Heroes of the Storm - Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | February 01 - February 07

Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | February 01 - February 07

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:01 AM PST

Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.

Previous Teaching Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I would hate Genji a lot less if he had the "Power Ranger" skin in the Nexus

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:43 AM PST

In Overwatch he has the Sentai skin (Super Sentai are the original Japanese version of the Power Rangers)

But I would still prefer him to have a Megazord than "PROTECTED".

submitted by /u/suppow
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Angel and Demon Banners would fill a big gap

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:49 AM PST

HotS contains 5 heroes belonging to one of the immortal factions involved in the "Eternal Conflict" within Diablo. Non of them have a banner which accurately represent there allegiance. Angelic and Demonic skins are also umonkst the most popular themes for hero skins and there is no banner to properly represent them either. #ECBanners

Edit: Added "#"

submitted by /u/TheOddMage
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PTR updated

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

The PTR just got updated, maybe the matchmaking works now :)

submitted by /u/mkmxd
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News concerning the consistent negative personal rank adjustment for Master tier players

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:28 PM PST

i hate this game

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:56 AM PST

How to improve as a tank by JayPL (English Sub available)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:55 PM PST

That moment you realize you've mastered Abathur

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:45 PM PST

Had to report the entire enemy team for disrespectful behavior.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:44 PM PST

Just finished a match on towers of doom which lasted almost 30 mins and ended something like 10-67 in kills.

I was pretty tired, our team was not playing very well. At a certain point, we are losing 5-23 (as in how many hits the core still has). Altar spawns, which will at that moment give them 4 shots, and from that moment on they stopped trying to win the match. I would say the last 7-10 of the match was us just trying to do something and they only killing us, not finishing the game (boss + altar would have won them the game really fast). Only when most of our players left and the rest of us just stayed in the base (which we should have done earlir, in hindsight) and pinged the ai to stay with us, finally did they get all of our forts and won.

This was in QM, but I think this type of behaviour is not fine towards other people. I don't like to report people but I felt I should and so I reported them all.

Please don't do this to other players.

submitted by /u/joaopfer
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Heroes of The Storm WTF Moments Ep.101

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:26 AM PST

We could take a note from Dota2 and its annual "cleaning update" that basically itroduces long-requested features, fixes all the known bugs and improves optimization a bit

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:31 PM PST

Just a simple idea that I honestly think that HotS devs need to learn from.

While it is true that our devs are fairly attentive to the game, bug-fixing and features tend to require a lot of time to be done; in the case of bugs, they are often delayed a full patch if they aren't critical ones.

It would be nice to have a dedicated update for this purposes (it also introduces minor balance adjustements, you can check on the web) in a pre-holiday period, like summer or chrismtmas holidays, which is a very interesting moment to do so, as there's more potential to grab new players in. Having the game in a polished state in that moment would be something fairly recommendable for its own health.

And also something very important: this is all done with and thanks to its community, something that they recognize. Community lists bugs, typos, localization problems and most of them get fixed quite fast, they don't ussually wait a full patch. Non-gameplay ones take longer, but they algo get done.

You can check the main web or their reddit sub and see, not going to promote anything here, just the idea.

submitted by /u/Drygin7_JCoto
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We will need the option to report Abusive VOICE Chat with a lower tolerance threshold than abusive text, and should result in players being muted in voice chat for a period of time

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:38 AM PST

How is this different than toxic text chat?

  • Should have faster response, and take fewer reports to result in an penalty.
    Voice chat is a lot more "personal", and toxic voice chat is much more unpleasant than toxic text.

  • Should mute players from voice, but not from text, so that they still have a 2nd chance to communicate properly.

  • They can still get reported for toxic text and be fully silenced (Text + Voice)

  • Toxic text and voice should be punished separately, a player can spam toxic text whispers to someone in the main menu, but only make quick shot calls in voice to their team in match.

This raises a question, should a Muted but not Silenced player still be allowed in Ranked? (Silenced players are not).

  • Muted could be allowed in HL but should not be allowed in TL.
  • If a team gets a Muted player, the other team should get 1 Muted player too.

edit: ironic how most of the people commenting against muting toxic player are toxic commenters themselves, I guess they have something to worry about.

submitted by /u/suppow
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Math of the Storm: Patch 29.9

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:31 AM PST

Maiev Shadowsong – Abilities, Quotes, and Skins Lore

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:08 AM PST

Hello, everyone!

With Maiev out on the PTR, here is the followup to my Maiev lore thread from last week, where I'll go through and explain the lore and various references found in her abilities and quotes. Blizzard have done a pretty good job with Maiev, and there are a ton of little nods and callbacks for WC3 and WoW fans alike to pick up on, so let's get started.

Maiev character lore thread

All previous "Lore of" episodes


Maiev in Heroes of the Storm is based on the Warden, a hero unit for the night elf faction in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Like most wardens and Watchers, Maiev wields a type of deadly circular glaive known as an umbra crescent.

  • D: Vault of the Wardens - The name of this talent references the Vault of the Wardens, a secret facility where the wardens stored the various criminals and dangerous creatures they defeated over the centuries. It's also where Maiev stored the corpse of Illidan Stormrage and the prisons of his Illidari demon hunter followers after their defeat at the Black Temple. At the start of World of Warcraft: Legion, the Burning Legion attacks the Vault with the help of the corrupted warden Cordana Felsong, freeing many of the captive creatures and forcing Maiev to release the captive demon hunters. The Vault subsequently becomes a dungeon that players venture into in order to combat the Legion and the various imprisoned creatures that have been set free.

