Heroes of the Storm - Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | March 01 - March 07

Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | March 01 - March 07

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:00 AM PST

Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.

Previous Teaching Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Blizzard just killed the HotS merch section

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:24 AM PST

So it's been a little while since I've made my way over to the gear section of blizzard's website. My Heroes of the Storm reversible zip up hoodie has seen better days and I was thinking about picking up some new HotS merch. Well much to my surprise the HotS section of Blizzard gear has been completely gutted. Where the previously had 5 pages of clothing they now have a single page. And it is all gear that is actually made by a different company and is just sold on Blizzard's gear site.

I realize they just expanded big time on the Overwatch merch section with their Overwatch league but to completely just give up on all their HotS fans seems kind of wrong. Would love an official explanation as to what happened to all their HotS merch. Maybe they have a bunch of new stuff on the way?

submitted by /u/DarthGanondorf
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I'm patiently waiting for Zagara to exit Worms from any direction

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:39 PM PST

The precedent has been set with Blaze Bunker to exit from whichever direction my mouse is facing so when am I going to get this functionally on Nydus Worm?

submitted by /u/WhatD0thLife
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Can Genji get a "I need healing" voice line?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:33 PM PST

I wouldnt mind spamming that in 2 games

submitted by /u/Duff-McWhalen
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Your Ego Is Holding You Back

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:31 AM PST

2018 Ranked Season 2 Dates and Rewards

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:17 AM PST

I dislike that Azmodan has to be balanced around his black pool ultimate.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:44 AM PST

It sucks because his other ultimate is so fun, but if you don't go Black pool you're not going to do much in terms of helping with team fights. I wish they'd just scrap it, and place in a new ult / no longer have to balance him around his black pool.

submitted by /u/ESOLurker101
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Heroes Companion is now available on iOS! Plus hotslogs data, incoming translations, and more.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:08 AM PST

Hey! A little under a month ago I launched the Android hots app I'd been working on over Christmas to help players select the optimum builds for each hero.

A few of you asked for it to be ported to iOS, so I did it! You can get it from the App Store here. If you've got 5 minutes spare, download it and let me know what you think. Edit: Be sure to download the right app, you're looking for the one with a purple shield icon!

I've also been working on a few new features.

  • You can now choose to use hotslogs data to get your suggested builds.
  • Alpha testers are playing with a feature that curates builds suggested by pros, streamers, and the odd regular user. Those builds include detailed descriptions of the advantages of each build and alternate talents you can pick.
  • Alpha testers are also trialling a dark mode
  • There are stability improvements galore! If you tried it early on and found things were broken give it a shot again. Before and after shot of the improvements

The alpha features I mentioned above should be in the BETA build sometime next week and there are a couple more killer features in the pipeline for the next month or so. One of which is translating the app into different languages, if you fancy helping out with that then please shoot me a private message or comment below.

I hope you like it!


App Store Link

Android Play Store Link

submitted by /u/BHLHB3
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The Nexus Gaming Series is having five playoff games tonight! NGS is an amazing amateur HotS league that deserves more attention.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:57 AM PST

If you haven't heard about it, the Nexus Gaming Series is an amazing amateur league that has a wonderful, active community that has been just killing it in creating a fun and competitive atmosphere. It's a lot like Heroes Lounge or Chair League, but I personally think it's an improvement over Chair League. We're about to hit the climax of Season 3, and I am having a ton of fun playing and casting in it. The playoffs have just gotten started, so it's a really exciting time for everyone involved!

Tonight! NGS has five playoff games happening, and they are all going to be cast on Twitch. All three skill divisions (A, B, and C; A being GM/Master level) will be represented tonight:

(all times Pacific)

Season 4 is starting up in April, so if an amateur league for any skill level sounds fun to you, sign up your team now or join the Discord to find a team! NGS is among the best Discord communities for Heroes I've ever been a part of.

By the way, the staff has put a lot of hard work in, not only casting, but going the extra mile to make it feel like a real league, including:

For more you can check out http://nexusgamingseries.com and their Twitter, or join the Discord (linked above).

submitted by /u/ghostdunk
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Team Dignitas Katowice Hotel Tour by Snitch

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:31 PM PST


Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:27 AM PST

EU Servers Are Completely Broken

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:54 PM PST

Multiple games over the past week have been destroyed due to massive server lag and constant disconnects on both teams. I'm not usually one to post rage threads, but Blizzard, for the love of god... fix your f*cking servers!

submitted by /u/Maleficus100
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Can we take an honest look at Tracer?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:28 PM PST

So before you hit the usual "downvoted because I disagree button," hear me out and feel free to disagree and discuss why or why not.

  • Tracer is currently the highest community winrate hero in the game while also being a common and strong pick in pro play.

Tracer has a +55% community winrate currently. This is not only the #1 spot, but she also does even better in masters/diamond - 57%- and even stronger in Masters alone with a whopping 59% winrate on 40% popularity

If we continue to play around with league filters you notice she does extremely well not only in high leagues, but also in mid/low leagues where she's boasts similar statistics

Masters = 59.2

Diamond = 55.5

Plat = 54.5

Gold = 58.1

Silver = 52.2

Bronze = 47.8

In every league outside of bronze/silver she is top 3 in winrate (even in silver she is top 10) and has 20+% popularity. This is on a hero that is considered "difficult" to play and on a hero that does have counters...at least theoretically.

