Fortnite Patch 3.2 Post-Mortem

Patch 3.2 Post-Mortem

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:09 PM PST

Dragon Weapons
In Patch 2.5 we introduced a data error that caused the newly created Dragon Weapons to ignore our normal perk rules. We immediately started hearing from you about weapons that were extremely underpowered, loaded up with nothing but low-rarity "gray" perks. We fixed the error in Patch 3.0, so that all weapons dropped after that point had sets of perks that were valid, but that change alone didn't help the players who had already earned one of those poor weapons. For patch 3.2 we decided to run a script to detect weapons that were below our normal minimum threshold, or that had multiple gameplay perks that could potentially introduce unexpected bugs. Due to incorrect parameters the script enforced the maximum caps too, dragging down players who had lucked into an extraordinarily good weapon. The nature of our current perk system did not allow for a targeted re-roll at the scale of this issue (i.e. fundamental reroll rules were incorrect), so an overall reroll of the weapon was the only recourse. This lead to a lot of edge cases where weapons received perks that were higher rarity, but that performed worse in practice, due to receiving sub-optimal combinations of perks. In the short term, we're looking at ways to get you as close to your previous state as possible without causing future issues. We'll have more information regarding this Monday!
Critical Chance Perks
As part of the design work towards the perk reroll system we had to take all of the existing perks in the game and re-implement them, so that instead of using manually entered values they were referring to the global balance tables of the game, and could be more easily scaled and upgraded by the new system. During this process we discovered that the manually entered values on most of the perks were under value, resulting in the majority of our perks underperforming compared to our "baseline" 10%/15%/20% damage perks. This made damage perks optimal for the majority of weapons in the game, but we want to provide for a variety of different perk builds, so that you can find combinations to suit your personal playstyle. This design goes hand-in-hand with our desire to let players change the perks that are slotted into their weapons via perk rerolls. Since we were touching all the data already, and this looked like it would be a buff to perks overall, the call was made to rebalance the perks.
One of the most underpowered perks was Critical Damage, but when we buffed it up to be more competitive with the baseline, the combination of multiple Critical Damage and Critical Chance perks began to outperform all other perk combinations. As a result the numbers on Critical Chance were brought down.
However, players have been honing their collections of weapons towards damage and Critical Chance over months of play, so even though the majority of the weapons in the game got a buff, the reduction to critical chance ended up affecting the weapons that you had invested into the most.
In this specific case, we should have waited until we shipped the perk re-roll system to touch any perks on a large scale, to allow you to adjust for when we make significant balance changes. The change should have also included a grant of evolution materials and XP to refund what players had already invested in the weapons containing Critical Chance. We've decided that is a good philosophy going forward. If we ever adjust schematic you have invested into when we make a significant balance change we will grant you back the investment or allow you to make the decision yourself when possible. For those of you who have upgraded schematics with Critical Chance we're looking into the best way to provide you the invested resources and will have an update for you on Monday.
Stat Caps
Since the launch of Save the World early access we have had caps on the amount of FORT stats and the maximum level of your characters and equipment, so that when high-level players play in low-level areas with their friends the experience does not become watered down. Prior to patch 3.2 we had the ability to create one set of stat caps per zone (Stonewood, Plankerton, etc.) which meant that the caps were working at the highest difficulty in each location, but at lower difficulties they were so high that they had no practical effect. We recently retooled our data to allow clamps to be set at every difficulty, so that stat caps would feel consistent across the game.
Although playing downlevel should not be trivial, it is intended to be much easier than playing on level, and we did not want a player going through the normal game progression to notice the caps. As a result our weapons are capped about 10 levels above what we expect the player to be using, and we allow the FORT stats (both personal and shared) to go about 40% above target as well. As players get further into the game they can specialize into their desired FORT stats and push them further and further above the targets, but we believe the current balance of our caps does not offer enough of a buffer to allow this at the higher difficulty parts of the game.
As part of this stat cap change we also widened the experience buckets in the game, so that more of the missions on the map were "green" missions that grant XP. We also increased the amount of XP given by those missions, so that in general you can play downlevel while still making decent progress along your skilltree. Long-term we will make playing with your newer friends more valuable to an experienced player, without introducing exploits that make it into an optimal routine.
For patch 3.3 we're going to gradually loosen the caps across Canny Valley and Twine Peaks, so that by the end of Twine players should be able fully benefit from the best gear, survivors, and leads in the game. Please keep giving us feedback about your experiences playing the game, at all difficulty levels, and we'll keep tuning this feature until we get it feeling right.


EDIT: We've noticed the feedback around stat caps in Storm Shield Defenses. We've investigated this and discovered that the stats in the SSD missions were not being increased per difficulty level. In patch 3.3 we are going to raise those stat caps so that your stats match the final SSD mission in the zone.  

submitted by /u/Epic_Jason
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St. Patrick’s themed Heroes

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:25 PM PST

Hey Fortnite Fans,

In patch v3.2 we added three new St. Patrick's themed Legendary Soldiers to the Spring it On! Event Llama:

  • Luck Demolisher Wildcat
  • Highland Warrior Wildcat
  • Battle Hound Jonesy

If you have one of these Heroes… save them! We'll be adding a Collection Book section for these heroes in the next few days.



submitted by /u/Magyst
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STW as of lately...

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 11:55 AM PST

Epic, if you're trying to kill StW, just tell us and move on

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 01:02 PM PST

I don't know how many people I speak for. All of us? Some? Shit maybe just me. But honestly all I'm getting from these "updates" is that you're trying to decrease the size of the player base so you can justify shutting the story mode down to focus solely on BR. You have to be legitimately trying to ruin the game or so disconnected from any loot/grind based game to even think stat clamping or nerfing rolls like crit chance is smart. Borderlands doesn't do that, diablo doesn't do that, any decent loot game doesn't do that. If you want to be powerful they let you be powerful. If shutting down StW is the end goal just tell us and give people their refunds like you did with paragon so we can stop wasting time and effort when you don't respect it. End rant

submitted by /u/Incurable109
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United we Stand - Justice for PvE

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 01:09 PM PST

I know ya'll hate us at FortniteBR. But for this one everyone is with you.

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 04:04 AM PST

Okay, look. I saw my friend playing STW once and asked him the game, and he said it was fortnite. So I went home and downloaded the free one thinking it's the game, but when I tried playing it wouldn't let me, so I just tried BR and it was free so I continued to play.

