Learn Dota 2 - Good conduct summary? |
- Good conduct summary?
- Learning Lone Druid
- what do you do against pl lategame?
- How do you shutdown a troll carry as an offlaner?
- What are some of the best lane combo's?
- This is how you deal with PA.
- When facing magic nukers like zeus should most heroes get cloak?
- Pings don't show up on map?
- Why do some heroes get midas before radiance?
- wukong command how does it work
- Is morphling's +15 sec morph duration viable now?
- Looking to improve with the new Morphling
- TP cooldown reset trick/bug thing?
- Am I a terrible carry?
- How to relearn the game from amateur level to professional level?
- Optimal way to practice CSing as Invoker
- New AM talents - Significant buff?
- Help me get out of archon 4!
- A change in morphling meta?
- What are strategies and tips to play Naga Siren support?
- I've gotten a decent amount of earth spirit games under my belt, now i'd like to hear from someone 5k+
- When should I pull creep camps?
- 5 months Tl;Dr?
- Improving "Macro" Game
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:53 PM PST So basically since the last update where u can see people that upvoted you, I've noticed that more and more players were commending me and since than my overall conduct was always something like this 0 abandons - 0 reports - 15 commends and sometimes 1 abandon and 2 reports but that was rare. I've had around 250 upvotes since that patch and now I have 450+ I was toxic before that and my overall conduct is bad when is it going to turn into happy smiley? :/ I'm really tired of long queue times and toxic players- It's currently 10PM for me and I still can't find a match for 45 minutes in EU West, East servers.. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:04 AM PST I've just played my first lone druid game and I really liked the hero, but I have a few questions now. -Is radiance the best build rn? Doesn't seem like the ranged carry from the torte de lini item guide could do any good, you're basically a sniper that trades range for a buffed HotD with a range limit for the creature's attack. -Also, it feels like he comes online a little late in the game, admitedly I had shitty item timings last game (35 min radiance, 40ish aghs), but I'm a guardian 3 scrub, I was surprised to see after the game ended that I was still the most farmed hero in the team lol. Is the hero really that much of a lategame "bloomer"? -What do you build before radiance? MoM and phase boots are already quite some farm gone to just be able to farm the radiance -Does the druid just keep boots until aghs or is it sometimes better to get him something for survivability before? In the game I got tranquils, but the CD resets when the bear takes damage too, felt a bit underwhelming -When do I go meelee form vs when do I go ranged form with the druid? -What streamers/videos can I watch that play/teach about LD? -What makes a good/bad LD game? I can't see anything that directly counters him teamfightwise, since you have the roots proc chance for whoever wants to kite you, but I can't also see anything that'd be bad against him. Is it just generally strong early game heroes that threaten to end the game before you com online or am I missing something? -General microing tips? I am currently just using select hero and select everything else for the bear. Also had quite a bit of trouble due to mispositioning myself in he laning phase due to microing errors, how do you keep the LD distant enough so he and the bear can attack? -To me his basic attack looks like he's throwing popsicles, what are these things? Thanks in advance :) [link] [comments] |
what do you do against pl lategame? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:45 PM PST the dude is more tanky than our fucking 15/2 bristleback and he isn't even building tank items is this normal [link] [comments] |
How do you shutdown a troll carry as an offlaner? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:37 PM PST Is there an offlaner that really shuts down a troll warlord? If not, is there a duo offlane combo that shuts him down? [link] [comments] |
What are some of the best lane combo's? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:37 PM PST My friend and I like to try out new heros as we lane together [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:14 PM PST |
When facing magic nukers like zeus should most heroes get cloak? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:06 AM PST I used to be very active in heroes of newerth a couple of years ago and vs magic nukers we would get mystic vestments which give +5 magic armor for 500 gold. So I was wondering if cloak which costs 550 gold and gives 15% magic resistance is something you would want to buy also. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:04 AM PST When someone pings I can only see them if they're on the ground, not on the minimap. [link] [comments] |
