Tutorial series playlist 7 Days To Die

Tutorial series playlist

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:30 AM PST

My first attempt at a bedroom design. Thoughts?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:59 PM PST

...Hmmmmm is 60 hours spent good enough on one base?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:03 PM PST

I want to like this game so much...

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:07 AM PST

So i packed up this game a few months ago and over the past couple of weeks me and my roommate have gotten really into it. We've been moving at a slow but steady pace, he built a base, i started adding to it and eventually started to branch out under neath it to make a subterranean lair.

One day, around day 80, we both go to log in and i spawned in the middle of nowhere with a new character...

I knew what i was getting into with this game, i read the reviews beforehand and knew that it was in Alpha but it was still devastating. Not really wanting to restart we both put the game down for awhile, even though my roommate's character was fine.

Well he convinced me to pick it up again recently, the main reason i decided not to just start a completely new game was i didn't really feel like digging out a new base so back to day 80 i went. Knowing what to do much better now my character leveled up quickly, i added significantly more to the base and was back up where i needed to be rather quickly.

Which brings us to this weekend...

We went to log in Saturday morning and it happened again, I spawned in the middle of nowhere with starting tools and level 0. I sucked it up, I've come to far with my base to turn back now, so even though its now day 115, i will persevere. I am up to nearing level 30, for the third time.

I really want to enjoy this game but this seriously sucks, It is really making this a struggle to enjoy. I realize fixing issues like this is likely just a matter of time but i needed to vent about this extremely frustrating loss of progress. Otherwise it is a great game but i really hope that can stop soon.

submitted by /u/Snalbert
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do zombies still run on blood moon with never run enabled?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:45 PM PST

First of all i only been playing this game for week and loving it so far. I'm sorry if this has been asked before i used the search function but didn't see a answer.

I haven't had the chance to really try out single player much as i've been playing with a freind. I'm thinking trying to have zombies never run on to see what setting i like more as with my friend we have everything default for the most part so they run at night. I'm wondering will they run during blood moon aka horde night? I'm a bit worried never run will ruin the experience on blood moon aka horde night.

submitted by /u/Dessolos
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Best early Perks?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:42 AM PST

Just started playing this game again, last played it at (a15?). A lot of new changes to perks..

Looking for recommendations on early perks to take? I've been trying a run where I put everything into scavenging and quality joe and have been finding pretty dope gear on a nomad playthrough.

submitted by /u/JangoDarkSaber
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Heat map question

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:15 PM PST

Do trees help hide or change the heat map in any way. just curious

submitted by /u/gamerjunky94
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How to restore lost player profiles (a work-around)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 01:15 PM PST

Alternatively: How to manually "stock up" a survival profile with stats and items from creative mode.

Note 1: To the best of my knowledge, this work around is only possible on PC since it requires console commands and access to world/server files.

Note 2: This work-around is blocked by Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC), most likely because a nefarious server admin could use it to cheat and/or mess with player's profiles. Therefore, the server host will have to disable EAC in order to use this workaround.

Note 3: Keeping a general log of XP level, skill progressions, and inventory items before you lose your profile will help a lot. Otherwise, you'll have to regenerate your profile from memory.

On to the work-around:

  1. If you don't have a log of your Player XP level, skill levels, and inventory items at the time your profile was lost (see Note 3 above), do your best to create a list of these things from memory so you know how to accurately recreate your profile. Alternatively, create a list of the things you simply want to give to the survival profile.

  2. Find the "steamID64" of the player whose profile you wish to fix. I've used https://steamid.io/ in the past but there are multiple ways to do this. The ID should be a long number such as 12345678901234567. Copy or write this down somewhere convenient.

  3. Now that we have all the important info at hand, have the affected player start up a creative world (it can be single player). Using console commands, manually rebuild (or just build) the desired profile. This part is a bit tricky and time consuming. If I remember correctly, we did it this way: First, "giveselfxp <amount>" was used to give the player enough XP to reach their original Player Level again, where "amount" is a specific amount of XP points. This was tricky since I couldn't find a clean "XP points to Player Level" conversion. We had to add XP bit by bit until the correct level was reached. Second, specific skills were rebuilt using perk points generated in Step 1. If the player had unspent perk points at the time their profile was lost, they should spend down their perk points until that same number of unspent points is reached. In our case, we actually ran out of perk points and still had some underleveled skills (probably due to progression from skill use). To fix that, the console command "giveselfskillxp <skill name> <amount>" was used to rebuild remaining specific skills. For example, "giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 1000" put 1000 xp into the Mining Tools skill. XP had to be added bit by bit again here to reach the correct skill levels. Finally, the creative menu was used to restock the player's inventory with the items they had on hand upon losing their profile. This was particularly important for hard-to-find or expensive items (such as the steel pickaxe he just made) but not so important for small amounts of common resources like small stone. The player may need to give himself Skill Books for the skills that can only be learned by reading - I don't remember if these were restored in the first step.