I started being active in forums etc and was happy about the new patch as we got new LTM etc. However I wandered onto the subreddit and found out that your weapons had been reset. I dont need to know how to play STW to understand what stat re-roll is. Im sure it sucks, because 75% of you probably grinded your ass of on the game, and now you have basic guns.

I don't know if this was a purpose update, or a bug. But in the case that is was on purpose:

Our whole subreddit is with you. I know you guys hate us, and BR for effectively killing Fortnite, and actually killing Paragon, and while we praise Epic there, it hurts to see how their attention to us is affecting ya'll, and yes I fucking hate the FortniteBR for mobile because it takes away people from more important things like the 100+ bugs in fortnite. I'm gonna make a post protesting to turn back the new update until your situation is sorted out, because it looks very apparent that Epic is going after just money right now.

I hope you get word from the devs soon. Until then we hope you will get your hard earned rewards back, so we can once again play happily and not feel guilty over ending Fortnite, the reason for our existence.



EDIT 2: This post reached hot here, and my rant on the other sub also reached Hot. It's being noticed, a few of us are supporting you

submitted by /u/Flameavrox
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Hugs for Magyst!

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:36 PM PST

Open world StW mode

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:03 AM PST

All Epic has to do

  • Take BR map

  • Keep Hoverboards

  • Throw in NPC town

  • Spawn husk constantly, levels increase as time goes on, but can start at certain level intervals. (Beats out slow start ups)

  • Smack that 4 player limit up to 16-20 (Optional, but would be cool for high scale battles )

How this mode functions

  • By day, adventure and quest

  • By night, town defense

What can you do in this mode

  • Events to save survivors and recruit defenders into your NPC town.

  • Grab quest from the npcs to adventure out into new territory to defeat a special enemy or gather supplies in order to upgrade town defenses (hp boost, damage boost, turrets, etc).


  • Last as long as possible, or cash out and extract when things get to spicy. To avoid possible disconnects and loss of time, every quest completed should automatically be logged for when you leave the mission. Sort of a progress savior.

  • This is a never ending mode until all players are out, possible to call for reinforcements but only if their power level's fit with the current modes level, to avoid throwing lowbies into a high tier game.

submitted by /u/Beariie
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So I pay full price for my Noc and this guy gets a fire one for something that happened to his Game. The love is unfair.

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 11:16 AM PST


Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:31 AM PST

A warning to all of you on behalf of the /r/paragon. Get Out

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:35 AM PST

Get Out. Now

We warned you multiple times, we were technically brothers due to both of our games being made by epic , but guess what paragon is about to be executed and you are next.

It seems as though your subreddit is on fire, at /r/paragon we are very used to it. We know how you feel and ours was worse as epic chased one of the most difficult and hard to master genres, a moba.Epic manages to fuck things up then attempts to fix it the fucks it up again.

As epic said , "2018 will be big year for paragon" , "2018 release" . I will advise every single one of you to get out now before you regret it.

Think of every thing epic has fucked up in your game and ask yourself are you ready for the upcoming disappointment,grief and anger if STW is closed ? Think hard because you do not want to wait weeks to get your refund or the hassle required. No one will care if stw dies outside of you guys, no one cared outside of /r/paragon and epic will continue making their hit fortnite BR.

Get your refund/Stop spending money

Get out.

Edit : Thanks for the gold, Yikes this post blew up. The point of this post is to be as real as possible, I would rather you guys get to keep your game. Epic will not take notice until you riot and make noise. It is unfortunate so many of you refuse to look at how paragon got to the place it is instead of assuming that paragon was never popular or it was shit etc It was bad for a reason because epic developed it.

submitted by /u/Lord_Zinyak
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Looks like they added an Epic themed emote

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 01:34 PM PST

Quit sucking and remove the level caps.

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:58 AM PST

Epic, I don't give a shit why you think this was a good idea. It was a terrible idea. In case you haven't noticed, people are requesting refunds left and right. I personally can live with most of the bullshit, but I spend a lot of time helping friends because I can't get consistent help in Canny or anything other than leechers. Now I can't even help others get to where I am so others can help me. I've spent at least $500 on this game and while it's early access, if I had know you guys were going to be assholes and ruin the game I would have saved my money. I'm requesting a refund next week if you don't get your shit together. Fuck you guys and your game.

submitted by /u/OverlordHellspawn
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If you want devs to listen, use your wallets

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 11:30 AM PST

I'm going to level with y'all, I came to fortnite for the BR mode. That's all my friends play, that's how I got introduced to fortnite, when someone at school asks me if I play it's assumed we mean BR mode.

However, I am shocked with how this shit is being handled considering y'all brought BR about, and y'all are the ones who support the game the most.

In the past, the one thing that gets attention is either bad press or bad sales. And fortnite has taken social media by storm, so the last option is making your voice heard with your wallet.

If you are on PS4, go [link removed] to request a refund or go through the help channels if you bought the game more than 2 weeks ago. For Xbox, [link removed] article states that refunds aren't available for digital subscriptions. However, in another thread a user was able to get a refund through the help system.

If those methods don't work, or if you bought the game through PC, contact your credit card company. Nothing is as powerful as a nice charge back with a fee attached. PayPal is great with refunds as well, a support ticket will help you get a refund without going to your card company.

Make your voice heard, and best of luck to all of you. Thank you for giving us Fortnite, and we from BR totally have your backs.

submitted by /u/Megasteel32
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Dear Epic, What about the whales that have spent thousands of dollars to have hundreds of legendaries with 3 and 4 orange perks?

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 11:06 AM PST

Epic ive spent over two grand to fill my account with legendaries orange gear that had premium perks. I trashed thousands of legendaries that didnt meet my collection standards. To have you reroll my collection is beyond frustrating. Will you be reimbursing me for the thousands of US dollars ive spent? You created a system that encouraged purchasing more in order to get the best.

submitted by /u/brittleknight
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Epic start listening to your player base!

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 01:47 AM PST

No Wonder My Drumroll Is Hitting Like Tissue Paper: My stats are typically 361/448/255/301, and Im being nerfed on my own Storm Shield Defense. What gives??

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 08:11 AM PST

These guns absolutely should not exist.

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:05 PM PST

[LONG] How to Save, Save the World.

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 06:34 PM PST

From an experienced FortNite Player in the endgame, this is what it will take (in addition to finishing the Canny Valley and Twine Peaks stories/aesthetics) to save the game and make it what it should be.

