True Dota 2 - When should the midlaner get a bottle?

When should the midlaner get a bottle?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:42 AM PST


When he has a rune ward?

When he's playing some kind of roaming mid?


Are there any basic rules to follow?

submitted by /u/MightyKartoffel
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DK is one of the safest core picks right now, thoughts?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:32 AM PST

He can successfully go into all 3 lanes,

You can build him to intitate with drums, blink/SB, Bkb...etc. build

You can build him to scale with its attack speed, damage and gold talents

You can build him as a tank with Mana regen( more uptime on damage reduction (Q) and stun), HP, Passive, and level 25 talents.

Several teams like Liquid have been utilizing the hero's versatility and have put the hero on all 3 of their core players.

What I like about him the most is that he performs really well against all of these casters currently in the meta. With a blink, he probably has the best single target stun in the game.

He can push, he can initiate and he can team fight

submitted by /u/ace-s
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Any tips for someone who wants to switch from Support to Mid lane?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:16 AM PST

im a support main, but i want to switch to mid lane to improve (the most important lane early-game-wise), hope you guys can help

submitted by /u/kvxphantom
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How do you play Inoker this patch?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:40 PM PST

I am mid 3k player with sth around 300+ games on thsi hero, but i didint play a lot this patch. So do you still go for midas into aghs rush? I saw some ppl buing treads into aghs. When do you use this build?

Before 7.08 I started with null or wand with branches. Then boots + wand/second null/aquilla + rain drops if needed. I supplied myself with clarities and salves ofc. My plan for early game was to farm, help team with ss, take t1 and maybe get a kill on enemy mid. Next I was rushing midas, but sometimes I bought force/ eull instead. Drums are good option too. After that I was rushing aghs. With aghs i am ready to do sth more with the team, while still being focused on farming next key items. Is it this playstyle alright? What are your tips?

submitted by /u/irosReddit
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Drums on midlaners?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:58 AM PST

Ive been seeing alot of shadow fiends and evenan ember from geekfam going the item. When on who and why do you get it on midlaners?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Question on Tiny item build feat Mushi (Mineski vs TNC Game 1 Epicenter XL)

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:53 AM PST

Treads, dagger/SB, SNY no surprise there but nullifier bloodthorn? I want to judge this based on the matchup and ally heroes but it's still a little hard for me to grasp.

Maybe it's because I'm not sure what Tiny build these days. Help.

submitted by /u/xxAnamnesis
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Itemization of Phantom Lancer in 7.08

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:52 AM PST

For the first time in many years, it seems as if PL can diversify his item choices.

Suddenly diffusal isn't the only route, as you can go with Battlefury and instead focus on damage and farming instead of purely the strenght of the illusion army mana burning.

What changed?

submitted by /u/Sydhavsfrugter
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Skipping necro on Beastmaster

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:41 AM PST

I've been seeing Necro being replaced by things like Crest, Helm, Vlads, Etc and I'm wondering why people are doing this now? Does it just not fit in with the item timings he wants or is it negligible damage or what?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Where to lane druid this patch

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:49 PM PST

I've seen druid a decent bit in higher bracket games but mainly in safelane only. It seems like more and more people just leave druid to solo the safe lane and focus on mid but he seems like he could still be a decent offlaner. He can pull wave with the bear safely and once he has level 5 he basically forces the supports to stay in lane or the carry is dead. Then on to Druid mid. While possibly viable it just seems like it's not optimal for druid as you have no side shop so you can't pick up Quelling Blade, OoV or Boots easily and have to hog courier from somebody who really would need it. Any thoughts and discussion appreciated.

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Should I play all positions or just focus on one?

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:51 PM PST

I am a position 5 and occasionally position 4 and I want to start playing some scrim tournaments so what do you think I should do, continue with position 5 or try other roles.

submitted by /u/aaaazxnkis
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How many games to learn a hero?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:45 AM PST

I started playing position 3 today I am a position 5 player. So I started with tide hunter in unranked matchmaking. I saw some builds for tide hunter on Dotabuff and saw khezu play the hero. So I had a pretty good idea about the hero. I am an archon 4 player and when I played the match I pretty much stomped them with 7/0/16. I know my medal or rank isn't great but I just want to get better. So just give me some tips for the hero and for position 3.

submitted by /u/aaaazxnkis
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Offlane Chen - How's it done?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:06 AM PST

Hi everyone!

