Games Demon's Souls Online lives on through private servers

Demon's Souls Online lives on through private servers

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:35 AM PST

I'm surprised I have yet to see anyone talk about this yet here so I thought I'd spread the news

Despite the official servers going down the end of Feburary, the community has already began working on a private server for the game to allow the online fuctionality to continue to exist. This right now is only a temporary server that will be shutdown, alongside its source code to be published.

I have tested this myself and, it works! I have yet to try and summon anyone, but I see messages and the phantoms of other players running around. It amazes me how quick the community were able to put this together.

Image to working test server -

In short, even if you've missed your chance to play Demon's Souls back in the day, there is still a chance to dust off an old copy and enjoy the full game and all its features now.

EDIT: Worth noting that this Private Server allows both NA and EU Copies to play together, unlike before when they were region locked. I believe only those two regions can play with eachother on this server.

submitted by /u/teza789
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I feel like hub worlds make games feel bigger then open worlds

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:17 AM PST

For this discussion I'll be using Mass Effect: A, DA:I and Mirrors Edge Catalyst as comparisons as I feel these games suffered a lot from their open world system.

Games with good Hubs are getting rarer these days, I recently played Deus Ex Mankind Divided and the hub word was so incredibly well done and even though it's quite small in comparison to open world games like Mass Effect A or Mirrors Edge Catalyst it feels like the world is much bigger in Deus Ex because of all the intriguing world building done.

Now I know the games I am comparing are different breeds but I am mainly talking about games that were previously hud word based and decided to do open world.

I feel the same way in Mass Effect 1-2-3 the games aren't open world and there quite linear world wise but every hub like the Citadel felt real with backdrops and hints to a bigger picture that made the world feel a 1000x times larger then what was presented. I feel like a unique Hub with unique NPCs and detailed rooms and hints to a larger world made the world feel better and better then Mass Effect Andromeda where everything felt like a template with scatters of unique locations sprinkled throughout. The exact same thing applies to the Dragon Age franchise franchise Origins to 2 aren't open world but the world feels absolutely amazing and so huge and so much to see because of how well developed the huds are.

I feel like some developers are trading in good world building for open world games, Mass Effect and Dragon Age previous iterations had way better world building since it didn't rely on open world same thing with Mirrors Edge 1 which had good world building compared to its sequel where it sacrificed that good world building for a generic open world.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/TheOldBlood16
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Weekend Thought - Is there any particular hidden gem of a game that you know a lot of people have not tried, but you personally enjoyed -more- than most AAA titles?

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:16 PM PST

In 2000, a game called Brigandine: Legend of Forsena was released. In that same year, a lot of pretty good games were released such as Deus Ex, Final Fantasy 9, Red Alert 2, Code Veronica, etc.

Guess which one I played the most out of?

That's right - a turn-based rpg which had you recruit various "generals" and monsters, and fought a war for a continent.

For some odd reason, the game defined for me what replayability I would get from a single-player game.

You had multiple nations to choose from, and each have their starting strengths and positions on the map; and their own generals.

Each general can level up and gain more skills and switch to a new class. Each class can level up and gain new skills, and an even higher class tier.

The monsters are also similar - you could start off with a regular dragon that eventually turns into a godly creature with high mobility raining death; or djinns that have four different elemental tiers; or angels that become archangels, and so on.

When your generals fall in battle, they'll be wounded for several turns; when your monsters fall, they're gone forever.

Your generals can also go on quests to recruit new people, find powerful items, level up some stats, and so on. In fact, some generals were actually missable that I never found out they existed until I read some guide so many years later.

Because location determines a huge factor for your playthrough, you can use a weaker army to defend a mountain pass city, while expanding in one direction with a stronger army and branching out from there.

There's a ton of management you have to do on the global map and a ton of options you have once you fight tactical battles.

I consider it a hidden gem because it's a game so few people talk about.

In fact, a quick search over here on r/games shows that it's only been mentioned twice.

It just so happens that it was the game that inspired me to make maps - yes, maps (!!!) Back then I was still studying and so my classmates also had different games they played (whether it was video games, tabletop rpgs, MTG, or others) - and then I started drawing gigantic maps, and people picked nations, and we formed some sort of hobby group for our entire batch where every week there'd be a tally of which class was leading and which territories were taken.

Great times all around.

So, do you know of any other hidden gems that few people know about, but is something that you absolutely loved or inspired you to design something of your own based on it?

submitted by /u/el2mador
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