A change in mindset for the dev team - Stop following the path of most gaming companies and nerfing anything that stands out, if something is insanely overpowered, then tune it down - SLOWLY, don't cut something down 25%, drop it 10-15%, then modify from there. Instead, bring others up to par. Abilities should not be minimal, they should be the reason you choose that hero above others. I went through each hero and made them stand out, and add real diversity.

Perk ReRoll Mechanic - Should be completed by now, it has been at over 6 months since Early Access began and over 4 years in development. Mechanic can be simple: Player selects a Perk Row, pays 10% of the current evolution's cost in Evolution materials and is granted a randomized roll for that perk row.

Classes/Sub Class Viability Changes:

Soldier: Urban Assault: Leave As Is.

Support Specialist - Changes allow for more of an Explosives Expert, while fulfilling his name as a Support. Lvl 12: Modification: Spoils of War: While War Cry is Active, you consume No Ammo/Suffer no durability loss. (Yes, he can use Rocket Launchers effectively, someone should be able to, especially given it will be on a limited timer.) Lvl 15: Rework: Explosive Entrance: Damaging an Enemy with Explosives (Frag Grenade included) Applies 5 stacks of Vulnerability. Removes the Knockback effect of explosives, replacing it with a 2.5 second Stun. Lvl 25: Modification: Change to: Kneecapper (Increases the effectiveness of Debilitating Shots Vulnerability stacks to 9%.) Lvl 30: Modification: Change to: Fight or Flight (While War Cry is active, you now do 10% more damage to enemies.)

Special Forces: Leave As Is.

Centurion: Lvl 25: Modification: Blitz: Allies affected by War Cry move 25% faster and gain energy 10% quicker, for the duration of War Cry. (Change from only Centurion Wildcat gaining the benefit.)

Warlord - Changes allow for more use of Goin' Commando, and increasing it's availability, making a "Warlord" feel as though he has access to a big gun frequently. Lvl 5: Modification: Ain't Done Yet!: Increases the duration of Goin' Commando's active effect by .5 seconds per enemy killed during it's effect - To a maximum of 10 additional seconds. Lvl 8: Modification: Easy Operation: Reduces the Energy Cost of Goin' Commando to 35, and reduces the Cooldown by 25% seconds.

Commando - Changes allow for Goin' Commando to lay down some serious on-demand damage, without having the cooldown reduction of the modified Warlord Jonesy. Lvl 5: Rework: Say Hello!: Increases Goin' Commando's damage by 5% for each enemy killed during it's effect. Lvl 8: Rework: Bring it back!: Kills during Goin' Commando reduce the duration of the following Goin' Commando by 3 seconds. Lvl 15: Rework: More… More… MORE!: Goin' Commando fires 25% faster. Lvl 18: Rework: Outta Here: Move at full speed while Goin' Commando is active.

Rescue Trooper - She is designed to be a starter hero, and fulfills that role well. Leave As Is.

Survivalist - Changes allow for more of a Survival/Tank role. Lvl 2: Rework: Battle Hardened: For 3 seconds after damaging an enemy, take 20% less damage. Lvl 5: Modification: Survivalist: Damaging an enemy heals the player for .5% health over 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Lvl 8: Rework: I'm Right Here: Weapons no longer cause a stun effect, but rather force the target to attack the Soldier for 2 seconds. Lvl 12: Modification: No Time to Bleed: After losing 25% HP in 5 seconds, the healing of Suvivalist is increased by 50% for 3 seconds. Lvl 15: Rework: Party On Me!: Shockwave no longer knocks back, but forces all enemies hit to focus the Soldier for 3 seconds. Lvl 25: Rework: Insurmountable Odds: Reduces damage taken by 2% for each enemy within 10 meters.

Shock Trooper - Changes allow for more of a skill-focus on Shockwave, as opposed to it being moderately available/useful (Changes allow for more of a Dragon Ninja playstyle.) Lvl 5: Modification: Explosive Optimization: Reduces the Energy Cost of Shockwave to 15, and the cooldown of Shockwave to 15 seconds. Lvl 18: Modification: Doppler Effect: Reduces the cooldown of the next Shockwave by 1 second per enemy hit by Shockwave. Lvl 30: Rework: Lightning Rod: Each Enemy Hit by Shockwave increases Shockwave's damage by 2%, stacking 50 times. Lasts 10 seconds, timer resets at each new application of Lightning Rod.

Master Grenadier Ramirez: Leave As Is.

Raider - Changes allow for more of a Shotgun Focus, without being so reliable on close range (Changed Berserker will fill that role.) Lvl 8: Modification: Survivalist: Damaging an enemy heals the player for .5% health over 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Lvl 15: Rework: Boom-Barrel: Increases the effective range of Shotguns by 33%, and decreases the pellet spread by 50%. Lvl 18: Modification: Critical Blast: Increases Shotgun Critical Hit Chance and Damage by 100% (If a weapon has 20% Crit Chance, and 100% Crit Damage, while the Raider is holding it, it will have a 40% Crit Chance, and 200% Crit Damage, allowing for the selection of weapon Perks to be amplified significantly, though requires specific perk rolls.)

Berserker - Changes allow the Berserker to be the close-quarter DPS Soldier, as opposed to being solely focus on Shotguns. Lvl 5: Modification: Survivalist: Damaging an enemy heals the player for .5% health over 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Lvl 8: Rework: Sawed Off: Increases damage of ranged weapons on targets within 15 Meters by 33%. Lvl 12: Modification: Up Close and Personal: For each enemy within 15 Meters, Fire Rate is increased by 10%. Lvl 15: Rework: In The Chamber: For each enemy within 15 Meters, shots have a 10% chance to return Ammo to the Magazine. Lvl 18: Rework: Fight or…: For each 15% HP missing, increases movement speed by 10%. Lvl 25: Rework: Enrage: For each 15% HP missing, increases ranged weapon damage by 10%.

Snowstalker - Fulfills his niche role well. Leave As Is

Outlander: I feel their role is there, but never performed. The following changes will improve their role, while providing benefits even from Perma-Farmers. The following changes apply to each ability:

Fragments: Generates 1 Charge Fragment after 150 seconds - Fragments still remain on the ground, collecting a Fragment while at Maximum Charge Fragments are Llama Fragments, if Maximum Charge Fragments are not currently obtained, a Charge Fragment is obtained.

Anti-Material Charge: Performs a punch that travels 1 Tile, dealing damage to any structure punched, and 450 (up from 201.1) blunt damage to enemies struck. This punch will stun smaller enemies.

