Learn Dota 2 - Went 27-0 on my main account in 26 minutes with Puck and made a commentary video analyzing my thought processes

Went 27-0 on my main account in 26 minutes with Puck and made a commentary video analyzing my thought processes

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:46 AM PST

Nice Guide to stacking multiple camps in 7.08

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:19 AM PST

TIL you can use hurricane pike on Gyro's homing missile

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:10 AM PST

Well,just thought like sharing and it is pretty useful If you have a pike and blink dagger since late game gyro could rip you off with a single stun if played correctly.

submitted by /u/IamATechieNerd
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Can someone explain the concept of Lycan to a Guardian scrub?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

The dude has an insanely high win%, but I feel like I'm missing something about what makes him so strong.

I know the general idea is supposed to be pushing like crazy; it just seems like the wolves do a modest amount of damage and die fast, and other heroes have better waveclear or fighting or tower-hitting abilities. What is the "secret sauce" that makes him work?

All the Lycans I ever see in my games are quite shit, and what people are doing in high-level games don't seem to translate. I don't know if I'm really interested in picking up the hero myself, since he's bound to get a nerf every 2 weeks for the foreseeable future - but it would be good to know how you play with/around one on your team.

(Last time I had one, for example, I was playing Axe offlane, and our guy last-picked Lycan and joined me in the offlane, leaving an Abba and SB safelane. I know that's not right, but he didn't want to go anywhere, so I figured leaving the lane to him after I had Tranquils and jungling up a Blink Dagger would be the least-bad option. We won that game, but largely because our Herald 4 VS had the most building damage in the game.)

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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I think I don't understand Manta Style well enough

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:24 AM PST

It's not that I don't get the item at all. I'm mostly wondering why should I get it on Jug or Void, if I'm not going Diffusal. I'll list the situations that make Manta worthwhile, to my understanding, and I'd like you guys to point out what I'm missing about it, specifically with Jug and Void.

  • If I have mana burn. This is mainly AM's passive, or Diffusal blade (usually with Jug or Void).
  • If I build for stats / tanky illusions anyway. The main examples that spring to mind are CK, TB and PL who have in-built illusions, so much of their itemization is around that anyway.
  • Radiance. The main examples I can think of: Spectre (who also builds tanky, like in the previous category, so she benefits from illusions), Naga (who also builds for illusions, when she's core, but that's out of the meta), Alchemist.
  • Silence. If I'm playing someone who commonly builds Manta, and against me there's a hero who likes building Orchid (say, Clinkz, Storm Spirit), then I'd go manta.

When I'm playing Jug or Void, and I don't need neither Diffusal (frankly, I don't know when I need that other than against WK, so I could also use tips about this) nor to dispel some Orchid use, I don't like going Manta. With both of them I enjoy going BF since it got buffed in 7.07, then with Jug I normally love S&Y, and with Void I'm, uh, kinda winging it tbh.

Is there something I'm missing about the item? Maybe I don't get something about illusions (sometimes I see Manta on PA and it really confuses me)? When I look over the illusions page on the Dota 2 Wiki, I don't see neither bashes (for Void) nor critical hits (for Jug and PA) transferring to illusions.

So I'd like some deeper education about the item, and maybe illusions too, if I missed something about them.

P.S. I know it's also extremely common on Luna. Is it mainly because of the glaives and base destruction? I don't feel she really needs illusions to help her destroy raxes significantly faster, since she takes them down easily anyway.

submitted by /u/CheekyBard
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What to do in solo offlane when the enemy team wins 2.5 vs. 4?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:13 PM PST

I was curious about this. At dirt level unranked MMR where I am playing, it seems that consistently about 80% of games I play have one player, usually mid, getting 15-20+ kills.

I enjoy the classic solo offlane struggle, against the enemy safelane carry and usually 1/2 enemy supports. There will be games where I feel like I have created a lot of space and disruption for my team: the enemy carry is chasing me around instead of farming, I'm not dying, getting decent levels and even some last hits. But the enemy mid is already 6-0. My cores are already cowering in the jungle and missing a tower.

