Smite - Hey! We all bought ullr tier 5 skin already. You can nerf him

Hey! We all bought ullr tier 5 skin already. You can nerf him

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:54 PM PST


submitted by /u/vf1vf1
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Word of Thoth - Season 5!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

Hello! In case you don't know me, I'm Flareb00t. Maths nerd, guy who spends wayyy too much time trying to break bugs in the game, theorycrafter and once upon a fateful time an SPL coach(don't ask, it wasn't pretty). For the past 4 and a half years I've been the curator of The Word of Thoth, a mechanics and formulae guide for the game to help people understand how it works.

I'm happy to say that I finally have gotten all the information together to put out Season 5's version of the guide, which includes all of the changes to the Conquest map. I've also got some more detailed tables of values for jungle camps and bosses you can find at the end.

The main link to the guide can be found at but the site I upload on isn't great for mobile users, so you can also find it through this Google Drive link:

If anyone has any questions,feedback to give, or spot something you think is wrong, either leave it here, shout me a PM on Reddit or you can find my Twitter @Flareb00t

Hope you enjoy!

submitted by /u/Flareb00t
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Stop BMing off meta picks in casual conquest.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:18 AM PST

Why do people get so salty when you try off meta picks in casual conquest (e.g., jungle mages, solo mages/hunters)? It's a game. Have fun! If you want serious meta picks there is always ranked.

FYI, I'm not talking about support Loki with a damage build, I'm talking about like jungle Poseidon or solo Serqet with appropriate builds.

submitted by /u/ottawsimofol
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Serqet ults are nutty

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:57 PM PST

When Your Janus Dropship Gets Shot Down

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:00 PM PST

DJPern gets cock blocked

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:05 PM PST

BasKING at it again

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:01 AM PST

add lifesteal to the stat screen

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:01 PM PST

title. we can see player healing, I think it would be cool to see self healing as well.

when I'm being a dirty lil goob meister with three lifesteal items it would be neato to see how much I healed every game.

submitted by /u/SgtxStiffy
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Has anyone else taken note of how utterly terrible soul eater is?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:41 AM PST

I mean, stat wise it's strictly mediocre, but that passive is just soo negligible. Even on Gods you would think make great use- ability assassins like Thanatos or Camazots- fail to see any true value from this item. The fact that it also needs to be stacked is hilarious as well. Change the lifesteal amount to something like 30% or 40%, and it might warrant a pickup.

Remember: Thanatos' death scythe heals for 75% of damage dealt, and the heal thus directly scales with the power of the ability. Same would work for Soul Eater, healing would really only become drastic alongside high damage abilities, on low protection targets. The point in the game in which this healing would kick in would be the point in the game in which damage revieced from enemies could more than mitigate the healing recieved from soul eater. It just allows for greater trade potential, rewarding smart ability usage and target selection, and gives assassins more ways of approaching, ie, burst mages.

submitted by /u/OVERLORDENKI
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Been seeing quite a few "Can we stop BMing people for (x) reason" threads lately,so why not stop BMing completely?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:26 AM PST

What's so hard about not BMing someone for whatever mistake they did in game? Like,you can give criticism in a way that may actually help them get better or fix that mistake that you thought was wrong on their part.

I know not every smite player browses the reddit and I know that there exists no "BM-less" online game as there are many different people from many different backgrounds playing,but you never know what the person you are BMing might be going through.

submitted by /u/UsernameIzTaken
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What if Hades Ult was a deployable similar to Hun Batz/Ganesha?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:24 PM PST

Just a thought I had, what if he didn't make himself a massive easy to hit target and instead deployed a "Pillar of Agony" much like a Hun Batz ultimate?

Since he became a true "mage" I feel like he's really lacklustre because he needs to put himself around 4 enemies to do decent teamfight damage.