TEDDY: Consumes a Charge Fragment to deploy TEDDY for 15 seconds. TEDDY will blast enemies within 4 tiles for a base of 25 (up from 10) physical damage, 4 times per second.

Shock Tower: Consumes a Charge Fragment to place a Shock Tower that pulses every 0.5 seconds, and lasts for 10 (up from 6) seconds. Causes Chain Lightning, doing a base of 20 (up from 18) energy damage to enemies within 1.5 tiles, stunning small enemies for 1 second. Can stun Large Enemies after multiple hits.

Enforcer - Changes improve Burst TEDDY/Shock Tower Damage. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 8: Rework: This One's For You!: Causes TEDDY to attack the last target damaged by the Outlander, if it is within TEDDY's Range. Lvl 15: Rework: The Big Boy!: TEDDY deals an additional 5% damage for each enemy it kills during it's activation period.

Recon Scout - Role of exploration and loot hunting enhanced. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 15: Modification: Phase Runner: Phase Shift's cooldown and energy cost are reduced by 50%. Lvl 18: Modification: Loot Find: 10% extra chance to find double loot. Upon obtaining an item (other than rewards for expeditions and other side objectives) there is a 10% chance for each ally to also obtain a copy of the item. Lvl 30: Modification: Impossibility Matrix: Containers within 3 tiles of allies are revealed to the Outlander, shimmer/glow effect remains regardless of distance traveled from it. (Shimmer/Glow disappears while the Outlander is in combat, returns when out of combat.)

Vanguard: Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 8: Rework: Flanking Strike: Increases the base damage of Anti-Material Charge by 50% when striking a target from behind. Lvl 15: Rework: Anti-Personnel Strike: Increases damage of the next Anti-Material charge used within 20 seconds by 10% for each enemy struck by Anti-Material Charge. Lvl 30: Modification: Phased and Confused: Increases the damage of Anti-Material Strike by 33% if used within 5 seconds of Phase Shift.

Striker - Increased focus on Anti-Material Charge. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 5: Rework: Charged Strike: Using Anti-Material Charge while it is on cooldown consumes a Charge Fragment, increasing the damage dealt by 250%. Lvl 12: Rework: Lightning Fast: Reduces the activation time of Anti-Material Charge by 50%, when Anti-Material Charge kills an enemy it reduces the remaining Cooldown of Charge Fragment by 25%. Lvl 15: Modification: Long Arm of the Law: Increases the travel distance of Anti-Material Charge to 3 tiles. Lvl 18: Rework: Faster Than Light: Phase Shift decreases the cooldown of your next Charge Fragment by 10%.

Trailblaster - The game needs a Sniper-centric hero, and who better than the Trailblaster, he/she who blasts everything, while setting a trail! Trailblaster with this rework would be a mobile sniper. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 5: Rework: Hawk Eye: Successful Sniper Headshots have a 25% chance to instantly reload the Sniper Rifle. Lvl 8: Rework: Conditioned Response: While a Charge Fragment is available, Sniper Rifles gain 20% Critical Strike chance and 75% Critical Strike Damage. Lvl 12: Rework: All In: While TEDDY or Shock Tower is active, Sniper Rifle damage is increased by 50%. Lvl 15: Rework: Collaborative Efforts: Headshots with Sniper Rifles increase the active duration of the Shock Tower and/or TEDDY by 1 second, to a maximum of 15 additional seconds. If no Shock Tower or TEDDY is currently active, the remaining cooldown on the next Charge Fragment is reduced by 5 seconds. Lvl 20: Modification: Change Anti-Material Charge out for Phase Shift Lvl 25: Rework: Relocate: Using Phase Shift grants 100% Crit Chance with Sniper Rifles for 5 seconds. Lvl 30: Rework: Sniper Trance: Increases damage with Sniper Rifles by 33% while Aiming Down the Sights.

Shock Specialist: Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 30: Zeus' Bolt: Killing an enemy with Shock Tower reduces the cooldown of the next Charge Fragment by 1%. This reduction increases to 5% for Mist Monsters.

Trailblazer - With the Fragment and TEDDY/Shock Tower modifications her current setup would suit her niche playstyle well. Leave As Is.

Pathfinder - Changes would give the Pathfinder (primary harvester) a different playstyle. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 1: Modification: In the Zone: After 5 hits in a row with a pick axe, gain In the Zone which increases harvesting damage by 25% and causes 750 base Impact against Monsters. Lvl 5: Modification: Passing Zone: Increase run speed while In the Zone by 20% (up from 12%) and Pick Axe base damage to 25 against Monsters. Lvl 12: Modification: Loot Find: 10% extra chance to find double loot. Upon obtaining an item (other than rewards for expeditions and other side objectives) there is a 10% chance for each ally to also obtain a copy of the item. Lvl 15: Rework: Master Picker: Increases Harvesting damage by 50% and grants the Pick Axe a 25% chance to critical strike, instantly consuming the structure. Critically Striking a monster deals 150% bonus damage.

Ranger - Perfect As Is. Leave As Is.

Phase Scout - For a Mythic she is very underwhelming, these changes would make her unique. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 5: Rework: Spatial Runner: Phase Shift increases Movement Speed by 25% for 5 seconds, and increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 25% for the duration. Lvl 12: Rework: Phasic Conservation: Phase Shift causes Pistols and Shotguns to not consume Ammo for 3 seconds. Lvl 15: Rework: Quantum Grasp: Using Phase Shift causes Pistols and Shotguns to deal Plasma damage for 3 seconds. Lvl 30: Rework: Quantum Leap: Using Phase Shift increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 50% for 3 seconds. (resulting in 150% Crit Chance and Damage from the equipped weapon, not an additional 50%. IE: Pistol has 20% Chance to Critical Strike, after using Phase Shift, it has 30% Chance to Critically Strike.)

Gunblazer - He fulfills his function very well, and the modifications applied to all Outlander skills and the Lvl 1 Perk (Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.)) would fit him well. Leave As Is.

Fragment Flurry - Changes further enhance her ability to get a stronger TEDDY/Shock Tower up more frequently, resulting in a "Flurry" of Fragments. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 8: Modification: Fragment Generation: Every 60 kills earned by the team, grants 1 Charge Fragment. Lvl 15: Modification: Bear Stare: TEDDY now deals 30 base Energy Damage.