What should I do to potentially salvage the mid game? I am not that experienced in offlane but I play mostly Slardar and Underlord and looking for more heroes.

I feel like if I double down on my pressure the enemy fed core will rotate in to gank me and take my tower anyway. If I leave lane and rotate, my gank has the potential to backfire while the enemy SLC gets a free farm/tower in my absence.

submitted by /u/HeyThereSport
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Some small stuff I learned as I improved that might help someone else

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:33 PM PST

Im only 3.9k, highest I have ever been is only 4k, and even there it was just for 1 game. But, I did start at 900 mmr, and it has been one hell of a journey, where I learned a lot about Dota, you might know a lot of these already, and if you know something that I did not include then I would love if you could post it, same if you disagree.

  • Farm farm farm. This is mainly for core roles, but also applies to support roles some time in the game when they have nothing else better to do. Its pretty simple, and most people already know it. If you cannot do something useful, then go ahead and farm, as fast as you can of course, so you can get a lot of it.

  • Good farm vs Bad farm, Safe farm vs Unsafe farm. Farm divides into 2 categories, "Good farm" and "Bad farm". Whats the difference? Good farm forwards the game, and bad farm does not. Bad farm is stuff like farming the jungle. Good farm is stuff like farming the lane. The lane farm will make creeps push the wave, forcing enemies to tp, and making you control game. Safe farm and unsafe farm are pretty safe explanatory, using some map awareness you can know where you are safe to farm, where you are not. The best farm is farm that will forward the game the most, and that is the safest. You won't be able to find that, you you can aspire for it.

  • Using the advantages you have. Doing all what I just said gives you good advantages, such as pushing waves forces tp's, etc. But what is important is using them, since if you don't use your advantages correctly, they do nothing. I will take the earlier example as an example. Lets say you simply push waves all the time, the enemy will tp, and kill waves, do the same thing and gain gold in a fast wave just where u want them to get the gold, it will just become a farm-fest, seeing who can farm faster/who has better lategame heroes. Now, lets say you want to take Roshan, one way would be to simply smoke up, and go Roshan. Problem is, that if the enemy suspects it, they might just smoke up and fight you, leaving you in a fight that you will most likely lose unless you are way stronger. Another way, would be to push out bottom lane, safely, force a tp, or even more if you can. Once you do that, hide, teleport close to Roshan, smoke up, and go to Roshan. Lets say the enemy suspects you, now they have a guy on the other side of the map, with no tp, meaning that even if they do suspect you going Roshan, it will be much harder for them to group up as 5 and contest, or they might decide to go as less, making it easier for you and might even win you the game. Now that is just one example out of countless, advantages could be something like being stronger early game, or even something like Pudge hook being on CD, almost anything that happens creates advantages, its only a question of how many can you spot and use.

  • Use the time before game effectively. I don't mean buy your items quickly so you can ward, or go take enemy rune when you can, there are countless options. What I mean is that you have time, 6.5~ minutes to be more precise, including strategy time and picking phase, time that can be used to get a better understanding of what you want to do in this game, and how you can win. Ask yourself questions, any question that might give you useful information is good, such as "What can I get out of my lane if enemy plays it perfectly?", "What do I want to get out my lane idealy?", "What heroes will be problematic this game?", "What is my goal this game?" and anything else u want, basically, ask whatever you can, if you can't get a clear answer from yourself maybe even ask a teammate, your imagination is the limit.