Just a thought, I'm no designer I'm just throwing out ideas.

submitted by /u/Rossandliz
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an alternate idea for sylv passive

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:24 PM PST

his current passive has a 25% chance of rooting any melee basic landed on him for 1s, on a 12s(?) cooldown. kind of dumb seeing as its pure rng. so i had an idea

every 12th basic landed on sylvanus is rooted for 1s, regardless of melee/ranged. the green meter can be repurposed to display how many basics (out of 12) have landed on him

good? bad? criticism appreciated

submitted by /u/Sorivius
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DMBrandon’s Zhong Kui Guide

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST

I get this error msg when i try to log into my main account anyone know how to fix this?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:37 PM PST

MS Paint: Anubis Dalmatian Firefighter skin concept.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:25 PM PST

Mine Through the power of MS paint I give you my first skin ever. Just hire me already. Why don't we have a Dalmatioan skin already? Not mine but also good, credit to that slarf site.

submitted by /u/TheLastDino1
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I swear this only happens when I play Smite...

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:16 PM PST

[Skin Concept] JoJo Cu Chulainn

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:55 AM PST

Skin here

Whenever Cu would transform the ghost behind him would come out and be on top of him instead of replacing him, while raging normal Cu would walk around while rage Cu would attack and use abilities.

submitted by /u/Hellsniper01
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Overview of Book of Thoth's synergy with mana items: Mana to Power conversion

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:25 PM PST

Item Mana Magical Power
Book of Thoth (fully stacked) 875 26.25
Warlock's Staff 400 12
Breastplate of Valor 300 9
Polynomicon 300 9
Soul Reaver 300 9
Spectral Armor 300 9
Hide of the Urchin 250 7.5
Shoes of Focus 250 7.5
Book of the Dead 200 6
Doom Orb 200 6
Hide of the Nemean Lion 200 6
Typhon's Fang 200 6
Bancroft's Talon 150 4.5
Book of Thoth (no stacks) 125 3.75


  1. Only fully completed items are included in this overview.
  2. Even though you wouldn't usually build Book of Thoth in combination with a defensive mana item, I listed them anyway for completion's sake.
  3. The mana to power conversion is in descending order, with items with the same amount of mana in alphabetical order.
  4. Book of Thoth's stacks are worth about 22 magical power, making the stacks not as important as they seem to be at first sight.
  5. Book of Thoth and Shoes of Focus give more combined magical power than Book of Thoth and Shoes of the Magi.
  6. This list could be helpful for Kukulkan players, as his passive is essentially a stronger version of Book of Thoth's passive.
submitted by /u/Jaiimy
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Can console have the option to change mini-map opacity?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:46 PM PST

I know that PC is able to do this, I'm just curious as to why console doesn't have this option as well (or even as to why the mini map is so heavily transparent by default).

submitted by /u/Nghtmxre
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My first 30 hours of smite

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:35 PM PST

Hi everybody! I just wanted to give a little bit of input on what I think about Smite after my first 30 hours of playing it. Now I know a lot of people that read this will probably be Smite veterans but for the beginners I just wanted to give my input.

First of all, its a MOBA. Not your traditional multiplayer genre so if you're not into complex games look away, cause there's a lot to be learned.

Anyway, the gameplay is a lot of fun, that huge variety of Gods, keeps me coming back and wanting more. Matchmaking seems to be the most troubled. I'm constantly being matched up with diamond players when I'm not even level 30 yet so that can be a bit annoying, because I get flamed a lot for not knowing as much as everyone else, But ill learn and adapt, unfortunately everyone else has to as well.

The graphics are kind of subpar but they aren't completely terrible, they recently redesigned the conquest map and it looks a lot better if you ask me. Not to mention there's multiple modes with different maps on them that all look pretty nice if you ask me. The only thing that's left to be desired are the abilities and the way they can look sometimes. I think they could use some revitalization. But other than that there's hundreds of abilities and tons of customisation of items and room for Creative play style.

All in all I think it's a great game so far and I'm excited to put tons more hours in it and start getting some sweet skins, that's another thing, Skins are kind of hard to come by as it is a Hi Rez game so it's going to be kind of hard coming by some of the awesome skins that you're going to want unfortunately.