Flash Eagle Eye - Changes grant more Crowd Control/Utility while retaining the base playstyle. Lvl 1: Modification: Focused Acquisition: Increases chance to find double loot by 10%. All Building Material gains are split evenly amongst the entire team. (Changes make Focused Acquisition's double-loot chance somewhat useful, while forcing the "Gatherer" role.) Lvl 5: Modification: Hit 'Em While They're Down: Increases Critical Stike Chance by 25% and Critical Strike Damage by 75% against Stunned, Staggered and Knocked Down Enemies. Lvl 12: Modification: Parting Gift: Phase Shift drops 2 high Impact Explosives. Dodging Melee attacks with Phase Shift grants an extra Explosive. Stuns/Staggers with these Explosives result in a 2.5 second Stun.


Crescent Kick - A quick kick that does 550 (up from 295.7) damage, 1000 Impact and stuns for 3 seconds. 15 Second Cooldown. Energy Cost of 30.

Throwing Stars - The Ninja hurls throwing stars in a straight line. Throwing 1 star three times in a quick series, dealing 75 (Up from 35) Edged (Physical) weapon damage with each star. 15 Second Cooldown. Energy Cost of 25.

Smoke Bomb - The Ninja throws down a smoke bomb, creating a cloud that persists for 5 seconds. The cloud slows all enemies inside by 30%, dealing 250 (up from 219) Physical Damage every Second. 60 Second Cooldown. Energy Cost of 50.

Mantis Leap: Ninja can leap once more while already jumping. Can only be executed once per jump. Costs 15 Energy (down from 50.) [Mobility Ability costing ½ of a Player's Base Energy is insane. This is a mobility ability, and aids with survivability in a melee situation.]

Brawler: Focuses on Crescent Kicks and Melee Damage - Changes maintain this playstyle, while allowing for more burst playstyle. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 8: Modification: Five Winds Cut: Increases Edged Melee damage by 75% for 3 seconds after hitting a target with Crescent Kick. Lvl 15: Rework: Accelerated Execution: Striking an enemy with an Edged Weapon reduces the remaining Cooldown of Crescent Kick by 1 second. Can only occur once per swing (striking multiple targets does not reduce Crescent Kick by several seconds.) Lvl 25: Rework: Leg Press: Killing a target within 3 seconds of striking it with Crescent Kick refreshes the cooldown and resets the Energy Cost.

Stonefoot: Focuses on stunning with Crescent Kick, changes increase survivability as well. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 8: Modification: Shadow Stance: After defeating an enemy with edged damage, the Ninja enters a Shadow Stance for 4 seconds. During Shadow Stance damage resistance is increased by 15%, and Enemies ignore the Ninja until struck by the Ninja, or Shadow Stance fades, whichever occurs first. Lvl 12: Modification: Five Winds Cut: Increases Edged Melee damage by 75% for 3 seconds after hitting a target with Crescent Kick. Lvl 18: Modification: Footloose: Doubles the Impact of Crescent Kick and increases the Stun Time to 4 seconds. Lvl 25: Modification: Extra Long Fuse: Increases the duration of Smoke Bomb's persistent cloud effect by 5 seconds, and increases the slow effect from 30% to 45%. Lvl 30: Rework: Granite Kick: Successfully striking a target with Crescent Kick grants the Ninja 50% damage reduction for the next 3 instances of damage, or 5 seconds, whichever occurs first.

Skirmisher: An All-Rounder Ninja, with the ability and perk standard perk changes, the subclass would be fine, nothing that wasn't changed from the previous classes/perks. Leave As Is (with changes to abilities.)

Poisoner: Specialization of poisoning targets enhanced, allowing for DoT playstyles. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 5: Modification: Corrosive Stars: Throwing Stars afflict their targets, doing 35% of their damage every second for 3 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times. Lvl 30: Modification: Corrosive Blade: Critical Hits from the Ninja's edged weapons deal 25% of hit damage every .5 seconds for 2 seconds and reducing movement speed of the target by 35% for the duration. Damage Over Time effect can stack up to 4 times.

Dragon: Great as is, nothing beyond the static changes listed to similar abilities needs to be changed. Leave As Is.

Fleetfoot: Suits an entry-level Ninja well, when previous changed are taken into account. Leave As Is.

Dim Mak: A good defensive ninja, slightly improved with one modification beyond previous perk changes: Lvl 15: Rework: Choking Fumes: Targets killed while within the Smoke Cloud reduce the remaining Cooldown on Smoke Bomb by 1 second.

Assassin: Focused on all weapons, modifications enhance her viability with alternative edged weapons. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 5: Modification: Easy Strike: Reduces the cost of the Ninja's Heavy Strikes by 75%. Lvl 18: Rework: Rapid Strikes: Reduces the activation/animation of Heavy Strikes by 50%. Lvl 30: Rework: Bladewind: Striking with an edged weapon, increases the damage of all other edged weapon types by 35% for 5 seconds. (IE: Striking with a Light Sword, increases Spear/Axe/Medium Sword/Heavy Sword attacks by 35% for 5 seconds, rewarding multiple melee weapons in a loadout.)

Shuriken Master: Brings back the viability for this skill/aim dependant playstyle. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 18: Rework: Sharp Edges: Grants Shurikens a 35% chance to critically strike, resulting in 150% damage.

Swordmaster Ken: As with the Mythical Outlander, Ken falls off very hard when you leave Plankerton, changes here fix that both in damage and survivability. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 5: Rework: Tag Along: Striking a target with an edged melee weapon grants 30% bonus movement speed for 5 seconds. Lvl 25: Rework: Chi Alignment: Killing an enemy with a Melee Edged Weapon restores 10% of missing health. Lvl 30: Modification: Masamune: Shadow Stance increases Edged weapon damage during Shadow Stance by an additional 100%.

Energy Thief: Modifications to previously mentioned perks/abilities cause her perks to be great, though some changes add extra utility in groups. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 5: Modification: Vigorous Blade: Every 3 Edged weapon strikes grants all party members within 60 Meters 5 Energy. Lvl 18: Modification: Rebound: Crescent Kick will grant 10 Energy to all party members within 60 Meters. Lvl 25: Rework: Stamina of the Dragon: Passing through Allies with Dragon Slash removes the Energy cost of that/those Allies' abilities for 10 seconds.

Sarah Clause: Slight modification to improve healing with Smoke Bomb to allow her to function as a healer. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 5: Modification: Hearty Blade: Every 4th hit with an Edged Weapon restores 1% of Missing Health to all Allies within 60 Meters. Lvl 12: Modification: Medicinal Fumes: Smoke Bomb now heals Allies who enter the affected area, restoring 2% health every second. Lvl 18: Rework: Restorative Fumes: Healing Allies with Smoke Bomb reduces the remaining Cooldown of Smoke Bomb by 1 second. Lvl 30: Rework: Chi Pass: Throwing Stars that pass through allies heal them for 5% of missing health for each star.

