Rainbow Six The Outbreak.

The Outbreak.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:08 AM PST

The numbers Ubisoft, what do they mean?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:42 AM PST

Let me just pick up this claymore before I die

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:08 AM PST

Pro doc strats just juice yourself up and disable in front of the entire enemy team

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:37 PM PST

Defuser falls out of map when teammate rappelling dies with it

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:19 AM PST

First time playing Vigil

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:05 AM PST

Ubisoft, is anyone being punished for toxic behaviour?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:32 AM PST

Vigil and Dokkaebi and their gadgets are much more suited for the opposite team (Offense/Defense)

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:06 AM PST

From experience, Vigil and Dokkaebi seem somewhat weak (or very situational) in comparison to other ops; at least gadget wise. I believe their gadgets would be of MUCH more use if they were on the opposite team. I'd like to go over the benefits of switching Vigil and Dokkaebi's placement around and show how it would be useful.

Vigil (Offense)

Currently on defense, Vigil can hide from drones (and hacked cams). Now much of the community has been calling for a buff because, frankly, this gadget isn't as strong as it could/should be. Drones are already incredibly easy to destroy and hear and we already have plenty of counters to them, such as Mute. Yes, Vigil can also hide from hacked Dokkaebi cams, but that is incredibly situational.

With Vigil on offense, he would be able to directly hide from cameras without having to destroy them. This is an incredibly powerful tool because when a good team notices cameras are destroyed, they know some attacker has been there and shot it (or a Twitch but I digress). Knowing a camera has been destroyed gives valuable information to a defender such as potential flanking routes. Vigil would be able to flank without being seen on cameras. Vigil's gadget would also be a godsend if he were the last alive and not all cameras were destroyed. Now Vigil would have a few potential counters, or he would counter a few defense ops; namely Pulse and Valkyrie.


Vigil could be a hard counter to Pulse. While using the ERC-7 (Vigil's gadget), he could be invisible to Pulse's heartbeat sensor. Pulse doesn't really have a HARD counter right now, like Thatcher is to Mute or Jager is to Fuze. Pulse is countered by IQ, but IQ is a broad counter to many defense ops. I'm not saying Pulse NEEDS a counter, I'm just giving options. Now Pulse could also counter Vigil. This is pretty self explanatory. You may not be able to see Vigil on cams, but Pulse could still snuff him out. However, if Vigil did counter Pulse, he would be countered by Valkyrie's Blackeyes.


There could be a little lore with this, like Dokkaebi and Echo; Valkyrie's Blackeyes could have special software that allow them to see through Vigil's gadget. Depending on Valkyrie's cam placement, this could be a really good counter to Vigil. As mentioned above, Vigil wouldn't have to worry about any cams if he were the last alive; if Valkyrie countered him - he would depending on Blackeye placement. Although, Vigil could also counter Valkyrie, being able to hide from ALL cameras. However, if Vigil did counter Valkyrie, he would be countered by Pulse's heartbeat sensor.

Both (Overpowered)

Now Vigil could counter BOTH Valkyrie and Pulse, but that would probably be extremely overpowered. I just thought I'd put it here to lay out all options.

Dokkaebi (Defense)

Dokkaebi currently is powerful on offense, but I'd say that is more so due to her M14 EBR than her actual gadget. Yes, her Logic Bomb does have uses, such as snuffing out roamers, but we already have Jackal for that and he seems to do that MUCH better than she does. Her gadget seems to only be useful (at least from my experience) on hunting roamers, and is pretty useless against anchors - as we already know WHERE anchors are going to be. He Logic Bomb would have more and much more interesting uses on defense. If Dokkaebi was on defense her and her Logic Bomb could prove to be invaluable. She could actually play 2 roles: Roamer or Anchor.

I know everyone already says we have enough roamers, but still. Not to mention Vigil is currently a roamer, if their team positions were swapped Dokkaebi could just take his place. As a roamer, Dokkaebi could use her gadget to snuff out attackers. She could simply use her gadget in an area and try to find any attackers. This would also provide a benefit for Anchors and alert them if any attackers are near the OBJ.

As an anchor, Dokkaebi has some really neat tactics. As mentioned above, she could use her gadget to determine where attackers are coming from. Maybe Fuze is on the floor above heading to the hatch - the Logic Bomb could give an ample warning. Dokkaebi's gadget could also ASSIST roamers and have some nice synergy with them. My favorite example of this: Caveira is roaming and Dokkaebi is defending objecting. Cav can hear some footsteps and tells Dokkaebi to activate her gadget. The phones ring and Caveira gets an interrogation, thus revealing the enemy team. This is just one example, but overall Dokkaebi would be able to assist roamers and help them find their targets.

