Street Fighter r/SF West Coast Online Tournament Tonight

r/SF West Coast Online Tournament Tonight

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:43 AM PST

Chun-Li by Shinkiro

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:00 AM PST

[Fan art] Juri sketch

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:21 AM PST

momochi does not aquire pro-licence ("▔□▔)/

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:51 AM PST

We've added a new button to the banner to help you search for tech - Try it out!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:33 AM PST

Massive framerate drops on PS4 since AE update.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:15 AM PST

Can we talk about this seriously for a second? AE has nearly broken the game for us console players. I'm getting ridiculous slowdowns on basically any stage but the training stage.

It didn't become apparent how bad the problem was until I was in training mode yesterday on Kanzuki Estate. While M.Bison was in V-Trigger, the entire game throttles down and moves in slow motion. Now I'm forced to play on Training Room only, and any opponent who doesn't have it selected (either because he doesn't know or is on PC) is guaranteed to lag the game.

submitted by /u/Soggytoast111
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Steams stats EVO Japan 2018

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 03:49 AM PST

I'm quadriplegic and need some help choosing a fighter for SF5

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:32 AM PST

Hi, so i'm quadriplegic and i really love the fgc and fighting games even if i'm garbage at them. I wanted to main juri but after a long time of trying to play her, i just couldn't beat anyone--not even some of my friends that around my skill level. Laura seems like she could be easy enough for me to play, chun-li too aside from her charge fireball. Necalli is fun, too but i'm not super into him and he has another charge move. Laura, Juri, and Chun-Li would be my top choices but they're all pretty low on the tier lists. I know its not something I should be looking at or considering, but with my physical disability, i dont want to hit an even harder wall than other people may by playing these characters. I really want to eventually play tournaments but i feel stuck. What do you guys recommend?

submitted by /u/Aatin
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Where to find locals? I'm in Seattle

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:13 AM PST

Would love to kick it with some FGC folks and play! Also, I work as a bartender and bring my PS4 to work so if playing casually over some drinks is your thing hit me up!

submitted by /u/skwizna
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Capcom to address a number of Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition bugs in an upcoming patch

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:08 AM PST

Awesome SF5 artwork: Complete Cast! (including S3 chars)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:11 AM PST

Easy FM from Extra Battle [Rapidly Advancing etc.]

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:31 PM PST

Quick post to help players who are having trouble with extra battle.

  • Choose a character that has really low level.
  • Stand half a screen away from the soldier.
  • Jump in with a heavy attack.
  • Throw once you hit the ground.

This specifically counters his charged dive. When you see him glow, its time to jump in. Even if you're a little late, the throw will grab the soldier out of the dive. You can predict the charge too, since they don't anti-air there is little risk if you jump in early. Just remember to get back to mid-screen after the throw lands.

I got Boxer from lvl 8 to lvl 21 with this strategy. That's an easy 13K FM.

submitted by /u/GamerPaul2011
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Bug Fix coming tomorrow

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:19 PM PST

After one and a half year of playing I finally got to Gold with Ryu! And here's what skyrocketed me there...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:00 PM PST