Thunder Strike: Focuses on attacking stunned/staggered enemies, changes improve this effect. Lvl 1: Modification: Shinobi: Reduces Fall damage taken by 35%. Lvl 8: Modification: Wake Up Call!: Ninja deals 35% more melee edged damage to enemies that are stunned, staggered or knocked down. Lvl 15: Modification: Dragon Daze: When the Ninja's shield breaks, an AoE blast that deals 1000 base impact and stuns nearby enemies for 2 seconds. Lvl 25: Rework: Edgelord: Ninja has an additional 25% Critical Strike Chance, and 50% Critical Strike damage to targets that are stunned, staggered or knocked down.

Deadly Blade: With the perks/abilities changed previously, she would be great at her role. Leave As Is.

Constructor: Perks/Abilities focused on Base Defense and Crowd Control enhanced at the cost of decreased damage from abilities.

BASE: The BASE alters the matter of connected building pieces. Affected walls will deal a base of 10% (up from 8 base) damage taken as energy damage to melee attackers. Attached structures gain 15% damage reduction. Extends 3 segments from placement.

Bull Rush: The Constructor charges forward 3 tiles, collecting enemies on a shield, knocking them back at the end of the rush or when colliding with a wall. Collected targets are slowed by 35% for 5 seconds after the Rush. Colliding with a wall results in a 3 second stun, followed by a 3 second slow. Does 250 (up from 228.6) blunt physical damage.

DECOY: Deploys a DECOY which will distract all enemies within a 1.5 tile radius for 12 seconds. (HP increased by 50% from current state.)

Plasma Pulse: Deploys a device which emits exploding Plasma Pulses every 0.125 seconds for 10 seconds. Deals 250 (down from 304.8) Plasma Damage and slowing targets by 35% for 5 seconds. Striking the same target multiple times results in a 3 second stun.

Controller: Oriented toward distracting targets from the Base/Fort, changes improve that. Lvl 8: Modification: What Doesn't Kill You…: DECOY has 100% (Up from 25%) increased Health. Lvl 12: Modification: I'm Just Not User-Friendly: DECOY reflects 50% of melee damage back to melee attackers. Lvl 25: Rework: Professional Distraction: Each enemy that dies within the DECOY's taunt radius reduces the remaining cooldown of DECOY by .5 seconds. Lvl 30: Rework: Bide: DECOY collects 25% of all damage taken, exploding for the collected damage when it expires or is destroyed. Damage radius is 1 tile in diameter.

Power BASE: Big BASE, made stronger - Focused nearly entirely on defense. Lvl 5: Modification: Safety Protocols: Increases damage resistance of structures within area of BASE by 10% (up from 6%.) Lvl 8: Rework: Defensively Offensive: Triggering Kinetic Overload within the Constructor's BASE reduces the damage dealt by the target by 25% for 5 seconds. Lvl 15: Modification: Big Brother: Increases BASE connectivity by 2 building pieces (makes up for the removal of Automated Defenses.) Lvl 18: Modification: Fully Contained: BASE deals 20% of damage taken from melee attackers as Energy Damage back at the attacker. Lvl 30: Modification: Recycling: For every 3 buildings of the same material BASE generates 1 of that resource type every 30 seconds. The BASE can store a maximum of 150 for each resource.

Plasma Sentinel: Oriented toward using DECOY and Plasma Pulse to decimate groups. Modifications enforce that combo, while granting Plasma Pulse more individual utility. Lvl 8: Modification: What Doesn't Kill You…: DECOY has 100% (Up from 25%) increased Health. Lvl 18: Modification: Power Pulse: Plasma Pulse deals 25% more damage when affecting targets within DECOY's taunt radius, and increases the rate of Plasma Pulse's explosions by 33% at all times. Lvl 25: Rework: Bide: DECOY collects 25% of all damage taken, exploding for the collected damage when it expires or is destroyed. Damage radius is 1 tile in diameter. Lvl 30: Modification: Plasma Overdrive: Kinetic Overload procs have a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Plasma Pulse.

Kinetic Guardian: Designed to crowd control enemies with Kinetic Overload and Bull Rush, yet performs this role very poorly, this is corrected with these changes: Lvl 5: Rework: Energized Strikes: Striking a target with a hardware weapon while on connected BASE structures deal 50% more impact. Lvl 8: Rework: Charging… ME!: Bull Rush has extended width, increasing width by 100%. Lvl 12: Modification: Exit Plan: While inside any BASE, the Constructor's movement speed and blunt weapon critical hit rate are increased. Increases run speed by 15%, and Critical Hit Rate with blunt weapons by 10%. Lvl 15: Modification: Big Brother: Increase BASE connectivity by 2 building pieces. (Makes up for the removal of Automated Defenses.) Lvl 18: Rework: Stay Down!: Kinetic Overload has a 35% chance to knock the target down for 2 seconds. Lvl 25: Modification: Riot Shield: Any enemies pushed by Bull Rush will be knocked back an additional tile at the end of the rush, and become Vulnerable, taking 40% increased damage from all sources for 5 seconds. Lvl 30: Modification: Kinetic Overdrive: When Kinetic Overload is triggered, it affects targets within 1 tile radius of the primary target.

Hotfixer: Designed to repair walls and use resources efficiently, he performs this poorly. Changes correct this. Lvl 5: Modification: Hotfix: Increases building repair rate by 25% (up from 20%.) Lvl 8: Rework: Halt!: Plasma Pulse's slowing effect is increased to 75%, but no longer stuns targets. Lvl 15: Modification: Big Brother: Increase BASE connectivity by 2 building pieces. (Makes up for the removal of Automated Defenses.) Lvl 18: Rework: Repair Module: Structures connected to the BASE automatically begin to repair from the Constructor's resources after 10 seconds of not receiving damage, resources will be drawn from the BASE first if Recycling has been learned. Lvl 25: Modification: Recycling: For every 3 buildings of the same material BASE generates 1 of that resource type every 30 seconds. The BASE can store a maximum of 150 for each resource. Lvl 30: Rework: Master Fixer: 10% chance upon starting to repair a structure for the resources cost to be ignored.

