Destiny - [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-02-20]

[D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-02-20]

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST

Nightfall: The Inverted Spire

Arcadian Valley End the Red Legion expedition that has ripped open the planet's surface.


  • Momentum: Health and shield regeneration stop when you're not moving. Sprint to speed up regeneration.
  • Timewarp: Rings: Vex time gates have appeared in the area. Pass through them to discharge temporal energy and extend the mission timer.


  • Speed Of Dark: Complete the Nightfall with at least 5 minutes remaining.
  • Unbroken: Complete the Nightfall with fewer than 3 deaths.
  • The Floor Is Lava: As a fireteam, do not get hit by Protheon's fiery ground attack before defeating it.

Flashpoint: Mercury

Don't forget to buy the Treasure Maps from Cayde-6 as well.


  • Unbroken: Find Thumos the Unbroken and take the key codes he carries—by any means necessary.
  • Larceny: Break into the Red Legion base and steal the personal shuttle of Thumos the no-longer-Unbroken.

Shaxx Milestone

You may need to visit Shaxx at The Tower to pick this up.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Field Promotion

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:00 AM PST


Back in November, your friendly neighborhood community manager Cozmo stepped away from the studio to bring some new life into our shared world. When we realized that we needed someone to fill his chair temporarily, naming dmg04 as Acting Community Manager was an easy decision. Since the first year of Destiny, he has been one click away from the community team as an anonymous voice on the #Help forum. In every weekly blog address since Oryx entered our solar system, he's been the silent partner who has written the 'What's Up, DOC?' report on behalf of the Player Support team.

If you follow the conversation about Bungie closely, you might have heard the one about the new Community Manager we were looking to hire. Whenever Bungie seeks a player to lead the community they call home, it sparks obvious curiosity. Conspiracy theories immediately pointed to my imminent departure, but the rumors of my pending death have been greatly exaggerated. This was a bid for reinforcement, not replacement.

After an extensive search and many conversations, we realized that what we were looking for was right under our noses the whole time – and he was already kicking ass. It is my pleasure to introduceDylan Gafner as the newest addition to the community team. This may be confusing, since he has been doing the job for months. Today, we're making it official. This is no longer a temporary title. He's partners with Cozmo, now.

The idea of a "Community Manager" means many things to many people. They can be equal parts court jester, combat correspondent, best friend, first responder, security guard, detective, nation builder, case worker, and air traffic controller. Each person who accepts the mission weaves those strands together to create their own unique specialty. In Dylan, we see a problem solver who tackles player reports and works with his peers to drive toward solutions. He's been a tireless translator on the border between players and developers.

Here are some words from the man himself about what this new gig means to him.

Dylan: Hey, all. This isn't the first time I've introduced myself, but I'd like to say hello again.

Since joining in 2004, this has been a career that I've dreamed about. It's fun to think that my path here began with a simple desire to earn a cool emblem in a Bungie game by creating an account on the website. From there, I joined my first Clan (The WorkPLace) and attended my first of many PAX events in 2011. Eventually, I threw all of my stuff into a '97 Ford Explorer to drive from San Diego to Seattle to start a job on the Destiny Player Support team in 2015. Since then, I've kept my nose to the grindstone in communicating known issues, preparing support documentation for Destiny releases, and volunteering my thumbs for various Twitch reveals.

I'm extremely grateful that this new opportunity as Community Manager is a chance for me to give back to a community that I've known through fourteen years of gameplay, friendship, laughter, and ridiculous fun. We've recently promised an increase in communication surrounding Destiny 2, our future plans, and even issues that we're tracking. My goal in joining the community team is to give a pulse to the status of development, investigations in process, or setting expectations for upcoming features. We have a roadmap to follow, and I'm excited to keep you informed along the way.

With that said, let's get down to business. You can find me responding to threads on the forums, jumping into conversations as @a_dmg04 on Twitter, and providing content for the Bungie Blog. I will continue to work with the Destiny Player Support team in communicating about known issues or upcoming maintenance windows, which can be found on, and @BungieHelp on Twitter.

