致谢 (A thank you) Human: Fall Flat

致谢 (A thank you)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:59 AM PST


我们在这里衷心感谢各位与 Human: Fall Flat 在中华地区共同创下辉煌佳绩。希望您喜欢本次的汉化更新和春节皮肤,并继续游玩 Human: Fall Flat 獲得更多乐趣。


No Brakes Games 及 Curve Digital 敬上

Hello, Humans!

We'd like to take a moment to thank you all, for being part of Human: Fall Flats incredible success in the Chinese region. We hope you enjoy the updated Chinese localisation, the Chinese New Year skins, and continue to have a wonderful and fun time playing Human: Fall Flat.

Many thanks, and happy Year Of The Dog
Tomas Sakalauskas and Curve Digital.

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