Learn Dota 2 - Orchid on Storm as 1st Item

Orchid on Storm as 1st Item

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 08:05 PM PST


Recently in professional scene I'm seeing players rush Orchid after Kaya, they take bloodstone as their 3rd item or even 4th, this could be thought if he was not nerfed in the earlier patch (1.75 mana regen).

What is the point in delaying Bloodstone where a few bloodstone charges can keep your Mana requirement fulfilled?

I understand that silencing the enemy and Snowballing is possible with this item (It is an int item that helps in mana regen), Is it worth the risk to rush orchid?

What are your builds for Storm Spirit?

I usually start with Talisman -> Boots -> Bottle (yeah it works for me) if clarity is better suggest! -> Kaya with power treads -> Bloodstone (<22mins) then I rush for Orchid, Shivas, BoT, Bloodthorn, Scythe If Games Scales well.

I'm amateur Storm Spirit Player so please improve my itemization and tell if I could do any better.

Thanks a Lot

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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Is it possible to show both minimap and shop menu on the right side?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 04:44 PM PST

Title, selecting minimap on right will make shop menu opening on the left side, is there anyway to make both appear on the right side?

submitted by /u/qqcar
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Ranked Matchmaking

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 03:00 PM PST

Did they remove the acc lv requiriment for playing ranked? Now you only have to play 25 games?

submitted by /u/roadtowhocares
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What to do in response to the new offlane pull?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 01:44 PM PST

There is a new pull happenning in my bracket of game where supports or offlaner just come and delay the creeps from tier 3 for 15s and then let it stacks with the second wave (0.30). What is a correct way to be doing in response against this pull? Either does pulling the creep between t1~t2 or tanking the first wave of the creeps for 30 secs is gonna help as it will fuck up the last hits and lane equilibrum.

submitted by /u/zhch96
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Support main in need of help

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 08:31 AM PST

This is gonna be a slightly long post but none of the guides I read quite answered my questions and I was hoping someone here could help me. I'm a crusader 1 and I play position 3,4 and 5. While I can play position 1 and 2 quite well, I prefer supporting any day. I've learnt a lot about supporting by playing with friends who are legends such as what kind of support to pick, when to gank, when to pull,etc and I felt it's time I work on raising my rank. But the one thing I've always hard time understanding is when to ward and when not to. I have habit of making sure there are no wards in stock, but I almost always end up dying when placing aggressive wards or I end up not having enough gold for basic escape items (and end up dying). Any tips on when to and when not to ward? And finally, my second question: does anyone have any tips for solo supporting?

submitted by /u/Saboteur_demo
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Offering, consultation on matches and replay analysis.

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 02:23 PM PST

Hi all.

I only just discovered this subreddit a few weeks ago and I love what is going on in here. When I first started in WC3 DOTA there were little to no resources to help learn and "git gud" at this game. I've been playing DOTES for over 10 years now and would love to help any of you at with your journey.

I'm no pro. I probably wont have much to offer Archon, Legend, Ancient, and Divine level players. However, I've helped a handful of players step their game up and understand some basics that can take months to pick up.

How does this work?

  1. Post a dotabuff link to your match
  2. Tell me what hero you played
  3. I will reply to your comment with constructive feedback.
submitted by /u/BreakThings
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Most effective+efficient way to improve my laning(1v1, 1v2..etc.) mechanics ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 05:44 AM PST

Hey guys,

I've been spending this entire week trying to become a better player and I made a list of my biggest weaknesses and i'm trying to fix them 1 by 1.

I seem to struggle at the PvP part of the laning-early game phase, I'm really good at controlling the creep wave equilibrium, last hitting, denying...etc. but when it comes to trading blows and harassing, I usually struggle making the right decisions.

I often top the chart of CS in alot of my games that I play as a safelane core but it usually comes at the cost of their offlaner getting way more than he should or me forcing my team to spend more resources than needed.

Basically, I'm good at the PvE aspect during the laning stage but bad at the PvP part.

