Heroes of the Storm - Enough with the humanoid styled heroes, Where are the monster/creature heroes?

Enough with the humanoid styled heroes, Where are the monster/creature heroes?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST

This game needs more monsters/creature. Most of the heroes are upright humanoids that are mostly civilized.

Where are the Butcher/Murky/Stitches/Brightwing/Abathur/Dehaka/Anub'arak/Zagara/Ragnaros/Diablo/Azmodan styled heroes? Getting these Humans, Elves, Orc, and Not scary Undead. (sorry Kel'thuzad and Leoric are just Bones while Arthas model makes him not scary)

There is plentiful of heroes that fit characteristics of being monsters/creatures. Any Diablo demon, Starcraft has Zerg, Warcraft has lots of creatures a good example are Creeps as in Kobolds, Gnolls, Murlocs and so on. (Warcraft has more specific ones like the Scourge, but not gonna go to far into detail.)

Hell even Probius isn't to shabby since he's not a humanoid. Robots are pretty good also.

I understand humanoid styled heroes are necessities just having them constantly is a borefest.

submitted by /u/Squanchtheee
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This is why I love voice-chat OMEGALUL

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:38 PM PST

Should we get 3 bans with the next season?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:28 AM PST

What are your thoughts? Two bans first, one second? Vice Versa? Not needed?

submitted by /u/Hewer-
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Mewn finds himself outnumbered in enemy territory

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:34 PM PST

Voice Chat Racism. Does Blizzard keep logs?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:01 PM PST

Was playing with my buddy from Mexico today. He has a very thick accent. Several of the games we played today, someone would start with a racist remark towards him. Then if we started to lose, it became worse. Some seriously fucked up shit that no one deserves to endure.

We reported each player when it happened, but are there voice chat logs? Are they recorded to a server? At least when someone is toxic in type chat, blizzard can go back and see the logs to issue bans.

My experience with voice chat thus far has not been positive and I doubt I will be using it much.

EDIT We did Report each and every person. But that didn't stop it from happening again in the next game.

submitted by /u/followATEVA
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Blizzard matching new players vs pro teams now

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:39 AM PST

I mean, I knew I was good, but for my MMR to carry team of 2 5th level players to match versus pro team, hot damn.

Jokes aside, this is getting ridiculous.

Just today, I wanted to show my brothers this game and we had few games, on the 2nd game versus real players (we played bots before, because they are new to game), we get matched against full, premade, level 1900-something team on Quick Play. Later did some Googling and it turned out to be a pro team.

No, for real, check it out: https://imgur.com/a/WYeCb

Matchmaking hasn't been good in a while, but this takes the cake. True skill based match making.

Anyone else having problems? Blizzard, maybe we can get your take on this?

submitted by /u/TheBW
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Join Voice chat or report

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:17 PM PST

Just had a 4 stack in Unranked say this to me. Why would I want to voice chat with people who would report me otherwise? Is this abusive chat? Should this be reportable? Should this kind of thing have it's own category?

submitted by /u/Flyman1
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Now that 2018 season 1 is drawing to a close, can we please finally see the death of 'placement match uncertainty'?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:20 AM PST

Yeah, I'm posting about this again and I will continue to do so for visibility until we get a Blizzard response. I once again spent the entire season regaining the 6000 points I lost in my first 10 games, and this has happened to me almost every season without fail. 10 games should not matter more than 300. I understand the need for placements for people who are new or who play very little ranked play each season, but Blizzard must be aware by now that this mechanic designed to help good players get out of 'MMR hell' is incredibly arbitrary, since 10 games is such a small pool to gauge MMR from. Your first couple of games being unlucky with trolls/feeders/disconnects can really mess everything up.

submitted by /u/JackHerer33
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Just came back from a hiatus of two months. Here's my opinion on voice chat integration.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:16 AM PST

First game back we won and the Valeera played the Final Fantasy victory theme over voice chat.

10/10 would use again.

submitted by /u/CendirUS
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Voice chat works while loading the map!

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:53 AM PST

A friend and I were playing last night to try out voice chat. We were really glad to see that after the draft while we were waiting for the map to load, we could all still chat.

This makes the loading time a great opportunity to look over your team, the enemy team, and the map to try and break down strategies. I am not a pro player (or masters.. or plat...) by any means, but I still like to attempt to break down what our win conditions vs theirs are. Maybe now with voice chat, I could even improve at this with input from others!

