Dead by Daylight Behavior got a great sense of humor

Behavior got a great sense of humor

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

Well, I was asking for it.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:09 AM PST

I've always wanted to try out Leatherface

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:48 AM PST

After searching all other boxes, the box that had my key was blocked my tires and couldn't be used.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

Wanna hear a lullaby?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:08 AM PST

we hit 7 million coins!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:59 AM PST

good job guys, if we continue like this we can get the feng cosmetic by friday or saturday!

submitted by /u/lugiamaster3
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It doesn’t always pay to sacrifice the random solo guy.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:50 AM PST

So at this point I mostly play killer for BP and the chase over rank and kills. Before each round starts I like to come up with my own objective for that match. Last night I had a Dwight with a spooky lunchbox load in first then a minute later three matching Jakes all at the same time. I decided for that round I was going to hook everyone for BBQ stacks but as long as they protected Dwight and his lunch then they could all leave at the end. Hooked Dwight first to get it out of the way and ran all the way to the opposite side of the map. Spent a minute or two chasing one Jake around when I realized Dwight had just died on that hook. So much for that plan. It took a little effort and EW work getting them there but all three Jakes bled out in a pile next to the sad little lunch box under the broken hook.

submitted by /u/StonedSurvivor
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We love this game, but let's be honest, it's treated terribly.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:21 AM PST

My whole life, I've played games. I've gone from Lego games to Call of Duty, robbing banks in Payday 2 to slaying dragons in Skyrim, from sneaking as a Spy in Team Fortress 2, to doing the exact same thing as Sombra in Overwatch.

Out of all this, I've played and watched the best of worst of gaming over my years. Dead by Daylight, with it's shoddy status, unreliable and unhelpful devs and somewhat divided community is one of the worst I've seen.

I hate to admit it. I'll get downvotes for saying it, but this game, community and dev team all need to step back and look at how we want this game to journey forth, or we will be apart of it's destruction.

The community is constantly angry at each other and the developers for the core issues of the game. We have an absolute divide in the playerbase, with both commenting on issues that they face, on how people play, on what is available and on what is fair. There is middle ground, most of us are fair and open-minded individuals, but at the core, we are all biased on everything. Point being, the divide in the player-base and what each side thinks is strong, weak and fair is muddled, and the developers struggle to please both sides at once.

The developers aside from the community disconnect, are muddled and indecisive at best, with little transparency other than the 1-hour stream each week, which, to many of us, doesn't help or clarify how they intend to move forward with the game. They seem to have little to none QA testing and only 1 representative to constantly "talk" to the community, with the occasional developer popping up on r/deadbydaylight to have a say on certain issues.

Overall, the community is screaming randomly at everything and the developers are listening to themselves and rarely what is screamed the loudest.

How do we fix it?

  • Firstly, we need Question Time. A designated slot. Every second week. Where the community puts all their questions onto a pinned thread and the devs read everything and talk about what they are doing. This would replace every second dev stream, where instead the focus is on the community and not the developers. We need almost full transparency. Not on new content, but on how they manage existing content and how everything is tweaked and fixed. How we all want to see the game continue.

  • Secondly, content needs to slow. We need an Operation Health. Not another set of operators. The issues of the games highlighted by Question Time need to be talked about and adjusted as much as is fair to everyone. Major bug fixes on all platforms including crashes, stuttering and in-game issues like Chests items not being able to be picked up. We can't play the new map and killer if the game crashes on us.

  • Finally, the developers need to let the community be the QA team. They can hire and train their own QA members as much as they want, but it's been shown to have very little effect if there is one at all. We are happy to be the QA for you BHVR, we love this game and will dedicate our time to helping Dead by Daylight grow positively. Just give us bloodpoints and reward the PTB players. Hell, make it public and give us more Blood Hunts and Blood Feasts to compensate, just an idea.

In summary, this game is a mess. It is. These last few updates have shown it. Never have I seen a game in this state, not even Payday 2, that ran a similar system of game and had similar developers.

We are a special community, a community that is forced into divide by the game we play in its core. And the developers have done a good job. 3 million players is a lot, and it's hard to manage it all. It is, and we all give them thanks for keeping it up so far, but it's time we help now, that they stop babysitting and let the kids help out around the house.

Thanks for the read.

submitted by /u/Eylmao537
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I just won a match against a community mod and was mysteriously 2 day banned directly afterwards, how can I make sure this was legitimate?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:58 AM PST

I'm not going to call out which mod it was because I'm not sure anything's actually awry here, but I haven't done anything ban worthy unless letting people finish Lunar Gens counts as "unsportsmanlike". I realize a lot of people probably say they've done nothing worthy of a ban, but I'm honestly not sure what it could've been.

I received the ban after a community mod gave up on hook and then stayed spectating for 15 more minutes to post in post-game chat (they just said "gg" though, nothing salty). The worst thing I did that game was hold off on 3-hooking people until some of their lunar gens were finished. Is something like that against the rules? I left the post-game lobby and was booted back to the start screen with a 2-day ban notice.

