Fortnite What am I looking at?

What am I looking at?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:51 AM PST

Jess. i think that was where the epic thunderstrike scorch was supposed to be

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:01 PM PST

Mats should also work for their lesser counterpart.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:42 PM PST

So as the title says. You should be able to use higher end versions of materials on less evolved schematics. You shouldn't have to go back to areas your done with just to farm a specific material. It disrupts the natural progression of being able to get them naturally as you play through a area.

submitted by /u/asterik216
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Maxed schematics should let us craft all Tier 1-2-3-4-5 versions of that Trap / Weapon (+ both evolution paths)

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:05 AM PST

As the title suggests!

This would solve:

  • playing in lower tier zones without using up the higher tiered materials

  • no more support tickets about botched up evolution

  • helps people try both Obsidian and ShadowShard paths to test attack speeds and fire rates, and they can craft whichever they prefer later

The current QOL patches are great guys, and the added Epic crew browsing these forums really helps, we appreciate it!

submitted by /u/Skorreddit
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Did devs respond to why melee is bad?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:42 PM PST

I don't need to hear about the most specific build for lucky rolled crit swords weapons and just the right heroes doing as much dps as uah with a bad gun

My cleaver (highest dps melee) with dmg/dmg/dmg/dmg/water with afflic on my DS ninja with 35% sword dmg bonus does HALF the dps of a free event grave digger or hydra or even my mediocre rolled guns being used by my ninja with zero gun bonuses.

Not only is it half dps, my guns have headshot damage too AND theres no annoyance of bee's (whose AoE lasts way too long for such a common enemy) or getting focused by blasters or getting touched by a nature enemy and losing your stamina.

This is in twine.

There is no way that this is balanced. A mediocre melee should be as useful as a mediocre gun, not a god tier rolled melee being 2x worse and less survivability than a mediocre gun.

submitted by /u/Arman276
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The small fireworks are really helpful to find stuff in the map or fly to other places.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:52 PM PST

Val Legendary melee defender PL82 in Canny 52+ mission with Crit Rolled Sword. Gameplay for those who want to see her in action.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:09 AM PST

Deadeye Ranger: A Brief Guide

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:51 AM PST

Powerful, efficient, well-rounded, handsome... we are, of course, talking about Ranger Deadeye.

In addition to all of those things, he's also my favorite hero. Lots of folks argue about who has the highest DPS, who's viable end-game, yadda yadda... This guide isn't meant to claim Deadeye is the best hero - though the argument certainly could be made that he is - but rather to explain how best to use him. Let's get to it.

Perks/Abilities: He's the most pistol-centered character in the game, with buffs to pistol dmg (+24%), crit chance (+20%), and crit dmg (+70%). More on how to take advantage of that shortly. As an outlander, he also has loot llama and anti-material charge - nice perks, but not game-changing. The ability that really makes him special is his Phase Shift, which instantly teleports him a tile-and-a-half forwards. He gets 3 charges (15 sec cooldown, but you can use them while recharging), and each use forces your shield to regenerate + removes all status-effects (Affliction/Fatigue/Vulnerability/Slow). This helps you stay alive as you shift in and out of combat quickly, which you'll have to do given you'll be working primarily with pistols.

Squad bonuses: The support slot HAS to be either a second Ranger Deadeye (+24% pistol dmg) or Trailblaster Buzz/AC (+70% pistol crit dmg). I use Trailblaster because I've managed to assemble a few crit-chance-rolled pistols, but you can use Deadeye if your pistols have more dmg rolls than crit-chance rolls. For the tactical slot, there's unfortunately not many great options. Warlord/Sergeant Jonesy gives you a concussive blast at the end of your Phase Shift, but its knockback is really underwhelming. The new Thunderstrike Scorch (Spring event ninja) gives you a similar blast when your shield breaks, but - again - it's not particularly powerful. I personally use my Shuriken Master Sarah because she makes the anti-material charge slow enemies down by 30% for 7 seconds. You'll often find yourself face-to-face with Smashers playing Deadeye, so having the ability to slow them down is nice.

