Heroes of the Storm - HGC Open Division Cup 4

HGC Open Division Cup 4

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:06 AM PST

EU Open

Last week Teraz Rodzina managed to clinch out a win over previous champions Team Singularity and went on to win the finals, becoming your Cup 3 victors! Will they be able to do the same this week, or will yet another team step up to the plate and take the cup? Be sure to let us know what you think will happen below!
Last week's MVP was [Muugilol[(https://twitter.com/muugilol) from ePunks, nominated for his incredible assassin gameplay!
If you missed Cup 3's action, make sure to check out the full recap for the finals in our weekly recap!

Where & When to Watch

EU Cup 4 goes live on February 19 & 20 at 9 am PST/ 6 pm CET
English (Grubby & Tetcher)
English (Xavalosh & Zambrak)
French (Malganyr & Leviis)
Spanish (Sarly21)
Russian (Qp3r)
German (KnowMe)
German (TazzDingo)
Italian (Piudidue)

EU Bracket

Current EU Open Division Standings

NA Open

Over in NA, SMV managed to take their second victory of the season, only dropping 1 game all cup, and their support iakona became our MVP for his stellar play! Will SMV take their third victory this week, or will another team bring their A-game and show the champs how its done? Be sure to give us your thoughts below!
If you missed it, be sure to check out our weekly recap!

Where & When to Watch

NA Cup 4 goes live on February 19 & 20 at 6 pm PST
SolidJake & Kala
Bahamut & Hero

NA Bracket

Current NA Open Division Standings


In case you missed it, be sure to check out our interview with the one and only Tetcher, one of our EU Open casters!

About the HGC Open & Signups

The HGC Open Division is run by HeroesHype, and provides an opportunity for Heroes of the Storm players at all levels to take their shot at being a professional HGC player. Think your team has potential and can duke it out with the best? Make sure to sign up for cups before weekly registration closes over at our website!


Be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions, and check out the links below for more information!
HeroesHype Discord (Tournament Announcements and Administration)
HeroesHype Website
HeroesHype Twitter

submitted by /u/pacemaker95
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Hero Discussion: Brightwing

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:37 AM PST

Welcome to Special Support Mondays, where we feature a hero discussion about popular Specialists or Supports every Monday.

Brightwing The Faerie Dragon

HoTS Birthday & Cost: April 15, 2014 & 625 Gems / 7000 Gold

HotS Wikia Link


Balance History

Recent HL Gameplay w/Grubby

Recent Coaching Session w/Kala

Brightwing is currently the second highest Win Percentage support on Heroes.report (52%) and HotsLogs (51%), yet the heroes popularity is in the middle of all supports.

  • This hero is classified as Hard, what makes them hard to play?
  • When do you prioritizing drafting this hero and on what maps?
  • Which Heroic ability do you prioritize taking?
  • Do you have any tips/tricks or uncommon knowledge to share?
  • Do you think she needs a rework or quest talents added?
  • Are there any popular streamers or guides that helped you improve playing?

Previous Hero Discussions
The sidebar for /r/Heroesofthestorm/ is updated to include the Hero Discussions wiki.

submitted by /u/LDAP
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Just had the worst game I've ever had, and despite reports, nothing will probably happen

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:55 PM PST

So we had one guy get mad that he didn't get to play chromie, so he switched alarak last pick instead of healer at the last minute and said "FU all". Which is normal enough. But then our leoric started acting strange. First I noticed he was intentionally chasing teammates back and forth to spread living bomb as much as possible (and using Wrath walk to make sure it got us). He barely attacked the enemy (less than 1,000 hero and siege damage).

Finally, when he got his ult, he literally used it to screw us over as much as possible. If I got hit with purifier beam he'd block off my escape. If we tried to take a point he'd split us in half so our offensive would fail.

I have never had someone behave so badly in a HOTS game, and the sad thing is, even if all of us and the enemy report, nothing will happen. Because blizzard reporting system for behavior like this seems to be a joke - we have no evidence to the contrary.