During the loading screen we confirmed that our Gazlow was the solo lane (should be obvious right? but now we know he agrees) and that we had Brightwing while the enemy had Uther. So generally speaking we were going to try and apply pressure to drain out their mana, while ensuring we played safe enough to be able to capitalize when they were weaker. We did end up winning, but had we lost this was STILL a great opportunity to at least attempt to get the team on a single game plan based on the current win conditions each team might be looking for.

submitted by /u/sangdrax8
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Getting the Protector on Volskaya

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:00 PM PST

If you don't feel comfortable speaking english, still use voice chat please!

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:44 AM PST

I have family in america and my german parents often feel awkward speaking in english to them. I get it, its difficult for some people to speak in a foreign language. I would still urge you to turn on voice comms, just to be able to listen. Nobody expects you to talk, but if you have them on and can listen to calls it helps alot. So if your reason for not being in voicechat is because you don't want to/ don't feel comfortable speaking yourself, please enable it anyway and just don't talk.

submitted by /u/Mudderway
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Suggestion: Theme music during core interactions

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST

When core is under attack and in danger of being taken, there should be some of the desperate music playing from the universe of the character you're playing. Similarly, when you attack core it should play some triumphant music from the universe. The music can fade in and out based on if the attack fails or succeeds. For example, if you're playing artanis, some protoss victory music, or music when he faces down the zerg or something. Just an idea that I feel would bring more immersion.

Also, now that we have voice chat, it would be cool to have all warcraft/all orc/all protoss style teams where everyone is listening to the same theme playing. Would create for some good moments to boost the marketability of the game as well.

submitted by /u/hjrocks
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Heroes Brawl of the Week, February 23, 2018: Hammer Time

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:07 AM PST

[EU] Completely unplayable right now, ping up to over 1000ms with a usual ping of 30ms

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:38 PM PST

After forcing myself to spam games as Jaina to level her up to 5 and then get a situation like this makes me realize why people enjoy that hero

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:21 PM PST

I don't know about you guys, but for me Abathur is the most fun you can get in this game.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:04 AM PST

Alquimidez, I took a screen shot for you

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:14 PM PST

I tried to whisper you after the game but your team was already playing another game and I couldn't find you, but, here it is :)

Tracer, 9 votes, MVP

submitted by /u/sellyberry
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Interview with KzN of Team Freedom on HGC

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:14 AM PST

[BUG] Maiev tether takes away Zarya unstoppable bubble.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:48 PM PST

Just played a game of HL and died 3 times when I used the unstoppable bubble talent, then maiev used her tether on me and pulled me BEFORE unstoppable went away. This shouldn't happen.

submitted by /u/JxSnaKe
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Is Maiev no longer OP ?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:37 AM PST


Looking at Hots Logs her winrate dropped by 8% sience the Voice chat patch. I guess the reason for that is that is no longer so easy for her to to deal high damage but from baseline nerfs and talent nerf her health nerf along with a very slight trait nerf makes her not so potent of a dueler anymore.

The sample size is 450 games so I'll say is enough. What do you think is she stil OP and people don't know how to play her or is she actualy balanced now that she has 50% winrate ?

submitted by /u/Eyeszladerh
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Entry Level Esports #11 - Dealing with a Problem Teammate

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 12:33 PM PST

Tip: you don't have to walk around stealthed 24/7 as Valeera

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:58 AM PST

Almost every Valeera I come across does this and I believe that's the reason her winrate is where it's at right now, why people think she's bad. After all, one of the top complaints about new Valeera is that "she's dependant on blink for openers and new stealth makes it harder to engage". But being always stealthed is not only slower than mount speed but it also leaves you vulnerable to reveals, which will basically silence you for 8 seconds. This is especially relevant when playing against Abathur or Chromie.

Blink should be used either when you're chasing or when you're about to gank some visible, guaranteed target, not when you're posturing in an area or wandering around the map, searching for a target. Let's say you're searching a jungle with the intention of invading a camp – being mounted is faster and it reserves D for unexpected troubles. If you find enemy jungler, he won't be able to dodge your opener anyway since you can close the gap with horse and Q.

Even in a quiet lane you can actually close the gap with Q and use openers from melee range. Speaking from experience, it catches many people by surprise and is not any less effective, apart from slight energy cost. Hell, even Valeera's own spotlight mentions it. Valeera is one of the tankiest assassins, so taking some poke is no big deal. Also try using complete invisibility at predictable spots to ambush people.

I often see Valeeras in a 4-man lane being stealthed somewhere in the backline (because being any closer "would risk being revealed"), which is basically being AFK. In teamfights there's so much random AoE that using D while out of melee range is too much of a risk too.