Weapons: Pistols, obviously. All are useable, so don't feel like you NEED one specific kind - the ROLLS are what really matters. As said before, you can use pistols with high +dmg rolls if you have another Deadeye to put in to the support slot. However, Deadeye's abilities are maximized with +crit chance rolls - especially when combo'ed with +crit dmg ones. With Trailblaster in support, Deadeye already has +140 crit dmg and +20% crit chance. Most pistols have a baseline of 5-10% crit chance and 50-75% crit dmg, so that puts you between 25-30% crit chance and 190-230% crit dmg right off the bat. Add in some crit-chance/dmg rolls and things get ridiculous:

My current loadout is a Judge with 44% crit chance and 245% crit dmg, a Falcon with 58% crit chance and 245% crit dmg, and a Freedom's Herald with 74% crit chance and 295% crit dmg. This gives the majority of my shots close to 3.5-4x damage. Insane.

Your Role: What pistols you get will generally determine your playstyle. With my loadout, I am primarily a Mist-Monster-Murderer. Emptying one handcannon and switching to the other before reloading gives me 14 shots in a row dealing HUGE single-target damage. By then I'm usually surrounded by a mob, so I switch to the Herald, fire a round or two at my feet, and phase shift to safety. Reload, rinse, repeat. If you get a well-rolled Monsoon, Viper, Zap-Zapp, or Dragon's Breath, however, you might be better suited for mob clearance. Phase-Shift into the middle of it, melt everything in sight, then Shift to safety. He's fun regardless of the style, so adapt to your weapons accordingly.

As far as non-combat playstyle, remember: you're an Outlander. Supply your team with resources. Hoverboards help everyone get around faster nowadays, but your phaseshift and anti-material punch really make gathering resources much faster. Plus your pickaxe does more dmg than non-Outlanders' do. Being useful in both the preparation and combat stages will earn your teammates' respect, and farming+building will earn you better chests. Win-win!

Well, that turned out to be not-so-brief... But I hope you found it useful! There have been other guides to Deadeye, but I found them a bit confusing and figured I'd add my perspective. Thanks for reading! Questions/comments/critiques are welcome, and feel free to add me on XBL - HoorayGreenBay. Now go forth and pistol!

submitted by /u/danthemandoris
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Rescue Target dying while car isn't broken.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:27 PM PST

Can we ban players who don’t attempt to help?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:37 AM PST

Seriously just failed a encampment mission because 2 guys I was grouped with failed to even attempt to clear it. They ran around the whole time killing random little spawns while I tried to solo all 5 and could only manage 4 before time ran out

submitted by /u/KickNaptur
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What about a system to give perks to looted weapons?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:27 PM PST

sometimes you loot a cool new weapon you never used, and you want to test it or "feel it". But you can't do it, because, not only is underleved but also doesn't have perks. So is insta recycled...

For example, i like shredders, but i don't have the schematic, and sometimes i loot one... but is trash, so why not to have an option to roll a "little" dice on it, and enjoy it while it last?

submitted by /u/Chiefrock4
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No tickets for the 4 person ATLAS?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:33 AM PST

Title says it all, I just want to know why... If I go to a single ATLAS and power it one time I get tickets, but if I go to a 4 person ATLAS I get nothing. Hey it is cool we can all use our defenders now, ty for that. If you think they are THAT awesome you are wrong, not enough people even have one leveled up!!! I am usually the only person in my missions with a defender out, let alone leveled.

If you have to punish us by taking out a reward because some other aspect of the game that no one uses is too strong then maybe you should just not. Have you considered this? I hope so, I really hope so b/c up to now you guys have been good at dropping pretty cool updates only to ruin them from a different point, it is seriously like you guys are afraid to make a fun, creative game.

I very rarely have dreams (or remember them at least) but when they are vivid enough to stick it is usually a nightmare of some sort. As of late in these nightmares I have found myself to be an overpaid EPIC games employee with no future in my field due to the work I have done and put into my portfolio. To make things worse my child and wife want to leave me b/c I can only make laggy PoS games that do not turn down for no one. I then wake up with the final thought of how the BR team is vastly more cool than me only to snap back to reality and praise Jesus that I am not in those shoes.

submitted by /u/JWSreader
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Rescue the survivors is a horribly broken mess that needs urgent attention.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:55 PM PST

Right now there are more bugged interactions in the map than working ones.