Edit: Some people saying other games have it worse. https://goo.gl/images/EWxBUz

People asking what Blizzard could do? They could say something about it. They could send messages if a report you made contributed to someone being suspended or banned. They could give numbers of bans/suspensions. A few people rarely complain about it, but if they were taking significant action with this level of toxicity I'd expect a lot more actually complaining about it, and the complaints I've seen usually revolve around the fact that they just have automated systems muting people for abusive chat without actually checking. So one thing they do is a rare automated system for saying something nasty enough times. No evidence that something like I described above would ever be punished, even if it is constant. I have not seen one statement from blizzard to that effect.

I am nice to strangers, and I mute the second someone says something nasty. If it's nasty enough, I report. But it feels so pointless not knowing anything about how it's being handled. I'd be much more inclined to stick around with occasional bad apples if there was an indication this was being handled AT ALL.

That kind of toxicity, and throwing games this badly is ruining the game for a lot of people. If nothing is done, that's gonna drive away positive people like me who love the game and want to play it, and leave this game more and more a cesspool. Blizzard is in the position to prevent a lot of it. To make a good faith showing that they're actually trying. If they actually want to do something about it.

submitted by /u/weiyanzhuo
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It's ok to do nothing.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:56 AM PST

I think I'm closing in on about 6,000 games and even at mid diamond level people still struggle with this concept.

Often times, especially late game, doing nothing is usually the best play.

When you are level 22, two of your teammates are dead and are going to respawn in 15 seconds, sit at your keep and wait.

Don't try to clear a minion wave in thats in the dead center of the map, that XP is meaningless and they will see you, pick you off 1 v 5, and you will die.

Don't try to get vision of the enemy team, you'll get picked and die.

Don't poke the enemy team who is doing the objective, you'll get picked and die.

Late game staggering deaths is the worst possible thing you can do.

Instead of trying to add a little damage to the scoreboard and then dying right as your teammates respawn, have patience and wait.

I know 15 or even 20 seconds seems like an eternity, but often times doing nothing and waiting for your team to group as 5 is the best play you will make the entire game.

Happy Monday _^

submitted by /u/UhohQQ
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Dreadnaught: “I miss the challenge of not knowing what’s going to happen over the next 20 minutes of my life”

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:55 PM PST

If you have a bunker Blaze, boat Vikings, and a medivac Morales your team has land,sea,and air covered

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:52 AM PST

Played a game with my friends and we had Morales and Blaze and a couple moments when we flew in on the enemy and bunker'ed almost immediately. Felt like a military operation behind enemy lines. Flew in, built a bunker, made the bad guys dead.

Next time we're bring TLV for that aquatic advantage....

submitted by /u/justmikewilldo
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Insane 4 minutes altar fight on Towers of Doom [HGC EU Open Division]

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:06 PM PST

The problem with exiting a bunker being on R

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:04 AM PST

This is a problem I've developed recently, namely if you try to exit the bunker as it expires you might end up wasting your heroic just because you pressed R just a split second too late. Of course, Blaze himself is not affected by this as his R would be calling down another bunker and that won't happen, but I've tried to exit it with the bonus armor and turned out I dropped my warden's cage with no one around. Used to think it was just annoying to have to press R rather than just simply clicking on the map, but now it's starting to influence my heroics too.

submitted by /u/CalciumCommander
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Reminder we still don’t have global accounts.

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 11:48 PM PST

For a game as big as this from an even bigger company this is a giant disappointment. Not being able to play the same heroes in other regions is beyond annoying.

submitted by /u/MisterMaroonYT
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Can we stop saying GG half way through the game?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

I can't tell you how many games I've played where the other team has an obvious lead and we are able to turn it around and win. Heroes of the storm has a great comeback mechanic. It's incredibly demoralizing and not at all helpful when your teammates show such defeat when there is still a chance of victory. So don't give up! Stay positive! You can do it!