So in the current game, killing an enemy as Dokkaebi allows you to hack into defender's phones and get control of cams. So how would this function if Dokkaebi was on defense? Well if Dokkaebi got to an attackers phone, she could hack any drones CURRENTLY on field - with any NEW drones being thrown wouldn't be under her influence. Now the only thing I'm currently unsure of is if defenders should actually be able to control the hacked drones fully, as in move them around and spot. This may be a bit much as what if she got control of a Twitch drone? Maybe Twitch's drone could be immune for Dokkaebi's hacks. I'm not completely sure on this front (full drone control). Maybe only Dokkaebi could fully control drones, but teammates could only look through them? Throwing ideas out there.

Now Dokkaebi's current counter is Mute. As long as you are standing in a Mute's AoE, her Logic Bomb is useless. Well, if Dokkaebi was on defense, who would counter her? The answer is IQ and Tatcher.


We all already know how IQ's gadget functions, being able to see electronics through walls. This is pretty self explanatory - while Dokkaebi is using her Logic Bomb, IQ can see the pad. Much like how the Pulse and IQ dynamic currently functions.


Thatcher throws EMPs and disables electronics. Also pretty self explanatory. If Thatcher throws an EMP at Dokkaebi while her Logic Bomb is out (or in general?), it jams it for a brief period.

Now Dokkaebi wouldn't DIRECTLY counter any offensive ops. She might be an issue for 3 Speed rushers like Ash, being able to slow them down with her Logic Bomb. She could be a counter to Twitch if hacked drones could be controlled, but again, that may be a bit too powerful.

Final Notes

Overall, Vigil and Dokkaebi seem much more suited for the opposite team in terms of Offense and Defense just from a gadget perspective. I've asked numerous people while playing if they agree with me and a majority of people do. I don't know much about game development/coding, but at least from a general point of view, all that would need to be done is swap the character model and gadget as well as the character icon. The weapons and tacticals/grenades would all stay as they are.

But this is just my opinion. Clearly a little more may need to be done like getting rid (or reducing) the static Vigil's ERC-7 gives off while near cams. What do you guys think? I'm interested in hearing more opinions of this as well!

submitted by /u/silentkiln
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Outbreak skin concept

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:14 PM PST

Glitch On Coastline Penthouse

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:13 AM PST

Tachanka cosplay killcam edited by Sushi

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:12 AM PST

Help. Is Rainbow Six Siege a horror game now?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:00 AM PST

Sledge operator icon papercraft

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:35 AM PST

Remember this?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:11 AM PST

I made an Outbreak Wallpaper

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:06 AM PST

M590A1 virus skin concept for outbreak

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:43 AM PST

Mission Outbreak Birthday Cake (Instagram user: @k1ng_st)

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:10 AM PST

How Has the Channel on Youtube that literally broadcasts himself cheating not been banned in any form?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:06 AM PST

I know that this sub has rules about witchhunting and all that, so i wont namedrop the person. but there have been multiple posts about this same thing that have gotten to the front page of the sub. I'm no developer, and to be honest im pretty challenged when it comes to most forms of technology, but it seems pretty obvious that his channel should be at least deleted from youtube. Feel free to remove the post if it goes against community guidelines.

EDIT: Changing the flair to "Question" this isn't a very good "Rant"

submitted by /u/KillerCrimson1323
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Buck just wants us to sit down and settle our differences in a civilised and Canadian manner.

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 10:49 PM PST

John Wick Mode: ON

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:48 AM PST

Add the Terrorist Hunt Voice Lines go Multiplayer!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:26 AM PST

The community agrees that the small one minute trailers for outbreak added to much personality and connection to the operators. Just watching the trailer makes me want to be a thermite main because his personality draws me more into the game. I'm sure it's as easy as porting them over and no extra steps.

submitted by /u/SideniggaPaul
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Why so curious?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:49 PM PST

Should we buff the amount of points Montagne gets from doing his job?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:24 AM PST

I've been playing a bit of Montagne recently, and I've been near the bottom of the leaderboard every time, especially if I'm just doing my job and not trying to get kills.

Since your job is basically to be a distraction and take bullets, shouldn't we up the amount of points that doing that gives you?

Montagne was the first operator I bought back in year 1 when I got the game because he seemed interesting and fun to play, but to this day I've seen maybe a couple of dozen Montagnes in matched (console).

Does anyone agree or am I just being stupid?

submitted by /u/TheGreyjoyBaron
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Hibana has seen some things

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

3D printable X-KAIROS pellet (yes it is also a fidget spinner, will be on Thingiverse soon)

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:14 PM PST

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