True Dota 2 - Might be a dumb question, but is a right click based Dark Seer build possible?

Might be a dumb question, but is a right click based Dark Seer build possible?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:15 AM PST

Ever since talents came out and Dark Seer was assigned an option for 120 damage at level 15, I was wondering if a right click oriented build might be possible?

Right off the bat I'd think no, the way he's played now by using his farming capabilities to rush team fight/utility items and leaving the right clicking to the heroes that are just naturally better. Also you have to take into account that you're going to have to trade off that ~14 or so hp regen. There's obviously good reasons not to play him that way, due to the fact that it hasn't surfaced in the meta like how the magic damage ember was discovered after talent trees were introduced. I haven't had much time to think about it, and level 15 is quite far away, but if you biuld items that sort of help you early on and then synergize really well with that hefty damage like S&Y, Mael, Orchid (later into bloodthorn?) he also has an evasion talent that might do well for this as well iirc.

Are there other factors that I'm just not thinking of right now that prevent Dark Seer from doing a sort of right click oritented build?

submitted by /u/Angelareh
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How do you deal with belligerent teammates?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:52 PM PST

I know this isn't related to the game of dota so much as the "metagame" I suppose, but it seems like any game I play now, it's either got some idiot babyraging because he got first blooded mid, or it's some league convert going jungle and refusing to help the team, or it's some child that refuses to play anything other than carry, even if both major cores have already been picked.

It's legitimately starting to take a mental toll on me, and it's making it hard to even play the game anymore. I desperately want to play Dota, but I just never want to queue after one bad game a day, because I know it's just going to be torture trying to babysit some idiot who refuses to budge from their position.

submitted by /u/MaltMix
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Team fighting as Meepo

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:48 PM PST

I understand how to stack/farm jungle, kill in lane, blink poof, and solo rosh. But my big issue is i'm not sure how to team fight. I feel like if I just blink poof in and kill somebody I'm still vulnerable to any damage the enemies throw at me because I have no real escape so I either have to snowball to the point of being too tanky to kill (which isn't always possible) or just die to the enemies. Sheepstick works for killing 1-2 enemies but once the whole team is there I can't really figure out what to do. Any help/tips/replays/etc?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Experiences Climbing with the Nature's Prophet?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:47 PM PST

Hello Doters, it's everyone's least favorite prophet spammer. I like to think that I'm pretty good at the hero after ~400 games. I started from 1k in 2014 and have gradually made my way up to about 3.4k, where I stand now. That wasn't all with prophet, in fact it was almost completely without prophet but we'll talk on that soon. My climb ended about 6 months ago when I started college, and I've been too bad to try ranked much since then.

Anywho, on to the topic at hand. In my time as a prophet player, I've amassed a great horde of knowledge in a great many areas. Unfortunately, I struggle to keep my 56% winrate. My feeling is that the hero is completely unsuitable for spam-climbing, my usual tactic. With heroes like Arc, Dusa, DK, and Gyro I can usually get myself a 75% winrate regardless of the patch if I just pick them every game, but my most played hero consistently lets me down. The abilities and stats of the hero just do me no favors when it comes to making up for the shortcomings of my teammates (I know you just cringed but hear me out). With most of my heroes I can use my knowledge and skills to compensate for this, but with furion I feel that I never get to the point that I can stop the enemies.

To keep this post from running too long I'll briefly elaborate on the particular problems that I have. Most heroes can generally use their networth to win a teamfight and turn the game, I struggle to do this on furion. Most heroes can generally kill or zone away poorer enemies while splitpushing, prophet has to run from basically any encounter with an enemy even with a full 1 or 2 item lead on them. Finally, using treants during pushing after 20 minutes is minimally effective and extremely risky.

My entire post essentially boils down to a request for the advice or comments of a successful player who uses furion in ranked- Tell me what I'm probably doing wrong pls. I think it might be these things:
* I don't buy the right items to teamfight
* I don't play greedy enough
* I don't pick the right targets in teamfights (you can't really see this one on dotabuff but any advice on target picking would be handy)
* I don't use wards enough (I use basically no wards)
* I'm just not mechanically skilled enough (cs/whatever)

Anything y'all can help with would be greatly appreciated, here's my dotabuff.

submitted by /u/Hobo124
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How to counter sniper?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:14 PM PST

Guys I get these annoying snipers whom I can't counter because my drafts always fails against a sniper. I want to know what counters him.

submitted by /u/aaaazxnkis
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How to itemize as an int support against physical lineups with the game getting out of hand?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:14 PM PST

Spamming some rubick and I keep losing these games and I feel my itemization could improve. Here are some examples:

Rushing vessel for most part doesn't seem to work out too well for me. Any suggestions? Im rubick in both games

submitted by /u/Dotard22
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