Legion TD 2 v1.75 Patch Notes

v1.75 Patch Notes

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:49 PM PST


25% Off Sale
- Now's a great chance to introduce the game to a friend

Up next: Powerups (in-game enhancements)
- Big gameplay feature coming likely this week

New Feature: Matchmaking 3.0

Shorter Queues
- Matches are found faster for all parties <1800 rating (99+% of players)

Fair vs. Fast Option (for 1800+)
- By default, 1800+ parties will no longer be matched with parties +/- 400 rating away
- At any time, 1800+ parties may override this and further accelerate matchmaking speed by clicking "Find me any match as soon as possible" (this option is available to the highest rated player in the party)
-- If you select this option, you should expect shorter queues
-- If you do not select this option, you should expect fairer games

Game Updates

Pathing & Targeting
- Mercenaries and creatures are now less likely to get stuck

Unit Icons
- Now properly ordered by cost

- Fixed a bug where Mastermind would sometimes fail to give a T4/T5

- Now smarter/more aggressive about pushing workers after wave 10
- Fixed a bug where bots wouldn't hire mercenaries in time if you sent right before the round ended

Game Balance

Guide: How to beat Brutes on wave 6:
- When your attacker saves mythium, stop pushing workers
- Send mercenaries on wave 5 to get income gold
- Spend all of your gold on fighters, including the last bit of gold on T1s
- Hard counters: Bone Warrior, Fire Archer, Bazooka, Zeus, Windhawk, Violet, Butcher, and Gateguard
- Soft counters: Proton, Rogue Wave + Fire Elemental (must have both), Buzz, Antler, Tempest, Wileshroom, Canopie, Dark Mage

Dual Building
- Haste: Attack speed: 15% -> 14%

Leak Bounty
- Gold to leaker reduced, especially late game (50% scaling to 7% -> to 0%)
- Gold to opposing team increased, especially late game (45% scaling to 88% -> to 95%)

This encourages non-lethal undercutting (sending one wave before the opposing team's send)

- Now smarter about prioritizing bosses
- Now has 50% more health and health regeneration in 1v1 games
- Now has 12.5% more health and health regeneration in 2v2 games


Rogue Wave
- Health: 1120 -> 1100

Fire Elemental
- Damage: 64 -> 63

- Health: 2100 -> 2050

- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.7 -> 0.72

- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.7 -> 0.72

- Attack speed (attacks per second): 1.03 -> 1.01

- Health: 3500 -> 3460


Fire Archer
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 0.95 -> 0.93

Bone Crusher
- Health: 1030 -> 1020

Green Devil
- Damage: 41 -> 42

Head Chef
- Skull Stew: Heal: 300 + 10% over 3 seconds -> 300 + 10% over 2 seconds
- Necromancy: Range: 700 -> 800

- Health: 1200 -> 1250

- Health: 2500 -> 2600

- Damage: 150 -> 155
- Necromancy: Range: 700 -> 800


- Health: 1300 -> 1400
- Fragrance: Damage per second: 10 + 0.4% -> 10 + 0.2%

- Health: 3750 -> 4000
- Noxious Scent: Damage per second: 35 + 0.6% -> 35 + 0.4%

Banana Bunk
- Health: 2700 -> 2760

Banana Haven
- Damage: 59x3 -> 58x3


- Health: 2450 -> 2400

The nerf is intentionally conservative because the buff to wave 10 is also an indirect nerf to Pyro

- Movement speeds are now all 350 instead of varying between 314-328

- Health: 720 -> 700
- Healing Aura: Range: 600 -> 800

Safety Mole
- Health: 1290 -> 1200
- Damage: 65 -> 61
- Safety Aura: Range: 400 -> 800

Pack Leader
- Health: 1720 -> 1740
- Damage: 80 -> 85
- Leadership Aura: Damage amplification: 10 (20 for bosses) -> 8 (20 for bosses)
- Leadership Aura: Range: 400 -> 800

Aura mercenaries are slightly weaker but are no longer countered by wave splitting

- Movement speeds are now all 350 instead of varying between 285-342
- Waves 8+ buffed by 1-5%

Stronger waves discourages worker spam in low Elo games and makes long saves in high Elo riskier. Some waves in high Elo may actually become easier due to shorter saves.

(8) Kobra
- Damage: 29 -> 30

(9) Carapaces
- Damage: 44 -> 45

(10) Grandaddy
- Attack speed (attacks per second): 2.08 -> 2.27
- Gold to leaker: 100 -> 90

(11) Quill Shooters
- Damage: 66 -> 68

(12) Mantises
- Damage: 80 -> 83

(13) Drill Golems
- Damage 170 -> 180

(14) Killer Slugs
- Damage: 107 -> 113

(15) Quadrapuses
- Giant Quadrapus: 480 -> 500
- Quadrapus: Damage: 120 -> 125

(16) Cardinal
- Health: 1430 -> 1500
- Damage: 95 -> 100

(17) Metal Dragons
- DPS: 139 -> 145
- Damage: 140 -> 145
- Attack speed (attacks per seconds): 0.99 -> 1

(18) Dire Toads
- Attack speed (attacks per seconds): 1 -> 1.03

(19) Wale Chiefs
- Damage 290 -> 300

(20) Maccabeus
- Attack speed: 2.22 -> 2.33

(21) Legion Lords
- Legion King: Damage: 225 -> 250
- Legion Lord: Damage: 1350 -> 1500

Matchmaking Updates

Casual Queue
- Now waits a little longer before adding bots

Client Updates

- Improved texture resolution

- Fixed a bug where bots would show loading timers

Mythium Received Message
- Your mythium received is now colored orange

- You can now left-click players' towers to pan the camera to their lane
- Fixed a bug where player name dropdown menus weren't showing up when a player's name was clicked

Ping Wheel
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't ping "Send Now" after Wave 21 started

Party Members
- Fixed a bug where members would sometimes be displayed in the wrong order in the client

Post-game Stats
- Fixed a bug where gold advantage was colored green if you were always behind

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