  • Q: Fan of Knives - Fan of Knives is an ability used by the Warden in WC3. It flings a flurry of knives to damage multiple enemies in all directions around the Warden, unlike the Heroes version which only hits enemies in a cone in front of Maiev. In WoW, Fan of Knives is an Assassination rogue ability that functions similarly to the WC3 version, damaging all nearby enemies, applying the rogue's active Poison effects, and generating a combo point.

  • W: Umbral Bind - This ability is unique to Heroes, but the name appears to refer to Maiev's weapon, her umbra crescent.

  • E: Spirit of Vengeance - This is a reference to Vengeance, the Ultimate ability for Wardens in WC3, which summons a powerful Avatar of Vengeance which resembles a strange shadowy reflection of the Warden and can automatically summon invulnerable Spirits of Vengeance from the corpses of nearby friendly units to attack enemies. The avatar lasts for up to 180 seconds, and when it dies, the spirits vanish. It should be noted that while Heroes' Spirit of Vengeance is named after the spirits, it's more visually reminiscent of the avatar.

    • Blink - While the Heroes version of Blink is incorporated as part of Spirit of Vengeance, in WC3 Blink and Vengeance are separate abilities. WC3's Blink functions much the same as Zeratul's does, allowing the Warden to teleport a short distance to a target location, and is useful for quickly moving in and out of combat. In the novel Illidan, it's noted that Maiev's power of Blinking originates from the night elf moon goddess Elune. Blink was also translated into a mage spell in WoW, where it's not a targeted ability and instead simply teleports the mage a short distance forward in whatever direction they're facing while also freeing them from all stun and root effects.
  • R1: Containment Disc - This ability is a reference to the crystal prisons used by Maiev and her Watchers to store Illidan and his demon hunters in the Vault of the Wardens until she was eventually forced to free the demon hunters so they could aid against the Burning Legion. This can all be seen in this cutscene from the demon hunter starting experience in Legion. The idea of creating such a crystal prison by throwing a glaive at an enemy is unique to Heroes of the Storm, however.

  • R2: Warden's Cage - This ability's name is a reference to the Warden's Cage, the prison in Shadowmoon Valley where Maiev was held by Illidan after she was captured by his forces between the events of The Frozen Throne and The Burning Crusade. The prison was watched over by the dreadlord Vagath and the Broken Akama, the latter of which conspired against Illiadn and eventually freed Maiev so she could join the assault on Illidan at the Black Temple.

  • Level 1: Naisha's Memento - Naisha was a night elf huntress and member of the Watchers who accompanied Maiev as her second-in-command during her hunt for Illidan Stormrage in the Sentinels campaign in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The Watchers eventually pursued Illidan into the Tomb of Sargeras, where he began using the Eye of Sargeras to collapse the walls of the tomb. Maiev was able to escape, but she was forced to leave Naisha and the other Watchers to their fate, though she swore to one day avenge them. While fighting against Illidan alongside players at the Black Temple, Maiev will occasionally shout "That is for Naisha!". When players breach the Tomb of Sargeras in Legion, they find Naisha haunting the tomb as a banshee — a type of tortured elven ghost — and Maiev asks players to release her from her suffering. Naisha's Memento causes Maiev's basic attacks to bounce to nearby enemies; this is a callback to the fact that Naisha in WC3, being a Huntress unit, had the passive Moon Glaives ability, allowing her attacks to ricochet to nearby enemies. This talent's icon depicts one of the three-bladed moon glaives wielded by Naisha and other huntresses.

  • Level 4: Blade Dance - Somewhat ironically, this talent shares its name with an ability for demon hunters (specifically the Havoc specialization) in World of Warcraft, where it causes the demon hunter to rapidly dash around and deal significant Physical damage to all nearby enemies and causing them to dodge all attacks for 1 second.

  • Level 7: Elune's Wrath - Elune is a powerful moon goddess worshiped by the night elves. Prior to becoming Illidan's warden, Maiev was a priestess of Elune.

  • Level 20: Shadow Orb: Vengeance/Huntress/Shadow Strike - The Shadow Orb is a magical artifact that was empowered by the orcish Shadow Council and given to the warlock Gul'dan. When Gul'dan was torn apart by demons in the Tomb of Sargeras, the orb shattered into ten fragments. During the WC3:TFT mission "The Tomb of Sargeras", in which Maiev explores the tomb, an optional quest revolves around gathering all ten of the fragments. With each added fragment, the Shadow Orb grows more powerful, granting increased attack damage and (if the player gathers enough fragments) eventually also increased armor and health regeneration. Maiev could continue carrying the orb in subsequent missions throughout the rest of the campaign, but it's unknown what happened to the artifact after WC3 and whether or not Maiev still has it in her possession.