Thanks for playing, and thank you for your passion. It's truly an inspiration each day.


submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Can we talk about for a second how Bungie was willing to completely shred Eververse with Crimson Days?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:18 AM PST

Now for all the shit that is still going on with the game, why not something positive?
With the Crimson Day changes (Bright Dust from CD items, CD engrams easily obtainable from playing the game, and not being sold for money), they completely shat on the Eververse economy. Everyone got basically thousands of Bright Dust (I think I ended up with 4000 more than before) for just playing the game, enabling everyone to get what they want if they just spend time in Destiny. This is good. I like that. Keep it up for future events (and even outside; make Bright Dust some kind of ingame reward).

submitted by /u/Hankstbro
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The Cargo Bay 3 Lost Sector is once again the fastest token farm in the game

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:10 AM PST

For those unaware, back when the game launched Faction Rallies required you to venture into Lost Sectors and destroy cargo for tokens. There was an exploit where once you die in Cargo Bay 3 (Titan Lost Sector) you respawn at the entrance's loading zone and everything refreshes, allowing you to farm the lost sector again.

For this Faction Rally, the cooldown has been removed entirely, meaning you can complete Lost Sectors as fast as you can kill the bosses. That exploit still works. Here's a video I made to show how it should be done!

I also want to clarify this is hardly a game breaking exploit. You're still doing the entire lost sector legit, killing the boss and everything. It's nothing like walking in and out a door for free tokens. This is just much more convenient than other lost sectors because it removes the walk back to the top.

So all you have to do is run down into the lost sector, blow up the ogre boss, run to the chest and open it, and then kill yourself so you respawn at the top and repeat. This exploit works almost flawlessly on solo but adding a second or third person to the mix gets a little weird and may not work 100% of the time. My advice: Do not kill an extra enemies, just the boss. Use the explosive cargo to blow yourself up and it should work fine. Also, Wardcliff Coil is awesome for this farm.

Happy farming everyone!

submitted by /u/Ninja-Pups
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Darkest Day Emblem Wallpaper [PC & Mobile]

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:24 AM PST

This was one of the most requested emblems I had on my to-do list so here it is: Darkest Day Emblem Wallpaper Hope you enjoy!

submitted by /u/just_SiLeNtWaLkEr
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I don't think Leviathan is all that bad of a raid

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:48 AM PST

I'll preface this with saying that this is NOT talking about how buggy it is, or the loot pool (which arguably still needs to be tweaked).

I've seen a lot of people bagging on Leviathan for the layout and overall feel of the raid. The main points seem to be the castellum area, and the main encounters being branching rooms rather than a linear descent/ascent makes it feel less dire, and the lack of bosses is boring.

I don't necessarily think these are bad. I will admit that it doesn't have the same feeling that the D1 raids instilled in you of breaking into an enemy stronghold, delving deeper into their territory with no backup or help on the way. But all 4 raids in D1 had that feel. Breaking that formula is necessary for keeping raids feeling fresh. Leviathan doesn't have the sense of fighting your way into the heart of the enemy's fortifications, but it does give you a sense of being tiny. The entire raid is just the final boss toying with you. "Play with me dogs hehehe" or "Jump through these hoops, Guardian. JUMP!" And what's more, he invites you in to do this. The previous raids felt like you were taking on the world, breaking into some enemy base and decimating their forces. In Leviathan, no matter how powerful you feel or how well you perform, you're basically just dancing for the puppet master. And when you final confront him, to show him that you've bested his challenges and are here to take him down, it turns out that even that fight was part of the play.

Now, I'll admit that they probably should have stuck with the formula for the first raid. D2 was a new game, a re-launch for the series, so sticking to what it familiar for the first major raid would have been a good idea. But I don't think the fact that it doesn't follow the formula makes it bad.

I'll concede the fact that it should/could have had more bosses. It has as many major encounters as King's Fall did, so more bosses could/should have been expected. I'm of the mind that the gardens counts as a boss encounter, but I know a lot of people don't consider it one. There's also the idea that the challenges don't "mean" anything, since Gauntlet is just running around in a circle, and baths are just... I'm not really sure. I think the idea is Calus is really just making us dance for him.

