Street Fighter My low-quality meme

My low-quality meme

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:27 AM PST

Tokido (Akuma) vs Itazan (Abigail) FT5, now with 100% more unreasonably long red health bars.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:22 AM PST

When I ask Rashid players for advice

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 11:38 AM PST

Poongko Parries

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:29 PM PST

How to Whip in Street Fighter

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:03 AM PST

Thank you NuckleDu!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:33 AM PST

Need Tips for Bison vs Laura Matchup

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:04 AM PST

I always hear to just keep her out, but I have so much trouble with that.

It seems like when I try to zone her with grounded normals, she will jump in and start her mix-ups.

If I hold off on zoning her on the ground because I'm anticipating a jump-in, her fast dash gets her in and the mix-ups begin.

Or, if I'm playing conservatively, she will charge up her fireball and that just makes it even harder to stop her from getting in.

He AAs make it very hard to jump in on her, too. Her stuffs everything. It even stops his ex devil's reverse, if I remember correctly.

She seems to have an easy time throwing Bison out of his v-reversal.

It seems like once she gets in, I'm screwed. I've always had trouble playing against high-pressure characters as Bison, and she's as high-pressure as they come.

My local scenes monthly tournament is coming up and the dude who always wins plays Laura. I went for the first time last month and only lost to him. I want to dethrone this dude and win a tournament before my skills deteriorate completely. I recently became a dad and, unfortunately, I can't devote the same amount of time to SF. I'm getting worse faster than I'm improving lol. But I'm hoping that if I devote all of my training to fighting against Laura then I can at least improve this matchup.

Any tips? And would any diamond+ Lauras want to play some sets?

I'll share a match replay the next time I play a Laura, but I don't come across them as often anymore.

submitted by /u/SonOfTheRightHand
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"Shadaloo are building an igloo, while Cammy (brainwashed) is waiting and saluting out there" by Motoki Yoshihara

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:20 AM PST

(Menat combo) How do you release the mk.Orb in this combo so that the following j.hp links?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:14 AM PST

Hi everyone; I'm running a SFVAE tourney tomorrow (Canada & US) @ 1pm EST. Care to play?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:39 AM PST

Now that EXP levels of characters is the most determining factor in gaining FM from special missions, how do we see what levels are characters are?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:33 AM PST

I dont see a place anywhere to check the level of all your characters. This would be useful information to have when determining who is the lowest and to use them to beat the soldier for the most exp = most leveling up = most FM reward.

submitted by /u/Spore2012
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Infiltration's best TEABAGGING Match!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:00 PM PST

I finally made it to Silver, and my 300 wins. Here's who I fought along the way

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:03 AM PST

All the numbers for this come directly from the SFV player profile function.

627 total Ranked matches

Ryu: 96 15.31%

Ken: 97 15.47%

Chun-Li: 23 3.67%

Cammy: 33 5.26%

Nash: 16 2.55%

M. Bison: 5 0.8%

Vega: 7 1.12%

Birdie: 17 2.71%

Karin: 24 3.83%

R. Mika: 8 1.28%

Zangief: 20 3.19%

Dhalsim: 5 0.8%

Rashid: 11 1.75%

Laura: 18 2.87%

F.A.N.G.: 15 2.39%

Necalli: 14 2.23%

Alex: 15 2.39%

Guile: 24 3.83%

Ibuki: 8 1.28%

Balrog: 8 1.28%

Juri: 16 2.55%

Urien: 15 2.39%

Akuma: 51 8.13%

Kolin: 13 2.07%

Ed: 19 3.03%

Abigail: 5 0.8%

Menat: 11 1.75%

Zeku: 11 1.75%

Sakura: 22 3.51%

I started playing December 30th, if that gives any time frame for character popularity. Obviously Sakura just came out and she was the new hotness for a minute, so that might skew the data a little.

I have no idea what you can do with these stats, except maybe five bronze players an idea of what to expect. Nothing crazy obviously, we know there are a tidal wave of Ryu, Ken, and Akuma in the lower ranks. I'll be tracking my matchups from silver through to gold and see how everything compares to this list.

submitted by /u/SrirachaFlash
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Sfv connection with friend

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:06 AM PST

I am trying to play sf with a friend, we both play on pc and have good internet. However we have 2 bar connection to each other which is really weird. He disabled his port forwarding and now it shows 5 bar but it plays the same, any help?

submitted by /u/blazinderby
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Anyone else notice this victory screen typo? Why is it still in AE?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:48 PM PST

How to get over my fears of losing in ranked and play more confidently?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:49 PM PST

I have always had trouble attempting to play ranked. I am perfectly comfortable playing on Battle Lounge when it comes to finding sets on Discord and such. But I can't help but feel nervous every time I think about playing ranked. It's preventing me from ranking up to the rank I want to achieve. As much as I want to rank up, the thought of losing to my opponents or even my points bothers me.

Do you guys have any suggestions in terms of how I can overcome my fear of losing in ranked? Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/TheRealOG_
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I'm new to street fighter and I own a fightstick. Is there any videos to help with combos, guides for each character, and helping understanding different icons and controls?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:12 AM PST

Is there an SFV scene in Brussels?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:59 PM PST

Capcom Pro Tour calendar?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:13 AM PST

Does anyone know what's happening? It's February and we don't have the calendar for the year. Unless I've missed something?

submitted by /u/jimbob1141
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XSK Samurai's pro tips

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:26 PM PST

Menat VT1 stun setup

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:29 PM PST

Itazan Abigail vs Tokido Akuma FT5

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:45 AM PST

GCyoshi weighs in on the notation debate

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:14 AM PST

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