    • Shadow Orb: Huntress - Possibly a reference to the Huntress, a night elf unit in WC3 which was mounted on nightsaber panthers, allowing them to move faster than many other ground units. As previously mentioned, Maiev's late lieutenant Naisha was a huntress.
    • Shadow Orb: Shadow Strike - Shadow Strike is a Warden ability in WC3 which hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing large initial damage and then a smaller amount of damage over time while also slowing their movement speed by 50%. The Heroes version of Shadow Strike replicates the WC3 ability's audiovisual effect of a small shadowy creature appearing over the target's head and letting out a chittering laughter.
Poke quotes

Warcraft III Maiev quotes

Warcraft III Warden quotes

I used to think justice was blind, and then I met Illidan. - "Justice is blind" is a saying referring to the ideal that justice should be neutral and impartial, as embodied by the blindfolded "Lady Justice". Demon hunters like Illidan ritualistically blind themselves to gain so-called "spectral sight", allowing them to perceive magical energies and see through walls and obstacles, though Illidan himself is a rather unique case since his eyes were instead burned out by the Dark Titan Sargeras.

I am vengeance. I am the night. I am a warden! - Reference to a famous line by the DC Comics superhero Batman, simply replacing the word "Batman" with "a warden" in the last sentence.

Nothing escapes my sight, not even when I Blink. - Unavoidable pun is unavoidable.

My umbra crescent is a formidable weapon, but my skills are what make me dangerous. A warden's true power comes from beyond the glaive! - The umbra crescent is the type of weapon Maiev wields. I'm not entirely sure what the rest of this quote is referencing, though.

I will never forgive Cordana for betraying us, but after dealing with Khadgar I can see why she lost her sanity. - Cordana Felsong was a Watcher in service to Maiev who accompanied the famed human archmage Khadgar on the alternate universe version of the planet Draenor during Warlords of Draenor. Cordana was eventually corrupted by the alternate universe's Gul'dan, becoming a servant of the Burning Legion and later aiding the demons in invading the Vault of the Wardens in Legion. When Khadgar met with Maiev to ask for her help in tracking Gul'dan between the events of Warlords and Legion, Maiev blamed Khadgar for Cordana's betrayal, citing the Watcher's reports of Khadgar being reckless, arrogant, imprecise, headstrong, and slow to accept advice. This quote likely also references the slightly more humorous status Khadgar gained in the WoW community during Warlords and Legion due to his eccentric behavior, habit of cracking puns, and tendency of sending players to gather excessively specific amounts of magical artifacts, which in turn has led to the creation of various community memes.

Like us wardens, owls are vigilant watchers and silent hunters. They're also quite good at delivering letters. Much better than ravens, anyway. - In Legion, the wardens frequently use owls as companions and scouts. This quote references the Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire series, in which owls and ravens, respectively, are used to deliver letters.

I am NOTHING like Illidan! I merely do whatever is necessary to achieve my goals, even if it means making morally questionable decisions while growling about the hatred I felt for 10,000 years! - Despite the enmity between the two, Maiev and Illidan are rather similar in several regards, and characters like Akama have acknowledged that Maiev is oftentimes no better than Illidan.

Betraying the kaldorei? That's an imprisoning. Consorting with demons? That's an imprisoning. Consuming the Skull of Gul'dan and becoming a demon? Oh, you better believe that's an imprisoning! - These all describe acts committed by Illidan. This quote is a reference to a line spoken by Jasper Beardly in the twenty-first episode of season 6 of the American animated sitcom The Simpsons.

I have no idea where my brother Jarod went during his long exile! Am I my brother's keeper? No! I'm Illidan's keeper! - During the last stretch of the War of the Ancients, Maiev's younger brother Jarod led the mortal resistance forces to victory over the Burning Legion. After the war, Jarod vanished to an unknown location in self-imposed exile along with his lover and eventual wife Shalasyr due to being uncomfortable in the role of a war hero and due to growing disenchantment with post-war night elf society. More than 10,000 years later, specifically in the WoW novel Wolfheart, Jarod returned to his people after his wife Shalasyr fell ill (and eventually died before the night elves could save her). During their initial reunion, Maiev chastised her younger brother, seeing him as having abandoned the duty to his people.

Why, yes, I do know the secret behind the owl statues on the Isle of the Watchers. All wardens do. We just won't share it with you. - The Isle of the Watchers is a large island off the southern coast of Azsuna. It is the location for the Vault of the Wardens, and is also home to nine large, apparently warden-made "Owl of the Watcher" statues. The statues can be interacted with by clicking on them, but most of the time nothing happens, while other times a generic error message pops up or the player character is given a seemingly random temporary buff. Naturally, this has led to a lot of player speculation about the statues' purpose, with some speculating that they're part of some hidden puzzle (numerous others of which have been discovered throughout the course of Legion). I'll admit I have not been keeping up to date with a lot of Legion content at all, so I don't actually know what the current consensus on the statue mystery is, but judging by this quote it seems that it has yet to be figured out by the playerbase.

A pristine Core Hound Tooth, a custom-forged Perdition's Blade, and of course a sharpened Shard of Azzinoth. My dagger collection is quite extensive. That's because I'm a fan of knives. - This pun is so stupid but it makes me grin every time regardless. To explain a bit more, Core Hound Tooth, Perdition's Blade, and Shard of Azzinoth are the names of three iconic dagger items from World of Warcraft: Core Hound Tooth (named after core hounds, a type of two-headed elemental lava monsters) can be looted after defeating Majordomo Executus in the Molten Core raid in classic WoW, while Perdition's Blade can be looted from Molten Core's final boss, Ragnaros himself. The Shard of Azzinoth (apparently a fragment of Illidan's weapons, the Twin Blades of Azzinoth) can be looted from Illidan in the Black Temple in The Burning Crusade.