So, I was browsing through the meta this morning and decided to check in on a favourite of mine - Chen, and noticed he now has a 48% win rate.

This intrigued me, I love a good Chen game, but haven't played him for a number of patches as his win rate was downright lowsy, and I couldn't get around how often I was losing despite having strong games.

However, when I looked closer I noticed that some of his highest win rates in the meta are in an Offlane position.

Now, I've always taken chen as a greedy jungling support, that's how I learned to play him and I've always stuck with that, but given his more favourable (or just less terrible) win rate at the moment in the Offlane, I wanted to ask anyone who take him Offlane, how do you do it?

I main a few offlaner so I'm familiar with the role (primarily Underlord, Undying and Warlock) but I wondered what the score was with Chen in the Offlane - how do you do it? Has anyone tried it and found a good way to achieve results? Or have you any advice for someone who's about to take this idea into pubs? (For a plummeting win rate I'm sure!)

Many thanks and all the best!

submitted by /u/Yoysu
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Talk to me about Beastmaster

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:39 AM PST

Always had a soft spot for him as he fills some niches and doesn't see much play. Seems to be in a bit of an odd place this patch. He's an okay choice for the offlane as he has good base stats and a spammable Q with long range for farming. This also makes him flexible enough to roam or take mid, though he wouldn't excel at either. Even with Primal Roar, he doesn't offer much in team fights. Feels like a jack-of-all-trades with a crazy amount of pushing power, like a more versatile but less cancerous Lycan.

What makes him tricky to me is figuring out the ideal skill build. Maxing Q early is good damage, but delays his pushing potential. His W is basically worthless until level 4, but maxing it early means you'll be left with a glorified creep that summons free money for the opponent. E feels like a dump skill, but it's where your main pushing potential is derived, and is so powerful early. I've generally stuck to maxing Q, getting two points in W for the slow, and finishing E before W.

As far as his talent tree goes, I think they're mostly obvious choices, save for the level 10 talent. 30ms is a big early upgrade, but 25% xp bonus means hitting your Q, W, and E upgrades earlier. So I'm curious about thoughts here.

As for items, Necronomicon is obviously core, but I don't know where to go from there. I don't think he really needs HoD or Vlads, for instance, to boost his pushing abilities. Scepter is too small an upgrade for the investment. I've started thinking about opening with Meteor Hammer, actually, because it's cheap, usefully piecemeal, and gives some strong stats on top of helping his push potential. It can also chain off of Roar 🤷🏻‍♂️

And lastly, Linkens is a particular problem. Not sure how to get around that one with only one target ability

submitted by /u/oppopswoft
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What are the best heroes to hard practice for each role?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:16 AM PST

I was an archon 3 player 2 weeks ago, and now I'm a legend 0. I've realized that I am actually somewhat good at the game, but I've never really, truly "learned" a hero. My most played, lc, has less than 33 games, and I haven't even played her in the last 2 weeks. I have over just over 2000 hours in Dota, and I only have 33 games on a single hero. I know that if I'm ever to become a decent player, I need to learn the in-depth ins and outs of atleast a few heroes. So what heroes should I learn? I'm a pos 3 main and 4 second, but if you have insight, might aswell name heroes for all the roles

I'm not looking for a hero that has an insane skill cap like meepo, but a hero that needs some adjusting to and is really rewarding to people who know how to use all the tools inside the heroes kit, like cliffing with iceshards on tusk for example. Just any hero that is rewarding to play if you've mastered it

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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How do you deal with lycan ?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:44 AM PST

I mostly play pos 4 and 5 and this has happened to me a few times.Good lycan players just end the game within 20-30 mins , they just run at me and I cant do anything while the lycan has his wolves plus necrobook creeps running at me like crazy.

submitted by /u/prodijal69
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