Factorio Focus


Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:15 AM PST

My dads been playing factorio irl

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:02 PM PST

3 hours ago i took my first stack refined concrete out of a box, now i feel... kinda distracted...

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 10:31 AM PST

Feeding the Beast - a 9+K SPM world

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:53 PM PST

Deleting empty blueprints

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 09:49 AM PST

Is there an easy way to delete empty blueprint? Only way I found was blueprint something, start editting it and then delete it. It needs like 10 mouse clicks to complete and its really annoying when they stack only to 1 and waste inventory space.

Also is there a way to delete area selector tool from mods? I'm owner of the mod so I can implement it if it needs some prototype changes.

submitted by /u/Atria1234
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Finally Automated Science Production

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:03 PM PST

[Math] Module efficiency of prod3 machines with speed3 beacons

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 08:12 AM PST

Similarly to this awesome post, we can compare different beaconed layouts by their module efficiency. By module efficiency I mean how many modules a layout needs to produce the same rate of output as another. So lower is better.

s = crafting speed of machine (without module bonus)
p = number of prod3 modules in machine
b = number of speed3 beacons affecting one machine
m = number of machines each beacon affects
modules in use per recipe second: (p+((b*2)/m))/((1 + -0.15*p + 0.5*b)*(1 + p*0.1)*s)


Layout b m assembler 3 chem plant furnace/lab
One Machine, Zero Beacons 0 1 5.71 3.36 1.19
Ring of Machines Around One Beacon 1 12 2.65 1.86 0.75
Ring of Beacons Around One Machine 12 12/5 1.25 1.22 0.75
Beacon Sandwich 4 8 1.19 0.97 0.46
Machine Sandwich 8 4 1.04 0.95 0.53
Alternating Rows of Beacons and Machines 8 8 0.78 0.68 0.35
Alternating Rows with 1 Space Gaps 22/3 22/4 0.94 0.83 0.45
Alternating Rows with 2 Space Gaps 22/3 22/5 1.03 0.92 0.51
Alternating Rows with 3 Space Gaps 8 4 1.04 0.95 0.53
Alternating Rows with Mixed Rows 10 10/3 1.06 1.00 0.58
Alternating Rows with Xs 12 3 1.07 1.03 0.62
Rare Beacon 2 4 2.04 1.59 0.74


So the best layout is Alternating Rows. If for some reason that is not possible, Machine Sandwich is best for assemblers and chemical plants, and Beacon Sandwich for furnaces and labs. Lazy solutions like this are pretty bad, because putting the Speed Modules into beacons alone increases the machines' speed bonus from +5% to +50%, and this is still just the Rare Beacon layout from above. (Although doing this with lower level modules in the early and midgame before beacons is quite beneficial.)


Refineries are different because of their size. Some of these layouts may not even be possible due to pipes:


Refinery Layout b m result
One Machine, Zero Beacons 0 1 4.20
Ring of Beacons Around One Machine 16 2.50 1.42
Beacon Sandwich 13/3 26/5 1.32
Machine Sandwich 26/3 13/5 1.52
Alternating Rows of Beacons and Machines 26/3 26/5 1.00
Beacon Sandwich (1 Space) 5 5 1.26
Machine Sandwich (1 Space) 10 2.5 1.52
Alternating Rows of Beacons and Machines (1 Space) 10 5 0.97
Beacon Sandwich (2 Space) 13/3 26/7 1.51
Machine Sandwich (2 Space) 26/3 13/7 1.94
Alternating Rows of Beacons and Machines (2 Space) 26/3 26/7 1.21


Beacon Sandwich layouts are better than Machine Sandwich layouts. This layout (source) effectively becomes a 1-Space Alternating Rows (0.97) layout if we utilize the top row of beacons for something. We can also make some changes so that the bottom beacons can be used too: Picture




To make best use of modules, alternating rows of beacons and machines with no gaps is the best build for everything, except for refineries, for which a 1-space gap is best. Also, share beacons between builds. This also happens to be the most power efficient setup.

submitted by /u/Antun789
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Any solution to this? Have 4000 of em, they keep on stacking up.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:33 AM PST

Finally Earned These Beauties

Posted: 05 Mar 2018 09:09 PM PST

My (first) Seablock base after about 25 hours and 2 restarts!

