World of Warcraft - Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:08 AM PST

As always, all PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Once ya go troll...

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:51 AM PST

Suggestion to Blizzard: Introduce one player scenario versions of lower level raids to finish off the expansion stories while levelling

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:27 AM PST

The zone scaling has made a phenomenal positive difference to the levelling experience, particularly in regards to the stories of each zone and being able to experience them to their fullest. However, a side effect of this is that it makes it all the more jarring when you finish an expansion's zones after having experienced the development of the story leading towards what would have been end-game content only to then get sent to a new expansion's zones where everything is forgotten. It is like reading the first half of a book and then stopping and reading the first half of the next book in the series.

A solution to this could be to make scenario versions of all of the old raids, maybe with a Lorewalker Cho type guide for them. They've re-used old content many times before, i.e. the Nexus dungeon has been re-used at least once for the Cata legendary staff quest line and we've been sent back to various old dungeons and raids for artifact and class hall quest lines. I've also been to Black Temple a few times for the MoP warlock green fire quest line and Legion's Illidan quest line.

I'm not talking about anything fancy - they could just have it so that it's you plus 19 npc's going at each boss with an in-scenario quest line with some minimal text descriptions (no additional voice acting necessary) to take you through the 'raid', simplifying mechanics greatly. As a bonus, these instances could give a chunk of xp, which could also go a way to ameliorate the people that are unhappy that the levelling process is taking longer as well as giving new players a soft introduction to 'raids' as they level up. It would also make more sense when you do reach end-game content and NPCs are talking to you like you're this great hero, a champion of Azeroth, who has saved the world countless times when you feel like all you've mainly been doing is killing some crocolisks and reliving beer to dwarves and pandas.

submitted by /u/Spanky2k
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Level with dungeons they said. It'll be quick they said.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:04 AM PST

Played WoW for 12 years but never visited that distant part of Desolace. Now i did it during leveling and it took my heart. God bless the scaling.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:37 AM PST

A rare sight: I bless the rains down in Stratholme

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:25 AM PST

First glimpse at Classic? x-post from r/classicwow

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:22 AM PST

Shu-Zens mount journal description!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:13 AM PST

Fierce Orc Protectress - Fan Art

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:40 AM PST

I didn't know this amazing town existed in western plaugelands until I leveled with scaling. It's really satisfying to fully level through each zone, and not feel like I should switch to a new zone for better exp halfway through.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:23 AM PST

Its so weird that people think BFA is a Void expansion masquerading as an Alliance vs Horde expansion

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:55 PM PST

Thats so silly. Its like saying red + blue = purple...

submitted by /u/Mastrcapn
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Seven years after the Cataclysm, hundreds of Alliance sailors still wreck their ships on the ruins of Auberdine daily. Awareness must be raised

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:41 AM PST

I'm a bit iffy about these allied races..

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:59 AM PST

I didn't expect these portals to actually work at level 30...

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:16 AM PST

Something the new zones are lacking that the old zones did very well are atmosphere, and mystery. Just having things interesting objects in the distance that are not explained is so fun to see.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:46 PM PST

Alright, which one of you nerds works at IKEA?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:59 PM PST

Flying in Antorus

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:30 AM PST

10-60 Level Scaling Should Have Been 10-80

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:38 PM PST

While leveling through Outland for the millionth time, it occurred to me that 10-80 scaling of the old world would have made for a much better leveling experience than suddenly going off to Outland and Northrend at 60 and leaving the story hanging. It would have let us skip Outlands and Northrend (if we so chose) and provided a far more complete story for new and returning players.

We could have simply traipsed across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, completing Cata-era quests before moving on to the actual Cata zones at 80, then Pandaria, WoD and Legion in a logical progression of time and plot.

Sure, there are some great zones and quests in BC and Wrath but overall they're extremely dated places to play in. Quests are spread out like crazy, the story makes no sense since you've suddenly gone from worrying about Deathwing and the Cataclysm to fighting the forces of Illidan and the Lich King.

submitted by /u/Kasern
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When another damn Paladin tries to tell you about the Light

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 05:07 PM PST

One of the most serene locations in game. Sometimes when life gets too stressful there's nothing more relaxing than Grizzly Hills.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:53 PM PST

There is a forest growing in Dalaran atm

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:12 AM PST

Awaken My Alts!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:34 AM PST

It is time to revamp the Auction House.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:44 AM PST

The AH hasn't had big changes since Vanilla, except for the Horde-Alliance link in WoD. It is terribly old and outdated:

  1. On big servers, like Draenor-EU, it is really slow and frustrating to use. For example, I have to look through 15-20 pages (up to 30 on weekends) of Empyrium ore which can take 2-3 minutes even with addons. To make a full scan with Auctioneer it can take up to 10 minutes on the evenings.

  2. The above is partly because of the fact that there's always that player that spams with stacks of one.

  3. Posting or cancelling lots of auctions at the same time causes freezing of the communication between my game and the server, meaning that I can't mount up (or use anything else for that matter) for maybe a minute and the items don't come through the mail for 2-3 minutes later.

  4. We still don't have a toy category, 4 years after we got the toy box.

A simple change like showing only the current cheapest offer per item (like the WoW token) would speed up the scanning very effectively. With this we would need to change how a player can buy different sizes of stacks. The answer: just let the buyer choose how much to buy. Need 40 ores to complete a work order world quest, but the only stacks are of 50 or 200? We would be able to just say we want to buy 40 ores and that is exactly how much we will pay for.

For example: I post my stack of 200 Empyrium, the game automatically splits the stack and undercuts the current lowest price by 1 copper per ore. This meaning that my ores may be offered one at a time. Then another player comes and searches for Empyrium. He sees a single row, listing only the cheapest price, selects to buy 40 and because mine is the cheapest, he buys part of my stack. The other 160 ores are left to sell to another player.

Another useful addition might be to post an order for a particular item. For current content consumables it would not be needed, but say I want to buy a crafted chest from TBC for transmog. Nobody would be making that, because the mats are tedious to farm and the item would most probably take weeks to sell. With the new system, a Leatherworker would check all the orders, see that I offer a nice price for the item and know that if he would go and spend 1-2 hours farming, he would sell the item immediately.

submitted by /u/gortop
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My spoopy screenshot of King Thoras Trollbane

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:06 PM PST

reall lovely

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:17 AM PST

Taking time to appreciate the skybox above Aggramar

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:35 AM PST

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