  1. I practiced into microwalk into into microwalk into into microwalk into... You get the idea. The point here is to never get an overhead. Think of it as like using mental frame advantage to walk in, because your opponent usually waits for that or xx fireball or whatever you usually do after to finish your block string and to push yourself away to non-threatening range. is the only thing you can REALLY pressure with, 'cuz it's plus on block, it has priority over lights, it keeps you close at non-reactable range, and it's convertible on reaction into some damage to keep them scared. Consider confirming into xx ex tatsu.
  2. They will jump! I promise you! Listen! THEY! WILL! JUMP! Just wait, don't rush. Therefore second tip is patience. They ALWAYS jump. At the end of a round, at the beginning of a round, with a lot of health, with a pixel of health, they just don't care! THEY WILL JUMP! BE READY! While going in, though, consider to AA with a normal so not to shift your focus from applying pressure. And also it's pretty easy to stay away in SF5 so if you encounter some rushing idiot just patient him out. It throws them off A TON!
  3. Stop teching throws, see what they do. Always remember (especially at the end of a round) that taking a throw and dealing with wake-up pressure is not such a big deal as CH combo. Eventually you might get them to the point where they are so sick of you blocking they will start walking in to throw you. Now you might want to mash that light DP after blocked jump-in :D
  4. Don't dash! Walk! Walk in and walk out! Unless dash is your set up, obviously. Even though dash looks faster than walking, it's sort of NOT. What I mean is dash requires a fixed amount of frames to execute while walking can be stopped at any frame. Sure it travels further during those frames BUT if the distance is not that crucial then it's better to walk it. The point is that short walks take up less frames than dashing (16f). What is harder to react to: 16 frames dash or 15 frames walk? Distance difference isn't that significant but your move will come out one frame faster and that's the most important part. What about 10 frames walk, huh? Do you feel me? Walk with buttons. Then (see #1 above). Delayed back throw after dash in is pretty solid and safe, though.
  5. Try to shimmy! The easiest one is you walk back, wait a few frames and walk in, throw. That's it! Works on patient players. Consider doing two cr.lp. They will push you even out of Dictator's throw range, so no walking back needed. Pretty neat, don't you think?
  6. Consider doing tick throw after TWO jabs to mess with their timing.
  7. Apply pressure on wake up mostly with and occasionally go for counter hit with cr.lp into as your meaty. To continue pressure see #1 above.
  8. Don't you ever pressure Ken on wake up if he has meter. It ALWAYS pays off. They WILL do that DP. THEY! WILL! At the end of a round, at the beginning, if the have a lot of health or if they have a magic pixel left, if you've pressured them before or if you haven't, if you are close or even if you are halfscreen away, they don't care. THEY WILL DO IT! And from what I saw, most Ken players can't play neutral. Space them out, annoy them with distance and wait for that tatsu, which you can punish with xx hard DP. With meter they might try to DP you first, so be aware. Ken is a collective image, no offense. My point is that if you feel like your opponent is not self-aware be ready to get EX DP'ed for mistimed dash in from halfscreen away on their wake up even though they had almost no health left and you was feeling like the King of the World. Same applies to people who mash DP during your blockstring. Do one hit after hard jump-in, block, wait, continue. And be always ready. It pays off in the end, I promise you. And when I say 'always', I don't mean like in a context of one match but overall.
  9. A lot of tutorials online recommend to look for your opponent's patterns. I can not agree with that because I believe that relying on patterns is the best way to teach yourself bad habits. You see, your opponent might be using some pattern to force you into some other pattern he's more comfortable with. Then he makes a change and gets you with the unexpected. He got the life lead and you got another pattern to adapt to. Do not rely on patterns. Try to stay at medium range and consider all the options. Expect anything at all times - that's the ideal. Feeling uncomfortable? Get away and start at neutral again. I know it's hard and it's more advanced, but some silver players do crazy stuff and don't follow patterns either, just not because they are good at mind games (see #2 and #8). It's not just my idea, Daigo wrote something like that in his book and it got me thinking. Sure you might want to try to read your opponent from time to time, hell Daigo does, but just stay mindful. I stopped counting how many times people just jumped-in on me while having almost no health left. That's basically euthanasia, just put them out of their misery.
  10. Finish off your opponents with empty jump into low. Absolutely viable tactics! Sometimes DP will whiff and most of the time normals will. You should already be able to confirm, cr.lp xx h.DP or go with safe xx fireball (meter and VT2 make the last option advantageous and very scary).
  11. Consider getting out of the corner with that air-tatsu. Practice it to cover the most distance!
  12. Do you feel someone is getting crazy? V-reversal! Don't you ever forget that option. Forget V-trigger. Opponent's crazy? V-reversal! Two times!

So those are my tips. The first one is the most important one, I dare you!

NOTE: I'm still editing it. Added a lot of clarifications and some new paragraphs. Plus, I want some people to notice that it's all about Ryu and it's all about getting from Silver to Gold (not further), just 'cuz mentality of those ranks is very specific. I do suppose that you know the basics and I do exaggerate sometimes but that's for educational purposes only, so don't always take me literally but consider the idea.

submitted by /u/IdoubledareU31
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[Daily General Lounge] Here is a collection of general information & useful resources. Casual conversations, quick questions and answers are welcome!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:06 AM PST

This thread provides a place for everyone to ask simple questions and chat about anything reasonably on topic. To new players and new members of the community alike we encourage you tap into all of the resources of this sub.

  • If you're a new player looking for players around your same skill level, check out the New Challenger, the go to place for new players trying to level up!

  • If you want to learn how to play and become a better player at Street Fighter V, you must check out the useful resources below:

Street Fighter V Character Data & Move Lists

Rashid R. Mika ChunLi Ryu Ken
Cammy Laura Zangief Karin Nash
M.Bison Birdie Vega Necalli Dhalsim
F.A.N.G Alex Guile Ibuki Balrog
Juri Urien Akuma Kolin Ed
Abigail Menat Zeku Sakura

Character Discussion Index for character specific combos, tips and matchups

General FAQ

  1. I'm new to SFV and this is overwhelming! What do I do?
  2. Where can I find a basic overview of each character?
  3. What does _____ mean?
  4. Where can I find combos?
  5. How can I stop being bad?
  6. Are there other Fighting Game communities?
  7. Where can I find replays?
  8. Can my computer handle Street Fighter V?
    • Click here to see Street Fighter V PC Recommended Specs!
  9. What's Footsies?
  10. Execution problems?
  11. Advanced Techniques?
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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RB (Zeku) Vs Hsien Chang (Juri)

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:13 AM PST

OMGitzAndre Allegations

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:50 PM PST

Picture I found on twitter, there's one of these for every SFV character. Is there a place online where I can purchase them? This one was bought at the Capcom bar.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:55 PM PST

Awesome Street Fighter art Ibuki vs. Dhalsim!!!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:58 PM PST

What's your best Season 3 combo?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:12 AM PST

Since the new V-triggers came in there has been a whole bunch of new combos available for all characters. What's the best combo you can do now?