-Nodboy out

submitted by /u/Milk07
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Can we have the option to select a random announcer?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:20 AM PST

I have a few different cool announcers and would like the possibility of being able to rotate randomly between them (or between a selected few, like favourite heros -> favourite announcers). I think this option would also encourage people to collect more announcers. That is all.

submitted by /u/davip
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McIntyre getting sniped while scratching his head.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:18 PM PST

Tempo Storm Kala - Patreon Coaching - Grand Master Chromie

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:08 PM PST

Rehgar Ability and Talent Tree rework concept.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:26 PM PST

Hi Everybody! Rehgar is one of my favorite and most played heroes in the game. He was the first hero I bought and the one who originally carried me to Rank 1 and then later to Master/GM. I think he's still a great all-rounder and balanced in terms of numbers, but his talent tree is getting very long in the tooth (no pun intended). Choices are rather limited aside from levels 1 and 16. So I was thinking about what my ideal talent tree would look like for him.

I wanted to play with his role as a gladiator and also take some inspiration from the Malfurion rework and implement some more interplay between his basic abilities, so his whole kit could feel a little more synergistic and a little more aggressive. I've included explanations where needed, and the numbers are all mutable of course. I'd love to hear any feedback! Here goes:


  • New Trait: Maelstrom

    • Melee attacks generate 5 Maelstrom, up to 100. Damage from Lightning Shield also generates 1 Maelstrom per enemy hit, and 3 Maelstrom when hitting a Hero.
  • Chain Heal

    • Heal an ally for 200 (+4% per level) Health, then heal up to two other nearby allies for 200 (+4% per level) Health each. Casting Chain heal consumes all charges of Maelstrom, increasing the heal amount and lowering mana cost by .5% per Maelstrom. Casting Chain heal at 100 Maelstrom will cause it to bounce one extra time. Cooldown 6 seconds. 65 Mana.
    • Cooldown reduced from 9 > 6 seconds, but with healing reduced from 240 > 200. Healing over time without Maelstrom would be higher but with considerably more mana cost compared to now. The idea is to balance out the need to burst heal or to build up your Maelstrom first for better, cheaper heals.
  • Lightning Shield, Earthbind Totem unchanged

Level 1:

  • (NEW) Flame Shock

    • Activate to deal 100 damage to a target enemy, and an additional 100 damage over 5 seconds. When dealing damage to an enemy Hero, generate 5 Maelstrom per second but gain no Maelrstrom from basic attacks. 10s Cooldown.
    • This is to provide an alternative source of Maelstrom generation and some poke damage if some extra safety is called for.
  • Colossal Totem

    • Increases the area and range of Earthbind Totem by 50%.
    • No Change.
  • Electric Charge

    • Quest: Damage enemy Heroes with Lightning Shield. Every 15 Heroes damaged increases the radius of Lightning Shield by 5%, up to 30%.
    • Reward: After damaging Heroes 90 times, Lightning Shield will not trigger until in range of an enemy. You may only have one Lightning Shield stored at a time.
    • Reworked as a quest talent but with the reward increased from 25% to 30% and brought back an old talent for an interesting reward.
  • Wolf Run

    • Quest: Attack enemy Heroes from Ghost Wolf
    • Reward: After hitting 10 heroes, gain 30% movement speed for 2 seconds when entering or attacking from Ghost Wolf. After hitting 20 Heroes, increase the duration to 3 seconds and the movement speed to 40%.
    • Instead of a basic speed increase, I thought this talent would be better used as an in-combat boost for those who want to dive in and bite more often.

Level 4:

  • Blood and Thunder

    • Hitting an enemy from Ghost Wolf restores 5% maximum mana and reduces Basic Ability cooldowns by 1 second.
    • Reduced CDR from 2>1 second but added mana gain to be more of a general sustain talent.
  • Farsight

    • Activate to reveal an area for 10 seconds. Enemies in the area are revealed for 4 seconds.
    • No change. This has always been a very strong talent, just overshadowed.
  • Totemic Projection

    • Reactivate Earthbind Totem to move an existing totem to a new location once. Increases the duration and health of Earthbind Totem by 50%.
    • Added a health increase to the existing talent, so it actually has a chance to last the full duration.
  • Removed Feral Heart, Spirit Walkers Grace, Stormcaller. Healing Totem moved to 7