But from a mechanics standpoint, I think Leviathan really succeeds where a lot of previous raids fell short. This was a point I think I heard mentioned in a Datto video, but it was in regards to raid mechanics allowing for skill to show through. The big problem with the Oryx fight was that, no matter how many times you've done it, how well you knew the fight, or how good you were at it. It always took 16 orbs to kill Oryx, and it always took X amount of time to detonate them. However, for an encounter like Crota, a "good" sword bearer was able to get more hits off and kill him faster that a standard group.

Leviathan makes room for this kind of expression. Teams that are better and more familiar with the dog encounter, especially in Prestige, can get a lot more flower stacks and do an easy 1-phase on them, whereas more average teams may need 2 or even 3 phases. The 2-out-4-in strat for Calus to break that 100+ stacks threshold lets you kill him in 1 phase, if your team can handle 2 people in the throne room. Baths are even possible to kill in 1 or 2 phases.

All-in-all, I think Leviathan just got swept up in a lot of the general D2 hate, and while it isn't a perfect raid by any means, it has a lot of core mechanics and story that have the makings of a great raid, they're just overshadowed by bugs and bad loot systems.

submitted by /u/Cr4zyC4t
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Why not have orbs of light reduce the cool downs of grenades and melee abilities too?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:54 AM PST

As per title. I'm primarily a PvE player, and I only do PvP for the weekly engram. Why not have the orbs of light that Masterworks weapons provide reduce the cool downs of our grenades and melee abilities? I think this would be a good way to reduce the long wait, and make those big fights in public events, strikes etc. a lot more fun.

Apologies if someone else has already thought of this.

submitted by /u/UnlicensedFingerGuns
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Maybe FWC never wins because 3 of their weapons have snapshot as their main perk?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:10 AM PST

Bungo plz. We need actual perks on our guns.

submitted by /u/ARMERGENCY
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Played crimson all week for this emblem!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:11 AM PST

So yea, i've just been grinding this event the entire week, and i finally managed to reach my goal... and boy is it magnificient!


submitted by /u/ThatDerpi
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Are the geometric symbols in Destiny based on the polyhedral shapes of Kepler's Platonic Solid model of the solar system?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:46 AM PST

I am not the smartest person in the world, so feel free to point out if I get my facts crossed here.


Recently, I've been reading up on various topics that are believed to have influenced the creative design of Destiny. I think the works of Kepler are likely a strong influence of the game, as he is one of the most famous astronomers (helping to explain the orbits of planets) and his work is heavily influenced by the medieval model of the universe, which we know was an influence on the game.


According to a recent interview with Mary O'Donnell Link, C.S. Lewis' The Discarded Image, which serves as an introduction to medieval literature by examining the medieval model of the universe, was a source of inspiration he used to write the musical prequel to Destiny.


One of the influences on the medieval model was concept of musica universalis, also referred to as the Music of the Spheres, which would also go on to serve as the title for O'Donnell's musical prequel. The theory, attributed to Pythagoras, proposed that the Sun, Moon and planets all emit their own unique hum based on their orbital revolution, and that the quality of life on Earth reflects the tenor of celestial sounds which are physically imperceptible to the human ear. Later, Pythagoras, in his concept which would become known as Pythagorean tuning, examined the relationship between mathematics, ratios, and music. This would go on to influence the work of Ptolemy, who also theorized on the relationship between music, mathematics, and ratios. Subsequently, Ptolemy's work would also go on to influence Renaissance astronomer, Johannes Kepler.


Another influence on Kepler's work were Platonic Solids. According to Plato's hypothesis, these were geometric shapes that made up the classical elements: air, earth, fire, water, and the universe.


Kepler explains that each of the five Platonic solids could be uniquely inscribed and circumscribed by spherical orbs; nesting these solids, each encased in a sphere, within one another would produce six layers, corresponding to the six known planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. By ordering the solids correctly—octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, tetrahedron, cube—Kepler found that the spheres could be placed at intervals corresponding to the relative sizes of each planet's path, assuming the planets circle the Sun. It remained to find a rationale for the ellipses, and it was to musical harmony that Kepler turned to. He compared each planet's angular velocities at perihelion (nearest to the Sun) and aphelion (furthest from the Sun), and expressed this ratio as a musical interval. source


Kepler's model and The planets and their respective Platonic Solid's.