I'm going to email support as well but I wanted to make a reddit post about this because I'm not sure if I'll just end up emailing that same community mod. Hopefully I can at least get a reason for the ban beyond "unsportsmanlike behaviour", since a lot of this game's community seems to think you're unsportsmanlike if you so much as attack them. Doesn't really help me correct my behaviour if there's something I actually DID do wrong.

Has anyone else gotten mysterious bans like this? And can bans for "unsportsmanlike behaviour" eventually lead to permanent bans or is that just for hacking/exploiting and the like?

submitted by /u/Lotlock
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Behaviour HQ

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:08 PM PST

Survivors deciding what to do when they see Lunar Offerings

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:12 AM PST

When you see 4 Claudette with flashlights so you bring Franklin's demise but it doesn't matter because they all have decisive anyways.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:02 AM PST

Pallet breaking change idea

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:10 PM PST

So breaking the pallet takes two kicks for killers. What if, like breaking gens, you had to hold down the button for the whole animation? It'd be broken down like this:

  • If you let go of the button before the 25% point on the meter, then you would do no damage to the pallet and you could recover from this animation quickly, maybe to fake out the survivor. Or if you just wanted to change your mind, you wouldn't have to commit to breaking the pallet. This could also cause a survivor to waste some flashlight charges.

  • If you complete the meter 25% to 74% you would perform one kick and weaken the pallet. In its weakened state the pallet appears slightly splintered if you are observant and could be broken in the following ways: 1. a very quick kick from the killer which would surprise an unsuspecting survivor, 2. when a survivor fast vaults the pallet it breaks behind them allowing the killer to quickly close in on them, or 3. a simple strike from the killer which would have the same recovery speed as a missed attack (this would make Unrelenting more useful, too). Slow vaults over weakened pallets result in the survivor getting a splinter and crying out in pain, which would have a visual notification (they are not actually injured, though). Also, whether you let go of the button at 25% or 73% the whole one kick animation would play through.

  • If you hit 75% of the meter you are now committed to the full animation and cannot cancel it.

The meter would be marked so you'd know exactly when to stop to get the desired result.

Quick and Quiet and Lithe could be buffed to let the survivor vault over the weakened pallets without breaking them (when not exhausted/in cooldown).

Just an idea to add another element to the game that you could get strategic with.

Edit: a couple spelling errors and clarifications

submitted by /u/theagitatedapricot
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So just started playing and I picked Myers, Been told that was a stupid move.. is it?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:55 AM PST

Never played DbD, but often tortured myself with Friday the 13th, until I got fed up with it. Its fun, but got tired of it. So I picked up this game end of the year on Steam.. JUST started really playing, and I decided I wanted to be a killer only, and picked Myers. My friends who seem to play this game all laughed at me, saying "good luck" and "you'll regret it". As far as I read and see, Myers with the right perks and stuff can be a solid game play.. what am I missing?


submitted by /u/AlucardD20
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New Meta

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:16 AM PST

No Mither and Empathy combined will make you see all your friends anywhere in the map.

Too OP plz nerf No Mither

submitted by /u/Paquex
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What do you mean Bloodpoint GAINS?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:28 PM PST

Huntress walks into hanging pig on Coldwind Farm, it starts to spin around. WTF

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:30 PM PST

Remember when Feng Min cardigan physics

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:29 AM PST

As the title says remember when she had cardigan physics instead of a piece of cardboard stuck to her ass yep they're releasing more cosmetics with clothes physics but Min mains just we get the doctor's spiky "stick" please bring Min's real cardigan back

submitted by /u/Aari-hawk6
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At least 50% of my matches are not starting with all four survivors. Can we get an update on this BHVR?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:56 AM PST


submitted by /u/noobathon
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When you try your best but you don't succeed...

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:10 AM PST

With all of these new tutorial features...

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:59 AM PST makes me wish I could erase my memory of this game and play it over again as a noob. I first started when there were only 4 killers and the game was definitely a bit bland because of the limited amount of play styles. But now with all these killers and survivors and how different and more polished the game is overall it makes me wish I could be a noob again where I didn't know all the perks off the back of my hand. It would be so cool to be overwhelmed by all of the perks and characters, seeing who I liked and who I didn't. Back in September the only killers were, put down bear traps, turn invisible but a bad killer, really hard to use but so rewarding, and, dont even think about it until you have 500hrs.

Just in case actualy noob don't understand I'm talking about trapper, wraith, hillbilly and nurse.

submitted by /u/Potarus
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Patch 1.9.2b in a nutshell

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:57 PM PST

•Fixed an issue that cause the Killer playerbase to Moderately drop.

submitted by /u/Lastboss42
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This event brings people together.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:22 PM PST

Except not really. Two people dc'ed and myself and a friend were left in game. Two red envelopes. P3 Hillbilly kills us immediately, not even hooking the other person on a lunar hook. What a great event.

submitted by /u/benneato
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Particularly Bad Splinter

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:37 AM PST

The awful patch hasn't actually been reverted

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:42 PM PST

Freddy still exists

submitted by /u/Madjura
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