  • this is not just about winrate.

As we all know: winrate isn't everything. Heroes like Azmodan, xul, Gazlowe, Lili have all had #1 community winrates. Heroes like kerrigan and rexxar have held that #1 spot as well.

There are a few key differences however. One is that no high level player amateur or pro will tell you that tracer's kit sucks or that she is a bad hero. All of these other heroes are either supposed to be easy to play and/or have very low popularity: tracer is niether.

Tracer is supposed to be a high skill hero: her high community popularty and winrate show that this isn't really the case. Most high skill floor heroes have very low community winrates (see genji, zeratul,medivh)

  • she is counterable and these counters are well known.

Everyone knows the counters to tracer. Point and click damage + cc. The thing is lots of these heroes that supposedly counter tracer are aslo very HL meta. Tanks like Varian and Diablo are among the most popular HL picks as are point and click assassins like greymane and anti-dive/point and click supports like malf/Uther. Even Lili is a popular support pick right now who's blind technically counters tracer.

Despite these "strong into tracer" heroes she continues to have great success in HL.

  • I do not want Tracer dumpstered.

I think tracer is a fun hero. This is not a OW/mobility hero QQ post. I she deserves a place and deserves to be a strong hero. However I do feel that she is too strong at the moment and could use some looking at. I think she has actually been very strong for a while but was overlooked due to other strong heroes that sort of overshadowed her at least in community perspective.

She is super hyper mobile with really high burst and I think it's hero pulse bomb that should he looked at not her HP or mobility.

  • pulse bomb could he changed in a variety of ways.

You could simply nerf the damage, but I wouldn't prefer this. Tracers identity is getting into the backline to mess up a squishy and than blinking out again. If she can't kill anything than why pick her?

I would prefer them change either it's charge rate (it is literally always up and usually up multiple times in a slightly extended TF) or have it only charge when attacking heroes.

I would prefer the latter because it would create a situation where tracer would not always have it up before a fight and it would force her to attack the Frontline to get the charge allowing the enemy more opportunities to damage her or lock her down. As it stands right now she just safely farms charge on minion waves or objectives.


I believe if you take an honest look at Tracer you will see that she is overtuned in all HL leagues above silver. Possible balance changes should be focused on pulse bomb not her mobility or HP.

She is supposed to be a high skill-floor + high skill ceiling hero but at the moment she has a low skill floor + high skill ceiling which enables low skill players to be good on her and high skill players to absolutely dominate.

Thanks for reading!

I apologise in advance if the formatting sucks. Currently on mobile. Will edit when I get the chance.

submitted by /u/Lan_2
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Can There Be a HGC Button Please?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:38 PM PST

I know Overwatch makes more money, but it is completely unfair to anyone who devotes time to HotS to not have a button. I don't get how it would give Blizzard a financial liability from adding a single button. In fact, that 1 little change would make a drastic difference in terms of promoting HGC and improving the popularity of HotS.

Right now, it feels like HotS players aren't important. That is bad because it is going to drive players away and less players will be interested in playing or trying this game. On a personal level, I can say that I have been a Blizzard fan pretty much my whole life from SC1 till now. I'm a devoted fan, and am willing to spend money when I see there is good content and good effort from the company. I'm sure i've spent a lot of money HS, I have most of the preorder card backs. I'n Heroes, i've only spent like $20, buying some intro bundle with a horse a long time ago, and buying maiev with gems. I'm sure $20 from 1 individual does not crack any kind of profit for HoTS. If they were willing to put some effort into revamping and improving this game, I am sure I would spend $50-$100 per year, and that's just me as 1 person. Imagine what the profits they would make if 1000-10000 people did that.

I'm sure many people agree with me. Honestly, I barely even watch HGC but it literally comes down to basic principles of business. I'm not asking for some major ass job like an engine update, but like seriously even the little things like a HGC button will matter because it shows you actually care about the game your company is pushing.

submitted by /u/RedditAccount9000000
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Note the complete lack of complaints about the map pool this season. I think as a community we can agree this is a pretty good map pool and it would be great if it stayed another season.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:23 PM PST

I could see Cursed Hollow swapped out for Warhead Junction perhaps but I really like not seeing Circus Mines or Blackheart's Junglefest in the HL pool.

Since the upcoming map pool hasn't been announced yet, I think this is our last time to communicate what maps we want in the pool.

submitted by /u/TechTrans
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Riot's in-depth talk on matchmaking & MMR. Worth a read imho

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:50 PM PST

Please make new model for Arthas

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:47 AM PST

Please make new model for Arthas. Arthas model and skills visual effect feels so much outdated comparing him comparing it to other heroes, for example he's buddy Kel'thuzad. Also i would love to see new skin on him for example Grand Crusader King Arthas Menethil http://us.battle.net/wow/en/media/fanart/?view=fanart-0752&keywords=artist.pulyx

submitted by /u/Redoran017
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ARAM is back! Heroes Brawl of the Week: Silver City

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:03 PM PST

Live on EU. Since there have not been any news posts or threads I wanted to let you guys know in case you haven't been able to see it ingame yet. Thank you Blizz <3

submitted by /u/Natchan731
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Why do placement games feel so unforgiving?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:52 AM PST

The first couple of games seem to play too HUGE of a factor on your placement. It feels a bit like going uphill in a snowstorm. One step forward, two steps back.