Why do some heroes get midas before radiance? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:16 PM PST I don't understand why sometimes people outright rush radiance and other times they get midas. If you're rushing radiance, shouldn't you get it first anyways? Why do heroes like lone druid and bloodseeker get midas radiance then (and sometimes like omni, brew, abaddon)? Why don't you see lifestealer go midas radiance? Why not midas radiance alchemist if you get free lane, instead of just straight radiance? [link] [comments] |
wukong command how does it work Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:14 PM PST does my soldiers in monkey king receive my 100% damage and increased attack speed if i get butterfly? [link] [comments] |
Is morphling's +15 sec morph duration viable now? Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:59 PM PST Title. Pros almost exclusively opted for attack speed before the change because it didn't make any sense to go for morph duration. Dotabuff also says that +30 att speed had 5% more winrate than morph duration, which is kinda huge. Mostly because of the little boost to farming speed. So what do you think about it now? Is it viable? At level 3 morph. It has only 5 second downtime. But +30 attack speed can really boost farming speed as it is a level 15 talent. Can be really good against some heroes. IMO it's really game dependent. [link] [comments] |
Looking to improve with the new Morphling Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:58 PM PST Given the newest update to Morphling, I think the hero is really interesting and has a lot of potential, but I'm having trouble winning games with him. Is shotgun still the best build, or should I go for more stats oriented (s&y, skadi, dragon lance)? Are there any lineups I should be wary of picking morphling against? Here's the last match I played with him. I thought I did pretty well, but I guess not well enough (other team did get fed early, but still think I could have done more). General gameplay feedback is also appreciated. Match ID: 3762939619 [link] [comments] |
TP cooldown reset trick/bug thing? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:29 AM PST I was watching this singsing video on youtube and he had his TP in his backpack and on 30 second cooldown. He drops it on the ground and buys a new tp and this cooldown became zero. Is this some bug abuse or am I misunderstanding some mechanic? Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:24 AM PST Hey, I just played a game where I felt like I tried my hardest and practiced farm patterns well, but I ended up being flamed by my team because they thought I wasn't doing good enough. I felt awful by the end of the game and this really disheartens me because I really want to improve as a carry player, but when people tell me "don't ever play carry" I just feel like not playing the game anymore. The game is here: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3761865195 I know I didn't play my best and that I could always do better, but was I really terrible? I am the Terrorblade in the match. If you think so, are there any tips to improve? I know that I need to work on illusion micro still and that I took a bad fight near the end, but beyond that I don't know much else I could improve on. [link] [comments] |
How to relearn the game from amateur level to professional level? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:15 AM PST Hello there guys, I think it's time to just stop playing like a retard without a goal, I achieved 5.5k right before TI5, I remember playing a game with PPD where he was practicing Tusk's mid pulls (the significant difference is here, pro players have learned the game so well that they're finding deep shit like rtz's block or Boboka's ancient pulls) there's massive difference between amateur and pro, and I want to jump from this to that but I don't know how...I was watching BSJ's stream days ago where he said he had to relearn the game at another level, what level is this? Yes currently so motivated to literally bully my mind into it till I get it all, I believe playing games and tons of games will not carry me somewhere near them so Idk what to do or how and what to practice. Thanks =D [link] [comments] |
Optimal way to practice CSing as Invoker Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:16 AM PST Might seem silly, but I still felt like putting this here. I personally do think the last hit trainer was a pretty cool addition to the game, providing a chance to practice cs'ing without any items or skills, or even the stats you get by levelling up. However, I've been trying to do this with Invoker and it just seems wayyy too hard given his 38 base damage without Exort and rather unimpressive attack speed/BAT. Not only that, but in a normal game I would generally have Exort+Null at lv1 which puts me at around ~60 dmg so having to practice cs'ing with 22 less dmg than what I probably would have in a real game just seems... a bit unrealistic and unfair. Unless I'm getting dual-laned mid by Bane+DK with both their Q spells, of course. I can always just go back to practicing this in demo mode with my lv1 Exort+Null or just play against bots perhaps, but that still makes me question if anyone here actually uses the last hit trainer to specifically practice with Invoker? Is handicapping myself with no lv1 spells/items a good way to practice, or should I try to simulate at least somewhat realistic scenarios with bots and such? [link] [comments] |
