Dead by Daylight The Howling Grounds Screenshot Contest is open!

The Howling Grounds Screenshot Contest is open!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:34 PM PST

The Entity has called upon you!

If you choose to heed this call, you may be rewarded with the finest garments, woven by masters of their trade as well as many other rewards. The dog howls at the moon this evening, and the Entity requires new art to celebrate the Lunar New Year – and the sweet taste of hope that it may bring.


As it is "The Year of the Dog," our Howling Grounds competition will be judged based on that topic. Encapsulate it as best as you can – get creative! You can use whichever perks / items / maps / offerings you like to help you get those artistic shots!

  • Theme: Year of the Dog
  • Minimum of 1 killer and 2 survivors in the shot.
  • No graphic modifications, in-game screenshots only
  • 1 screenshot per person
  • Steam ID64 / PSN / GamerTag need to be valid

If the requirements aren't met, the submission will be disqualified.

February 19th 5PM EST to February 25th 11:59PM EST
Submit your screenshots!

February 27th to February 28th
Vote with the Community and choose the 10 best screenshots out of 50 selected entries

March 1st
Winners are announced!

Good luck, and get snapping!


First place
  • One pair of Fan Kicks Dead by Daylight sneakers
  • Golden Feng Min (PC only)
  • David Donkey Jacket (PC only)
  • Ace Thai Big Hat The purple one (PC only)
  • Signed PS4 / XBOX copy of the game (Console only)
  • Dead by Daylight beanie, pin, bag and stress ball

Second and third place
  • Golden Feng Min (PC only)
  • David Donkey Jacket (PC only)
  • Ace Thai Big Hat The purple one (PC only)
  • Signed PS4 / XBOX copy of the game (Console only)
  • Dead by Daylight beanie, pin, bag and stress ball

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