Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: Storm Knight's Plate

[Daily] Set discussion: Storm Knight's Plate

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:00 AM PST

Storm Knight's Plate

Obtainable as: Jewels, Weapons, Heavy Armor

Type: Overland

Location: Stormhaven


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
2 Adds 2640 Spell Resistance
3 Adds 2640 Spell Resistance
4 Adds 1206 Maximum Health
5 When you take non-physical damage, you have a 10% chance to deal 4373 Shock Damage all enemies within 5 meters of you every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Got level 50 and opened the Atronach Crate. Second crate I've ever opened!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:26 PM PST

ELI5: why do ESO reddit people upvote posts of "lucky" crates opening?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 01:45 AM PST

I admit i'm dumbfounded by that... I thought most people thought that pure gambling like Crates were not only a bad idea in general, but also very addictive/risky for some types of individuals? Who would wish others to waste hundreds of bucks to get nothing? There must be something i'm not getting here...

submitted by /u/DWG03
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Slow and steady, been playing for almost 3 years now and hit an achievement milestone (17k).

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:50 PM PST

Came across this beautiful hunk of Orc yesterday

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:47 AM PST

Can we please have the center of orbiting of these orbs lowered while on a mount?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:29 PM PST

Downtime twice in a week?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:12 PM PST

Is this normal? I just bought the game on Saturday and there was downtime on Sunday, and another one today.

submitted by /u/criticalshits
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One thousand and one hours

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:50 PM PST

TL;DR : I very fucking love this game.

I just reached one thousand and one hours, and I don't regret a single second.

So, back in November 2016 there was a free week-end. I just decided to quit Warframe for good, and despite the bad stuff I heard about TESO a while ago I decided to install it because I can't know if I don't try.

... Holy shit, 60 GB.

Anyway, the week-end comes and I finally play it. I usually go for argonian heavy armor mage in Elder Scrolls, so I made an argonian Sorcerer. My first impression was mitigated - something between "nice" and "a bit weird". I played two days but wasn't too motivated about the game, so I stopped at the start of Bal Foyen.

Next week, Steam sales. There's a couple of games on my wishlist that are on sale... and there's also TESO. I bought it thinking "eh, it's only 10€ and I don't need a subscription to play" but ended up playing Grim Dawn and Skyrim SE for a while.

Two weeks later, as I just finished 100% achievements on Skyrim, I still wanted a bit more of Elder Scrolls. Oh hey I bought that weird MMO a while ago, so why not ?
Deleted the Sorcerer to start properly, made a Nightblade because I used to play rogue in WoW, and back on the road with not much expectations other than having a bit of fun for a while.


I fucking leveled from 0 to CP 133 in a month because I realized I fucking love this game and I fucking love healing as a Nightblade.


And that's how I ended up playing very consistently during 2017.

Prepared rerolls of all classes (pony training is a bitch), switched to Dragonknight healer. Bought one month of ESO+ in January to see what's the fuss is about, now I have a crippling crafting bag addiction please send help. Established a routine of crafting dailies before heading to work. Bought Morrowind in July and switched to a Warden (god damn pony training all over again) solely to play stam healer - absolutely no regrets, that's fun as hell. Got back to Dragonknight, finally realized Dragonknights are shitty healers (especially when the tank is actually a lazy DPS). Back on the Nightblade, decided to do all the quests everywhere. Made a fucking spreadsheet to track that. And all of that while having a blast doing dungeons and quests and crafting and hoarding an obscene amount of crap.

And here we are now, CP 599 a bit more than one year and 1001 hours later. 2017 was a lot better than expected.


This game is the closest I've found to the perfect MMO for me. The community is awesome (except those DPS who tag as tank), I can play with friends no matter their level (if only they could stick around a little more), there's a very large amount of freedom in how I can play, and - since very recently - I can finally look awesome whithout relying on preset costumes. Also the game has gone up to 74 GB holy shit I'm not uninstalling that it would take ages to redownload it.

I may prefer Wildstar's gameplay, or WoW's variety of races and environments, or Guild Wars 2's "everything is account bound", but TESO has a damn impressive attention to lore and details, smooth combat, the justice system, stealthy sneaking, and good quests and storylines. Also it's fucking gorgeous, and far from being a dying game (unlike Wildstar, sadly).

And as a bonus, TESO recently gave me the itch I needed to finish Morrowind (the 2002 one) for the first time ever. That's something, I guess.

Also because I love doing dungeons, I guess you're all partly responsible for me staying for so long. So thank y'all, you magnificent bastards.

Here's a group shot of my characters, because why not.

submitted by /u/ZeShmoutt
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[Bug] Journal. Day 4....

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:49 PM PST

I am stuck in the Wailing Prison after those Worm Cultists sacrificed me to Molag Bal. I helped a giantess of a woman named Lyris save some blind old man she called The Prophet, but after he showed me a Skyshard (yes, they have those in Morrowind. And Daggerfall.), he opened a portal and jumped in, leaving me stranded in a locked room. I cannot go back, and I cannot proceed. I can't even kill myself as jumping into the pit only teleports me back to where I started. I have sent for help, but the lore of the Gods states there was some sort of curséd event, "Prezidenstay" that has caused the guardians of the realm to be delayed. I myself feel no hunger or need to sleep, but I fear my ursine companions are looking at me hungrily. It is only a matter of time before they give in to their animal lust.