Platonic Solids by isolated vectors

Platonic Solids in hexagons

Platonic Solids' outlines


Various Destiny Shapes

Destiny 2's loading screen changing shape

Original Ghost ~ Ghost in Front of Traveler ~ Ghost Opened


Class symbols

Destiny Emblems

Blessing of the Speaker Emblem

Alpha Lupi final image - courtesy of u/HexadecimalHornet

submitted by /u/TappedSpider609
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This Week's Leviathan Order is the "Speedrun" Rotation - Gauntlet > Dogs > Pools

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:39 AM PST

Following today's weekly reset, the Leviathan order will be:

Gauntlet > Pleasure Gardens > Royal Pools

This encounter order is the fastest for speedrunning Leviathan. The last time we had this encounter order was January 9, 2018 and the world record was set by Redeem with a time of 19:11. I am hoping we get some teams trying to set a new record this week, with the introduction of the raid mods. This encounter order won't come up again until April 3, 2018.

The Leviathan encounter order can be reliably predicted, as long as Bungie doesn't meddle with things.

submitted by /u/3nippledman
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Trials Challenges need to be changed in an effort to draw in more lower tier/casual players

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:49 AM PST

I'm an average PvP'er at best. Probably below average and definitely below average in Trials but I would like to get my hands on the gear. In D1 this was very doable (hell I even managed to go flawless a few times) with a much larger player base and the bounties were very doable even in Year 3 even when the population dwindled and you were left with mostly "no-lifers" playing Trials. In D2 the challenges are simply too daunting to complete. Win 5 matches? Yeah fucking right! I played last night with 2 Clan Members and a rando off Fireteams and while we are far from good we are not downright awful either. I believe we played 6-7 matches and we won exactly 1 of them. That was about 90 minutes of playtime and I was 20% of the way to that challenge. We got paired up against full teams of 2.0+ K/Ds in all but one of those matches (the one that we managed to win). Several of the matches had players with 5+ K/Ds. Uhhh..not happening. Hell winning 10 rounds and getting 150 combined kills as a fireteam is even too daunting for many casual players. So I suggest making the challenges something along the lines of:

1) 100 combined fireteam kills 2) Win 7 ROUNDS 3) COMPLETE 5-8 (whatever the "right" number is) matches

submitted by /u/feed-the-zeke
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Going back to D1? Use to find and REPORT public events

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST

Since many people are scooting back over to D1, the relevance of has gotten a bit of a boost. However, the timers for the various locations are currently a wee bit off due to less reporting going on. For example, I was chilling in The Divide (famous for arguably being the most reliable PE of them all) and watched the timer go past the -6 minutes threshold. However, I stayed in the area and 2-3 minutes later the Walker appeared. I've had similar experiences elsewhere, as have my clanmates.

I wanted to remind those who are playing D1 that this website is a great resource for finding PE's in D1, but it relies on crowdsourced data. The more people report events, the more accurate the timers will be. If you are patrolling in D1 and doing PE's, take a couple seconds to click the corresponding thumbs up when you see a PE starting.

Also, /u/lax20attack deserves a round of applause for making this site a while ago and keeping the lights on. Before the PE indicators in D2, this site was the best resource we had for hunting down these events and getting those marks, motes, rep, xp, engrams, etc.

For those not familiar with this site, is a desktop and mobile website with timers for public events in Destiny 1. It relies on player reports to predict time windows where a public event has a chance to appear in various locations. To use the site effectively, you'll want to enter the desired destination when the timer has 1 minute or more. Once there, hang out and kill things and do whatever until the timer gets to -6 minutes. Odds are the event will happen within that time window (events aren't guaranteed to occur, that's a Bungie thing). With the timers being a little off, it might be worth hanging out for an extra 2-3 minutes if it doesn't happen. If an event shows up, report it on the site.

For newer D1 players who may not know, public events can be very rewarding. Public Events will give the following rewards for the first Gold completion of the day (per character, so you can collect these up to 3 times per account with all of your toons):

1st Daily Public Event Gold completion:

  • 1x Legendary Engram (once level 40; upgrade (blue) engram before)
  • 15x Destination Materials
  • 15x Legendary Marks
  • 5x Motes of Light
  • Very low chance of Exotic Shard
  • 4k XP – core, subclass, gear
  • 25x Vanguard Rep

Repeated Gold Public Events:

  • 200x Glimmer
  • Chance of 2-5 Destination Materials
  • Chance of 1-2 Motes of Light
  • 1.5k XP
  • Green/Blue Engram
  • 25x Vanguard Rep
submitted by /u/dedalus5150
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New D2 McFarlane Action Figures Set To Release in the Fall

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:32 AM PST

Hello guys!