Level 7:

  • Healing Totem

    • Activate to place a Totem that heals allies in an area for 2% of their maximum Health every second for 10 seconds. Has 300 health and lasts for 10 seconds. 30s Cooldown.
    • Health increased to 300.
  • (NEW) Cleansing Totem

    • Activate to place a totem that removes slows, roots, and silence effects from allies in range when cast, and reduce the duration of any further effects by 50% until it is destroyed. Has 300 health and lasts for 10 seconds. 30s Cooldown.
  • (NEW) Wind Rush Totem

    • Activate to place a totem that gives allied Heroes 25% movement speed. Has 300 health and lasts for 10 seconds. 30s Cooldown.
  • (NEW) Flametongue Totem

    • Activate to place a totem that gives allies in an area an additional 100 (+4% per level) damage on their next auto attack. This effect is refreshed every 2 seconds on allies within range. Has 300 health and lasts for 10 seconds. 30s Cooldown.
  • Removed Cleanse. Other talents moved to 4

Level 10:

  • Ancestral Healing

    • After 1.5 seconds, heal an allied Hero for 1475 Health.
    • Increased the delay from 1>1.5 seconds. By nerfing it, I'm trying to make AH less of a must-pick and put some of that power into the base kit. In addition, I think requiring further prediction of incoming damage would increase the skill requirement and make it a little more situational overall.
  • Bloodlust

    • Grant nearby allied Heroes 25% Attack Speed, 25% Ability Power, and 25% Movement Speed. Lasts for 8 seconds.
    • Passive Effect: Rehgar's auto attacks generate an additional 2 Maelstrom.
    • Removed healing from auto attacks. Attack speed reduced from 40>25% but now also grants 25% ability power. Passive added. I wanted to remove the compounding niche of being both an AA-comp only Ult and the non-healing Ult. Adding the passive effect highlights this as the more aggressive playstyle.

Level 13

  • (NEW) Shifting Storms

    • Maelstrom (D) can now be activated to instantly generate 20 Maelstrom. If Maelstrom is at 100 stacks, lightning shield is cast for free on Rehgar. 15s Cooldown.
  • (NEW) Ancestral Guidance

    • For every 5 stacks of Maelstrom, 1.5% of the damage dealt by basic attacks heal nearby allies.
  • (NEW) Totem Mastery

    • Reduce the cooldown of all totems by 5 seconds. Any totem will also generate 3 maelstrom per second while you are within range (does not stack).
  • (NEW) Lava Surge

    • Flame Shock now lasts for an additional 2 seconds and deals bonus damage equal to current Maelstrom stacks (up to 100%). Requires Flame Shock talent.
  • Removed Earth Shield, Tidal waves, Earthliving Enchant. I wanted to focus on the new passive with this tier, and also offer more diversity besides a few plain healing boosts.

Level 16

  • Earthgrasp Totem

    • When Earthbind Totem is first cast, it slows nearby enemies by 90% for 1 second.
  • Hunger of the Wolf

    • Ghost Wolf attacks against Heroes deal an additional 5% of the target's maximum Health and heal Rehgar for 5% of his maximum Health.
  • Rising Storm

    • Every time Lighting Shield damages an enemy Hero, increase that Lightning Shield's damage by 10%. Stacks up to 20 times.
  • This tier unchanged

Level 20

  • (NEW) Earthen Shield Totem

    • Activate to place a totem with 2,000 health. 75% of all damage dealt to Allied heroes is redirected to the totem. Lasts for 4 seconds or until it is destroyed. 50s Cooldown.
  • (NEW) Feral Reach

    • Ghost Wolf lunge distance is increased by 100% and grants Rehgar 25 armor for 4 seconds.
  • Gladiators War Shout

    • When Rehgar is damaged below 20% health, cast Bloodlust automatically and gain 100 Maelstrom instantly. This effect has a separate 180 second cooldown.
    • Changed functionality.
  • Farseers Blessing

