Overwatch - Weekly Trash Talk Thread - February 19, 2018

Weekly Trash Talk Thread - February 19, 2018

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 09:08 PM PST





submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Puppy Rumble is live ! Overwatch puppies waiting for adoption

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:03 PM PST

Slick, slide and ...agony!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:36 AM PST

As a support main, I just wanted to give a shout out to my big beautiful porkchop Roadhog <3

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:40 AM PST

Roadhog rarely complains for heals. Roadhog keeps hitting nice hooks on that Genji & Tracer. Roadhog sure is easy to heal/boost with his size. Roadhog makes you feel protected & safe <3

I love you Roadhog <3

submitted by /u/Oathkeeper93
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Pharah Pro Tip: Don't kill yourself on platforms, use the platforms to move around during barrage

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:53 AM PST

Doomfist: revenge of the fallen

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:07 AM PST

Finally got that bloody achievement

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:54 PM PST

Best double grav ever. 2 teams enter, only Hanzo remains

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:56 AM PST


Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

First Symmetra pick in OWL (Puppy Rumble)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:25 PM PST

Biotic grenade rains from above !

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:53 AM PST

I was already a bit tilted before, and then this happened...

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:11 AM PST

My work here is done (your move Chipsa)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:39 AM PST

Symmetra main getting bullied by Reaper and Sombra

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:26 PM PST


Blizzard needs to do something about this.

submitted by /u/HarounCube
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For the love of god, if you need healing and I can't see you, use I NEED HEALING and stop using voice chat!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:58 AM PST

What I need healing does:

Tells me WHERE you are.

Tells me WHO you are.

And it tells me how much healing you need.

What saying "i need healing" in voice chat does:

Someone, somewhere needs healing.

I know us support mains like to ridicule the meme of the i need healing button, but it really helps us a lot. So if you need healing, please make it a habit to use the command rather than saying it in voice chat. In return, you'll get more heals.

Edit: So I did forget to mention that yes, of course it's our fault not acknowledging your need of heals by ourselves, but if we completely bot out and decide to shoot a defense matrix rather than turn around, we're tunnel visioning and in a trance, so use this command to break the trance so that way I get SR and you get heals (and SR).

submitted by /u/EYSHot01
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Just went on a 15 game winstreak in comp using what I call the "Decoy Strat"

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:54 AM PST

I'm a consistent high silver to high gold overwatch player, so take that for what its worth.

I queued up for one particular comp match where the whole team was vocal and pleasant right away. I knew immediately that win or lose, this was going to be a good game with a team that was willing to try different things to win.

The map was Hanamura, and we were trying to muscle through the front gate with a rein/zarya, but they had made a couple switches to bolster damage on their front line making it really difficult for us to push through. So, as a team, we all decided to do a complete swap of strategy and went full dive. We dove to the point and spread the team out and capped point A on our first push with no ults or anything. The enemy team was completely caught off-guard.

We all grouped up at the end of the game because of how successful it was, and I suggested that we try and replicate that same strategy, but this time make it intentional. We would attempt a push one way, and if that push wasn't successful, we would all completely switch every role instead of trying over and over again to build ults. This "decoy strat" was insanely successful. We won game after game with it. It's just so hard for teams in this rank to adjust that quickly to a completely different team comp.

I know this probably won't work nearly as well the higher up the ladder you climb, but if you are in silver-gold and find a team that you like to play with, I highly suggest giving this strat a try and seeing if you can find success with it.

submitted by /u/SwitchModsHaveNoPeen
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Sombra | Vishkar (Fan-Skin)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:20 PM PST

Just trying to get a coffee

"Vishkar's most elusive employee, Oratia Carlin, is often seen tampering with the coffee machine, and any evidence collected by Vaswani and Korpal seemingly goes missing."

submitted by /u/Chattywindow
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When your Soldier is broken

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:05 AM PST

Mei Cryo-Freeze bug needs to be fixed. She has this for months and it makes her Cryo-Freeze very unreliable.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:25 AM PST

submitted by /u/rubenburgt
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Does anyone find themselves not enjoying 50% of their time on Overwatch?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:02 AM PST

I come online to have fun and seriously like 50% of my games are ruined by throwers, leavers, people who dont take it seriously and wait at enemies spawn on defense and instantly die, etc.

It simply feels utterly pointless to play these matches and it's like half my time on Overwatch is wasted.

Anyone else feel this way these days?

submitted by /u/Joonlar
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When you press the eject button too hard.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:39 PM PST

Overwatch's maps have so much details I don't pay attention. After 1,5yrs playing the game I realized the goal of Hollywood is to escort an omnic director from his limo to the VIP parking spot of the movie theater (which is the attackers' final spawn point ). I feel so stupid.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:49 PM PST

EDIT: (...) defenders' final spawn point.

Also: He's even got a trailer parked there. Plus he is the one saying lines once in a while. I've always thought it was someone who kept watching the round throughout the cams (like the adm from TF2).

  • When I stop to admire the map I see I miss lots of things. 2 weeks ago I saw there's a very tall arched dome in Oasis extedning from the spawn point to the center of the area (I think it is University);

  • Also there's big huge mountain right after the spawn, on the left side of Nepal Sactum (I've never looked way up, so I thought it was just background landscape but it is actually a mountain and you can see the peak);

I feel soooo stupid. I think I'm so used to TF2 maps that after leaving spawn I just concentrate objective. But OW maps have so much detail my mind skips.

submitted by /u/daniellua1
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Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:38 PM PST

We need either an emote or a spray dedicated to LuLu, or even all of them

submitted by /u/iwannadie_throwaway
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"I've got you in my blind spot"

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:13 AM PST

Possible clues/voice lines for Hero 27

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:23 PM PST

So, I posted this under the puppy rumble post, but thought I'd post this for others to contribute.

Ok, so hero 27 thoughts. An early comment by blizzard mentioned us "chasing our tails". On the puppy rumble website, I believe there are clues in the odd phrasing that suggest our new hero abilities, which can include a sleep ability. I also think we are seeing hero 27 voice lines in the quoted parts, which definitely seem out of place there. There appeared to possibly be two more voice lines hidden in web page coding as well, I included those at the end of the list.

So new voice lines all together could be the following: (EDIT: these first four are already in game, my bad) "You're impressed! That's natural." "Remember remember… What the heck was I saying again?" "Now, where were we?" "Ohoho this'll be good."

(These ones are new, hidden in the webpage code!) "Everything is designed, but some things are designed well." "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

So, what do you guys think? Clues to our next hero, or am I looking for codes in the sky here...

www.puppyrumble.com is the website to check.

EDIT: CylconeStormX pointed out that the first few lines are from current heroes, but the two voice lines hidden in the webpage are new.

submitted by /u/Bazwick
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