PUBG PC Update #6

PC Update #6

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:21 AM PST

Don't hate the player -- hate the nade.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:01 AM PST

New Graphic When in the Plane (Test Server

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:50 AM PST

After 400+ hours I am satisfied!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:29 AM PST

After seeing numerous posts about people with high playing time "quiting", I have to ask. What more do you want? Yes things could be more optimized, with less bugs, have less cheaters, have more transparency in the devs, and so on. At the end of the day, though, $30 for 400, 600, I even saw 1, 400 hours of play time is an amazing value for your dollar. You have obviously enjoyed the game, how else do you explain the hours played? So I will ask again, what more do you want?

submitted by /u/Goswin
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An Updated AMA From Brendan Greene Would be Nice.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:13 AM PST

At this point, we dont know much about the direction of PUBG, Mr. Greene did an AMA on this sub a while ago, and it was really informative on what was to be expected. Right now would be a perfect time for another one of these posts.

submitted by /u/Poseidon1232
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PubgDevs are not pushing solid patches since 1.0 release

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:20 PM PST

Disclaimer : This post is not a whine.

The last big patch PubgDevs pushed was 1.0, after that, there are minor patches that simply does not have major impact on the gaming process.

Are PubgDevs "chillin" ? Definitely they are working hard, as Mr.Green said in his podcast a few times but holy crap, why we don't see the improvements? We'd like to know what are the main goals of the team, what they are working on resolving/improving.

Why are we getting patches of minor stuff instead of improving netcode or fixing the sounds in-game?

Feb 20 update : So PUBG devs pushed #6 UPDATE : Replaced fences, airplane bugs, replays, vehicle bug fixes. No sound fixes, no major netcode fixes - nothing, basically nothing. Game still cancels damage if you both shoot simultaniously but the guy kills you first so your damage simply DOES NOT go through.

submitted by /u/TalibasXd
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PUBG 1.0 Plane left without me in one of the new spawn locations

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:41 AM PST

PUBG Daily Peak users has fallen by about 600k since the beginning of February.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:49 PM PST

After 600 hours I am calling it quits.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:14 PM PST

I purchased this game over a year ago. Even with all the huge bugs, cheaters, and desync, I kept coming back. I strongly believed this game would improve given the large amount of customers but I was wrong. We used to see weekly updates, now we are lucky if there is one every month. For a game now in full release I expected a lot more.

submitted by /u/Alenzr7
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Elon Musk playing PUBG

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:53 PM PST

Anti-Cheat and why it's hard to accomplish

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:53 AM PST


Reddit is flooded with complains about cheaters on a daily basis. I was part of the volunteer Anti-Cheat squad for CoD4 at ESL and i would like to elaborate why you give the PUBG to much flag about their anti cheat handling. Since im not a native english speaker please excuse any grammar/spelling fuckeronis in advance.

1) Which hacks actually exist.

Hacking isn't hacking. You have a lot of different types of hacks which all work completely different making it hard for a single anti cheat to detect. You have Bots,Scripts, Bug-Uses, Makros, hardware manipulation, graphic manipulation bla bla.

An Aimbot is usually some sort of .exe searching for pixels on your monitor. A "good" aimbot will only be used when your level 2 helmet is actually visible on the screen while a bad aimbot actually uses the server data to follow your head through 2km, 3 houses , 1 car and a brush. Games like SC2 are more "hackable" regarding fog of war. In this circumstance the hack is actually reading the server data before your GPU, manipulates it and sends it to your GPU. Therefore you have no FoG because it got eliminated by the hack. Another variant of an "aimbot" can be a simple script programmed into your mouse/keyboard. Recoil is something not being rng but programmed in a somewhat predictable way. Without any effort you can build a makro simulating the spray pattern into your mouse and double bind it wth your fire button (thats why double hotkeys are eliminated in most games so not every jerk can do it via razer synapse).

2) Why is it hard to ban dudes

You paid 30 bucks to play the game. The publisher has 2 options. Either he can hire 10.000 dudes watching replays day in and day out or he can develop an anti cheat on his own. ESL uses ESL Wire for example. Hiring 10.000 dudes is obviously not really possible in PUBG. a) even 10.000 cant watch all games played b) they have no evidence but personal opinion on a ban. So by agreeing the licence shit nobody reads he accepts that CoD4,PUBG whatsoever use some sort of anti cheat like Punkbuster and gets rekt only when his software says you cheat.