    • When cast, Ancestral Healing resets the cooldowns of both Rehgar and the target.
    • Changed the Functionality to a unique combination with Rewind.
  • Removed Storm Shield, Rewind

submitted by /u/monkpunch
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[BUG] Apoc doesn't trigger under Iceblock

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:44 AM PST

Last Rites Creepy Execution

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:41 PM PST

https://imgur.com/g85YTBk https://imgur.com/fNET1TK

I was watching Dunk's stream and the game happened to end just as a successful Last Rites heroic killed Maiev. Because of that, the little demon that carries out the last rites stuck around. I thought I'd share the images I caught of him because they're pretty interesting. He has the same skin as the Malthael, which is something I never noticed. He also has creepy Santa hat with his head cocked to the side and little tiny arms made of meat. He just a little meaty torso with little tiny baby leg nubs.

Edit: Title meant to say "Executioner" FailFish

submitted by /u/OGs_OrbDamu
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Hey, blizz, whats up with servers?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 01:37 PM PST

Just played another HL game and it wasnt ok, i literally couldnt do nothing because ping was too high. Everyone in my game, my teammates and opponents had 500+ ping. After i check twitch everything is ok, everyone playing as usually. Is that particular issue and 9 players and me were very unlucky?

Here is the replay of unplayable game. https://www.dropbox.com/s/epp5ddnxojm0jz8/Battlefield%20of%20Eternity%20%28119%29.StormReplay?dl=0

Its not about points or something. Just want to know when could i start new game without repeating same lags or whatever it was.

submitted by /u/LoonieKing
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Ability to preselect talents

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:33 PM PST

I think this would be valuable when a talent choice pops up in the middle of an intense fight. You would be able to click on your talents with complete discretion and on the fly at anytime prior to actually earning specific talent tiers.

For instance, if I'm playing Ragnaros with the Q hammer build, I could preselect my talent choice at 7, 13, and 16. Odds are I'm almost certainly taking these talents along with my level 1 choice of Sulfuras Hungers. However, if I change my mind under certain circumstances, as an example I could preselect a different level 16 talent at any point before turning 16.

To me this just seems like a simple way to streamline talent selection. When you're playing a hero, you most likely know in your mind a majority of your build. Given circumstances can change, still....

submitted by /u/bpatterson007
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Listen to Your Supports.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:35 AM PST

During a team fight if your support pings a retreat it's time to retreat. Because your support isn't focused on kills they (hopefully) won't be tunnel visioned. If you won a 5 v 5 team fight by getting 2 picks and everyone's low, don't dive. It's better to go capitalize by getting some merc camps or a boss. Your support (Hopefully) is more focused on the state of the team and can make a good call in these situations.

I don't want to seem like I'm whining, because I tunnel vision on kills just like everyone else.

submitted by /u/Atton2
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Try this if your game is stuttering

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:59 AM PST

THIS IS ONLY FOR CPUS WITH HYPERTHREADING Pre 8xxx i3, any i7 and some laptop i5s, AMD ryzen r5 & r7 have hyperthreading although you shouldn't do this with i3. (I'll call "SMT threads" hyperthreads, instead for ease of understanding.)

While I was playing ranked today I noticed an unusual amount of stuttering+fps spikes, gpu-z reported 60%~ gpu usage while it's the bottlenecking part in my system (bottom for specs).Then I checked task manager and realised the game was running on the hyperthreads rather than the main ones. I've changed affinity to "real" threads only and my GPU is now at 100% at all times like it's supposed to be, with 80 fps and no spikes.

I know that hyperthreading gives about 1/4~ of the actual cores performance so it's a huge drop. Hyperthreads can't handle spikes in load like games tend to do. Upon searching google about this, HoTS apparently used to automatically limit affinity to actual cores, which for whatever reason doesn't happen anymore.

This is not always the case, sometimes the game runs on actual cores, sometimes it runs only on hyperthreads, it's really just about the way windows 10 handles thread scheduling along with how HoTS/SC engine works. Some games are hyperthreading aware and others aren't.

e.g. https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/topic/14381900716 Don't mind the issue in the link it's largely fixed in windows 10, it's 7 specific.