So I murdered a few Highborne, tried to kill Malfurion, and fled Darnassus as a wanted fugitive. Can't you just drop it and move on? Everyone else has. - This is a description of the events of the novel Wolfheart, in which Maiev seemingly goes completely insane, kills several innocent Highborne (night elf mages once part of the uppermost caste of ancient society, exiled after the War of the Ancients but recently let back into night elf society), tries to kill Malfurion due to having become convinced that he's no better than his brother, and is ultimately forced to flee from the night elf capital of Darnassus after being fought off by her younger brother Jarod. This quote lampshades the fact that Blizzard so far seems content to pretend like the events of the novel never happened; despite Maiev's significant role in Legion, the only time her Darnassian murder spree is mentioned is during a quest line in which players help Jarod find and rescue Maiev, with Jarod claiming that he knows Maiev wouldn't have committed the murders unless she was under some corrupt influence.

What do you mean I'm obsessed with Illidan? It's not like I think about him every day and every night, picturing his smug grin as I sharpen my glaive, imagining how it would feel when I plunge it into his chest right between those big, disgusting tattoos, leaning in close to watch the light fade from his eyes... Oh, I'm sorry, what were you saying? - I'll let this one speak for itself.

You're still talking to me?! At least give me a cough drop, you monster! - Given her raspy voice, Maiev could probably benefit from some cough medicine.

Interaction quotes

(Generic) Maiev: "Today, justice will be done!" - A line yelled by Maiev when she appears at the Black Temple to aid player characters against Illidan at the Black Temple in The Burning Crusade.

(To demon hunters) Maiev: "Illidari, while you caper about, I shall see to the real work." - Maiev fought against Illidan and his Illidari demon hunter followers until she defeated them and had them imprisoned in the Vault of the Wardens. Years later, she was forced to release them and relucantly work alongside them against the Burning Legion. This quote is specifically a callback to the WoW quest "Assault on Broken Shore", in which Maiev says "Illidan, how courteous of you to finally arrive! Wardens, see to the real work while Illidan's demon hunters caper about their bats" after Illidan arrives to the battle against the Legion at the Broken Shore.

(To demon hunters) Maiev: "I would do anything to save Azeroth, even if it means releasing you." - A direct quote from the Legion cutscene in which Maiev shatters the prison of the demon hunter player character.

(To druids) Maiev: "Your aid is most welcome, druid." - Several night elf druids loyal to the Watchers aided Maiev in her search for Illidan across Azeroth and Outland, including one named Sarius.

(To druids) Maiev: "Good to see you're awake for this fight." - After the War of the Ancients, night elf druids (who were at the time exclusively male) would hibernate for centuries at a time so that their spirits could navigate the mystical dimension known as the Emerald Dream.

Maiev: "The foul menace you serve will never conquer Azeroth, warlock!" Gul'dan: "[laughs] Such delusion." - Gul'dan is a servant of the demonic Burning Legion, which has tried and failed to conquer Azeroth numerous times.

Gul'dan: "An eternity of darkness awaits those who challenge me." Maiev: "I've seen how you die, Gul'dan — betrayed and desperate. You deserve nothing less." - At the end of the Second War, Gul'dan and his followers ventured into the Tomb of Sargeras in search of the demonic power therein, specifically the artifact called the Eye of sargeras. However, the orcs were attacked by the tomb's demonic guardians, and in the end all of Gul'dan's followers fled or died, leaving him to try to reach the chamber containing the Eye on his own, desperate and bleeding, until he was finally torn apart by the demons as well. Gul'dan left several orcish runes on the walls of the tomb to log his journey, and when Maiev years later visited the tomb she learned of Gul'dan's final moments from these runes.

(To Horde characters) Maiev: "The Horde? Must I ally with such filth?" / "When this is over, I will see your kind purged from Ashenvale!" - The Horde, one of the two major factions in the Warcraft universe and the enemy of the Alliance of which the night elves are members, have long fought against the kaldorei, particularly in a campaign to claim the vast lumber reserves of the night elves' ancestral home of Ashenvale Forest.

Maiev has spent most of her life as either jailor or hunter of the Betrayer, Illidan Stormrage. After he betrayed the night elves by creating a second Well of Eternity after the War of the Ancients, Illidan was sealed in a prison in the Barrow Deeps below Mount Hyjal, with Maiev volunteering to serve as his warden and founding an order called the Watchers to stand guard over his prison. During the Third War, Illidan was freed by Tyrande Whisperwind, and for years Maiev pursued him throughout Azeroth and Outland to recapture or kill him, eventually defeating him at the Black Temple with the aid of WoW player characters and storing his corpse in the Vault of the Wardens. Illidan's body was later stolen by the Burning Legion, but after he was resurrected Maiev was forced to work alongside him against the Legion at the Broken Shore and in the Tomb of Sargeras. I don't have much to say about the following five interactions between Illidan and Maiev, since they all pretty much convey the same thing, so I'll mostly just let them speak for themselves.

Maiev: "Illidan, I will hunt you down for as long as I live!" Illidan: "Then, for your sake, I hope you die."