Working properly:

Find the medkit.



Cars - Survivors are vulnerable on their cars meaning Gas lobbers, lazers, propane, bees will kill them in seconds they can spawn from from sleeping husks/patrols/camps...

RVs - same issue as cars

Antennas - it's a coin flip as to whether the survivor spawns or not (still)

Medbots - downed medbot survivors can be pushed around before you find them, which means you'll need to hunt around nearby for an invisible trigger to find the medbot.

So uhh... 2 working properly 4 broken in some way, can we get some of those fixed please?

submitted by /u/wubbbalubbadubdub
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Stuck moving forward

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:43 PM PST

Is anyone else having an issue where you keep moving forward when you want to stop? And when you try it fights it.

submitted by /u/Cracken21
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Quick STW emote suggestion

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:01 PM PST

I was thinking it would be cool if you could use the emotes earned in BR whilst in STW as atm there are only 2 emotes

submitted by /u/speedboy500
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What happens if 2 cosntructors both put their BASEs in the same structure side by side??

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:18 PM PST

God roll dragons fang?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 01:52 PM PST

Complaint to Epic on Weapon Evolving System

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:12 PM PST

I am lvl 22 and I am currently on Plankerton. My favorite gun is a hydra and I have been leveling it up. I was so happy when it reached level 20 after days of farming schematic xp! But I made the stupid decision to evolve it to star 3. To my surprise I saw that it now requires malachite to be made. But there is no malachite in plankerton! Or at least not in the stages for my level. Why does Epic allow you to do this? I mean, I guess it was a mistake on my end, but I did not know it would require an item I don't have access too yet. And I am sure I am not the only one who has made this mistake.

Epic should allow you to craft a star 2 gun even if your weapon is star 3. Or at least it should give you a warning before you evolve it telling you you are about to lose your favorite gun, like I did.

A wonderful stranger gave me malachite after hearing my story so I can craft my gun, and for that I will be forever thankful to him or her. But do we really need to depend on the kindness of others to keep using our favorite gun if we make this mistake like I did Epic? Please improve your gun evolving system. At least a small warning is all I ask.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/pmuno007
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Getting Better Loot

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:50 PM PST

So I've been playing for a good week now trying to play while I can. At the momment of this post being up i am at Stonewood 7/10. I have had at most a blue through all these quests and all of them broke and stuck with commons and have to keep making them since they break easily. So I wanted to know what I'm doing wrong and how I could be able to get the best loot I can

submitted by /u/howtofuckdogs
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Incredibly slow internet speeds. No other background downloads. Usual speed is 5-6 megabits/s, 500-700 kilobytes/s.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:49 PM PST

Why am I still stuttering?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:46 PM PST

I have: intel core i3 6100u 4gb ddr4 ram nvidia 940mx 2gb ddr5

I optimized the game already using the nvidia geforce experience and it still frame drops/stutters

I tried using the lowest video settings in fortnite and still stuttering?

any ideas how to fix this?

submitted by /u/Clarcinogen
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Any chance on removing the timer on "Return to Homebase" on mission complete?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:56 PM PST

Anti-user features are not cool.

submitted by /u/KlyptoK
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Map won't let me select a different mission

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:00 PM PST

When I'm in the map tab, I can't deselect the "fight the storm" mission. I am severely underpowered and die almost instantly when playing this quest. But I am unable to go anywhere else. Am I missing something here?

submitted by /u/onescaredotter
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Daily Llama Thread 03/Mar/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama Percent
Ranged Weapon Llama 28.57%
Weapon Llama 15.13%
People Llama 11.76%
Melee Llama 9.24%
It's a Trap! Llama 8.4%
Super Ranged Llama 4.2%
Super Hero Llama 4.2%
Legendary Troll Loot Truck... Llama 3.36%
Super People Llama 3.36%
Legendary Troll Stash Llama 3.36%
Super Melee Llama 2.52%
11x Upgrade Llama Bundle 2.52%
Upgrade Llama (Seasonal Sale Freebie!) 1.68%
Six Pack Llama 0.84%
Triple Llama 0.84%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Buttons not working

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:48 PM PST

Is anyone having issues with their buttons not working in game on PS4

submitted by /u/BDM455
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