Mine is 594 Damage, 16 Hits, with Laura

[In the Corner while already in VT1] Fully Charged MP Thunder Clap > cr.hp xx lp.bolt elbow > cr.hp xx hp.thunder clap xx VS > cr.lp, cr.lp, CA

V-Trigger Cancelling and Extending it after the first cr.hp xx thunder clap with another actually hits for 20 damage less due to the Heavy scaling.

submitted by /u/suplexes-trains
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Japanese tournament this weekend

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:25 AM PST

Edit: It's not this weekend, group stages on the 6th/7th at 19:00 JST with the finals on the 10th. schedule

Title mentions lottery tournament (they drew names for the brackets on stream) and they're setting up now afaik? It has some great players there.

Brackets Day 1

Brackets Day 2

submitted by /u/Firkraag8
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The amount of Fight Money that we get from Missions is not enough to play Extra Battle Mode. Take a look at this week regular missions and extra battle mode tasks.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:17 PM PST

Lets take these nem missions for example that will begin in less than a hour.


Perform a normal throw 10 times = 50 FM

Play a Ranked Match = 500 FM

Datta's wish = 2500 FM

View Ranking on CFN = 250 Fm

Total = 3300 FM

Extra Battle Mode

Defeat the Golden Soldier 3 times to each 10k XP each time you win. Cost = 500 FM per try, total of 1500 FM

Rashid third piece = 2500 FM

Total Fm that we have spend on Extra Battle mode this week is 4000 FM, total FM we will earn from Missions this week 3300 FM.

submitted by /u/thegrudge2007
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The Central Illinois FGC monthly is returning.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:22 AM PST

Hello everyone. I am one of the co-founders of the Central Illinois FGC here in Champaign, IL. We would like to announce the return of our monthly where you can get a chance to win some money.

We are going to be running brackets in SFV: AE, DBFZ, Tekken 7, and Injustice 2.

$5 Venue Fee $5 per game entered CASH ONLY

Saturday 2/10/2018 from 12PM-5PM CST G-Mart Comics 205 N. Market St. Champaign, IL 61820

You can pre- register here:

Our Twitch channel: Give us a follow and you will be able to check out the tournament action.

We are very excited to bring back our monthly since our revival that happened in December. We also do weekly tournaments as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to seeing you.

submitted by /u/arneezy619
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"It's making me guess 50/50 off each hard knockdown, which won't be in SFV" Oh LTG, how wrong you turned out to be

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:33 AM PST

Any tournaments in MN

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:25 AM PST

Hey just wondering if any Minnesotans know of any tournaments near Mankato? Maybe even the cities?

submitted by /u/Grovolo
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Poking with Karin's new s.hp

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:31 AM PST

I was just reminded of this because there is a few Karin player I know who have said how much worse it is now with S.hp being a CC. This might be common knowledge but no one I've come across seems to use it or is aware of it so I'll just point it out because there are ways to make it work as a confirm in neutral still, and its more important now than ever since her other 2 key normals ( and were nerfed.

As Bafael pointed out in his S3 video for Karin her combo routes are really different when you get a CC s.hp compared with a regular s.hp.

Previously what you would do was hit confirm into tenko with her normal enders on hit or Orochi on block and thats still the same.

But the CC combo for s.hp now is something like: CC S.hp xx lk mujin, jf.tenko (has to be a just frame). If you try and do Tenko like normal after a CC S.hp the opponent will just shoot away and you can't do any followups and I think you lose oki as well.

The thing about the launch state on S.hp is that if you cancel into her command dash, it lasts so long that you can finish your command dash and still have enough time to do a lk mujin, jf.tenko ender. If your using the hk seppo the combo will carry half screen.

This means if you are hit confirming s.hp it would look something like this:

  • S.hp Blocked xx Seppo: Orochi
  • S.hp Hit xx Seppo: Tenko, Ender(Orochi, lk.mujin, vskill etc)
  • S.hp CH xx Seppo: Nothing, lk.mujin, jf.tenko

Something like that. There is also tech to play with there that allows for air resets instead of lk.mujin. Someone better than me can toy with that.

PS: I was going to record this and do a video but my video editor is playing up and keeps corrupting. So hopefully that explanation was sound enough.

submitted by /u/kastle09
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