New AM talents - Significant buff? Posted: 02 Mar 2018 11:44 PM PST If you guys don't know yet, the old talents used to read lvl 15 - +15 Agi or -2s Blink CD lvl 20 - Blink illusion or +300 Blink range New: lvl 15 - +15 agi - +400 Blink Range lvl 20 - Blink Illusion or -2.5s Blink CD I just tried going the +400 Blink and -2.5s CD in a game and it felt absurdly powerful. 1550 Blink range on a 3.5s honestly feels borderline OP. The 1550 range felt like it enabled you to abuse the map so much more. You can blink from top radiant bounty into Roshan pit, you can blink from dire mid ledge into the radiant ancient, so many spots where you can literally jump from farming a camp right into the middle of a battle where you're needed. The level 15 talent feels like a no contest for me for the blink range, and despite the blink illusion talent being so cool and with the small utility it gives in extra DPS, extra mana burn, and blink cancels, I don't see how it competes with the mobility the other choice gives AM which pretty much makes you a Storm Spirit. Have you guys tried it out? What are your thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:22 PM PST It's been ages i'm stuck here. I really don't know if it's me or it's the people in this bracket. No matter how hard I try, I end of losing most of the matches. I usually play carry. Mostly juggernaut and luna and at times PA, AM, and and a few others. But do play 4/5 according to the necessities. But never mid. I calibrated at 3200, but now i'm down to 2700. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:09 AM PST i haven't ever seen a guide which levels adaptive strike early, so i made my own guide which i have been using for 3 months now and seems very succesful. i am currently 4100mmr have about 270games with morphling on a 72% winrate. i would like to know what you guys think. this is the link to it http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1318003025 Reply on this post or comment on the build for questions or feedback. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
What are strategies and tips to play Naga Siren support? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:18 AM PST And how does the use of song chnage after Aghs? What should my item progression be? What type of impact should I be aiming for at different points of the game? And how do I do that? Help is much appreciated :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:53 PM PST I'm just gonna do 1 match ID. This was hard fought on both sides, everyone did well on my team. I don't much care for them, but how could I have done better as ES? Items, decision making, what do you notice that I don't? I want to take my gameplay to the next level. https://www.opendota.com/matches/3761371391 Match ID 3761371391 in game [link] [comments] |
When should I pull creep camps? Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:21 AM PST I'm trying to learn how to support safelane properly and mess up the enemy offlaner's day with pulling neutrals to our creeps to deny them XP, but is this bad? I've noticed I'm making my carry lose CS under tower due to tower damage early game, does that mean I'm doing it at the wrong time? I have a general understanding of creep management from league of legends but dota 2 seems a lot more complex with being able to kill your own creeps when they're at half health and pulling so it's really quite complicated [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:51 AM PST I stopped playing dota around 5ish months ago, around a month or so after pangolier and willow were added I believe. I recently looked at the dota2 main subreddit and it seems there has been a ton of gameplay patches, and was just wondering if someone could give me a run-down on the sorta need to know gameplay and meta changes? Sorry if its a bit of an ask but even as a relatively veteraned player, leaving for a few patches is so overwhelming! Cheers [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Mar 2018 08:37 PM PST I have quite a bit to work on in terms of micro, stuff like choosing the correct target and hitting skillshots. But I wanted to figure out what I could've done better to hopefully come out ahead in this game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3761246324 I'm the Windrunner! I feel like while I had an ok early game I felt like I had next to zero impact later in the game. That's true of most of my games, I tend to do ok in lane--maybe missing a number of creeps but rarely dying etc.-- but get completely outscaled later. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
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