  • What is your goal in the current game?. Almost every game your goal will be different, it can be a small difference, or big difference, but this goal will affect what items you buy, it can affect how you want to play lane, fights etc. Lets take Tidehunter as an example, since he is fairly simple. First off, in most lanes he will want to be in the carries face when he can, both getting his farm, and stopping the carry from farming. But lets talk game-wise, sometimes his goal will be to initiate, others he wants to counter-initiate, but besides that what do you want to do as the Tidehunter? Maybe you want to get near their carry and spam anchor smash, be in his face, not letting him get damage or some space. Also what do you want to achieve with your items? do you want to be an initiator asap? maybe u want a blink, or do u want to be a counter initiator? so a forcestaff might be better etc. There are so many stuff to consider, especially when it becomes a hero that is much less one-sided than tidehunter, and is a little more complex(even though tide becomes more complex and has way more choices the more the game advances and he gets more talents, just like other heroes). A batrider might have some game where his goal is to shackle hero X, but he has goals besides that, if he can't do that he can do 10 other things, think about them. etc.

  • Doing nothing is sometimes doing more than you think. Lets say that you are playing shadow shaman, and you are just sitting near the safelane, having nothing to do, sometimes you want to stay there, rather than try do something, since you are scaring the offlaner, and are basically doing nothing and winning the safelane. As Nyx a lot of times going to jungle and taking some bad farm might be better as the enemy will be afraid, Pudge missing during lanes is scary etc. Know that sometimes taking a break and doing nothing is worth it. Although take in mind that the highter position you play, the less effective this is, since it usually means trading your farm/xp/something for the enemies, obviously a pos1 does not want to trade his farm for the enemy pos5 etc.

  • Dying is not always bad. What happens when you die? you lose time, gold, xp, give gold and give xp. Now what else happens when you die? that depends on what caused your death. If the enemy killed you, you know their current position, more than that, you also know sometimes what spells are 100% on cooldown, and the cooldown, you know their health, mana, level and items. Now what else could have happened? the enemy went to you to kill you, if its in lane it might ruin the equilibrium. There are a lot of stuff it does that is not completely negative. A lot of times, dying is not too bad, sometimes even good. Let me give you an example: on offlane, level one you get a little too close to the wave, the enemy supports go on you, and so does the carry, one of them pulls aggro accidentally, and they kill you, while they did kill you, you will now respawn, tp to lane, and get a double wave, and there is nothing they can do. If they did not kill you, and you did not have a salve you will have a problem getting that "free" xp and farm that will come with the double wave. Another example would be pulling the wave as an offlaner, if you succeed great, if you die you will give some gold and xp, but not enough to account for the farm the carry lost(since your wave went to his tower)/hp he lost(if he tanked the wave), and that you will respawn and get almost 2 waves or maybe even 3 if they don't pull right near your tower for you to enjoy.

  • Map awareness to the next level. Map awareness gives you advantages that can be used to dive people, push towers, take objectives etc. But you have a limit with the fog of war. How do you use the most you can? well, use your brain a little. Literally, when you see someone tp top, you know that he cannot be bot for quiet a while, on the other hand if someone has a tp and was top for a while you know he can tp bot at an instant. Meaning that you not only need to account for his current location, but also for potential locations(E.G when spec has ult he can be anywhere, Natures Prophet can tp at notice etc), but that assumes you already know where they are, what if all the enemies are missing? Well, look at the game situation, and the last time you saw them, and try think where they should be, if they have antimage, and it is 20 minutes in, and the last time you saw him was a while ago, he is probably in their jungle, if you saw him 15 seconds ago on top lane near dire t1 tower, he is probably farming that safe camp etc, here is an old guide, but good one talking about that