So it appears that McFarlane are releasing a new set of D2 figures. I believe these were revealed at Toy Fair this past weekend.

Crucible Hunter

Iron Banner Warlock


You can also see the Titan's Noble Constant in the background as well. The Crucible Hunter is definitely a day one purchase for me.

submitted by /u/Seed_0
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The length of the wind up when you pop Golden Gun goes against what a ‘gunslinger’ should be

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:43 PM PST

I understand it balances things a bit (sort of, Titan panic slam...) but it really breaks with the theme of a Gunslinger being a quick on the draw badass. I wonder if there are any solutions that wouldn't interfere with my Intergalactic Clint Eastwood fantasy.

submitted by /u/hey_tripvan
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[D2] Weekly Reset Infographic [02-20-2018]

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:28 AM PST

eyes up, Guardians! here's your reset info for the week of 2/20/18:

submitted by /u/thatdudereeg
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Destiny 2 isn't bad in the context of being a video game, it simply lacks compared to the original

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:18 PM PST

I feel like amidst the salt-fest this sub forgets a lot that, while Destiny 2 is a grindy loot-shooting RPG, it is a video game foremost. In the context of being a video game, I personally feel that it doesn't lack much at all, especially compared to other recent releases. It's got great gameplay, beautiful art and composition, and a pretty fair amount of content (though whether this content is heavily replayable is another question entirely). Above all of that, this game is simply a fun game to play. Many of my friends and I simply play this game periodically, just to have fun. Sure, we don't grind out all 4 weekly raids like in the original, but we can jump in just for a nightfall and still have fun.

The original, of course, had all of this and more. As seems to be the biggest problem with this sub, the first game was more accessible to hardcore players while the newer one encourages casual play. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; after all, the vast majority of the fanbase is simply a "casual". Bungie isn't faulted with catering to them; they are the demographic that needs to be kept interested for the game to stay afloat.

The lootbox controversy (in my opinion) is overblown as well. As far as I can tell, the items are pretty much all cosmetic. Having an exotic ship or sparrow isn't going to make me a better player and even the Ghost Shells don't have any perks which are too powerful. Many complain about the cosmetics "replacing the endgame" which I disagree with as well. Sure, the endgame is sparse compared to the original, but that game also had 3 years and 4 content packs with it. Also, compared to other 2017 releases, the lootboxes are fairly tame. Items within them don't give me a competitive advantage or affect my gameplay, which is more than I can say for many other games. In fact, I would compare Destiny's lootboxes to Overwatch's, which (as far as I can tell) most of the gaming community doesn't really have a problem with.

I don't doubt the fact that the original Destiny is superior than the sequel, but we should let this one built over time. If in a year the Crucible meta is still similar or we still have fairly mundane raids, the community can be angry and rightfully so. However, for the state of the game right now, I think that while it could have been better, it is overall quite fair.

submitted by /u/TheUltimateTFOL123
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Been getting 6 Dead Orbit tokens from Lost Sectors sometimes, want to ask if someone can double check something for me?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST

I'm wearing a ghost that gives me a chance to get extra tokens while in crucible, but I'm wondering if there may be a bug that lets me get double tokens from Lost Sectors, because I just did 5 Lost Sectors and with the daily challenge included I had 53 tokens. I talked to some other people on Aztecross' chat and they only got 3, so I was wondering if anyone else could try with a ghost with the same perk and see if they also get 6?

Would be much appreciated if anyone could support with it.

submitted by /u/Flyingboots
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Can’t ...get...heart....emote!!! CD was fun but alas I have failed

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:36 AM PST

Really enjoyed crimson days but RNG failed me and I got no heart emote. So sad. Must have opened one less than the number required.

submitted by /u/ccampttu
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Poll - What is the best exotic for each subclass in PvE?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:01 AM PST

So I wanted to get the communities view as to what the best exotics for each subclass in PvE. Feel free to vote on any number of polls you want. If you see any exotics missing, that's because I removed all exotics that have no real use on that subclass.