This is the main reason why i'm always scared to go mid.

I just want to be a more self sufficient player.

PS: im in mid 3k

submitted by /u/ace-s
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Learning Queen of Pain?

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:07 PM PST

I'm new and was wondering, how do you use Queen of Pain? Like how does she skill, talent, her item builds, etc. Are there any kind of nuances or tricks or mechanics to her that are important or helpful to know or any tips for laning and such? Also, does she have to mid or can she sidelane at all? Much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Lacithys
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How are Techies being played?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 01:20 PM PST

I used to go offlane, but I climbed a little and, apparently, people in my new bracket know that you can just attack the mines, so it's difficult to farm creep waves.

submitted by /u/wdlmlol
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What would be the best 1 hero to play Mid, Offlane and position 5 support?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 09:11 AM PST

So I want to spam monkey king as safelane or roaming (mostly safelane) and I need another hero to fill the slot, I could play three heroes but just thought I'd ask to see what the eBay suggestions are!

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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How does support naga work now?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 08:49 AM PST

Any tips on which players to watch?

submitted by /u/kasasasa
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What's a win more item?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 06:50 AM PST

I've seen it referenced but I don't really know what it is

submitted by /u/Grimbone
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Do calibration games while in party on a fresh account affect MMR?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 09:36 AM PST

Do I get guaranteed lower MMR for doing those games in a party. I mean the initial 10 games which can be a mash-up of party and solo games. I have a suspicion that if I do all 10 while in party I get the cold shoulder from the MMR system as I took the short way out.

Whereas if I get my ass beat up and spill my own blood in 10 solo games I get a nod of approval.

submitted by /u/peter92q
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Losing the will to play dota

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST

I have been playing since the manila Major back in 2016, and I thought I'd eventually improve. I started at 500mmr and got to 1.3k, and then I just yo yo between 800mmr and 1.3k where games are depressing because it's just 4 core line ups and me as a support. For example I just decided to carry for a game, I mark pl safelane, I pick him. My team then picks pa, SF, Sven and drow. I enjoy playing when my MMR is higher up, but I'm just losing the will to play atm. Even if I have improved or do improve it will take 2000 games to get to 2k and even that is depressing. I don't care about MMR I just want to enjoy this game again. I don't find any heroes fun, and I constantly change what heroes I play because it's very depressing when your team is like level 15-20 and then your carry jugg is level 10 trying to get his 35 minute battlefury, so I go to and from support, carry and offlane.

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Does Spirit Vessel Heal break on damage from heroes and towers?

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:29 PM PST

I've always understood that Urn of shadows' heal broke on attacks from enemy heroes or towers. Does this carry over to Spirit vessel? If so, what is the point of the + 1% HP/sec?

Edit: I thought the Spirit Vessel augmented your total health points by 1% of your max hp/sec for 8 secs then took them away, making you more tanky for 8 secs. In fact, it heals by 1% of your current health per second.

submitted by /u/Queder
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Could someone link me to VODs of true difficult 1 v 1 matchups?

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 03:20 AM PST

Midlane is my favourite role and the one I've been most successful at. For quite a while about 1.5 years ago I was hovering around 700 to 800 MMR and I'm now Legend(4) which is about 3700+. I climbed from 800 to 3000 MMR in 6 months mostly by playing mid, but I want to take myself to the next level, by learning the rules of how to abuse creep aggro I want to destroy people mid even if the matchup is super difficult.

More recently I have had a very tough time of using player perspective to see pros win tough matchups because often times a support will be camping mid for them. I would like to see true 1 v 1 from player perspective of someone who was playing a weaker hero, but managed to win due to smart aggro usage.

I'd immensely immensely appreciate if someone were able to link me to some VODs of years past where people did matchups such as: - Shadow Fiend vs Templar Assasin (where SF wins) - Storm Spirit vs Shadow Fiend (where Storm wins) - Ember Spirit vs Shadow Fiend (where Ember wins or draws even) Etc, etc.

Thank you, once again!

submitted by /u/SACHD
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