ArcheAge Ahnimar Founder’s Festival guide (daru eggs hatching)

Ahnimar Founder’s Festival guide (daru eggs hatching)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:21 PM PST

How to get resident tokens?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:47 PM PST

In what ways can u get them ?

submitted by /u/AritroSinha
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Can anyone help me get a certain costume?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:27 PM PST

I'm on NA and I want the holiday snow cow costume. Looking to pay around 900g for it. List on AH please :)

submitted by /u/Appllereddit
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Archeage 101: Ahnimar Founder's Festival...Darus come from Eggs?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:22 PM PST

How to exchange Yateo C tokens for gilda

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:21 AM PST

only found that A tokens can be exchanged for Fake Tokens, what can we do with the others?

submitted by /u/AleXBBoY
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ArcheAge TW server

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:14 AM PST

welcome to TW server pvp

submitted by /u/fndo0103
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Conviction News #15 (Salty Reporter, Dead Game [For real this time] and rushing shitposts)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:24 AM PST

Long-time no see, Let's not waste any time on pleasantries or any memey opening. More important things to discuss


Not much to talk about here, except updating on the current power players.

<PoKeSaStEr> WORLD CUCKS have combined into one guild. Pokemon Cuckdom and DISASTER merged into the same nation in a pitiful attempt to overthrow the reigning champs on Conviction <BDOcrow> <Fakecrow> AKA <A L L C A L L>. The original purpose of this "super" nation was to defeat the pug east guild <Same TBH> and take back the castle they lost last rotation. Pokemon originally said they were going to only bring their own guild but rocked up with 70-man raid on siege day with a few bunch of DISASTER in their raid. Basically, ROFL stomping the east guild into the ground and then with high hopes driven by the ecstasy of defeating a small guild, went on to try and take the content… well, the ecstasy only lasted a short while before <A L L C A L L> smashed them into oblivion bringing them back into the real world by beating them at everything…. Well, except for one DGS… I think. Anyway, after the complete failure of that attempt they split back into their separate nations to dodge anymore embarrassment.

<B D O crow> - <A L L C A L L> moving onto greener pastures have noticed that they get more PVP from a dead game called BDO then they do from the failure of the nations here on Conviction. (they still manage to beat DISASTER at everything). Still the reigning champs on Conviction, even if they are playing a separate game… Anything else I can write so I look like I'm sucking up to them? I honestly don't get enough shit talk from DISASTER about it already, it's like they don't agree with the echo chamber that these posts have become…

There are no other relevant guilds. (TBH I was tempted to leave both of the nations off the list since one of them is mentally handicapped and the other doesn't play AA as a main game anymore… BUUT I wouldn't have anything to write about so RIP that option.)


Why do I have this section anymore? We all know who the real winners are at this point…. Fucking Trino…

Grats to the west pugs who took DGS a bit this week. Not sure how you pulled it off.


What a time I had on Kyrios. I thought the toxic cesspool on Conviction was bad. Woooo boy.

<Pugs Amoung You> - Still the biggest joke on Kyrios. Their zerg size still rivals even the biggest foreheads on NA. Not much else to say about this nation. I'd write more childish shit about them but unfortunately I don't speak their native language, although I have started taking lessons in learning how to speak retard so I might one day be able to communicate.

<Whoops, Guild Was an Accident> - Shaikes guild has officially died. I would have never guessed that a brain was needed to run a guild, oh well I guess. Lessoned learned, never join a guild lead by a brainless cheating liar. You think I would've learnt my lesson being lead by a spineless Tatia but nope… TBH I actually enjoyed being called a n***er everytime I was in raids, being insulted over and over again for the raid wiping. Never knew it was my fault, I guess at the end of the day shitty leading is shitty and there's nothing you can do to change it. To anyone in <Happy Accidents> who's name doesn't start with S and end in E, I'd like to let you know that your so called leader kicked me during a guild meeting without saying anything and then completely blocked me and wouldn't respond to my messages. Is this guild leader material, next time you get insulted for being in raid, think about where else you could be… it goes a long way. Enjoy Reckoning!

<Main Pirate Guild Now?> - <Bear Force One>/<Mishaikes Were Made>/<Whatever they call themselves now with the 50$ name change> is the last pirate guild so that means, by default they are now the main pirate guild. You guys happy? You won? I wouldn't call it a victory though. More like a speed bump. (Bonus points if you follow Shaike to Reckoning and rub salt in the wound)


Last I checked <G_G> is still winning. Not that it matters. No other server is relevant except for Conviction

Community Notices

This is just your friendly reminder that this game is dying, Conviction is the so called "PVP" server and even people here are bored and leaving the game. Thanks to Trino this game is on a downhill descent with no breaks into the abyss of forgotten games… oh wait, you can't forget this game. I will always remember how much Trino fucked this game over. Crowfall is coming out soon, it's a much better game :^ )

This weeks news is rushed again because I am getting busy IRL and this will probably be my last post for a while till when things pick up again (if the frail nerds from Omen ever decide to show up). I do have another meme video in the works but who knows when I'll have the time to sit down and do it.

Tl;dr I am a salty east guy who lost a castle and venting my frustration in the News is the only way I know how to cope with my own frailness. You got me. Please direct any complaints and downvotes to the go fuck yourself department. I'm done shitposting till Omen gets here. You fuckers better get here soon...

submitted by /u/Darkfizzix
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10 x Skywhisper Glider Codes

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:11 AM PST

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