Thanks for voting and I hope this information is useful to you.

submitted by /u/IAMLEGENDhalo
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Free stuff as promised. Pin + Emblem

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:36 AM PST

Here is a week old post of mine.

I'm giving away a Heart pin and a "Planet of Peace" emblem in a sealed package. Rules are simple - comment here with your submission.

  • One entry per person

  • Destiny related

  • Love themed

Submission is open until next daily reset (maybe a few hours longer), I will pick the winner.

Hold on to your loved ones, treasure the moments you spend together and be kind to each other especially when you don't want to.

submitted by /u/Daniilthethird
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[D1] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-02-20]

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:01 AM PST

Nightfall: Shield Brothers

Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn Travel deep into the heart of the Dreadnaught in pursuit of a Cabal assault team. Stop it from detonating the Hive ship's core.


  • Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
  • Juggler - No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.
  • Fresh Troops - Some enemy squads have been fortified with additional reinforcements.
  • Catapult - Grenade recharge rate is greatly increased.
  • Exposure - Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.

Featured Weekly Raid: Wrath of the Machine

Heroic Strike: SIVA Crisis Heroic


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Arc Burn - Arc Damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Exposure - Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.
  • Catapult - Grenade recharge rate is greatly increased.

Story Playlist: Dark Champions


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Grounded - Players take more damage while airborne.
  • Catapult - Grenade recharge rate is greatly increased.

Vendor Planetary Material Exchange

Crucible Playlists:

  • Mayhem Clash
  • Pending Data from Tower...

Challenge of Elders


  • Airborne - Players deal more damage while in the air.
  • Juggler - No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.
  • Melee Kill Bonus - Melee kills are worth more points.
Round Boss Enemy Race
1 Overmind Minotaur Vex
2 Val Aru'un Cabal
3 Wretched Knight Hive


Name Description
Light Show With your Fireteam, generate Orbs of Light in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Heavy Hitter Use a Heavy weapon to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Close Still Counts Use grenades to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.

Iron Lord Artifacts

Name Primary Talent
Memory of Gheleon Grants a detailed radar. Radar persists when sighting with primary weapons.
Memory of Timur Melee attacks on minor minions of the Darkness have the chance to temporarily turn the target against its allies.
Memory of Radegast Gain the ability to reflect energy-based projectiles when Guarding with a Sword. Increased Sword Ammo capacity.

Shiro-4 Vanguard Scout Bounties

Name Description
Archon's Forge: Captains Complete Captain encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Crushing Blows Use the Iron Battle Axe or powerful enemy weapons to decimate hostile threats.
Shock It to Me Use Arc damage to kill Fallen.
Archon's Forge: Servitors Complete Servitor encounters in the Archon's Forge.

Titan Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Strike Elite Earn Gold Tier Achieved, Silver Tier Achieved, or Bronze Tier Achieved Medals.
Sunrise Earn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
Simply Perfect Complete SIVA Crisis Strikes without any member of your fireteam dying to earn Flawless Medals.

Lord Shaxx Bounties

Name Description
Back To Basics Exercise your skills in the Clash match type.
A Game of Rift Exercise your skills in the Rift match type.

Crucible Quartermaster Bounties

Name Description
Point and Shoot Use Auto Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Burst of Victory Use Pulse Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
They'll Never See It Coming Use Sniper Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Trusty Sidearm Use Sidearms to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Choose Your Moment Use Heavy Weapons to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.


Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Arms Day Foundry Orders

Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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To the world builders and musicians that shape the world of Destiny:

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:58 PM PST

Thank you.

I know that a lot of people disliked CoO due to the short length of it, lack of content, etc. but as always, the music absolutely blew me away. Many people will disagree but I absolutely love Mercury. I can't seem to find it anywhere but CoO always has that base tune of it playing every now and then.

The music adds mystery and depth; just what D2 needs. The people who helped create all these worlds and the ones who work on the soundtracks are HIGHLY talented.

Just a thank you note amidst recent heat on Bungie.

submitted by /u/exaypharaoh
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