-Zh'aevrn Makkar. Khajiit Warden of the Daggerfall Covenant and possible future snack.

submitted by /u/RogueNine
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[Media] My mates from non-vet pvp in comic style

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:29 AM PST

Lover Mundus in vMA

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:44 PM PST

Since vMA is solo content would you hit higher than the Apprentice (Mag) and Warrior (Stam)?

submitted by /u/-GoingUpInFlamez
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Worth returning with just base game for PvP experience?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:43 PM PST


I preordered ESO played it almost to max level then quit because it was quite boring except for PvP and even that got boring after a while.

Is it worth returning with only the base game for PvP experience? I kind of miss that. :) What's are biggest things that changed since I left (probably 2-3months since release).

Thanks in advance for answers!

submitted by /u/matjazmuhic
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[PS4] Highest current dps build?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:37 AM PST

I'm just starting out on ESO and wanted to know the best possible race/class builds for DPS. I'm far from new to the Mmorpg genre. Wanted to find a good combo before I put a ton of time into the game, only to find out no one wants to group with your class.

submitted by /u/Bobj0nes
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Can we change the color of our characters underwear with DB update?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:38 PM PST

Asking for a friend.

submitted by /u/ShepnBeckn
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How do dyes work?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:17 AM PST

I found a table that says i can dye my amor, i have some dyes unlocked but if i click them nothing changes, what do i have to do?

submitted by /u/RandomPlayerCSGO
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If I Buy a Hard Copy of Morrowind for PC...

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:27 AM PST

... Will it install the base game again or will it just use that disc to upgrade my vanilla game? I ask because Morrowind comes with base game now right?

I very much prefer hard copies over digital purchases.

submitted by /u/GreenTokyo
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Daily Notification that Guild MOTD has been updated - can I turn it off?!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:59 PM PST

Is there any way to turn this off? I just came back to the game recently and am only in one guild that didn't kick me while I was gone, but I still get updates every single day. I remember this happening when I played the game last time. It drives me nuts to have to go and delete the notification every time I log in and sometimes numerous times a day. Is this some sort of bug?

submitted by /u/Kyralea
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Lore Resource?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:27 PM PST

Are there any good sites or YouTube videos that cover the lore of this world well? I've played other ES games over the years but not only do I barely remember any of them I think ESO takes place many years in the past? I'm enjoying the storylines of the quests I'm on but I would love to know more.

submitted by /u/Arkavien
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Thank you deeps.....

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:57 AM PST

I main a magsorc. I have been leveling/learning a healer. I finally leveled to 50 and started moving to vet dungeons. It is AMAZING how AWFUL dungeons can be with crap dps. Dungeons that were 15 minute clears on my magsorc now take forever. When I am sitting there spamming hots and all I hear is pew pew pew I get homicidal. And yes...I do my best to contribute to overall dps but I feel woefully underpowered compared to my petsorc. Having said that....to those of you who have a rotation (any rotation for the luv just HAVE ONE) and use it appropriate thank you thank you thank you. I don't even care if you sprint ahead of us and get yourself wacked. Just do damage. That is all.

submitted by /u/nonnaca
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Mods, are we going to do a weekly fashion thread in the future?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:33 AM PST

I think having one day of a week (like the guild ads on Friday) or something similar would be cool, give a new thread each week for people to show off their new outfit creations.

submitted by /u/Guyote_
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Idea for improving frost staff tanking

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:45 PM PST

It just came to my mind that frost damage from destro staff could apply a small taunt on enemies affected, something like 2 seconds or less. Casting Blockade of Frost, for example, could provide a nice aoe taunt, which the game lacks of. It would increase the utility to frost staves in tanking and bring an interesting alternative to the double sword and shield meta.

submitted by /u/JorJor6
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Will we ever get gold spell power cure jewellery from The Golden?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:26 PM PST

Or am I just wishful thinking?

submitted by /u/Knightmare25
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Question about Stamina DK tank

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:57 AM PST

So, me and my girlfriend recently came back to the game and we made new characters. She picked stamina sorc and I went for DK tank. Im following some guides on the internet so I kinda have an idea of how dk tank works but what I want to know is if there are any other off-bar weapons other than sword and shield. I dislike having the same weapon set on both bars so I was wondering if 2h or dual wield could be viable? Right now I run with 2h and use cleave with shield morph (I pretty much only use it on trash mobs and when Im running solo) and I was planning on adding the heal from 2h once I unlock it. Am I really forced into running sword and shield on both bars if I want to be a good tank?

submitted by /u/Kruczq
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My progression in vMA since returning to the game in late October

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:04 AM PST

Would ESO Benefit From More NPC Animations?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:13 AM PST

I feel like the quests just blur together and NPCs are just hitboxes that dispense objectives. They feel dead and I personally think that it's because they all have the same few animations shared between the genders, races and professions.

One animation for fear, one for anger, one for "being hurt", etc.

submitted by /u/ZES_4
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