Modern hacks are a pain in the ass - yes. But from a coding point of view they are art. Being able to write a solid Hack for CSGO, LoL, SC2 whatever means you are above the average university dude. Implementing hacks requires very much creativity, obv knowledge how to actually code and be able to adapt the hacks from time to time so you cant go into 10x loops.

Modern hacks aren't some sort of aimbot.exe. Thats what the generic anti cheat is watching for. You cant just code something banning everybody with .exe which isnt known. Anti-Cheat is no different than hacking like anti virus isnt different to a virus. Kaspersky in itself is a virus inflicting your PC searching for maleware. Who has the edge here? Obv the virus who knows what Kasperky is capable of. You can trial and error until Kaspersky doesnt recognize you. Same for hacking as a job. You can counter chinese hackers but the real brains are the encounters. They hack the chinese industry. While hacks are well covered in some weird processes or even overwrite a "legit" process you can go a step ahead and implement it into your hardware. You can re-write the chip of your cpu,gpu, your mouse, your keyboard or your headset. Everything having a chip can be hacked. Thats why Valve is testing every hardware of csgo pros.

Now little history CoD4 used ESL Wire searching for real dumb hacks .exe and making screenshots every X seconds + replay. I was part of the weekly tournament team. We had the luxury to watch the replays if reports stacked on a game. By law you are not allowed to ban someone who didnt trigger the anti cheat software. Ofc you still banned them. But the actually can go to a court and win with it even if they use a ragehack making you 360 jumping headshot you. You simply cant deliver ANY evidence that he is not inhuman. Watch "Hiko inhuman reactions". Did he hack this shot? Probably not, it was on stage with admins behind him. Nobody gave a tiny fuck about it. Could he be hacking since he started playing? Yes. Do i belief he did? No.

Someone using a proper triggerbot/aimbot even with a wallhack can callibrate every setting (pace of the flick, position where to flick, how fast to flick after a target appears). You can even go for settings making you UNABLE to land a single shot. So rewatching every game is not only not economically possible for a publisher it simply doesnt hold any argue.

3) Anti-Cheat is always a step behind

Anti-Cheat only changes in waves (banwaves) implementing the shit a modern hack does. Well a coder just soaks the code of the anti cheats and goes on a trial and error journey for 2-3 days. He resells his hack and is happy for the next couple of months. No the anti cheat again has to search the needle in a haystack.

You dont even know what to search for if the hack is somewhat decent. It can hide into your hardware, it can hide into USB interface, it can a manipulated .exe of windows update, it can be a script, it can be a bot, it can be a manipulated GPU/CPU without any software.

The best way to detect a virus is to overwatch the power usage of your PC/ packets send/lost. If your power usage goes sky high without any reason theres probably something wrong. If your PC starts sending out packets without you running anything its time to wonder.

Little resumee just for myself: - anti cheat is always a step behind - reviewing doesnt make any sense / isnt legal to judge bans of - Hack A isnt equal to Hack B - You have no idea what you are even searching for

4) Is hacking disgusting

Yes it is. Im on the honest belief that hackers suffer problems in real life so they search for some recognition being high on a scoreboard. Playing a game and competing isnt enjoyment for them because they are again on the risk of failing like they do in RL. Its easier to find enjoyment in the pain of others than in working on yourself - its sad bad true. They find enjoyment in annoying others theres no other reason why you would use a hack. Its not fun to start PUBG and hold Mouse 1.

5) Stop playing the game makes it worse

Yes it is not fun to lose vs hackers but it makes the situation worse for everbody whos clean. Not only drops it the clean player density -> you will face more hackers because they dont get annoyed and dont stop playing. Its their satisfaction to piss you off. So dont let them win.

6) PUBG was not ready for it

I guess this point is telling enough in itself. Nobody had PUBG on his radar until is suddenly exploded. Bluehole is a south korean company and everybody saying they dont care about hackers is a huge idiot. South Korea is the #1 country for anti hacks. Its a huge crime there to use hacks and you can go to jail for up to 10 years because of using them. Bluehole was founded 2007. This company is barely 10 years old with his first game being published 2012 (TERA) being nothing like PUBG. Its like you are managing a local supermarket suddenly being the manager of Nestle. PUBG right now is the most played game - atleast top 3 managed by a company barely having experience with any big game AND NO experience in the biggest hacker genre (FPS). If valve after several years - actually decades struggles to get proper anti cheat fast how can we expect bluewhole being able to? We simply cant. Saying they dont care is just the result of massive lack of intelligence.