  4. At this point, the player's creative profile should reflect their lost survival profile. They need to log out of 7 Days to Die and navigate to their AppData folder by entering "%appdata%" in Windows Search. The default navigational path to retrieve the data file containing their creative profile is /7DaystoDie/Saves/[World]/[WorldName]/Player where "World" is Navezgane or RandomGen (depending on what was chosen for the creative world) and "WorldName" is the name given to the creative world. Copy [steamID64].ttp where "steamID64" is the affected player's steamID64.

  5. Send a copy of the .ttp file to the survival server host. While the server is offline, the server host then needs to navigate to the corresponding file path for the survival server and overwrite the existing [steamID64].ttp file for the affected player with the one generated in the creative world. This is the same file path as seen in step 4 except [WorldName] will correspond to the name given to the survival server. This should complete the workaround; boot the server and have the affected player log in to see if their profile is restored.

  6. (Optional) If the affected player was "teleported" to a random spot in the survival server when their profile was lost, a server admin can either use the teleport console command in the survival server to put the player back where they were. Alternatively, copy someone's "[steamID64].map" file from the server's /Player folder and rename it to match the SteamID of the affected player, overwriting the existing .map file for that SteamID.

  7. (Optional) Theoretically, anyone can re-create any desired player profile themselves in their own world. They'll just have to use their own SteamID64 to find the correct .ttp file and rename it to match the SteamID64 of the player whose profile they wish to change. This could be used to create a generic "starting" profile for anyone who wishes to join a certain server. I haven't tried this myself so attempt it at your own risk.

Leave a comment if anything was unclear! I did this 6 months ago so I might have misremembered some things.

submitted by /u/lustigjh
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How come there's no save ability for pc like console have?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:26 PM PST

I'm debating on getting the PC version of this game but notice it is server hosting. is there an option for save game and continue after? if no option, why is that option not implemented on pc but its on console?

submitted by /u/Elitedrones
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[PC] Issues with multiplayer lag

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:12 PM PST

First thing I should note is I know I don't have the recommended speed for the game. I get about 1.5mbps and upload speed varies somewhere in the 100kpbs-500kbps area (live out in the country). Saturday, me and my buddy decided to boot up one of our saves, we were around day 17, ended up playing until around day 24-25 with very little lag issues (here and there I would have to wait 1 sec to open a crate.) We made a new base in a new location, dug to bedrock, placed the forges. No problems. Yesterday we went to load it up again to play and I had extreme lag issues, going from around 100 to 30,000. It was odd because the day prior we had no issues. Tried disabling UNet in the launcher for us both, didn't solve anything. I saw a post here somewhere saying to change the host, for him to Zip me the roaming files, so he did and I placed them in the folder, loaded up the game and waited for him. When he joined his ping was around 40k. Tried with him again as the host and no luck. This is the second time this almost exact thing happened to us.

Is there anything else I'm able to do to help this? Something I'm missing? (other than getting a faster up/down speed which is not an option where I live)

submitted by /u/bootleggr
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need people to play

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:15 PM PST

Ps4 player here looking for a solid group to survive with.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:28 AM PST

Playing alone is no fun.

submitted by /u/wawwobles
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Weird shadow glitch, anyone else?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:12 AM PST

Anyone see random shadow glitches like this? I don't get it very often but when playing with shadows on only, and going near a type of door like that it in the giant ruined skyscraper makes the shadows glitch out on the right sign of my screen as seen here. It's as if there's simply no shadow in that area. No weirdness if I turn shadows off, comes back shadows on.


Safe to assume it's just a buggy as hell game?

submitted by /u/Grimmkyu
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PS4 player looking to see how much better PC is

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:38 AM PST

 Just finished night 50 and I am in pretty deep on PS4. Wondering how far ahead PC updates are with new content (electricity, electric fences...and others). I'm looking to keep advancing with technology because I'm almost at the end of the PS4 available tech. 

I know it's on sale on steam right now which makes it that much more tempting, but with my PC set-up, console runs smoother.

Would anybody be able to give a general low down on how far ahead PC is and the general differences between it and PS4 play?

submitted by /u/caleb3714
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I’m hesitant to pick this game up...

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:41 AM PST

It's on sale right now on steam, but I'm really hesitant to pick it up. My friend has it, and loves it to death. I've played it on XB1, and couldn't stand it. It was running at like 20 FPS, and stuttered a lot. I'm normally not the type of guy who complains about FPS, but dear lord was it bad. I honestly don't know how my friend was able to play through that. Not that I've switched to PC, I'm expecting the performance of the game a lot different... right?

Another thing I see often is people complaining that after a while there isn't much to do. Since there's no end goal, it can get boring. Personally, I don't think this will be the case for me. I'm gonna go out on a limb and compare this game to Minecraft really quick. Back in the day, there was always stuff to do in that game. Even after my buddies and I beat the end, we were always expanding or house/base. Even to this day we could still go back and continue to build upon our base. Is it the same on this game?

submitted by /u/DJ_Ariando
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Can I rotate things on Xbox one?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:09 AM PST

I just found some spotlights, is there a way I can like, angle them diagonally? Or turn them? And can I flip them upside down so I can like hang them from the roof?

submitted by /u/notgodpo
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