Level 20 speed upgrade changes things – with it it's actually better to be roam stealthed because it becomes faster than mount speed.

submitted by /u/Phoenixed
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Voice comms - Better games? Less toxcitiy? My take on it

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:36 AM PST

First of all, let me start by saying that I was one of the people who thought adding voice comms to hots wouldn't change the level of toxicity we have. But it seems I was wrong and I am man enough to admit it. Talking to someone with voice comms makes you realise that there is a person on the receiving end of what you say and that alone makes it significantly harder to insult each other. Maybe people will get used to it with time and eventually the toxicity will come out, but I'm staying positive and I believe it is actually good for the game.

Yesterday I played over 10 games in HL with voice comms and I want to share my thoughts on it. I would also like to add that I only play HL and I am currently in diamond 3, so I wouldn't know what the other modes/leagues are like now, but feel free to tell us.

I realised that in some of the games we had a self appointed "shot caller", someone who made the calls like "follow me and trap them here" or "gank artanis bot and take fort while they are all top". Those games were amazingly short and felt like we were stomping the enemy team. And vica versa I had games where the enemy team was stomping us and we felt helpless. Funnily enough, in those games none of my teammates were in voice comms. My point being, people who know how to take full advantage of what the in-game voice comm has to offer will be playing much better and coordinated than the team who doesn't. That raises the question - does voice comm give you an unfair advantage? In short, yes. People would argue that you have a choice you can make, to either use it, or not. That is true, but what choice is there to make if one makes you win a lot more often and the other does not? If you want to win, you have to use all the tools you have at your disposal.

How voice comm enhances the experience of hots - whether you are an active shot caller for your team or just that shy person who doesn't want to talk, voice comms helps in all the areas that were lacking. If you like to shot call, you get frustrated with your inability to properly communicate with the team - let's be honest, typing is not a good way to convey things on time, especially in a fast paced game like hots, where every second could make the difference between winning or losing. Voice comm will remedy the frustration from being able to make a quick call and then communicating it to your team and following up on it in a timely manner.

Same thing goes for people who are shy and don't like to talk with strangers on the internet. We have a lot of those kind of people and if that's the way they choose to live their lives it's their business and you have no control or say in it. Nor should you. But voice comms helps them as well, you can simply listen to what the other 2-3-4 people on your team are saying and just follow their calls/plays. Or you can say as little as possible and still be a tremendous help - "all missing", "arthas missing bot", "4 top", etc. (not the tauren)

Things I would like to see added to voice comms:
1. Being able to invite someone to the voice comm channel - right now, we have a notification when you enter draft, where you can opt to join the the channel or not. I would like to be able to invite teammates in draft to the voice comm channel, because they might have missed the notification, or simply don't know how to enter. Make it a maximum of 1-3 invites, so if the other person refuses, you will know he refused out of his own will, not because he is bad with tech (or smth). And also the limited amount of invites won't let you abuse it and just spam invite.
2. Don't let silenced players use voice comms - I don't think there's much to say here.
3. Quote from @Pandaburn
4. .. Feel free to comment suggestions, I will add them to the main post

There are of course some downsides to having voice comms. The one that bothers me the most is, if you make a play and it doesn't work out, people could critique it openly and tell you how much you f-ed up in a non-toxic manner. If you read that on chat, it could have little to no effect on you, but hearing it from an actual person is a completely different beast. That might not be the case for everyone, but for me specifically. I would start to think about "what i did" and that would affect my gameplay in a negative way - make me more sluggish and if I have an opening I won't take it, simply because I would be afraid of getting criticized. I'm sure some of you would feel the same way - consciously or not.

Another possible downside that was discussed long time ago, was about having minorities and women in the game and how voice comms would affect them. Here is a quote from an article by Steph Loehr regarding this very issue

If the sound or syntax of your communication is non-standard, you risk being judged as "different" by the community, instead of competitive merit. Research supports the idea that being seen as female alters your teammates perceptions of you, and also introduces more negativity and harassment. You can read more about it here.

I'm not going to discuss this issue any further, because in my opinion it's a very vast topic that goes beyond the game and it varies from person to person. I just wanted to mention it so everyone is aware and thinks twice before saying anything.

TL;DR: Voice comms makes hots a completely different game. I think it really enhances the experience for the competetive players and whether it's a good or a bad addition for the other modes/minorties we will find out in the long run.

submitted by /u/shizzmynizz
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