I've been Platinum since preseason, played ranked every season. Platinum 4, then 3, then last season 1. This season I've played three placement games so far (I know, I wait until the last second...)

Game 1: Matched with people in Platinum 1 and 2. Loss.

Game 2: Matched with people in Platinum 4 and 5. Loss.

Game 3: Matched with people in Gold 1. Won.

Game 4: Still matched with people in Gold 1.

Sure, I've yet to be placed so I guess there's hope. But I saw the same thing last season with TL (that's TL though so I don't care too much) - I tilted and went 2-8. Went from Plat 1 to Gold 3.

Does it really seem fair that you lose several ranks per loss, and a whole division for a couple of losses in row. That's a lifetime (in HOTS) of Platinum which is suddenly Gold because of two games.

Anyone else? Why is it this way?

submitted by /u/danielwerner86
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Can we get a Zul'Jin announcer?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:20 PM PST

Zul'Jin has some of the best voice lines in the game in my opinion, having an announcer for him would be great.

submitted by /u/Stornilius
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Casting and Production for Heroes of the Dorm is Excellent!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:29 PM PST

Hi, I don't watch eSports, but my favorite game to play is Hots. I tuned in to the Heroes of the Dorm broadcast tonight, and for once I actually stopped playing and watched the games. The casting and production is exceptional! I do not know who the "black" caster is, but I think he is a fantastic caster. Made me feel like I was right in the game, part of the draft and like I was watching a mainstream NFL game. Just really happy with this. Thanks!

submitted by /u/AgamemnonSC2
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The next hero?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:23 PM PST

Does anyone have a list of the possible upcoming heroes?

submitted by /u/Yoav420
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The HGC Experience // HGC Funny Moments Montage

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:55 PM PST

Hey guys, I recently found my self really enjoying HGC and i decided to create a small montage about some of my favorite moments from it.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5hbZTqYCvQ

I really love what the HOTS Team has managed to achieve with HGC and also love the chemistry the cast crew has, which adds a lot to the whole experience.

I would really appreciate it if you could give me some constructive feedback for this video and if i should potentially make it a series. :)

P.S. Sorry for my bad English, not a native speaker here.

submitted by /u/BeardedMurloc
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Competitive Hero Tier List February 2018 - Based on pro picks and bans in the past 30 days

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:37 AM PST

Interview with JHow on HGC and Western Clash

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:59 AM PST

Towers of Doom used to be my favourite map...

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:18 AM PST

but since the 2018 Gameplay Update the way the map is played has changed in a way I don't really like.

If you are a QM player or lower than Diamond in HL probably you are not fully aware of the issue because most players have not adapted to the changes yet or simply didn't think about how the update influenced the map, but in Master League it's pretty common to see the "new strategy" (to be fair, it is not completely new, but rather an already solid strategy that became even stronger after the Update).


What's the strategy? Focus your resources on Bot Lane:

  • 4 men it while someone (Blaze, Dehaka...) double soaks Top and Mid;
  • take Sapper Camps on CD and be ready to aggressively invade everytime your team gets a small advantage. Extra tip: wait for the double soaker to be Mid Lane (or his global CD) so that he can join if necessary;
  • once you capture the enemy tower, DEFEND IT as 4 and occasionally get the Sapper Camps to threaten Core damage (timing these camps right before the Objective will force the enemy team into a lose-lose situation).


Why is this strategy so strong all of a sudden? There are 2 factors that need to be taken into account:

  1. Sapper Camps changes: they are easier to capture, their explosion damage scales over time, their health scaling (in lane) was increased by 33%, they are immune to structures while charging and, like every other camp, they spawn at 1:00. The only "nerf" received is that they take 15 more seconds to respawn (from 105s to 120s). Basically, they are quite oppressive.

  2. Forts changes: the most important one here is that, because of the removal of Ammunition, there is no longer a limiting factor that prevents the winning team to defend 24/7 a Captured Fort. This is already pretty big, but if we couple it with the buff that Forts received to compensate for the loss of the "Standalone Tower" (remember that Captured Forts DID NOT have the extra Tower!), it becomes pretty obvious that the winning team now has a much easier job defending their lead.

Practical example: Dig vs LE

For comparison look at the same strategy before the update: Dig vs EXP


While I have nothing against the strategy itself, I think it's a bit too strong right now and that it feels really bad when you are on its receiving end.

I suggest to increase Sapper Camps respawn timer to 150s and nerf Captured Forts stats to give the losing team more chances to recapture it and not be continuously pressured.

submitted by /u/khorinisale
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