  • Last, but definitely not least, remember that you only need to destroy the enemies ancient, not more and not less. This means that everything above, and every tip you hear in dota, from purge, from a pro player, from your 1k teammate, anyone, is to achieve this goal. Small secret? it does not matter if you win the game in 20 minutes, or in 90 minutes, it achieves the same goal exactly. Winning as 15-0 or 0-15 is the exact same thing, in the end of the game all that matters is if you won, or lost(assuming you will only ever play 1 game. Since you want to play more and win more it does matter, as you will learn from that and improve from it, so that the next game can be easier to win, but in a 1 time sample, it does not matter). This means, that if you have a 20k networth advantage and can win, then win, don't wait to get that 6th item. This also means, that nothing is absolute. Sometimes, you don't want to defend any tower until highground, since you want to get to a point that you can just win(Happens a lot with alchemist, that you cannot win fights, but if you farm more you will be much stronger than the enemy and be able to win), or that you might want to forget farming, and even though you are playing antimage and have no battlefury just go and finish the game, since your team has insane push and your advantage is high enough to win. There are countless examples where this is important, just remember it, since you can win with 0 farm, and with 100 deaths. Farm is only a mean to manage to win, since more farm means that you are stronger, meaning that the enemy trying to defend their ancient so you don't win will not be able to, same with Roshan. But not taking an opportunity to win, can lose you a game, since it gives the enemy another advantage they would not otherwise have to get stronger than you and win the game.

    I hope that this is useful, I would really appreciate if you could correct me on things you think that I am wrong about, add to things you think I didn't include enough about, and add thinks I didn't write about, not just for me to learn from, but also for others.

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Why can't we see who is in a party queue?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:29 PM PST

Why can't we see who's party queued on my team or the other team when the game starts?

I solo queue, but I think I would understand my own team's communication(or lack thereof) and draft style more if I knew people wanted to lane together. I'd also know what to expect from enemies if I knew they were a 3-4 stack so I could expect coordinated ganks and backup.

submitted by /u/Mutanteggplant
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When do I rank-up?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:43 PM PST

I'm currently ancient 5 and have been winning for like 9 games straight and I still haven't reached divine. Any idea how long it'll take?

submitted by /u/patr7404
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Best YouTube channels to learn from?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:11 PM PST

What are your favorite channels to learn more about the game? Are there other channels akin to Rawdota where it's more teaching than just gameplay?

submitted by /u/Caffeinated_Thesis
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Why and when to get blink first on axe?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:59 PM PST

my last axe game

I used to build vanguard first, then blink as axe. I've tried to rush blink first in the past but had horrendous result. recently someone suggested that blink is still better than vanguard as first item for axe, so i gave it a try.

i failed again.

my problem, i guess, is that i'm not greedy enough. i was third pick after riki and sf, and i'm laning with riki. last time i asked for axe tip, everyone said that axe should always get farm priority. but my inner support convinced me to let riki farm and take most of the last hit.

my question is: if i play axe that let other people farm, vanguard > blink? if i take all the farm for myself, blink > vanguard? should i change my mind set and just greedily take all last hit, even when my lane mate is not a support?

another game related question. should i rush SE after vangaurd and blink? we were rekted by bb. no one else is getting that item. it's too late for me to get SE after my core item. tbh at first i thought sf is gonna get it. it's not until after 20 minute i realised that he is going for magic build.

submitted by /u/katabana02
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Looking for Monkey King tips, neat tricks, and some recommended builds.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:04 AM PST

So I recently started playing Monkey king, mostly because I absolutely love his voice lines and really like Journey to the West and I've been looking for any information people want to provide from tips to some recommended builds.


Here are my most recent games as him, while not many I'm still spamming him a bit.

submitted by /u/avatera32
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Naga quick tips

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:14 PM PST

Good day. I already post here few months ago but i have question i recently use naga not spamming just incase i play pos 4 but i dont know how to item her on situation and core. I more using meme hammer for fun but the rest i dont know this is my match on naga (this is my new account my old account i sold it to my brother because that account got pubg and also i need a money that time). TIA

My new account: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/385515294

submitted by /u/Akashix09
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Help when my mid picks SF

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:30 AM PST

I'm working to climb my way out of the 1k bracket (currently 1300) and as we all know there's constantly an instant SF lock mid lane.. in the little iv played dota I know that SF needs to win early, and iv also learned early wins are rare for this low mmr.. what can I do to help this SF carry us to a win?? Fortunately and unfortunately for me I have played a lot of heroes, but mastered very few thanks to practicing in single draft to learn the game and basic mechanics of most heroes..

