PUBG Anti-Cheat Update

Anti-Cheat Update

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:08 AM PST

PC players, we've updated our Known Issues list with items that have been fixed and patched on live servers, as well as some new bugs that we are working on fixing. Please find the updated list here:

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:25 AM PST

The game crashed before the plane took off. This is the horrific scene I reconnected to.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:48 AM PST

[REQUEST] Being able to draw on the map would help planning your way into the next circle.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:42 AM PST

Or mark enemy players position.

Has been suggested before, just bumping for visibility.

EDIT: Someone mentioned it might eliminate the need to communicate, regarding that matter.

That might be true but personally I believe it would stream-line the communication more. Rather than spending 1 minute extra on explaining exactly which route I think the enemies took I can just draw it and spend the extra time on tactics and gameplay.

submitted by /u/Ruperterino
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On this episode of Plane Chasers...

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:06 AM PST

The items obtained with Battle Points should be Not Tradable & Not Marketable for 7 days to prevent the cheaters from cashing out their items before getting banned.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:14 AM PST

I know this is pretty unpleasant, but I think this is gonna be a hard hit for the ones who cheat and sell the items they got for real money.

submitted by /u/aStupidTeen
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Anyone else's steam overlay acting weird?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:40 AM PST

When I play pubg and I talk to friends on steam the overlay just randomly "restarts" itself. Sometimes when I'm in game I see the overlay pop up as if I just started up the game. It happens multiple times per play session, and it seemingly came out of nowhere. Anyone else having this issue? It's a little distracting, but I can deal with it if things come to that.

submitted by /u/PAlNKlLLERS
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We decided to queue as 3 and let the random 4th player lead us in-game. Some people are just born to lead...

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:57 AM PST

Seats Four, Gives More [OC]

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:21 AM PST

Yes, yes, yes, I can make it!

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:23 AM PST

50% of Asian players are good people

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:45 AM PST

I turned my friend's dumb strat into an epic short cinematic

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:51 PM PST

E-Sports Ready

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:35 AM PST

Anyone else experiencing text like this in the main menu?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:11 AM PST

Updates since 1.0 have largely improved overall performance, but worsened the gameplay and gunplay. Here are some suggestions.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:54 AM PST

Let me just start out by saying I love PUBG -- my friends and I, who logged over 20k hours together on CSGO over the years, converted to PUBG in beta, and now we have about 3k hours together in PUBG. It's a lot of fun, but these updates since 1.0 have been just plain misguided.

I myself own a software company. We tweak, we develop, and we understand the difficulty of pleasing the clients. Removing basic features, adding features nobody asked for, and not responding to feedback is what killed off a lot of our competitors. It's time Bluehole actually asked for community feedback on what we want, and then apply the changes. Not the other way around. It's just bad business, and their inexperience shows. They're lurking on forums and Reddit instead of coming out and setting up surveys. Put an option in the lobby for a suggestion box if you'd like.

Some things to note:

  1. The reduced flight distance have created intense, early game fights. These fights are nowhere near as fun to win, nor as challenging as mid/late game fights; are based entirely on RNG, i.e. your luck. It's stupid. Let people fly further, loot, and let's see who's got the skill with the guns. All the people who love early game risks can already drop School/Novo/Hacienda/Pecado.

  2. Nerfing both the M16 and the Mini simultaneously made both guns less enjoyable to find and use. AK nerf was also along the same vein where the reduced accuracy made it on par with an UMP on usability for only short ranged fights. Balancing the weapons shouldn't rely on scope restrictions, bullet drop, or spray patterns, but simply rate of fire and bullet speed. Moreover, the reduced accuracy for ARs at distances is what I suspect made people enjoy Miramar a lot less. You have huge open spaces and less accurate guns -- who wants to play that?

  3. Driving mechanics were improved to be sure, but are now bouncy and ridiculous when flipping. In a game that ensures you die if you don't travel, perfecting this process should be priority.

  4. Open up map-building to the community. Look at the community maps for CSGO, where literally hundreds of thousands of people use maps to practice. Some of the most famous maps were created by community members, not Valve. Good lesson to learn -- devs who love to play would love to contribute to the community. Give us a chance.

  5. Anti-cheat is like antibiotics. It's almost always reactive and rarely prophylactic. That means thousands of people suffer lost games, wasted time, and bummer nights. Start a verified-member process only. You don't even need to deal with this region-lock hub-bub at that point. Charge money if you'd like. I'd gladly pay $5-10 a month to play on verified member only servers -- hell, I make more than that off this game selling crates anyway. MPP DBs in Azure are fairly good, and I know that's what you're operating on. How do I know it's good? I use it myself. You can definitely run simultaneous verified and non-verified games without issue.

TL:DR Actively solicit help from the community who want to see nothing but the betterment of this game. It's fun, it's awesome -- let's just make it the best game it can be.

EDIT: Going off of Obnoxiouseagleshomer -- Early game fights and fighting for loot makes sense, but perhaps it's not as fun when there's only so many places you can fight.

submitted by /u/poohbacca
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When they change the code for PUBG

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:47 PM PST

Why is everyone talking about cheating but not about tickrate? (RANT)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:44 PM PST

Idk if you guys know this already but PUBG has a tickrate of 17hz. CS:GO still does and has gotten shit for 64 tick servers for years now and PUBG deaths in solo really make you just wanna slam your head on the wall, or say "WHAT? WHAT? WHY? WHY? WHY?". 80% of the time when you drop popular areas as they don't even make sense? Wow really? 4 shots to the chest but only 1 shot registers? Wow really? 1 double barrel shotgun round to the head at 1m distance didn't register? Every time I play solo, I get pissed off not because I died and wasted all that time, I get pissed off because I died and wasted all that time to abysmal shitty game net-code. I have also, not to mention, played FPP Solo for the past month nearly everyday, with not one day lacking of bullshit deaths. They say FPP solo pochinki if you want to get better, but taking a shotgun to the head with no helmet WITH ZERO damage, isn't gonna help me, it's just gonna get the user mad.

At least with a game like CS:GO you can practice, play more, test game mechanics, 85% I'd say reliable shots, and when you die in this solo most of the time you just say "wtf" and move on to the next game with absolutely no bad habit, lesson, mistake to be fixed.

While all you guys are talking about cheaters, region locking china, etc (i've ran into only 2 cheaters the past January entirely on first person, also third person is just completely wall hacks and just waiting till someone else makes a move, so yeah no shit) and region locking china wouldn't be an issue if they fucking fixed the net-code and 17hz servers.

Also if you compare Fortnite to this fortnite is a console-based game with RNG bullets to support that issue with great anti cheat. Also fornite isn't fucking broken, and doesn't take me to buy a 690 CAD dollar graphics card to get 80 fps consistent on lowest.

/rant over

submitted by /u/hugotrading
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tap tap

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:42 PM PST


Posted: 02 Feb 2018 11:12 AM PST

Beware: The bug that defaulted you to AS servers is back....

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:42 AM PST


submitted by /u/dmLtRRR
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Streamer feeling lucky she found a UAZ to replace her buggy.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:53 PM PST

At first I thought he just had good aim, but the kill on my teammate through the flash without ever seeing him takes the cake. The hacking in this game is incredible.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 03:27 AM PST

Would it be better if we make it that AR's cannot take any scopes higher than the 8x?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:57 PM PST

We all complain that the M16 can't take the 8x anymore but I think it'd make sense to stop all AR's from taking an 8x. It'd also encourage people to pick up sniper rifles, no matter whether they like them or not.

submitted by /u/wofl_copter
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