Maiev: "Did you really think you could elude me, Illidan? Run again, and I'll shackle you like the beast you are!" Illidan: "Just be glad I have no plans to kill you... yet." / Illidan: "Are you ready for the hunt to begin?" Maiev: "Forgive me if my glaive finds your heart, Illidan. It's hard to distinguish you from the rest of this filth." - References to the banter between Illidan and Maiev in the Cathedral of Eternal Night dungeon in Legion.

Illidan: "Can you put aside your anger, warden?" Maiev: "Can you put aside your arrogance, Betrayer?"

Illidan: "Can you put aside your anger, warden?" Maiev: "I don't know, can you put on a shirt? It's distracting." - ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

Maiev: "Allying with Illidan... I always knew you couldn't be trusted, Kael'thas!" Kael'thas: "Let's get this over with." / Kael'thas: "I see, it is you." Maiev: "Yes, ME, the one who saved your wretched life back in Lordaeron." - While searching for Illidan in the undead-ravaged land of Lordaeron, Maiev and Tyrande came across Kael'thas and his force of blood elves, who were being constantly assailed by the undead Scourge. In exchange for the night elves' aid against the Scourge, Kael and his forces helped them hunt down and ultimately defeat Illidan. Much later, however, racist treatment from their Alliance brethren, particularly the human commander Othmar Garithos, caused the blood elves to seek out and join forces with Illidan in the shattered world of Outland, fighting alongside Illidan's naga to liberate the Betrayer from Maiev. Logically, Maiev viewed the blood elves' actions as a betrayal.

Maiev: "I see you, too, thirst for vengeance. We will claim it together!" Kerrigan: "Let's go tear them apart." - Kerrigan long pursued vengeance against the terran emperor Arcturus Mengsk, the man who betrayed her by leaving her for the zerg and causing her to be transformed into the Queen of Blades.

Maiev: "Malfurion! I thought I smelled the stench of cowardice." Malfurion: "Let's get moving. There's time for us to hate each other later." / Malfurion: "Hrm... fate has chosen to be unkind to me this day." Maiev: "A true shan'do would forge their own fate." - Maiev originally deeply respected Malfurion, but she eventually came to hate him instead, believing him to be as arrogant as his brother Illidan, resenting him for choosing not to ask the Dragon Aspects to bless the World Tree Nordrassil and renew the night elves' immortality, and despising his decision to allow the Highborne back into night elf society. Maiev eventually tried to kill Malfurion, but the attempt was thwarted by her brother Jarod. Shan'do is a night elf honorific that translates to "honored teacher". Malfurion is often referred to as "Shan'do Stormrage", particularly by Maiev in WC3.

(To mages) Maiev: "Sorcerers! I detest your kind, but you do have your uses." / "The arcane is responsible only for ruin! Misuse it, and I will show you no mercy." - Maiev has an intense hatred of arcane magic, having seen the chaos it could wreak when the Highborne sorcerers drew the Burning Legion to Azeroth and caused the War of the Ancients. During the events of the novel Wolfheart, this distaste manifested in Maiev murdering a number of innocent Highborne that had recently been let back into night elf society.

(To Murky) Maiev: "Where's Murgulis?!" / "Where's Murkidan?!" - Murgulis and Murkidan are two murloc demon hunters from World of Warcraft. Murkidan is a baby murloc in-game pet that was given out during BlizzCon 2015. Just like how most BlizzCon pets are themed after something relevant to their year's BlizzCon, Murkidan is a murloc demon hunter themed after Illidan Stormrage, who was at the forefront of the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion that had been announced at Gamescom earlier that year. Murgulis, on the other hand, is a murloc demon hunter who appears in patch 7.2 of Legion. He uses the same model as Murkidan and helps players defend the zone of Stormheim on the Broken Isles when it is occasionally invaded by the Burning Legion.

Maiev: "Your armor is your prison? Is that what passes for justice among your people? Pathetic." Tychus: "Yeah, I can't believe it either." / Tychus: "I can't believe I got stuck babysittin' you." Maiev: "Watch your tongue, convict, or I'll throw you back into prison myself." - For his numerous crimes, Tychus was initially given a life sentence and placed in cryogenic stasis by the Terran Confederacy, but years later he was freed and outfitted with his old armor by Arcturus Mengsk, who tasked him with killing Sarah Kerrigan in exchange for freedom. However, as part of this deal, Tychus was unable to remove his armor, essentially making it his prison, and if he disobeyed orders the suit was wired to shut down his vital organs.

Maiev: "Are you prepared to deliver justice to this realm?" Tyrael: "I am justice itself." / Tyrael: "No evil shall escape our sight." Maiev: "The Archangel of Justice! It is an honor to fight beside you." - Maiev is very fixated on the idea of meeting out "justice". Tyrael, being the Archangel of Justice, is the very embodiment of the concept.

Maiev: "The traitor Tyrande. You belong in a cell no less than Illidan!" Tyrande: "We remain allied through convenience. Do not make it... inconvenient." / Tyrande: "[sigh] The goddess seems to be testing my resolve." Maiev: "Like she tested mine while you murdered my sisters?!" - As the head of night elf government, Tyrande was the one that Maiev's Watchers answered to directly. During the Third War, Tyrande decided to release Illidan from his prison so that he could aid against the Burning Legion, but when the Watchers refused, Tyrande killed many of them. As might be expected, Maiev was outraged, and when Malfurion and Tyrande later came to the warden's aid against Illidan on the Broken Isles, Maiev told Tyrande that "It is you who should be locked in a cage".