Electro-Pulse Penny: Designed to deal damage with Plasma Pulse and Electric Floor, though the damage from these is often times poor. This has been corrected with the below changes: Lvl 5: Rework: Halt!: Plasma Pulse's slowing effect is increased to 75%, but no longer stuns targets. Lvl 8: Modification: Fully Contained: BASE deals 20% of damage taken from melee attackers as Energy Damage back at the attacker. Lvl 12: Modification: Electrified Floors: Enemies within the area affected by BASE take damage every second. Damage is equal to 1% of the 2.5% of the monster's HP, or 5% of the Constructor's Maximum HP, whichever is greater. Lvl 15: Modification: Electric Channeling: Enemies that die while affected by Electrified Floors reduce the remaining cooldown of Plasma Pulse by 1 second. Lvl 18: Rework: Electric Net: Electrified Floors slows enemies by 25%. Lvl 25: Modification: Big Brother: Increase BASE connectivity by 2 building pieces. Lvl 30: Rework: Mechanical Genius: Plasma Pulse increases the damage of Electrified Floors by 300% for it's duration. Only affects tiles connected to the tile that the Plasma Pulse is placed on.

Tank: Designed to Tank, survive and hold the attention of monsters, yet nothing in the current kit does this. Tank is currently a DPS subclass using hardware. These changes fix that. Lvl 5: Rework: Health Coding: While within the Constructor's BASE, health regenerates at 1% per 3 seconds. Lvl 8: Rework: Battle Suit: Increases Maximum Shield and Health by 25%. Lvl 12: Rework: ATTENTION!: Impact no longer knocks back/staggers/stuns, but rather forces the target to focus the Constructor for 3 seconds. Lvl 15: Rework: Restorative Cell Suit: 20% chance upon taking health damage to regenerate 50% of the Constructor's Shield instantly. Lvl 18: Rework: Forced Measures: The Slow applied from Bull Rush is removed, and replaced with a 7.5 second taunt. 5 second taunt applied to Mist Monsters, and reduces their damage dealt to the Constructor by 25%. Lvl 25: Rework: ENERGIZE!: Placing Plasma Pulse causes the Constructor's shield to automatically begin regenerating at 20% efficiency for 10 seconds. During this time, damage does not prevent shield regeneration. Lvl 30: Rework: Continued Assault: Each time a target is taunted within the BASE, restores 5% of missing Health.

Plasma Specialist: The description claims to design the Constructor to disintegrate groups of enemies and bolster shielding… Neither really happens currently, so let's fix that and get a Shielder. Lvl 8: Rework: Shield Stabilizer: Allies Standing within the BASE regenerate 1% of Maximum Shield every 3 seconds. Lvl 12: Rework: Kinetic Barrier: Kinetic Overload procs overcharge the Constructor's shield while within their BASE. Running past an Allied Player discharges this energy and regenerates 25% of their shield instantly. Lvl 15: Rework: Plasmic Discomposition: Plasma Pulse restores shields to all Allies within 10 Meters for 50% of all damage dealt. Lvl 18: Modification: I.F.F. Coding: Plasma Pulse kills cause the Constructor's Shield, and that of all allies within 10 Meters to regenerate at 20% of it's normal rate for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. Lvl 25: Rework: Shield Reflection: Allies within the BASE have a 25% chance to reflect 100% of ranged damage dealt back to the attacker. Lvl 30: Rework: Shield Booster: Allies within the BASE have 25% increased Shield Capacity.

BASE: Currently the "beginner" constructor, so I believe he is fine to that effect, with the same perk/ability modifications presented previously. Leave As Is.

MEGABASE Kyle: He is strong currently, no doubt. But his base is the same size as a Power BASE and really just has a better layout of perks. Slight modifications to keep him at Mythic Tier. Lvl 5: Modification: Safety Protocols: Increases damage resistance of structures within area of BASE by 10%. Lvl 8: Modification: Fully Contained: BASE deals 20% of damage taken from melee attackers as Energy Damage back at the attacker. Lvl 15: Modification: Mega BASE: Increase BASE connectivity by 2 building pieces. Lvl 18: Lofty Architecture: Increases Health of buildings within area of BASE by 15%. Lvl 25: Modification: Recycling: For every 3 buildings of the same material BASE generates 1 of that resource type every 30 seconds. The BASE can store a maximum of 150 for each resource. Lvl 30: Rework: Unhinged Structuring: Increases BASE connectivity by 3 building pieces and causes all enemies within the BASE to take 10% more damage from all sources.

Machinist: Designed to make traps stronger, and succeeds at that. Though her BASE is too small currently to cover more than a single side of a base, and often cannot cover the defensive structure alone over a defensive objective. Changes correct that. Lvl 8: Modification: Big Brother: Increase BASE connectivity by 2 building pieces. (Makes up for the removal of Automated Defenses.) Lvl 30: Rework: Machina Ultima: Traps have a 15% chance when they damage an enemy to deal equal damage to all enemies within 1 tile range.

Riot Control: Event Hero that has 2 perks differentiating himself from one of the other Constructors, changes fix that. Lvl 5: Modification: What Doesn't Kill You…: DECOY has 100% (Up from 25%) increased Health. Lvl 8: Rework: Lunar Shame: When an enemy damages the DECOY it has a 10% chance to stun all enemies within the DECOY radius for 1 second. Lvl 12: Modification: Stun DECOY: When the DECOY is destroyed or expires it stuns all enemies within it's radius for 2 seconds. Lvl 15: Rework: Quantum Stick: Plasma Pulse has a 25% chance to stun a target with it hits, resulting in a 1 second stun. Enemies stunned in this way have a 50% chance to chain it to another nearby enemy within ½ a tile. Evolution 3: Replace Kinetic Overload with Bull Rush. (Giving the guy with "RIOT" in his name a Riot Shield.) Lvl 25: Rework: Professional Distraction: Each enemy that dies within the DECOY's taunt radius reduces the remaining cooldown of DECOY by .5 seconds. Lvl 30: Modification: Plasma Pulse Blast: When placed, Plasma Pulse immediately stuns all targets within 1 tile for 2 seconds. If placed within DECOY's radius and BASE, all enemies within the BASE and DECOY Radius are stunned for 2 seconds.

With these changes in mind, who would you play?

EDIT: Formatting/Easier Reading

submitted by /u/LoudImpact
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So I hear a certain UI bug has been fixed.

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:31 AM PST

Epic Games phone contact

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:39 AM PST

The Dev's and company WILL continue to ignore you. Don't even bother emailing support because you won't get any help.