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 11:00 AM PST

340 science research layout does not reach the end. How would you solve this problem?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:26 AM PST

Taboo Question

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:56 PM PST

I have gotten the impression in this subreddit that bots are looked down on. I think I understand some of the reasoning behind that, but I have just gotten access to them for the first time and I'm trying to use them where they will be most effective. To that end, I have a few questions.

1: What is the best place or use for bots other than train loading/unloading? 2: How important is it to keep logistic networks separate? Are their rules of thumb for when and why a network should be separate from another? 3: Can one logistic network functionally work on several lines of different belt-less assemblers if they are producing several different items or should you have a separate network for each finished product?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Reepecheepz
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Tell me about Bob/Angels

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 05:02 PM PST

Hey guys, I launched a rocket and got most of the cheevos, now I'm wondering what to do next. I could start working on a vanilla megabase, but I've seen a lot of people who are really into Bob/Angels mod. What are peoples thoughts about it, specifically, from what I've seen, it seems to add tonnes of complexity, but is it well designed, from a gameplay perspective, or is it just "let's add 10 steps to everything with no easily factorizable ratios!"

submitted by /u/PyramidSchema
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Iron you excited to see me?

Posted: 05 Mar 2018 11:22 PM PST

One hell of an early game

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:28 PM PST

Underground Wires Mod?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 05:25 PM PST

I am wondering how hard it would be to make an underground wire mod. There would be nodes above ground, and when placing a ghost wire would appear to let you know you are connected but I feel like it would make factories look nicer rather than having power polls everywhere.

submitted by /u/Chrozone
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New 0.16 steelaxe% speed run world record - 6:59.82

Posted: 05 Mar 2018 10:05 PM PST

Made a blueprint for Bob's Mods to store gasses in tanks and filled into bottles for logistics network. Thought I might share!

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 12:55 PM PST

I've been hard pressed to find some decent Bob's Mods blueprints so I've been starting to make some of my own. This is the first one that I thought would be really worth sharing as it's fairly simple, but not many people organize their fluids into a clean storage area. (That are shared.)

I know it's not perfect. It only stores 8 out of the 10 available gasses (1 of which is petroleum), however, it's a great starting point when you're feeling completely overwhelmed with how much stuff there is to do and pipes are overrunning you're base.

(I started this because UPS was taking it's toll on the small laptop this save is being run from for a couple friends. It's amazing how much smoother its running taking out all of our pipes.)

Image: https://imgur.com/rAkKzlQ

Blueprint string: https://pastebin.com/9r2ybr3e

submitted by /u/Twinewhale
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Where do I go to learn how to make a mod?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:53 AM PST

I want tier four modules that are super expensive but confer very large bonuses. All the module mods I've seen are either a bit op or too easy to make.

I'm thinking like 50 blue chips and 5 t3 modules for 50% productivity.

Same for 200% speed.

Combined with a tier 2 beacon of some variety with a larger radius that holds 4 modules with a massive power drain this should make the beacon sandwich obsolete and its all about maximizing beacon exposure.

submitted by /u/Trumeau
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Arithmetic controlled Requester chest fills up with part of recipe

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 12:57 PM PST


Me and a friend use Arithmetic Combinator's on requester chest's so it only requests the number of parts needed to fill a set amount in the passive provider chest. And this works great with most recipes.

However in this example we want to build 1000+ solar panels. The requester chest is requesting more items than it can actually hold. The problem with this is that with a recipe that uses more than one item the chest can fill up with two items with no room to add the third item needed to actually construct the solar panels.

Can anyone help us set this up so the requester chest keeps requesting items until there are 1500 solar panels in the passive provider chest but without it filling the requester chest to much.

Print screens of the setup: https://imgur.com/a/pZ8b1 Blueprint of setup(put required recipe in steel chest):


submitted by /u/highway1027
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This game looks like Factorio in VR

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:48 PM PST

60 Hours of Newly Cooked Spaghetti reaches Space!

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:51 PM PST

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