Maiev: "A demon hunter, are you? Hm. Your brand of demon hunting, I can accept." Valla: "Come, let's join the hunt." - Warcraft and Diablo demon hunters are similar in many aspects, with both being vigilantes that dedicate themselves entirely to hunting demonkind, often due to having suffered personal losses at the hands of invading demons, and who are often shunned by the societies they try to protect. However, while Diablo demon hunters do use some shadow magic, they mostly focus on ranged weaponry and don't use the demons' own powers against them, unlike Warcraft demon hunters, so I guess that makes them more acceptable in Maiev's eyes.

Kill quotes

Generic: "Justice is mine!" - This is Maiev's attack quote in Hearthstone.

Demon: "A fitting end to a vile invader." - Demons have launched large-scale invasions of Azeroth three times, and each time they've been beaten back by Azeroth's mortal defenders; the first two times, the night elves played particularly vital roles in their defeat.

Gul'dan: "I'm keeping your Shadow Orb!" - Gul'dan wielded an artifact called the Shadow Orb, which shattered into several fragments when he died in the Tomb of Sargeras. Years later, Maiev gathered and reassembled the fragments of the orb to aid in her battles against Illidan's forces. In Heroes of the Storm, the artifact is the basis for Maiev's level 20 talents (see above).

Highborne: "Traitorous scum, I'll wipe you all out." - The Highborne were originally the upper classes of ancient night elf society. They caused the War of the Ancients by luring the Burning Legion to Azeroth and opening the way for the Legion in exchange for promises of power. After the War of the Ancients, some groups of Highborne went into exile, with one group later being allowed to rejoin night elf society during the events of Wolfheart. Maiev was outraged and murdered several Highborne until she was stopped by Malfurion and Jarod.

Illidan: "My long hunt is finally over." - A quote spoken by Maiev when she first appears to fight Illidan at the Black Temple.

Illidan: "I feel nothing. I am nothing." / Illidan: "Hmm. I thought that would be more satisfying." - With the help of WoW player characters, Maiev managed to kill Illidan, but with his dying breath he told her that the huntress was nothing without the hunt; that Maiev was nothing without Illidan. Maiev realized the truth in his words, stating "He's right. I feel nothing... I am... nothing".

Kael'thas: "You should have kept your mouth shut!" / Tyrande: "This time, you really are dead." - I'll explain both of these at the same time to avoid repeating myself too much. While searching for Illidan in Lordaeron, Maiev and Tyrande encountered and began aiding Kael'thas and his blood elves against the undead Scourge in exchange for Kael aiding in the hunt for Illidan. At one point, the group was ambushed by a large force of undead, and Tyrande offered to stay behind and hold a nearby bridge while Maiev and the blood elves moved to the safety of the other side. While Tyrande did managed to hold the undead off, the bridge eventually collapsed under her and sent her sweeping downriver towards Scourge territory. Kael wanted to try rescuing her, but Maiev convinced him to move on to search for Illidan. Later, Maiev lied to Malfurion that Tyrande had been torn apart in order to motivate him to strike at Illidan instead of "wasting" time searching for Tyrande. After Illidan was defeated, Malfurion accused him of being responsible for Tyrande's death, but Kael'thas spoke up and revealed that the priestess might still be alive, despite Maiev telling him to be quiet. This caused Malfurion to turn against Maiev and join forces with Illidan to find and rescue the still living Tyrande from the undead.

Mage: "The only good mage is a dead mage." - As previously mentioned, Maiev has an obsessive hatred of mages and their use of arcane magic, particularly Highborne.

Malfurion: "THAT was for the good of the kaldorei!" - Another reference to the events of Wolfheart.

Naga: "You are an affront to everything the night elves stand for!" - The naga were originally night elves, specifically members of Queen Azshara's court of Highborne, transformed into aquatic, serpent-like beings by the malefic Old Gods after the War of the Ancients. Millennia later, a group of naga led by Lady Vashj joined forces with Illidan and repeatedly fought against Maiev and her Watchers. This quote is specifically a callback to the WC3:TFT mission "The Search for Illidan", in which Vashj's naga and Kael'thas' blood elves (another race descended from the Highborne) fight to liberate the captured Illidan from Maiev's forces. During the mission, Maiev will occasionally yell "Blood elves and naga! Your bastard races are an affront to everything the night elves stand for!"

Valla: "Hmm... wrong demon hunter." - As previously mentioned, Warcraft and Diablo demon hunters are similar in some regards but are fundamentally different in their methods.

Zeratul: "I know all your tricks, Zeratul!" - A reference to the fact that all of the WC3 Warden's non-Ultimate abilities function extremely similarly to Zeratul's basic abilities in Heroes of the Storm: there's a point-blank damage AoE (Fan of Knives/Cleave), a ranged single-target spell that damages and slows an enemy (Shadow Strike/Singularity Spike), and an instant short-range teleport (Blink/Blink). WC3 Maiev having the same kit as Zeratul was commonly brought up as a concern among the playerbase whenever Maiev was discussed as a potential Heroes of the Storm character. In the end, Blizzard did end up incorporating several of the WC3 Warden's abilities into Maiev's Heroes kit, albeit with heavily altered functionalities to avoid overlap with Zeratul.

