Learn Dota 2 - TIL: Antimages blink talent counters bloodseeker

TIL: Antimages blink talent counters bloodseeker

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:23 AM PST

If you take the +300 blink range talent at level 20, you can do a max ranged blink while ruptured and take no damage. This woke because rupture checks if a unit has moved less than 1300 range, then deals damage based on movement. With the blink cast range talent you can blink 1450 range, avoiding the damage completely.

submitted by /u/nyffpro
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TIL: Axe has a somewhat interesting Aghs

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:18 AM PST

I'm very confident Axe's Aghs used to increase Culling Blade's instakill threshold to ~550 hp and also lowers the cd to 5 secs if you don't instakill someone, but tbh I have no clue when they changed it to this but that doesn't really matter.

Right now, it applies a 30% damage reduction to any hero affected by his W i.e. Battle Hunger and also places said debuff on any any enemies nearby when you proc a Culling blade instakill. I've already tested that this damage reduction applies to all types - physical, magical and pure.

That said, is there any potential in this? I only found this when spec'ing a friend's game (and he isn't very high mmr) but I'm curious to see if has any mid-high level player tried this yet since I clearly haven't. Checking the Dotabuff page, Axe's +3 mana regen and Battle Hunger DPS have an edge in terms of winrate and both synergize well with a build focusing spamming your Aghs-upgraded W. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Any tips for QoP?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:57 PM PST

Been trying to learn mid and also this hero in particular. My biggest problem is aggressive blinking - it is so risky and bad. What item builds are good, heroes counter her, and any other tips for playing mid in general and QoP specifically?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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When would you pick Axe vs. Centaur vs. Slardar vs. Magnus vs. Tide vs. Brew (Guardian bracket)

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:20 AM PST

So one thing I've come to understand is that my best heroes tend to be the "Blink-gotcha" kinds, many of whom are offlaners. This is good because 90% of the time I end up playing either offlane or a roaming SB, just because that will be what avoids some stupid game-losing shit like a Zeus-Spectre offlane.

Anyway, these heroes all have some things in common, but it'd be good if I understood when you'd pick one over the other.

Axe and Brew are my go-tos if they have an illusion hero on the other team, Brew if they have something like a PA, Troll, Ursa, Sven that shits on a single target with right clicks. Where would, say, a Centaur or Slardar or Tide be a better pick than those, though?

Keep in mind, this is low MMR, so there are no trilanes and about 75% of the time it's a 2v2 unless you ask for a solo lane.

I've also messed around some with Batrider with decent results, but didn't put him on this list because he's a somewhat different style. Although if there are certain situations where he kills, it would be good to know.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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Learning Puck - Please dump any advice

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:40 PM PST

 As the title implies, I'm currently trying to add puck to my hero pool. I really enjoy the hero and I'm starting to get better with it, but there's a few things I still struggle with, particularly what to do during chaotic team fights in terms of positioning and when to use certain spells. Itemization is something I don't really do intuitively yet either, usually just go veil into blink into euls unless I need a linkens. Other than that I'm just still trying to get a feel for my general kill potential, especially during the lane phase. Watching pros play I can tell that if you know what you're doing there's a lot of kills to be had early on. Anyway I'm kinda just blabbering on here but essentially I'd love any advice on the hero, be it little mobility tricks revolving his skill-set or general insights concerning puck in the current meta. 
submitted by /u/bonecitizen
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Is there a replay site that lets you see how many times a particular spell or item was used in a game?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

For example, I want to know how many times I used say force staff or crystal Nova in a game. Does any site like dotabuff, Opendota, stratz etc have this functionality?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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For the Rikis trying to steal the rune from enemy

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:09 PM PST

If you know that enemy invisible hero is probably standing on the rune, or your rune could be taken by someone greedy from your team, what you do? That's right, you hold the right mouse button until the rune spawns and you take it, or, if you don't have the option enabled, just press the RMB many times.

But when you are invisible and don't wanna attack the enemies? Here's the tip: hold RMB* and spam S. The attack move will always have a delay (attack point) and because taking the rune takes no time, you do not have to worry you would accidentally cancel your rune snatching.

I decided to write this because at least half of the rune taking fails end with Riki/BH etc running away with 70% HP...

*Edit: You have to toggle this on in options if you want

submitted by /u/FerynaCZ
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How to Learn When to Pick What

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:27 AM PST

I have a relatively large hero pool and can therefore flexibly play most positions but I have a hard time knowing when to pick what.

It's clear when we're missing a Position 1-5 but it's much harder to understand what is a good pick and what is a poor pick. I'm always aware when we're missing wave clear/illusion clear and stuns but not a whole lot beyond this.

I watch a good amount of professional DOTA but this hasn't helped me better understand when a pick is good or not.

Any ways to learn this or any rules to follow would be great!

submitted by /u/UnblevbleTekkrs
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Divine 4 willing to help you improve.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:58 PM PST

Hi, my name is Victor and i am Divine 4 at the moment. I would like to help people improve at the game (And in turn learn how to coach). So if you are interested in getting a bit better or just talking to someone who put alot of time and effort into dota about the game add me on steam. You can add me with the button on this site https://dotacoach.org/Kungozai

submitted by /u/Kungozai
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Tinker range

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:03 PM PST

I see people going kaya and then the range talent and some going aether lens and getting the magic damage talent , which is the best option?

submitted by /u/ImActuallyCarl
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Force Staff or Blink Dagger on Wyvern? Or both?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:25 PM PST

I usually go for Force Staff because it has stats and it has more different uses than Blink Dagger.. but lately I've been finding it more and more difficult to get a good ultimate off as the game progresses and blink dagger would certainly help with that.