‭+1 (919) 854-0070‬

Heres the number to Epic, hit "0" to leave a message

submitted by /u/EatShitDieOld
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In a game where players are not EVER put up against each other...why nerf guns / heroes. Change something that we have no control over. Idk...maybe the enemies?

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 12:38 AM PST

Seriously though...if our guns / heroes are too "Strong" make the enemies stronger / faster / tankier...etc...

Don't make our weapons / heroes etc... weaker!

If you change the is not a direct impact on us...or at least one we cannot visually see when we check our schematics.

Make ice enemies lower our enemies lower our accuracy...nature enemies take reduced HS damage...idk something!

Oh and maybe NEW enemies? My 'Husky Potter' Idea from ages ago is still viable. A support husk that converts enemy husks into elementals, summons shielders, quickens enemies...etc..

You should just hire me now epic.

submitted by /u/xOGx_Hermes
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Fortnite: My thoughts as a PL 112

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 07:11 AM PST

Hey guys.

Just wanted to share some of my thoughts about the current state and development as a power level 112.

1) the lack of end-game content

In my opinion this is the worst. There is literally nothing to do except grinding for tickets - and even this is boring as hell cuz of the rewards to obtain (i have every hero and every weapon from the current event at least once [most of them are not even worth having], and this is going for another 35 or more days ... uff).

They even skipped the weekly event missions this week - and tbh, this is one of the few things that actually keeps me playing. GIVE ME STH TO DO or I will leave sooner or later (already awaiting the PC release of Monster Hunter World).

I don't need better rewards or similar improvements - I have countless heroes on lvl 50 and 40, most of my survivors and weapons are maxed out.

2) weapon rolls

Well, I have to admit, I wasn't affected. But as the chance to get one of these weapons from a llama is already pretty small AND to get one with DECENT rolls is nearly impossible - all those who are affected have my empathy.

My collection book level is 134, so just imagine how many bad rolled weapons are stuck inside.

There is no need for "uniform" rolls as getting a good weapon is still THE reason for the endless grind, but at least make it POSSIBLE to get one with decent rolls. To be more precise: I completed the whole game and don't have even one good assault rifle with nature or water.

3) Stats cap

After all this endless grind to get this far, all of a sudden I got weaker. WAY weaker. I am used to play with a friend of mine (PL 116). We both could handle lvl 76 missions at 4++ (which means lvl 94) without being forced to invest too much (we've put some traps, but not many).

NOW I am using at least one whole ammo clip (+ all abilities) for one smasher at lvl 87 (= the new missions for 4 players at lvl 87) - depending on the element even more. I am barely able to survive the laser waves and we are struggling to hold back the husks.

I was finally able to play every hero I want to cuz of my efforts to (nearly) maximize my stats: I could switch from Shocktrooper to Fragment-Jess to Power Base. I could literally play every hero I want to, just as I felt like. NOW I switched back to UAH cuz this is the one with the highest dmg-output - and all of a sudden I need this dmg.

So how do I behave? I am barely playing anymore (and I used to play a lot). I switched back to UAH and Dragon and avoid all other heroes. I won't help anyone below Twine - it's just not worth my efforts.

There is not much left which keeps me playing. And I am not the only one - my friend list is already dwindling, and most of them are high-lvl-players as I am.

For the sake of this game: ADD CONTENT and MAKE IT WORTH PLAYABLE AGAIN. And one thing is sure: if I will leave, I won't use an Epic product ever again - nor will I recommend this to my friends.

submitted by /u/Xeswinoss
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Epic has both the most praised and most scorned/hated gaming subreddits

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 03:54 PM PST

I haven't seen a subreddit garner the praise and adulation for what it does for its player base like /r/fornitebr has in recent months. Mostly ignoring lag of recent patch, bugs of past few patches, and mobile br (???????????).

I've also NEVER seen the amount of pure unmitigated hatred and fury from /r/FORTnITE resulting from 3.2.

submitted by /u/bighugebutts
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Matchmaking is horrible

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 02:56 PM PST

There is absolutely no reason why I'm trying to join a level 46 mission and it's filled with level 13's. For anyone trying to do a mission with that much of a level gap, you will get wrecked by the enemies and you will be absolutely no help to the people trying to do these missions. Stick to the missions that are relatively your level for fucks sake. You're ruining the game for a lot of people.

submitted by /u/WillsCoolerThanYou
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How to fix Fortnite

Posted: 09 Mar 2018 01:56 PM PST

Backseat developer here. This is my basic list of what I need to see if you want me to continue playing. If you agree or disagree, let me know in the comments.

  • Communicate to players in advance before implementing big changes that can negatively affect them

  • Remove stat caps on EVERYTHING. They serve no purpose but to make the game less fun. There is NOTHING COMPELLING about being PL 100 in Stonewood taking a full magazine to kill 1 husk. I want my max pickaxe to one shot a car in Stonewood. (make it provide less mats if necessary)

  • Appropriately reward playing appropriate level missions. I don't want to see mission alerts in twine for an uncommon lead survivor or 3k hero XP. Give me tickets for my time invested.

  • Buff other heroes besides UAH or Dragon and stop nerfing any other heroes until you fix all of the hero balance problems.

  • Get rid of Outlander fragments and make them an ability.

  • Make rewards proportional to score achieved (personal and distributional) in game.

  • Remove essential unlocks from skill trees and put them into research tab, allow the skill trees to let the players dictate their own play style by changing/making better the abilities they want to use. Put hero specific ability buffs here

  • Don't bother trying to mess with rolls now while you don't allow the public to have a method of changing them. Wait till that system comes out then balance perks to your hearts content. Just make sure the current algorithm allows appropriate perk allocation. Side note

    Dont nerf the players, buff the mobs. Dont nerf the good perks, buff the bad ones. Its not that hard.

  • provide incentives to keep players playing in their own zones if your problem is high levels playing lower levels to farm.

  • don't fix bugs that don't hurt gameplay example: hoverboard mount while moving or crafting ammo while on board. If you were in charge of BR, I'm betting all my money that you would have taken out rocket riding the moment you saw people do it.

the list goes on and I will probably add to it via edit if I care to. My desire to continue playing has dwindled to the point where I spend more time reading this subreddit than playing the game. Skip a damn event if you have to to fix some of these issues and maybe I'll play again.

Edit: Submitted a refund request. Fix your stuff epic games then you can profit off of your players suckers.

submitted by /u/swankierllama
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