Killing Maiev quotes

Illidan: "You have failed, warden." - Yup.

Other quotes

Abandon hope! (Warden's Cage) / None shall flee my grasp! (unknown) - References to Maiev's Hearthstone hero trailer.

Ashal theridas! (Containment Disc) - WC3 attack quote. While clearly an example of Darnassian, the night elf language, Blizzard hasn't provided an official translation for this quote. This transcription may or may not be inaccurate, as well.

Bleed as I have bled! (attack) / There shall be no prison for you this time! (voice line) - Quotes yelled by Maiev while fighting against Illidan at the Black Temple.

Enough of this! The hunt awaits! / Illidan is out there somewhere. / We must hurry! I have no time for idle nonsense! / We're wasting time here. (shop) - References to some of Maiev's WC3 select quotes.

For the Watchers! (attack) - WC3 attack quote.

Heal yourself! You're no good to me dead. (a nearby ally is low on health) - Possibly a reference to a similar line said by Boba Fett in the 1980 film Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and which is also referenced by one of the WC3 Wardens' poke quotes: "He's no good to me dead". Like Boba Fett, night elf wardens often serve as bounty hunters, hence the reference.

I am the iron hand of justice! (Containment Disc) - A WC3 Warden select quote. WC3 Maiev has a similar line, stating "I am the hand of justice" when resurrected at an altar. In Hearthstone, Maiev speaks the "iron hand" line at the start of a match if both players are using Maiev as their hero.

I am vengeance itself. / *I am forever bound to the hunt!" (shop) - During the WC3:TFT cutscene "A Parting of Ways", Malfurion tells Tyrande that Maiev "has become vengeance itself, bound forever to the hunt".

I hold you in contempt! (voice line) - WC3 Warden poke quote.

I sentence you to death! / I will be your executioner! (attack) - One of the WC3 Wardens' poke quotes is "I shall be your executioner". In the ending cutscene of the WC3:TFT mission "The Ruins of Dalaran", Maiev sentences the defeated Illidan to death and declares that she will execute him herself (though of course this doesn't end up happening).

Let the hunt begin. (move) - WC3 Warden move quote.

Meet your end! (attack) - During the The Burning Crusade quest "A Distraction for Akama", Maiev yells "Meet your end, demon!" when she attacks the demons guarding the front of the Black Temple.

Now is the time. / The guilty will suffer. (move) - WC3 move quotes.

Swear to me! (voice line) - Probably another Batman reference, specifically this scene from the 2005 film Batman Begins.

Swiftly. (move) - Maiev says this in Hearthstone when the player's turn timer is about to run out.

This will be your prison! (Containment Disc) - Likely a reference to the Legion cutscene in which Maiev imprisons Illidan's demon hunters and tells them that "You bear the mark of his corruption. And so, the demon's blood within you... will be your prison!"

Tor ilisar'thera'nal! (Warden's Cage) - An ancient Darnassian war cry which translates to "Let our enemies beware!". This is also Maiev's "warcry" quote in WC3 (that is, an attack quote which has a small chance to play when she's ordered to attack an enemy hero unit).

Where's Illidan? (voice line) - A direct quote of the flavor text on Maiev Shadowsong's Silver Coin, one of various coins that can be fished up by players from a wishing fountain in the city of Dalaran.

Where the hell are our reinforcements?! (ping) - Another quote from the "Assault on Broken Shore" quest in Legion.

You incur my wrath! (attack) - Threaten emote from Hearthstone.

You will be avenged! I swear it! - Maiev says this in the WC3:TFT mission "The Tomb of Sargeras" when Illidan uses the Eye of Sargeras to bury her Watchers (including Naisha) alive and allowing only Maiev to escape.

Announcer quotes

Justice has come! (hero killed) - WC3 Warden warcry quote.

Justice will be done! (start of match) - One of Maiev's select quotes from WC3.


Maiev's base model features several differences from her canonical appearance. Her hair is purple, reflecting its appearance in WC3, rather than the white it's been depicted as in every other appearance Maiev has made post-WC3. The "crescent" shape behind her head is a single metal piece located behind her shoulders instead of being two separate blades attached to her shoulderpads like it's usually depicted. Finally, her cloak is lacking its iconic metal blades, which I imagine is probably due to limitations on how many polygons basic hero models can use.

  • Darnassian - Darnassus is the capital city of the night elves, nestled in the boughs of the World Tree Teldrassil, and is also the name of the night elves' in-game reputation faction in World of Warcraft. This skin is based around Darnassus' tabards and banners, which depict a silver tree and crescent moon on a violet background, an emblem that can also be seen on Maiev's shoulderpads while using this skin.

  • Watcher - This skin reflects the color scheme of the updated warden model introduced in World of Warcraft: Legion.

  • Hellwarden - This skin depicts Maiev as a "Hellwarden", supposedly a type of servant of Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish and one of the four Lesser Evils in the Diablo universe.

    • Dreadwarden - This skin's color scheme is similar to the typical appearance of nathrezim demons, also known as dreadlords (represented in Heroes by Dreadlord Jaina).
    • Hordewarden - This skin makes Maiev's armor appear red, the main color of the Horde, and makes her skin green, similar to that of an orc's (the Horde's main race).
  • The three Maiev teasers posted by Blizzard on Twitter are seen from the perspective of someone encased in a crystal prison that is eventually shattered by Maiev, referencing the Legion cutscene in which Maiev frees the player character demon hunter.