Any heroes and play styles to use that would help that you guys could suggest would be awesome!

submitted by /u/jiuced
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Question about Puck & Pudge...

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:12 PM PST

I remember in the past reading that pudge's rot cancels puck's blink out of phase shift if the puck and pudge are picked in a particular order during the draft.

Is this still the case? Is it actually possible to 'hard counter' a puck by knowing how to do it? Or am I talking rubbish

submitted by /u/percydw2
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How to beat Tinker right now?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:00 PM PST

Tinker is good imo rn. How do i deal withhim in lane? He just uses his missiles to harass me out of lane and threaten kills, and denies cs with laser and more threat. What do?

submitted by /u/MustafaKadhem
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How to play naga siren as 4th position ?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:02 AM PST

I'm kinda suck at microing and almost never picking her but she is really popular now and her combo with hammer is really easy (since you just shift queue stop singing after activing hammer) so how to play her perfectly ? Should i play her like another roamer heroes like balanar or earth spirit at early game or she should be played in another playstyle ? And yeah pls her item build too thanks.

submitted by /u/Nero420
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Heroes that can use meteor hammer effectively

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:52 PM PST

Helm of Dominator 71%wr on Visage

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:08 AM PST

I've never seen anybody get HoD on Visage in my own games yet checking stats and guides on Dotabuff, it looks insane. The only item with a higher win rate on visage is BoT2 which is absurd, and the next closest item is Assault Cuirass at 69% which costs almost 3x as much.

Does anyone have experience with this? What creeps should be prioritized? Should it be rushed before Medallion?

submitted by /u/PuritanDrag
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Countering Lycan

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:29 AM PST

This isn't new news but Lycan is out of control. -1 armor did literally nothing, he still has a 60% winrate at 5k+ MMR. I recently played this game where I thought I had a decent counterpick, but we still got rolled. I'm pretty sure we just threw the midgame, our AM refused to fight. We won every lane but Lycan's. Even then he just threw his body at buildings and they blew up. Right after that I got mad and picked Lycan myself next game, and got 10k tower damage in 20 minutes despite my lane being hard countered by brood. I literally got a T1, T2 and T3 in one consecutive push with brown boots, hotd + siege and necro 1. It's absurd. Any thoughts about dealing with him?

submitted by /u/DONGPOCALYPSE
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Question: shoild you skip itemd based on their heroes?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:12 AM PST

Hi all,

Quick question.

Is there a general rule of thumb that you can apply to builds.

For example if I'm a heavy carry and I usually go butterfly. They have a PA OR another carry that may build a MKB should I skip it knowing I may get countered or buy anyway knowing it may happen.

This is in the 1k bracket btw.

Trying to improve decisions but mainly farm rate. So trying to help my mid and late game.

submitted by /u/GlitchLampshade
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Need tips regarding midlane from 4k plus midlaner

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:00 AM PST

Been 1 week since i last queued on dota , reached 3.8k and just lost interest , it has almost just become me losing every mid matchup except unless i'm OD where i often draw even or win midlane . Mainly play OD and Storm mid , Leshrac and Invoker were core in my hero pool but i can't seem to want to play them anymore either . Can't for the fucking life of me win a single match up against SF and usually every game there is a SF mid against me. My midlaning has become so bad that i have given up midlane completely and switched to support(pos 4 or 5)/offlane sky and sometimes safelane OD . Trying MK safelane too , seems pretty broken with orb slow against solo melee offlaners , but i really want to go back to playing midlane and winning my matchups

Dotabuff - https://www.dotabuff.com/players/196497713

Edit - Would also love some suggestions for mid heroes , except Puck , Sf , Qop , Tinker and WR (cannot play those fucking heroes at all)

submitted by /u/kks_rock
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Underlord power spike.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:15 AM PST

I want to know when does underlord hit his power spike or is it just his item timings?.

submitted by /u/aaaazxnkis
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