True Dota 2 - Bi-Weekly Patch Discussion: Patch 7.10 [March 1, 2018]

Bi-Weekly Patch Discussion: Patch 7.10 [March 1, 2018]

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:16 PM PST

Damage over time feels weak

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:46 AM PST

Outside of the early game, DOT damage seems pretty ineffective now that every hero has nearly 10 health regen per second come midgame. Does anyone else feel this?

submitted by /u/AnimalsOfEarth
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Questions concerning Windranger

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 11:07 AM PST


I would wish to ask some questions concerning windranger to people who are better then me, which should be the case for most people here.

1: Why is Windranger picked so incredibly rarely in an offlane role in professional Dota?

My reasoning for her being a decent offlaner is as follows: A) If the offlane is a 1on1, she can defeat plenty of carries in lane. B) With proper positioning and without a support in lane who dedicatedly counters her (like Bane or Skywrath), she will hold her own in most 1on2s. Against somewhat popular safelane setups like AM and CM she can even get plenty of doublekills. C) due to Powershot, she can still get some farm out of 1on3s fairly safely. She can also use powershot to interfere with pulls, stacking and stack farming. D) She is not completely trivial to gank due to having an inbuild escape with windrun. She becomes pretty tough to gank if she aquires a forcestaff. E) she has pretty good kill potential on the enemy mid (or anyone else actually) with her Ult and a Javelin.

2: Why do people favor Maelstrom/Mjoelnir over an MKB to such an extent on her? I heavily favor the flexibility that the MKB buildup gives. Just one Javelin is sufficient to make WRs Ult a potentially deadly threat to nearly everything, so one can either complete the MKB and get an AGHs depending on the overall situation. With Maelstrom, you have to finish the receipe in order to benefit (you can divert from the Hammer into a BKB or a desolater, but I am not really a fan of deso and you dont really want a very early BKB either). Another issue I have with Maelstrom is that you end up pushing the lane with just opportunistic rightclicks on the enemy carry, which doesnt happen with 2 Javelins. My Opinion is also that there are many enemy heroes where MKB is clearly better, while there are less heroes where I would prefer a Maelstrom. I find it iffy to use Maelstrom vs a PL, because you have to Ulti the right lancer which can be iffy, and similiar issues apply to CK. I also like that MKB is not flashy. In a teamfight, people tend to notice whom you are focusfiring with a Maelstrom, which paints a bigger target on your back and visually and accustically alerts your target. MKB is kind of stealthy in comparison, and easier to overlook in a chaotic engagement.

3: It would appear that very few people purchase an early orb of venom on her. At least in my bracket, I often have situations in which a support attack me, I rightclick him back, turn on windrun before the first projectile hits me and he starts to back off. If I have an orb of venom, he will (unless it is a very speedy support or has early boots) be slower then me, often allowing me to get in additional free rightclicks on him. The extra 10ish (factoring in enemy regen etc.) rightclick damage due to the poison arent too shabby either.

submitted by /u/Mightypeon
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Support lina viable now?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:34 PM PST

With the talents making magic Lina more viable, could we see support Lina as a viable pick for when she doesn't get a good match up mid?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Wraith King Skeleton Build improvement ideas

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:32 PM PST

So with the frog incessantly attempting to make the skeletron build viable, I figured I'd have my go at concocting up a interesting take on how to fit the build into a draft. I wan't to see how other people would view what would be a rather radical change in how wraith king is played given my 2 suggested talent changes.


lv 20: Change 2x skeleton spawn to 100% skeleton physical damage immunity.

lv 25: Change 25% vampiric aura to 2x skeleton spawn.


If it isn't obvious what I'm aiming for here, I want to find a place in drafting in which you could consider picking up a wraith king as a strong counter to a poorly executed draft.

Most likely being picked up in the final pick, this would allow a team to push with little to almost no risk under certain draft conditions. Rarely if ever is a draft created where no aoe magic damage is picked, but in such a rare situation, WK would become a fantastic last pick, and would force the opponent to pick up magic damage items such as Shiva's or Maelstrom simply to defend their base.

The main problem I see with this is the duration that the skeletons exist, and I figure, if a change like this were to be implemented, their duration would have to be nerfed massively.


What are your thoughts on these changes? Is it a good way to find a spot in a draft for WK? Is it too cowardly a tactic for such a manly hero? Any changes or suggestions you would make to these talents, or to find him a spot in a draft?

submitted by /u/OraCLesofFire
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How to Close Out

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:53 AM PST

So here's the deal, I'm new to the carry role. I have played pos5 for about 90% of my games, and 10% offlane or roam. I think I have all the basics down for carry I just haven't played it that much. So here ME: Juggernaut farms and farms, I end up playing a 72:46 game with almost 800gpm, but fail to close out the game. Is it my technical skill that causes this loss, or is the rest of my team underperforming? I know there are always things I can do to get better and I'd like an opinion on how exactly to do that.

Were my item timings bad? I'm not really sure what the timings are supposed to be... anyways any help is appreciated. I am totally lost after 50 minutes.

submitted by /u/BlotOutTheSun
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How does Motivation Affect your games

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:47 PM PST

I've found that if I force myself to play and is only playing for the sake of playing I get demoralized in game making me more prone to tilt because I lacked the motivation to play.

submitted by /u/Von_Siegfried
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What do you think about beastmaster as a pos 5 support?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:28 AM PST

He has an amazing slow level one, plus some good damage, a great aura, and an amazing ultimate. I believe that played as a pos 5 support can allow him to do a lot, maybe even more than a pos 3. Beastmaster is not greedy at all, he doesnt NEED any item at all, he wants some levels, but gettng level 6/7 is what really makes him strong. Starting off with some ms item and takling the boar will allow him to set up kills with the really good slow, and also trade hits really well. Later on he can go for a blink/forcestaff, and stuff like that, allowing for a little more greedy lineup without dedicating him to the offlane. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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When is Hood on PL Viable?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:28 AM PST

I've seen Reso and Gorgc do it in quite a few pubs, but looking through Dotabuff I see it barely ever being built and not even against heroes like Tinker. When should you go for it, and against whom?

submitted by /u/PeechMan
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