If it is so easy for 8/10 redditors simply write them the anti cheat who's not banning you because spotify updater appears, your Mouse is bad and therefore makes weird movements on the screen or apply as a volunteer to rewatch massive report games and take full responsibility in order the client you banned goes to court.

As long as we clean players dont stand together the hackers will win. If we keep supporting Bluehole they will support us.

CoD4 has a few known players and team i rewatched shitloads of replays from which were so damn suspicious. They dont only fail everytime on stage (USB interface hacks werent common there), they only performed on their own pc (soundcard hacks, GPU hacks, .exe hided in windows processes). ESL Wire often times showed only black screens (sometimes it was an error by the software troubling with antivire software). Watching the replays always has this feeling of "Why is he hitting so damn nasty shoty online 9/10 times and doesnt hit the standing target on stage". You simply cant ban him/them because of that since they made a living out of it (legal or illegal).

Its a weird greyzone of personal data and effectively use anti cheat. The best way to establish anti cheat will be an AI observing EVERYTHING on your pc. Photos, Mails, Connections , Apps, Installed Programs, Hardware used and learn by a virtual playerbase. If you can program this AI you aint "wasting" time on reddit you get 10x richer than bill gates over night.

I can't write a decent hack and i can't write an anti cheat without getting flag for bans which werent correct. I just claim to have a little bigger grasp on how god damn hard it is to write such a code and be on the downside (anti cheat) all day. Detecting a hack today doesnt prevent the hack of tomorrow. Stop playing the game just let the hackers win. Enjoy the game and give them time. They are a god damn small company compared to others in the industry and even Valve,Blizz,Riot are struggling in anti cheat after years of being the genre prime.

If you cant resist the pain of hackers massive popular games like PUBG,CSGo,SC2,LoL are simply not good for you. Hacks will always exist and they will always be faster than the anti cheat. If we give up on games because of that nobody has to dev a game anymore. Anti-Cheat takes time and effort. Not only from devs but from players as well.

It's your choice being part of a game you like and help in a constructive way or simply abbort mission. Both is fine but dont ever say someone doesnt care when you have no tiny bit of an idea what is actually needed to solve the problem.

A region lock isnt a 2 line code. You have to restrict certains VPN's, proxys whatever. It takes time man. Its not everything as easy as it seems. You dont get chicken dinner because of a cheater? Who cares man. You know you were the best clean player on the server. Let this poor hacker have this pseudo enjoyment and get rekt once anti cheat catches him. You are clean, you are mentally way superior and dont have to hack in order to find enjoyment in games or your life.

submitted by /u/Prof_Dilemma
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going for airdrops is awesome

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:02 AM PST

Chocotaco 1v1's a fan like a gentleman

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:14 PM PST

Saw these two bad bois fighting and watched until the blue engulfed me

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:48 AM PST

First time I see this "plugin" : Win94 semi automated with infinite bullets in FPP

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:00 AM PST


Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:04 AM PST

New test server patch (4.1 GB)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:07 AM PST

Post info here until patch notes.

submitted by /u/Canziano
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Oops didn't see him

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:23 PM PST

So the bike on Miramar is registered in Poland?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:48 PM PST

Let's talk about the dangerous wish thoughts that some of us have: Frostbite supported Battle Royale.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:25 AM PST

Just some thoughts I had since Frostbite supports 60hz tick rate for 64 players, so adding 26 can't be that hard since it supports 256 players. Rumors around DICE testing 128 players with Frostbite 3 seems to make sense, considering there were some BF2 servers with that amount, and it was with Frostbite 1. And the best part... almost bug free, if you would compare it to PUBG so to speak. I really would't mind if they just downgraded Battlefield 1 graphics, made bigger maps, and just call it "Battle Royale Battlefield". There are articles about this, so there are people talking about it.

So what do you think about it, would EA fuck this up too or would they kill of PUBG? They have every single advantage to do it.

submitted by /u/HaraldRevery
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I think the replay recording should end when the last of your team dies, not when you die.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:31 AM PST

Anyone here already had this thought? On several occasions, I've had a great game with friends, but I can't tell the whole story through my replay because it ended with my death. Say I wanted to make a pubg cinematic, I now have to ask all my friends to send their replays, why not just extend it further....Am I stupid for thinking this? I can't imagine it being difficult to implement.

submitted by /u/WiseHallucination
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When the Uzi feels juuuust right.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:46 AM PST

I spotted a slithering snake in PUBG and oh boy! was it a fast one....

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:55 PM PST

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