  • The music in Maiev's Hero Spotlight is a mix between "Night Elf 2" from the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos soundtrack, the night elf theme from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, and her Heroes of the Storm character theme.

  • I'm not actually sure what the first part of Maiev's Heroes of the Storm theme is based on. I believe it's from the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm soundtrack for Darkshore or possibly Mount Hyjal, but I'm not really sure. In any case, the second part is an updated version of "Pursuit" from The Frozen Throne.

And that's all for this week. As always, all feedback and suggestions are appreciated. I unfortunately ended up having to cut some content due to nearly exceeding Reddit's character limit, but that's how it is with lore-heavy characters like this, I guess. Next week I'm thinking of tackling Uther the Lightbringer, so see you all for that!

submitted by /u/StuntedSlime
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Every 4chan's /vg/ HotS thread ever, in a nutshell

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:11 AM PST


  • 4chan: entertaining (but shitty) discussions, good memes and art
  • reddit: good (but circlejerk) discussions and occasionally high-effort content
  • blizz forums: absolute cesspool where sanity goes to die
submitted by /u/Phoenixed
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Competitive Hero Tier List January 2018 - Based on pro picks and bans in the past 30 days

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:20 AM PST

Idea: exodia sprays

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:37 AM PST

Basically 5 sprays that create 1 big image if used together. Could be fun in TL or in pro teams. Nice meme value.


  • Murky the forgotten one
  • Right arm of the forgotten one
  • Fish of the forgotten one
  • Left leg of the forgotten one
  • Right leg of the forgotten one
submitted by /u/Balint197
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Announcer suggestion: Donny Vermillion

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:44 AM PST

You have slain. Hero, have you no conscience?

submitted by /u/sebbange
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WarCraft 2 boxart banner + spray

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:26 PM PST

I played WarCraft 2 growing up and I always loved the boxart. I'd love a banner and/or spray that was inspired by that boxart.

WarCraft 2 boxart: https://i.imgur.com/eO94sMK.jpg

submitted by /u/goldgibbon
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GAME BREAKING BUG: Anub'arak cocoon bug

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:52 AM PST


I had the joy of experiencing this bug yesterday...as you can see from the gif, I was playing ana and anub cocoon me however when I was released I disappeared, unable to do anything, and it stayed like this for the rest of the game. My teammates can still ping me showing am there, anyone know what might have caused this?

submitted by /u/pikakun
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Storyline Matchups: What to Watch in Week 3 (EU)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:50 PM PST

While you're at it with the Target Info Panel, please consider this

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:07 PM PST

Maiev is another hero coming to the game that has a base Armor value.

That said, she (and every other such character, like Arthas) should really have that "+10 🛡" icon next to their health bar visible at all times, not only when temporary Armor/Physical Armor/Spell Armor is gained.

Because especially in Maiev's case, her displayed value is now always misleading, as it doesn't account for the 10 base Armor.

That'd be awesome, thanks.

submitted by /u/azurevin
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All HGC China Matches now on Masterleague.net

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:46 AM PST

Hey Guys,

just wanted to give you guys a Heads up, that all Drafts for the HGC China Matches are now on Masterleague.net even the ones that didn't get Broadcasted.

Shoutouts to /u/lerhond and /u/Dthehunter helping to get the Replays and the Drafts out of the Replays.

Also even though Masterleague.net is on sale, the page still adds all the HGC Games. The NA Games from Sunday are getting added during Monday because of the EU / NA Timezone Difference.

submitted by /u/SlapJack1337
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As a hero league player, quickmatch is almost unbearable - this is a problem

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:59 AM PST

When I need to level heroes to 5 for HL, my go-to is quickmatch, but playing this mode feels like torture. Games are either unwinnable or "un-throwable" by virtue of haphazard matchmaking and team comps alone. And the problem is, quickmatch makes up for 60-80% of all HoTS games.

This means 60-80% of the entire player base is subject to the terrible feeling of helplessness that is QM. How can a game grow if its most popular mode is like this? The amount of threads popping up about this isn't surprising - and neither is the gloom going around that we're bleeding players. If the main mode of the game isn't enjoyable, and the barrier to entry for the "best" mode is so high, why would the average player keep at it? QM is the first impression a new player gets - and if they have a sour experience, there's no reason for them to try any other mode - they'll assume it's the same everywhere.

I find it astonishing the only developments to QM over the many years since HotS's release have been modifications to "matchmaking rules" rather than iterations/improvements on the game mode itself. Adjusting "team comp rules" ie. "can you have mirror matches? can you have one tank comps go against those with two?" are simply attempts to bandaid an underlying condition, which is that QM is fundamentally flawed.

QM needs two things for it to be enjoyable:

  • FAR stricter matchmaking

  • A 10-20 second pre-load phase, where each player is shown the upcoming map and his allies' hero choices; during which they are given the option to pick something else to better suit the team and map.

As it is now, QM is the most backward "main game mode" of all the MOBAs I've played. It really needs a revamp.

submitted by /u/Kotobeast
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BamBam is the Bill Gates of Heroes

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:46 AM PST

Gul'dan and Ana 2v4

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:12 PM PST

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