would be happy about any advice! :)

submitted by /u/Hurrrz45
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[CIV6] TIL that farms have different textures depending on iv they are worked or not

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 11:09 PM PDT

CIV 6 Pyramid scheme Achievement bugged?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:46 AM PDT

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