How do I change affinity? You can set affinity from Task manager>Details>Right click HoTS>Set affinity>Untick odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7 unticked) you have to do this EVERYTIME you launch HoTS.

IF YOU'RE LAZY (like me), you can use Process Lasso to AUTOMATICALLY set affinity, it's a free program that is easy to use and has a lot other functionality. Right click on HoTS > Cpu Affinity > Always > Single Threaded Performance Mode this will always set the affinity for you auto.It also enables optimized powerplan while running any games, lowers background priorities and suspends unneccessary processes/services auto as long as you're playing.

Both methods will work and will force the game to run on the actual cores for increased performance.

Specs: R5 1600, HD 7790 2gb, 4x4 Ddr4 2667 mhz, MSI B350m Mortar game stored on Kingston Hyperfuryx ssd, Core parking and all sorts of battery saving is disabled on my system and high performance power plan. Latest drivers, bios & windows 10 pro build.

LINK: More on why this stuttering/spike happens & how windows 10 handles loads if the game isn't HT optimized/aware.

EDIT: Clarified which cores to untick, added detail on lasso

submitted by /u/jonathanx37
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The bracket for Western Clash is published!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:30 AM PST

  • TT-Method
  • TS-ZEA
  • FNC-TF

With the bracket finally out, let the hype begin. I think DIG-HHE is going to be a stomp, and also that FNC (vs. TF) and Method (vs. TT) will win, but I'm excited to see whether the Americans can take maps. Super hyped for the ultimate EU vs. NA test, TS (NA #1) vs. ZEA (EU #4). Still think ZEA has this, but there's such good fights in both EU and NA HGC right now, with lots of upsets, so I guess anything can happen. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/3moel
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How does armor work in Hots?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 01:51 PM PST

I'm a noob, I don't understand how armor works in this game at all. Could somebody please explain it to me?

submitted by /u/LaughingGaster
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Why can't games just end if one player never connects?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:31 PM PST

I just got out of a 15 minute game where one of the players never connected. Not even at the start when the players are behind their gates for 30 seconds. We didn't even get a tower or wall down, despite trying to still play the game in hopes he'd reconnect or that the bot would play even remotely well. Spoiler alert: he had 10 deaths to our 2 death average with a double support comp.

It's bad enough to loose full points over this, it's worse to waste all that time. Many other games have a grace period where players can leave freely if someone disconnects within the first X minutes and/or if someone disconnects for a duration of X time. Can we please get one too?

submitted by /u/Kerfufflins
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A little karma for Cho'Gall in TL

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:06 AM PST

I just thought of sharing with you what happened to me this last weekend.

I was playing TL with some friends, and while drafting we saw an early Auriel pick that lead us to think of a likely Cho'gall pick. We banned Cho, and suddenly someone disconnected. But,you know, Karma is a b**** and we got matched with them again. This time, Cho'Gall was drafted before the 2nd bans (we didn't realize they were the same until after the bans). We drafted Auriel and Gul'dan for us, to take her from them, and Anub'arak. As they drafted Morales, we went for Tyrael to face Sonya in the solo lane, planning to dive into Morales past 10. It was Braxis, and we had serious problems in the 4 men. I was Tyrael and holded the lane vs Sonya, but my mates where dying and we got a 12- 10 level disadvantage and no keeps left. Then all changed. Cocoon to Cho'Gall and a determined dive to their backline gave us some teamfights, and we managed to push the lanes back, stealed a boss from them, wipping them again and ended winning a game we played with no structures for many minutes. It tasted really good, specially after they dirty move quitting the draft before.

submitted by /u/Ishatr
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What's going on with the EU servers?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

Seriously, in all 5 of my games today, every single teammate has complained about lag issues and everyone is disconnecting and reconnecting all the time. The game is completely unplayable! Has there been any kind of statement about this?

submitted by /u/lagaboter
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