I feel like I either have to make a choice between the two items, or just buy both, although that seems very greedy. It would also leave me with very little gold to buy other items such as glimmer cape, spirit vessel, solar crest etc.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Sivirona
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In what cases is Ember picked?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:43 PM PST

I can't seem to get the motive of picking Ember (in pro games at least)

Any clues? The only thing i know about him is wave clear from a distance..

submitted by /u/shawnnj7
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Any suggestion for this Warlock support game?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:42 AM PST

Dunno what I could do better this game. Feld like I had my impact but not too much.


submitted by /u/cuteandroid
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Ursa: When do you buy agh, when do you buy bkb?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:23 PM PST

I asked myself that in a recent game. Usually I buy bkb without a second thought. It gives you a second cooldown, real immunity etc. good stuff
But enemy Team had better initiation, and 2 stuns that go through bkb, taking my ursa out of the game pretty consistently.

With Agha, enrage can be activated while stunned on a shorter cd. My thought is, 80% damage reduction would have made a bigger impact than not getting bkb off.

Does anyone have more experience with both items on ursa?

submitted by /u/Matazaonreddit
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Question about illusions

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:15 PM PST

So I was trying out Naga Siren in the demo mode, and something really irked me.

I spawned my illusions and put them all in group one, so when I press [1] all of them would be selected.

Now, I press [H] when I want to stop movement/auto attacking and so on. But when I pressed H while controlling all of the illusions+the actual hero, only the hero would stop moving/attacking. The illusions just stopped for half a second and then immediately continued attacking, whereas the hero would stop until I have it another command.

How do I make my entire group of selected units stop doing something? I tried pressing [S] as well, but the same thing happened.

submitted by /u/Sivirona
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Stupid Hurricane Pike Question

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 12:57 PM PST

Bear with me.

I just don't understand how to use hurricane pike while still attacking the enemy.

Do you attack, use pike, and don't click anything else?

I have autoattack off, and it's hard to A+click them when they are suddenly pushed away before they can react.

How 2 use?

submitted by /u/zt666
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How to win against push strat?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:41 AM PST

I need help to understand how to win against heavy pushers like broodmother and lycan. Everytime I face one of those heroes (or even both) I get ratted and lose within 20-25 minutes.

submitted by /u/IZamZI
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Improving on a few select heroes

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:25 AM PST

I've played Dota for quite some time now, having put over 2000 hours into and similar amounts in HoN. For the most part I play with friends but recently I've really enjoyed solo quene. I got to thinking how I could improve the most since I feel I've stood still in that department for the latest couple of years.

This thought led me to think of a friend of mine who sticks to a few characters only, he plays all positons (as do we all since we often have to adapt to our randomed teammates) but knows those heroes very well compared to me. I actually really like the idea and it might help me focus on other aspects of the game outside of my hero.

If you were to limit yourself to 2-3 heroes per position, which would you pick? My thinking is that I want different heroes that differ in their "sub role", if you can call it that. Would really appreciate some help with this and whether or not you think it is a good idea.

submitted by /u/Swedish_Gent
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Getting out of 3k.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:35 AM PST

Do u guys think that storm spirit is a good hero to spam between 3.6k to ~4.2k ? And i would be happy for any advice u can give me. Thanks

submitted by /u/1Qeeb1
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How to properly last hit Siege creeps during the laning stage under tower

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:48 AM PST

Through out my 300 or so games of playing dota I've only gotten 1 siege creep under tower during the laning stage.

Sometimes my lane partner usually another carry hits the creep too many times and the tower destroys it but when I'm solo I can never guess how many hits should I do to get it in range of my damage and miss it.

submitted by /u/Von_Siegfried
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How do I play AA?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:38 PM PST

I want to play and get good at this hero, but I've been told he's just a niche pick.

How do I play him? Like what role should I try to fulfill? I know he's a support, but do I go offlane or safelane? How do I play him efficiently?

submitted by /u/Sivirona
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How to play vs arc warden mid when he keeps spamming spark wraith behind the creeps so i can't get to them?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:47 AM PST

Is it necessary to have everything binded to a key ?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:18 PM PST

Was wondering how many of you 10k MMR players have a key binded to every single function in the game.

Personally I dont have the following : Glyph (I activate on click) Select courier (I dont really need to do it unless I want the courier to stop somewhere other than my hero but I do have deliver and purchase quick buy option.) Courier Shield : I use on click

It is really difficult to assign hotkeys because of my pleb-like settings. My inventory hotkeys are : 1 2 3 4 AltW T so I cant use the number keys for subgroups and I have to use F2-F4 for them. I use ~ for selecting the hero , Z quick buy, V shop, C Attack, X mic, Caps toggle auto attack, G select all units, H select all other units, S Directional Move, F hold poisition , Tab Next Unit, Caps Lock for toggle auto attack.

and my spell binds are : Q E R A D SPACE

As such I find it difficult to assign hotkeys to courier select and shield. Would like to know what you guys do.

submitted by /u/rival2reality
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Can someone help me out and watch back this game and tell me where i screwed up the most wether it be cs,using items, or buying wrong items 1 mmr 104 hrs

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:06 PM PST

The match id is 3744641040 Im Wraith king btw. I really like dota but I just feel like I'm not getting any better help would be appricated.

submitted by /u/D33G_
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