Other than that go pick up the game it's amazing! It has a ton of potential and as long as we don't have another scandalous Paladin's episode I think it's here to stay for awhile! :)

Edit:: I apologize for the colored text, I am new to Reddit and not very smart so I don't know how to put spaces in my paragraphs haha

submitted by /u/Dethproof814
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I do decent things sometimes

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:18 AM PST

Im actually starting to enjoy conquest

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:32 AM PST

Hated it from the bottom of my heart as a support main since S3. But over the last few weeks, our clan decided to go full conquest and really start to put serious effort into teamfights and comp.

i have to give credit where its due, anyone who ever said "conquest is fun, you just need to practice it" was 100% correct and i was just being a little bitch. conquest is fantastic, it does just take a lot of time to really be good at it. and its not a mode you're gonna ever have fun in if you dont know what to do at any given point.

so anyone who wants to learn conq, take my experience as proof of concept. conquest CAN be fun. you just need to put in the time to practice it.

edit: this isnt to say everyones gonna enjoy conq though. i wouldnt want anyone to be pushing their clan members into a gamemode they dislike. its only gonna make things worse. all im saying is, there is definitely a fantastically fun gamemode behind the wall of bullshit named "conquest"

submitted by /u/Sorivius
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Don't get mad, get hilariously fast.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:59 PM PST

Playing support?

Team refusing to engage objectives or team fights?

Assault enemy team killing you during dance phase?

Reading a novel of vgs spam chat anytime anything happens ever?

4 assassins in conquest?

Don't get mad friends, just put on every speedy-boot item the game has to offer.

They can't hurt you with their words if their cock-holsters are filled with your dust.

submitted by /u/xable88
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Why I like MOBAs

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:21 PM PST

Wall of text warning.

I've been a gamer my whole life. My first console was a NES with Mario being the first game I ever completed.

If you're a gamer chances are you will make gamer friends growing up, which I did. And between us we had just about every console from the NES till the PlayStation 2 came out. We used to play the 2 or 4 player games a lot like smash bros and track and field as well as Mario party and things like that. But I hated losing. Not in a vocal, spoilt, way but in a calculated "in time I will beat you" kind of way and I'd practise hard and eventually be able to beat anyone (from my friend group) at the chosen game. At which point we all gave up and moved on to something new.

I was also a huge RPG fan and could spend hours and hours grinding levels to beat bosses etc. Played through all the final fantasies, Vagrant story, zeldas, Golden sun and the like and loved them all.

Then I moved to uni and lived with a bunch of people that loved halo - massively.

Now I had never got into fps games. The only one I played before halo was Tom Clancys rainbow 6 and I didn't much like it. So, naturally, I sucked. But me being me I decided to stick it out and eventually me and one of my housemates (there were 8 of us) were untouchable. Then halo 2 came out and we had 2 tv's back to back. 4v4 (me and other untouchable housemate on opposite teams to make it fair) and we would play for hours and hours.

Then I found out there was an online ranked mode. This changed my life. All of a sudden we realised we were nowhere near as good as we thought we were and there were people that could do things we couldn't dream of.

So we got stuck in. And eventually we were good enough to rank our way up and actually ended up pretty good. Then halo 3 -same thing- etc.

Then a new final fantasy came out (think it might have been 12) which I was really excited for. And I got it on release date and started to play it and realised it didn't give me the same buzz anymore. The whole game felt slow and not very challenging and almost pointless. I found that the only time I liked a game was if there was an online competitive mode. So that was my new type of game. The instant gratification of a 5 minute battle or game of fifa or rocket league or whatever I could get my hands on.

And then (finally I know) I found the MOBA genre - I'm ashamed to say it was quite recently, Maybe a year or so ago - and I was spellbound. Here is a genre which is online vs. with long enough games that you almost had a story to each game thats different every time. You can level up and buy items which makes it feel like a competitive RPG and - even better - it's really, really hard. And people get really, REALLY good. It scratches every kind of gaming itch I have and it feels great!

So that's it. I (dramatically) feel like my whole gaming life has led me to the MOBA genre and since paragon died I have been playing smite and love it almost the same already.

Give me time, top players, I'm coming for you!

TL;DR - I like MOBAs because they're really good

submitted by /u/Keylace_Lee
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Alright, its official. Herc cant be killed.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:58 PM PST

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